Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1924, p. 5

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=' WILMETTE L1FE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19,' 1924 GGEST BOO FOR XMASTIDE 1\a) if~ Library Recalls Treasured Old Stories "Atlantic B~k of Junior Plays," by C. S. Thomas ; Conversations on Contemp~rarY; Drama," by Clayton Hamilton; Antt~one .o! Sophocles," by G. H. Palmer, Eurtptdes and his Age," by Gilher.t ~{ u~;ay: "The Story of American P~mtmg, by C. H. Coffin; "American Ptctures anti the;r Pa;nters .. hy T M qr'"~~: ·:;"-merican Pa;nf.nv ami" it~ .Tr~dtttons by .T . C. Van Dyke. and R·ders of the Plains," by A. L. Haydon. Fint Muaic Appreciation Thank Economy Shop For Uulilllil · Lecture Comes January 5 Contribution to Charity The first of a series of lectures oa music appreciation, given under auspices of the Music committee of the Wom"ln's Ciub of Wilmette, is scheduled for Monday afternoon, January 5, at 1 :30o'clock. n the Woman's vlub building at Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue Miss Tin Mac Ha .nes, noted mus!cia~ and critica wilt be the lecturer. ' ln trepretation of symphony concerts ~iven the Chicago Symphony Players under apsp'ces ol the New Trier Orchestral associatioi1, will comprise the lecture subject. The "lectures are arranged under direction of a committe of which Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford is chairman. Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline, Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, Mrs. Morton L. Paterson and Mrs . Carl Widney are members. NANZIG AVENUE A MEMORY Nanzig avenue is no more. Of course, the thoroughfare remains, as in the pa~. but the old name has taken it s departure at the request of interested property owners and the street henc·eforth will be entitled "Central Park avenue." The change in name was authorized by the Village board this week. Th W'l B d .. e ' mette oar of Local Char- . Jt es has requested Wn.wt:T'I"£ Lntt: to express the appreciation of that agency to Ec~no'!'y Shop for the g~nerous c~n.trJbuttons of funds for vtllage c_h~nhes. The_ request comes :~omB: 1 ~ 1 a£ ~h ~l_hs, president of e ar . 0 ~nttes. Mr. Eilts also 1s~ues an appeal to htuh~holders to gtvt; generously of Sht mg and home arttcles to Economy op so dthat more funds may be accumu1ate to meet local needs. I ffee-Cake! nd coff-ee-cake, efulness. en Thing ot It a-drawing near, (!Jristmas tide a11d Cllri.ttmos chrer, \(ar r r,·assail, mt"Y stmg, j01·n1; s da11rr and- roundelayAil t!I.II doth to Yule belong, )'rt 111110 111.\' soft/ I say, 'T/1011 tlwl slumberest, wake a11d pray.'" Chri,tmas brings such a mellow feeling ·oi well being and happiness that we go back naturally to the old and the true; the trusty favorites of our youth. Some of the following books have capture<! the spirit of Christmas-they are friendly, beautiful, sincere ·and joyous. D ick~:ns' "Christmas Carol," "Best Poem' for Christmas," compiled by E. A . Bryan; "Great Possessions," by Da1 ·id Crayson; "'~he Gift of the Magi," by 0. Henry; m "The Four Million " ·The Other Wise man," in Henry V;n · "The Blue Flower;" Shakspeare's ith Night;" "Where Love Is." by Tolstoy; "The New Marco Polo," Byrne, and "What Men Live By" Ric hard Cabot. ' Some new books in the library are: '·Ta lk .ng Well," by W. L. Harrington; ·('111 ·i.·tnms is Wilmet~e is takin!t' steps this week enter mto an aFreement · with the Ctty of Evanston in the matter of Jlt~rbage disposal. lt is planned to rollt>ct j!'arbage in muniripally-owned trucks and to have it disnosed of in F.vanston's municipal incinerating plant. Bids for garl'al!e disposal by private enterorises. received at the Tuesday board session, were found to be extremely hiJlh in comparison with the indicated cost under the contemplated Evanston agreement and the trustees voted to have the board's Street and Alleys committee proceed with steps to secure a definite a~reement with the neighboring municipality. Under the new plan all the coltection would be done under the supervision of municipal officers by village workers and with the use of villageowned trucks. The present ~ba(\'e disposal contract expires December 31, it was announced. t~ Vill"~e Plans to Op~rate Garba~e Diapoaal System w~nty-fiv~ ". n~y _famili in Witrr.ette and v·ctmty wsll have a fine Christmas d :~r as the ~~ of the p~an. of th~ W~lmette OpttmJst club to d·str1bute Yulet de baskets wbere the need asserts itself. A special Christma_, committee, tomprising Rev. George P. :Magill, pr. E. E. Moore. and John H. SchaefCT, has been a_ppomted to !lttend to the talk of spreadmg the Chnstmas cheer and already is laying its plans for visits to the homes of the poor: SPECIAL CLOSIRG OUT . All Xmas Tree Ornaments at Sc each or SOc a dozen 24 sheets of tissue wrapping paper 5c Xmas boxes, 25~ discount Hair Goods Made to Order Switches Swirls Coronet Braids Side Waves Bobbetts Curls Puffs See the new CONLON WASH MACHINE Special Xmas off~r Gifts .for young and old, useful as well as. ornamental . Special .on Wagons and Buggies Baby Dolls 70c and 90c - .-------California· Hawaii -Colorado------. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! · tmas Gift escor·ted part~· llmltt>d to twelve r~om Chicago February 2nd -v lsrting Gr·anu Canyon-Rivt'rslde-San Diego-Coronado-Los .\ng les- Honolulu tor· l\fld -Paci tlc 'el e bratlon Hllo tor visit to ~'olcano or Klluea. Del Monte, San Francisco, Salt Lake, Colorado Springs, Denver, etc. First claMs all expense tour. best or hotels sightseeing· an lnterestlllg and dt>lightful trip- reasonable cost. ' · l·'or detailed Information and ltinera··y write phone or callludeJ>endent or escorted trips to all parts of the World with any travel company or· steamship line. Selec~ THE TRAVEL BUREAU IS E. Waahin.ton St. Dearbcwn 5359 Chica·o Biscuit Twists and Transformation. Hair furnished or cut-hair and combings used. 627-llth Street,· Blvd. Bldg. Studio 201 Tel. Z27& G. BALDWIN Hardware, China, Kitchen Utenaila, Painta, Window Glasa, Radio Supplies 1117 Greeni.U Avenue Phone Wilmette 2152 A Merry Cbrist1nas with Candy First and foretnost on the list this year is a box of our delicious candy, in its gift \vrapper. The goodness of its contents and bright colors of the wrappers \vill surely convey a thrill of pleasure. Santa S11111ests that you buy your Xmas remembrances in our ahop. You will avoid the downtown conl'eation, aave eaerlfY uul mooey. Our store i1 full of new and "differ'ellt" merchandise at moderate prices. Beautiful framed pi.ctures Boxed bulb bowls, boxed novelties Plaques and Pastels Decorated and plain candles Coopersmiths Quill Pens Holiday boxed stationery Book Ends Leather good~. smokers' articles Address Books Beads. hand made jewelry novelties Volland Book for children Fountain pens and pencils Wallace Nutting calendars Brasses and pottery Candlesticks Desk sets, desk accessories Decorated baskets Beautiful quill pens Trays in brass, wicker and wood Ea el swing frames for holiday [ncense burners and incense photos Toy , books and other "presents" to delight the children. The Sampler The candy of old time Christmas Cheer, in one, two and three pound boxes. $1.50 and $3.00 abox. Salamagundi A dainty, charming, artistic gift of chocolatesthe decorated metal box. One and two pound boxes. $1.50 and $3.00 a box. Liggett's Little Bits /t"'m the East Artistically packed dainty chocolates. $1.50 for 17-l , lbs., 2 lb. box $2.40. Desk and Fancy calenclara, dainty boudoir articlea, play· ing caret. in gift c.uea, clecoratecl aervinc tra,.a, IIMD'I smoking lampa, Chriatmu cards, bella aDd wreatha, ...Ja, wrappings, table decoration., favors and talliea. Liggett's Original Famous in its assortment of chocolates. l-Ib. box 85c. Pleasure Island Package Here's a gift more than chocolates. A picturesque package of the famous assortment. One and two pound boxes. $1.50 and Martha Washington Chocolates · Truly a favorite chocolate with our customers, packed in one, two and three pound packages. 70c a p.ound. Wilmette Stationer7' & Gilt Shop 1101 Central Ave. Open Every Evening Phaee Wil. 3151 Liggett's Pink Package The .one package you hould add to your list. 1 lb. 70c, 2 lbs. $1.40. Alumee DecBottles, re, Boy rats. $3.00. OSMAS CHATs~~ You have a distant friend who would appreciate receiving by mail a box of neatly wrapped chocolates with your card enclosed, then why not avail yourself of the pleasure it would afford us to mail these packages for you. Under the Christmas Tree the favored box of candy for young children is the WONDERBOX containing stick and shapes of barley sugar candy and sweet chocolates molded into butterflies, rabbits and elephants. Sample Sweets that do no harm to youthful digestion if taken in moderation. HAS YOUR TREE BEEN TAGGED YET? ~s, Kid- s, Toy nd the SPECIALS Mushrooms Green Peas Per lb. . ......... 23c Selected, lb. . .... 5fc 3lb. Can Sparlrliq Gems $1.19 Kalamazoo Celery · Criap, tender, bunc~ Strawberries ........ 10, 15, 19c Freah, per box ... 3tc e Xn1as .Our Candy Department Invites You and Wishes You a Merry Christmas Cranberries Squash Sweet Potatoes RBNMECKAR DRUG CO. Pboa81 28· 29 and other Fruita and Veaetablea at low pricea COSNAS BROS. Oppo.ite Villqe TIMatre

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