Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Dec 1924, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER Columbia university, ancl Mary Johnston, New York Community committee, will present "Comparative Studies of New York City Commun ities:" Prof F.. W . Burgess, of the t:niversity of Chicago ,\',11 present "Chicago Community Studies:" and Clarence A . Perry, of the Russell Sage Foundation. will present a paper on "Rehabilitation of the Local Community." A dinner meeting i" planned on Mon dav. December 29, at Hull House. A report on "Communitr Organization of the l"nited States for the Better Films" will be given by F. M. Barrows and \Vilbur Barrett; a report on a "Study of Community Centers in the United States Through the Board of Education" will be given by l\frs. Eleanor T . Glueck: motion pictures showing community organization acti,·ities will likewise be given. l6. 1924 . WEIJARE HEADS. ·IN CONVENTION .Study Problema of Commuh· ity Centers The National Community Center association is to hold its annual conference it~ Chicago beginning December 29, and ending December 31. The president of the a£sociation is Robert F . Park, of the University l>f Chicago, and among the members of th~ Executive committee of the association are: Mrs. Louis D. Brandeis, of Wash· ington, chairman ; Prof. R. D. McKenzie. of the Gniversity of Washington; teroy F. Bowman, of Columbia university. secretary and editor; and Edward L. Hurchard. treasurer. The chairman of the Local committee is Prof. Thomas D. E liot. All meetings except the business ~e~ sions are open to the public. and unless otherwise announced, will be held vn the Mezzanine F loor at the Auditorium hotel on the days above mentioned. It is anticipated that .many north shore community center workers will attend. Among the suhjects to be discussed <tre, "\\'hy Chicago School Centers Fail and Succeed." "Studies in Community Organization"- among these studies will h(· one on ··Jluman Resources for Community Welfare," by Prof. Carl A. Strow oi Knox college; "The Chain Store as an Judex to · Community Organization," l>y F. K Shideler, FrankJ.in college. . D'iscuu Settlement Work How Many Folks that you kno\v belonged to our last ·year's Christtnas Savings Club? Ask any or all of th etn what thev think of the idea, and then let ·yourself be g uided accordingly. The fact t hat ahnost everyon e of our old tnetnbers are back with us for 1925 is pretty good proof of what they think. Be · w ith t h en1 this year! ANOTHER ACCOMPLISHMENT If you want to know the real pleasures oi tobacco, smoke two cigars at once r Erne st Torrence do es it in a specially designed douhle-harrelled holder -and enjoys it. The holder was prepared for Tqrrence in the role oi the ferocio us Capt. Hook in, the Herbert Brenon production for Paramount of J. M. Barrie's 'Peter Pan." Hook is a composite of Morgan, Teach. Kidd and all the famous pirate s of the past. ln the person of Ernest Torrence, these old sea terrors come to the screen armed to the teeth with kni\'e~ . swords. pistols and a large hatred ior anything and c\'erything respectahle . The doubil'-barrellcd cigar holder is a part of the ferociousness of the redoubtable Captain Hook. It takes a strong man to sun·ive two cigars smoked at the same time. a th g~ At a luncheon meeting to be held on Tuesday. Decemht·r 30, at the Men's City club. Albert ]. Kennedy, secretary oi the !\ational Federation of Settlement~. will talk on "Community A spects ol Scttltmeht \\"nrk," am.J. A. S. Bittnl·r. of the L'ni\·ersity of Indiana wi ll speak on "Community Organization , through Col lq1,e Extt'lhion DL·partments. " Joseph \V. Scrogge of the University oi Oklahoma will talk on "The Present Statu~ nf the L"nin·rsitv Extension in :\mcrica." \Vcdnc~day , December 31, Prof. Robert E. Park, of the university of Chicago, \\'ill speak nn "Methods of Determining Comparative J·: fficicncy of Racial Communities," Professor Leroy E . Bowman, I Night and Morning to keep them Clean, Clear and Healthy Write for Free "Eye Care" or "Eye Beauty" Book Muriae Co., Dept. H. S., 9 E. Ohio St., ClUe.'· I ··vou1· Ill llome Bilnh·· Ill I I "The Satisfactory Store" LaJie· ', Men '· and Children '· Furnishing· Carter'· Knit Underwear Shoe· That Wear CONVERSE RUBBER FOOTWEAR 1125-1127 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 1914 WE DELIVER : For the confidence you have ·shown.in us during 1924 and for your generous patronage we sincerely thank you and wish you AUTO STORAGE \\'her e do you keep your car during the co ld n1onths? If you have no stor age space. '"e have. A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR $10.00 Per Month General A uto Repairing WILMETfE MACHINE AND AUTO WORKS at 1225 Ceatral Avenue, Wilmette ....... WiiiMtte ·· RBMMBCKAR DRUG CO. Phoa· 28· 29

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