Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1924, p. 27

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WIL-METTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1924 PAGEANT HUGE SUCCESS }'{oward-Logan Pupils in Elaborate Play ")laking a Merry Christma,," the pageant Staged by the pup'! I s o f th e Howard and Logan schools, "played to capacity houses," as the theatrical notices wou ld Sa.y, a t eac h o f th e t h ree performances last week. · 'fhc pagea!'t was written especially ior the occas_1on by Mr_s. W. E. Beazley, It was di3 forme r \ Vtlmette resident. rected by Miss Dorothy Rose, and all the characters were pupils of the two ~:. schooI~. Th e urst scene opened with Wilcox, Bigelow Hale Allen ~a.~, tRIMchard ROIIB, Herberl' Jonell er er eyer, Teddy Webber Geo' C1een, Robert Zlnd, wm Bench Ar · ~~~~sty?el.~r~~J ~~~le ~ehle, Frank bers, Bobby Corrlga~n~la:a~:~l ~~~= son, John Beam Geo Maxwell Ha I son Storms, Walter ' Haas i. [{ Jones, Jim Iverson, Tom Wtison~;:nft~ ~{ookst ~ward Jones, Bobble Dunn, ewar monds, Robert Sparks. ra~~~!~~~~ dl!:~!~onn okMlaa do~coEsther McKelghan, Mirjort!a.Pat!":s!~: 1 ~~sg ! 1 :!~~er,VMIar1 1o n ChJindblom, Elaine 1a rg n ones VIrginia McConnell,· Ruth zetzer, Mu~lel Meyer, Betty Paddock, Betty J ean Hurtt MargsaJ·et Jones, Ellen Jordan, Ge~aldine prague, Lola Cote, Dorothy Ruth Anderson Harriet Glea.so McCoy J i Wright. ' n, ane Wooden Soldler11, direction of Miss ·Corcoran-VIrginia Bu·rgess, Wilma. Gunther, Margery Clare Hume, Katherlne Maxwell, Hazel Knepper, Betty Burrows, Lorraine Haigh, Ruth Me· Connaughey. Children-Isabel Haskin, Jane Gatrn,ey, Roger Delander, John Hellmuth. ~lbbetla,l Theo. Field, La.rry Dwyer: Ulllle Thirty-one days of December· Geo 1p·lCture D--·DUUil Wama Tota 0 serve Safety Rulea . . A Safety F1rst Children's Drawing book, erving the double purpose of ,caching school children to exercise cau. . .. t1on m av01dmg accidents and affording t~em. pleasu.reble entertainment has been d1str1buted m the villages of the township by the Illinois Automobile club in tooperation with the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad company. Every illustration in the attractively des1gne. . d book conveys an ~nmtstaka . bJe lesson m safety that is withm the comprehension of even the smaller children. 0 ppos1 'te eac h co 1 · · h ored des1gn IS t e out!.ned counterpart to be filled in by the children in colors matching the original. "Oh, look!" reads a caption under one f ·1 o the II ustrations, "Here is a good picture for you to color. When you have finished show it to Mother and Daddy, beca th · use ey somet1mes go around be- T ()b hind cars without looking and get hurt, too. Always look first." And still another-"Baseball is some game. Jack hit a home run. Eric. h:s brother, chasing the batt ran in front of two cars coming in opposite dire~c tions. Did he get h.t? When you play ball, play safe. Dr. Artbar H. Tattle Dr. Alice D. Tutde Oateopatbic Ph7siciaaa Residence and Office 113 Ceatral A...... Pllo-- DR.. C. E. GEISSE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Electro-Therapy Villagt Tbtatft Building Pbont Wilmtttt 2.0J:I. ~llX LAKE SHORE AUTO SALES Sal.. Reoa . . . S.r.ke StaU.. 1111-11 Cla&ca,. An.,£.,......._ II. d7' Time ns what shall I an I send them ift of candy. be sure of hav10velties, candy Shop ~~~~~~~~~~ill~m~ on~d~s~ . ~~~ii~~ijiii~~~ii~Sit~oijni e.~~~~~ij~~iji~~~ King December sitting on was his throne Xmas Walts - (direction of Aleda quiring why December such enan Larson). Y.lollnJ . Edwin Seyfrled.James Edmonds, Erie Hartman Eu event f uI month · All . the days of the gene Nelaon, Russell Horn, Ad,elbert month were called m, but none could Smith, Joseph Koerper, Edwin Fowler tell him until the 25th of December Henry Mille£, Arnold Lindstrom, Treai came forward He told the King ho Burns, Arthur Coplan, Howard Zlbble, · . . w 1 Howard Barker, Geor.-e Weidinger, tiXJO years ago the Chr1st Chtld was Elliot Davies, Charles Boyington, born upon that day. Whereupon the Hat old Johnson, Joe Gathercoal, King gave up his throne to him and the I George Eaton, Lester Comee. . ·r 1 · · . Chrl11tmae Lettere-Marion Siggers, 1anc1 . u pageant, With all tts quamt and Harriet Anderson, Mary Lane Brown, teauuful costumes, nroceeded. Shirley McCoy, Elei~ Jane Edge, Mary 8 'fhe following chi-ldren comprised the ~;:~:n. ~i'i!~;, J;re~~nt!,l:t· v~~!~ : Spiegel, Lois Roberts, Verna Archibald, Betty Jane Allen, Elisabeth LeeThe Cast lie, Nancy J . McClintock, Beverh !lt·eember, RaleiKh Blake; 21ith of Soothlll, Jean Porrell, Helen Mickey, Decl·m ber, Wllllam Gibson; Jack Froet, Dorothy Anderson, VIrginia Gleason, Haytln Jones; Snow. Lillian Baker· Roberta Schllbaeh, Doris Small, Vir Spirit of Xmas, Ruth Kuehn · Mirth' ginia Angel , Dorothy Robertson, CeDorthea Luti~ Stlle11; Kindness, Edna' Stiles; ct:lla Hills, Betty Morgan, Thoughtfulness, Winifred Dlntrlo; Ho.rkor, J.lary .A..llon, F't·ances HaSKin!!, Folly, Jack Dunn; Dignity, Ira Iver- Lois Baskin, VIrginia Brooks, Allee Holly, George Bersch; Mistletoe, Dernehl. Eslht·r Stoddard; Xmas Games, HowMuch credit is given the teachers of ald Bleser; Xmas Bells, Mary Ellen the Howard and Logan schools for the:r Roozer; Santa Claus, William Uttenreutlwr; Xmas Tree. Gene Paddock; cooperation and assistance, without which l!oth<·r, Martha Farmer; Cook, Doro - the pageant could not have been such thy Tucker; Match. John Dernehl; a huge success. Turk(·y, David Kaplan ; Cranberry Sauc··· James McConnaughey; Potatoes, SteJJhen Hellmuth: Lemon Jello, Gladys On Monday Mrs. C. P. Van Schaack Dtlang-; Strawberry Jello, Lorretta AncJ ... t·son; Minceple, Melbourne Whit- had as her guests at an opera box ~;~~d;lu~~ttf~ddJ~:har~est;i~c~~riT~~ party, Mr. and Mrs. Edward KauPages. Jacqueline Corrigan, Allee Ed- meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd J. liiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii No. 6 of a ··rio of atat·m·nta by local citiz·n· Christmas And Wilmette by THOl\1AS H. WEST Chainuan Wiln1ette Church Council \i\'iltnette is a village of homes, a cotntnunity of hotne lovers and therefore a place where childhood is nurtured and cherished. son: Vv hat tnessage can Christmas-The Children's Festival, centered as it is around the story of the Christ-Child-bring to such a co1n1nunity? \\'hat, but the angel-old tune of' Love, which we n1ust teach our children that it tnay set ringing tn their hearts the Christtnas Bells of the Soul. One of these heart-chin1es is natned Peace; one is Good-will: one-is Faith; one is Hope. Play then1 together ·and they mysteriously tnelt into one strain-the sweet old song that God is Love. If we set not these heart-chimes aringing during childhood, they will be too often silent and unheard in later life. ~lay these chimes be set a-playing in every heart-young and old-in Wilmette this Christnlas! RS · CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Beautiful Polychrome Mirrors (Large or Small) Fr~edPictures Maxfield Parrish's "Day Break" and many others Easel Swinging Frames, Candles, Beaded Bags and Purses Glass Tops for Furniture, made to order Bring in your pictures, we will frame them Plate ami Window Glau, Mirrora Paiata, Oils, Alcohol, Ete. Storm Sash Open every eveain· 'til Chriatmu * * * * Wilmette Glass &Paint Works Phone Z508 Come to church with your family. Do not aend the children alone. It will mean much to all ol you. Ceatral AYe. onea1 ~=1 and in pricea (154 AUTO STORAGE Where do you keep your car during the cold months? If you have no s t o r a g e space, ·we have. Any of the following churches will welcome you next Sunday momingat 11 DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: 703 Greenleaf Ave. Rro. Willi4na Gt~ile Wilmette and Park Aves. Rt'V. H""""' W. M,,n Lake and Wilmette Aves. General Auto Repairing WILMETTE MACHINE AND AUTO WORKS at l2ZS Central Avenue, Wilmette Pbooe Wilmette 185 $10.00 Per Month Rt'V. Gtlbe,.t Staruell St. ~·· lpiacopal a...G 1140 Wilmette Ave. Ret·. Hwbet't Co,.leto" Ninth and Greenleaf Rt'V. GeOf'D' P. Magill

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