FonaeriJ 1\e Lake Shore News A Clean New1paper lor a Clean Community E LIF TWENTY-FOUR PAGES WlLMETTE, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1924 PRICE FIVE CENTS NEW YEAR THEME AT ·SUNDAY CLUB Dr. George Craig Stewart of Evanston to Deliver Measage on December Z8 Suit Yourself About Dress, But Be There :\ special Hol id ay Costume party, with light refre shment s. will be g iven by th e Tuesday Com· munity Dance on ~{onday e\'ening, December 29, at the Wilmette Woman's club. The committee in charge an nounces that to ce lebrate the Yuletide those attending the party wear any special costume which may seem appropriate. including "soup and fish," Tuxedo. or what not. Everybody is welcome. whether attired in overalls with a too hat , or dress suit with golf stockings, and a face mask. So the committee says "C'mon over and enjoy the good music,. fine dancing floor , congenial surroundings, and good times, which prevail at all these dances." GLEE CLUB IN GR~%: =~YE CHOIR TO GIVE CONCERT HERE XMAS CANTATA lllini Singers to be Heard at New Trier The Scholarship fund of the New Trier Hi- Y club will he swelled by the proceeds from a concert to he given this e\'ening in the school auditorium hy the Uni\'er sity of Illinois Glee club of wh;ch Prof. Frank T . Johnson is director. A capacity house is anticipated for this musical treat since the lllini singers are classed with the he st male choruses in the United States. The cluh is now engaged in its annual holiday concert tour. the present 'ourney markin~ the 34th tour o£ the northern half of the sd.te. Prof. John son ha · he en director o' : he Glee duh during the past five years and it has heen largely through hi s efforts that the organiz~tion has '!'ained a position in the fore ranks of musical groups, achie,·ing among other honors the distinction of second place in the Inter-Collegiate Gl~c c lub contest held at Orchsetra halt, C'hicago, last season. The holiday itinerary of the club has been arranged by S. B. Hunt, husiness manager, and is one of the most elahorate tours ever outlined or the group. The program, of varied nature, will he augmented by selections by T. L. Anderson, violinist, and H .G. Moore, cornetist with the University of Illinois Concert band. Tickets for the concert may be secured from members of the Hi- Y or· ganization or at the door of the New Trier auditorium. The concert will begin at 8 o'clock. What might have hetome a very seriou s blaze was curb~d by the timely arrival of the fire department at the apartment of Mrs. Ethel Bohannon, 1154 Central avenue, above the Van Deusen Grocery and Market, Sunday evening. An over-'lleated fireplace ignited the floor beneath it, which is also the ceiling of the grocery. The damage was thousht to have been about $1,ooo, ··art of which was in water damage tp the grocery and it s stock. Fire, the cause of which has not been determined. totally destroyed the garage of Ralph Boozer. 805 Park avenue a nd brand new Packard sedan which it contained Saturday noon. A maid, observing smoke issuing from the garage, a frame structure. opened the door, and found the auto,·ohile in flames. F c:>rgett :ng to clo e ' he gara~e door, she ran into the house and sent in the alarm. How ' \'er. the fire had pained !>Uch headway bccaust> of the open door that the firemen were unable to save the ~ ara~e or its contents when they arri\'ed. The total loss was estimated at nearly $6.000. Prominent Soloists to Appear with Methodist Chorus New Year's Eve NOTABLE MUSIC EVENT Residents of the Villa·e In· vited to Service · LUSK PROVIDES M~SIC Mrs. Marie Edwards Von Ritter to Accompany George Craig Stewart, rector of Luke's Episcopal _ church. Evansand one of the outstandiltJC reious leaders in the Middt~ ·' West. wtll be t b · r at the Wilmette Sunday · Club services Sunday ev n·g, December 28, at the First Congregational church. Dr. Stewart will preach his third annual New Year sermon before the Give Fire Trucks Right-ofclub and it is anticipated that the auditorium of the Congregational way, His Caution church will be filled to overflowing to hear the timely · message from this distinguished divin e. Fire Chief Walter Zihblc issued a The rector of St. Luke's, Dr. Stew- ;tatemcnt this week calling attention to art, has built up one of the largest Episcopal congregations in this sec- ·he bad habit into which Wilmette motion of the country. He has been re- tor car drivers are fallinl( of not allow peatedly mentioned as a logical choice ing the fire trucks the right-of-way when for bishop of the Episcopal denomin- answering a call. "Some of these drivers will get fined ation, but up to the present has preferred to continue his work on the · f they don't stop this practice," said Chief z:bble. "They race the fire trucks north shore. 1nd, in some cases, instead of pulling Leader ia Ciric Aft'aira Dr. Stewart is extremely active in out of the way. remain ahead of . tl-te civic affairs and is regarded as one of 1pparatus, retarding our progress. This the most distinguished orators in the ·s a violation of a village ordinance ~fiddle West, being almost constant- which requir~ that all vehicles must pull ly in demand for addresses on impor- ver to the cul'h and, when possible, stop, tant questions of the moment. He is to allow the apparatus to pass. "The coal truck drivers are the worst a member of the Board of Trustees of ~orthwestern university, his alma offenders. Last Saturday morn ing, when answering a call, a coal truck got in mater, and was formerly president of he A lumni association of the Evans- our way on Elmwood avenue and we were forced to stay behind it for two ton schoool. blocks and finally· had to pass on the Lu.k Gina Propa'm The musical program this Sunday wrong side to get .by at all The sirens will be provided by Milan Lusk, on our trucks are loud enough to be Wilmette violinist, ac;companied by eas :ty heard and if in the future we Mrs. Marie Edwards Von Ritter, or- catch any driver hlocking our right-of ganist. One of the selections to be way. he will be arrested." Chief Zibble also wants to impress played by Mr. Lusk is "Melody," composed by Vice President-elect Charles upon residents the necessity of reporting a fire in the proper manner. In G. Dawes. Mr. Lusk played this composition on his recent European con- many cases, according to the chief. the cert tour. Mrs. Von Ritter, who will persotl reporting the fire will get the play the accompaniment, made the operator 011 the telephone and shout arrangement of "Melody," which is "Fire," and hang up, without even waitused for both piano and violin. 'ng for a connection with the fire departIt is felt certain that patrons of ment. This delays the firerr.en, as the the Sunday Evening club are about operator must take time to trace the to hear one of the finest programs call to Jearn the location. Chief Zibble in the history of the organization this requests all persons who have occasion Sunday. The fact that both the to report a fire to wait until a connection speaker and those who are to pro- with the station has been established so vide the music are north shore peo- that the correct locat ion can be learned ple, lends a home-like effect to the ;mmediately. program. Th e services bgin promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Those desiring good seats are urged to get to the church ~s early as possible, since it is certatn there will be a record attendance. On -. ui the most striking features of the Watch Ni(lht service at the Wilmette Parish Methodist church Wednesday. December Jl. will he the presentation hy the chorus choir and soloists of the Christmas cantata. "The Star of Rc:-thlehem." by Daniel Prot he roe. Mr. Protheroe is chiefly known as the musical director of Central church. Chicago, but is also a prolific composer. "The' Story of Bethlehem" abounds in dramatic situations for chorus and solo voices. The work consists of three parts and a prologue. Part one is entitled "Jerusalem"; Part two is designated "The Plains of Bethlehem" and part three is termed "Bethlehem." · . North Shore Line to EnterPro.ineat Sol oiata The choir will be assisted hy the tain 3000 Guests following solo ists: Adelaide Jones. soprano; Elizabeth Chamberlain. contralto; Leon Jones,. ~lore than 3,000 people will join in tenor, and Howard Preston, baritone. :\ Christmas irolic at the New Trier The vocal abilities and winningTownship high school Tuesday evening, December 30, the occasion being personality of Adelaide jones are tOO> the annual Christmas frolic given by well known and appreciated in Wilthe Chicago. ~orth Shore and Mil- mette to need anv comment . lf witf waukee railroad for its employes and interest her lcgiot1 of friends to know Rotarians Go Back to that she has recently scored a decided families. uccess in a tahloid v~rsion of PucBoyhood at Xmas Fete their The day's ie ·th·ities will begin with cini's best Joyed opt>ra, "Madame ButMembers of the Wilmette Rotary a sumptuous dinner at II o'clock when terfly." In this work Mis. Jones apclub turned hack for a day to hoy- Turkey and all the customary trim- peared in Evan ton, \Vauke sha and hood hilarity this week at their mins' will be ·"erved the host of guests. Milwaukee. luncheon in the Ouilmette Country The dinner will formallv set in moElizabeth Chamherbin is the conclub with Christmas tree. Santa Claus tion the great afternoon entertainand a great array of gifts on han~ ment gh·en hy the employes associa- tralto soloist in the Rogers Park Methodist church. She is a graduate to delight the hearts of the "young- tion with most of the performers taken of the Columbia School of Music and ster." from within the ranks of the talented was for three seasons a soloi t with Each member received a gift-some worker s. the Redpath Lyceum bureau. useful others not so much so--and There will he a hrief address of welNoted FeatiYal Artiat there 'was general festi\'ity, not to come to the guests by C. E. ThompThe tenor solos wilt be sung by mention a riot of fun. David Nelson. son. general manager of the railroad. Leon Jones, who has been fo~ the otherwise known as one of Wilmette's Following the program, the after- past seven years the tenor sol01st at most diginified business men, played noon will be given O\'er to dancing. the New Fir t Congregational church. the role of Santa Claus to the comAt 5 o'clock the t>arty will begin Chicago. Recently he made a sttcplete satisfaction of his heart -thumpall over again with a Turkey dinner cessful appearance at the Harrisburg~ ing "children." Preceding the Christmas party, the to the employes who will not be Pa., festival, singing the tenor ~rt club was presented with a large ma - able to attend the afternoon festiv- in "Elijah" and "Stahat Mater" W\th the Philadelphia Symphony orchest~a~ hogany Rotary Wheel, passed along ities. The entertainment will he repeated Howard Preston, the haritont', is at by the Winnetka Rotary club and in the evening. beginning at about present with the Temple Sho1C?f11 which is in turn to be presented to the Elgin Rotary club next. w~ek. The 7 o'clock, followed by an address b,Y quartet whose coucert over \VGN was wheel will make the ctrcmt of the Britten I. Budd. pr< sident of the Cht- a recent feature of the Chicago Tribclubs of the Fortieth . District of Ro- cago, :illorth Shor.e and ~ilwaukc:e une Master Artist series. Mr. Pp~s tary, having started its journey in railway and the Ch1cago Raptd Transtt ton has made some of his greattst company. . , successes with the Opera in Our LanChicago a few weeks ·ago. 1 Dancing will conclude the cYemng s guage Foundation. hi~ "Philli!> Hath> · in "Shanewis," and his work in "C. cati\'ities. GIRLS IN WINT ER FROLIC A special committee ha s been ap- alleria Rusticana" arc ('Specially notThe Girl Scout troop of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church will enjoy its pointed by the railr~ad to arra~ge for able. the gigantic. ente~tam~1ent , eas1ly the Ezcellent Chor·l E ffech of largest affatr of ti s ktnd ever staged Wilmette gained a distinguished annual Winter Frolic on the banks The chorus choir has ample range the DcsPiaines river Tuesday, Decem- on the north shore. This committee resident this week when Bishop Ed- ber 30. The girls will leave the Parish Freel Miller Has Narrow for the displav of fine choral effects. comprises Luke Grant. P. F . McCall, There are choruses for the women's win H. Hughes of the Chicago area Escape in Motor Crash of the Methodist Episcopal church House by bus at 9 o'clock in the morning ]. W. Hyatt , John J.. Moran and John \'Oices and also for the men's \'Oices Fred A. Miller, owner of the Lake moved into the former Frank Barrett and remain in the out-of-doors through· Oli\'er. alone. The rmter of the choir i aJ In former years the !'Jorth Sho~e follows: e Terra<;e, Sheridan road and home at 941 Sheridan road. The vil- out the day, engaging in winter sports ut avenue, narrowly escape <.l lage may indeed feel proud that and enjoying luncheon and supper around line holiday party has been hcl~ ttt Soptanos- M.r s. frank Rirr: Mrs. R. Deerfield-Shields high school, Htgh- J. Rurrow-'!, Mts ~ Arax Boyatan. Mr . injury in an automobile col- Bishop Hughes cho~c Wilmette as his the camp fire. land Park, but it has been thou~ht E . G. Fisher, Mrs. L. H . Hanawalt, onday noon when his car was place of residence, a s it was only advisable, hecause of the extenstvc Miss Lillie Mac Humphries, Mist by one driven by Gladys T. after weeks of investigation of other cuisine at New Trier, to shift the Ad~laide jones, Mrs. F.. H . Ma$on, son, 7724 N. Marshfield avenue. properties along the north shore an.d scene to Indian Hill. icago. Mr. Miller later swore out even in Oak Park, that he made thts Miss Lucy Tolhurst, Miss Mabel Teal. a warrant before Police Magistrate choice. The Hughes family will be Mrs. R. H. Black. Contralto-Mrs. l'icrre Rontecou. D. M. Mickey, charging Miss John- located in the village before the week Miss Luella Burrows, Mrs. Elizabeth son with exceeding the speed limit. has passed. · Bishop Hughes is a man who has Chamh rlain, Miss Edna Davi on, The accident occurred at Wilmette Mrs. W. C. Reinhold, Mi s Grace and Elmwood avenues. Mr. Miller held high positions throughout the Rowe. Mi Margaret Stafford, Mr was driving his Ford sedan north on country for a number of years. He 1 Wilmette avenue when it was struck was first elected a bishop in 908; he Saturday evening will bring a joyo~s Gi lbert Stansell. Tenor-Irving Belote, D. W. Bow .. by Miss Johnson's machine traveling has been a member of the Indiana crowd to the I. 0 . 0 . F. hall, 1217 WtlAlbert Dyon, F.lhert Herlocker. east on Elmwood avenue. After strik- State Board of Education, a trustee mette avenue when the \V11mette Ma- man B~s e -r.. H. Hanawalt, Albert ing Miller's car Miss Johnson's skid- of the Carnegie Foundation and more otlic group and .the Eastern Star en- Long, E. M . Stafford, Frank \\'od .. ded into a fire hydrant, ripping off a recently acting president of Boston tertain the kiddies at a Christmas party. rich, Albert Varley. wheel two fenders and the runnmg universitv. He is a mc:-mhcr of the Sponsoring the event are Wilmette Harold Chamberlain j,., director of board: Miller suffered slight cuts and Delta Tau Delta and Phi Beta. Kappa Chapter. No. 753, Order of the Eastern the chorus and Port('r \\'arrin~toB !-IITl'ATION WANTED - LAUN · fraternities, and is the autho; of sevbruises. Star; Wilmette Chapter No. 253, Royal ' rlre11s wants work at home: Heaps will he the organi,t. eral books, among whtch are tlnleht-d, rough dry, wet wash. Arch ~asons. and Wilmette Chapter, "Thanksgiving Sermons," ··The \VIII call tor and deliver. Colleae Folk Invited to No. 931. A. F. and A. M. Teachin~ of Citizen ship." and "The 1 hon e Wilmette 1351. IMPORTANT NOTICE The hour of the party is R o'clock and Dinner-Sleiahing Party Bible and Life." advance notices have it there will he a Recaustof the · cw Year The prelate came to Chica~o early College people in the Presbyterian last summer from Malden , Mass. He varied entertainmetlt including cartoonhnliday on January 1 all news You can find help iD our Parish who are home for the holiday has recently been res iding at t~e ing, magic. a punch and judy ~how, and and advertising copy for WANT ADS Ieason have been especially invited to North Shore hotel in Evanston whtle other items by Dr. and Mr . Pterce, proMETTF. LrFF. next week must be attend a dinner to be iiven ~y the tookihg for a permanent home on the {essional entertainers. . . ,. Senior Christian Ende.n-or soc1ety of in the office!' at 1222 Central Santa Claus will be tn e\·td nee t1s the church Monday evening, Decem- north shore. of New Year'· ~aid, and there will be favor and ice avenue not later than T .....,. 29. cream cones for the youngsters. TRUSTEES VOTE . the Waat Ad DeM Liae aoaa, December 31. the weather man permit, as All in all. it look like a great festiWilmette Village em l) loyes recel\·ed The offices of W1L lrrl'lt s altogether probable. the part.Y an extra envelop when the "ghost ia ...._.. IMd week to vity and every member of the variou ill also enjoy a sleigh-ride immedi- walked" this week, the. appended enLrFE will be do. ed all day ponsoring groups has ~n urgently reTUESDAY NOON. ately following th dinner. . closure conta\ning nothmg ot~er than Thur, day, January 1. quested' to ee to it that the children are Reservations are being made wtth the annual Christm.a s donatiOn apbrought out in numbers. 'Liss F r ances Br own, 1125 Forest propriated by the Vtllage board. avenue. CHIEF ZIBBLE WARNS DRIVERS RAIL WORKERS IN BIG PARTY ------- BISHOP HUGHES CHOOSES WUE'ITE AS HIS HOME HELP for the busy housewife! MASONS FETE CHILDREN AT PARTY ON SATURDAY VfiL- --------- Bec:auae