== WILMETTE .LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1924 but a second attack shortly LOCAL REALTY FIRM I'END.WoRm MAN DIES caused his death. Funeral services were held at the BUYS FLORIDA TRACT SUDDENLY IN CHICAGO home Tuesday afetrnoou, the Rev. ~Her Yes Sir! Tlaere 'II Be Plenty of Kids on tlae Ice Rinks ()h, Skin-nay, did yuh get a new pair of ice skates for Christmas? Come on I The fellers are all going over to the pond to skate. What pond? Any one. There's a good one at the Ouilmette Country club, at 911 ~i c higan avenue,. and another one at the Municipal playgrounds near the Howard school, and the kids that live near Third str.eet and Dupee place hav e made a rmk of their own in a va can t lot there. Hurry uo and get your skates, Skin-nay, the ice is fine. Sis went over there this morning and da<l ays he's goin' to look around the all ic for his ol' skates tonight and come over an' show us how to really skate, like they did_ when he was a boy. The firemen fixed all those rinks u\) for us and as long as it stavs cold they' ll keep 'em in fine shape. · Come on. Skin-nay I avenue. :\f ;s. Stone and H. D. Hill of the firnf of Hi.! a nd Stone. have just re- turned from 11 iama, Florida, where they . have pu~chas ed property for a syndtcate, whtch will he ' subdivided and to be known as "Wilnetka." The propert y is located in one of t~e most bea~tiful and popular sectiOns .alo~g B1scayne Bay; just north of M1am1, where many North Shore residents have purchased. They report !llarvelous opportunities for profitable mvestment. Before purchasing in Miami they visited all the prominent towns on the East and West coasts, but no· where was there the activities and stability that is to be found in Miami Millions of dollars are being spent t~ develop this marvelous city of the South and the development is phenomenal. Mrs . · Stone expects to return to Miami early in January to prepare the property for disposal at prices constderably under surrounding val- BANISH GOITRE Dudley Taylo;,--i4~ Cumnor road. l'"n"l· L··7 Re. .ritl ReU..f r ... Kenilworth, a resid~nt of Kenilworth s-otllef'lq, Pal.ltatJ··· W-'l a!ld \:Vilme!te for the past six years, E7H '1117 Ellt·-·1 ~t-eat Mre. Mattie A. Smith, 311 1 Nowland d1ed m Ch1cago last Saturday afterAve .· 'Peoria. J.Ulnoht. . .,. ·· "1 am willnoon fro~ an heart attack. Mr. Taylor Ing to tell or show any one what orwas walkmg along Monroe street just bol-Quadruple hN done tor me lu east of State street when he was sudtour weeks.'" denly seized with an attack. He Mrs. Albert N. Page. 901 Ashland! Sold at all drug ·tore· or write SOr. bol Quadruple Company, Mechanlcacalled out to passersby for aid and ayenue, ~as as her h?hday guest, her bol Company, Mechanlcaburc, Ohio. was taken to the office of a nearby s1ster, M1ss Lou E. T1llson of Topeka. Locally at Renneckar Drug Co. doctor where he was given first aid, Kaa. -A·v. John K. Coolidge of St. Elis abeth's church, Glencoe, otfic:ating. Burial was at Memorial Park. Mr. Taylor s survived by his widow, a daughter, Betty, and a son, Landon. He was a member .of the Union church of Kenilworth and well known to many people along the north shore. We operate the only Cleaning and Dyeing Plant in New Trier Township-Why send your work elsewhere sonable prices. wl~en b.etter service can be had at hon1e-ancl at the 1nost rea- Congregationalists to Observe "Family Day" "Family Day" will be observed at th e morning services of the First Congregational church on Sunday, December 28. At this time the families of the parish will be seated as was the custom in days of yore, in the "family pew." This service is held during the holida~·s so that young people away at rollejle most oi the year but at home ior Christmas time, ma~ join in the worship · with the members of their families. A special program of music for this 'c rvice is being arranged and will be directed hy Noble Cain, and Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, the pastor, will dcltver a sermon ,appropriate to the occasion. ues. Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gallie, Jr., gave a family dinner Christmas day at their home, 677 Valley road, Glencoe. -oMiss Gertrude Cole of Chicago spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Hu~;hrs of 1006 Central avenue. Watch Plumbing Uncle Sam Cautions! _. Hoo·er lasuee Standard Code Washington, D. C.-The De~ment of Commerce have approved a 'people's plumbing code" with the hope that it may be adopted by states and municipahties, it was announced. The bill is for the protection of the public "from in.anitary plumbing, the use of defective and ~ap material and improper installation." The code was prepared by a special committee appomted llY 5ecretary Hoover and headed by William C. Groeniger of CleveJmd. CLEANING @5 « DYEING Phone Wllmette 658 1215 Washington Avenue Wilmette, Illinois RAUSS Noted Music Critic Will Lecture at Woman's Club Tina Mae Haines, welJ known· musirian and critic will give the first of a ~eries of lectures on music appreciation hefore the Woman's Club of Wilmette on Monday afternoon, January 5, at 1:30 o"clock. The lecture is arranged under auspices of the Music committee of the dub. ----DCJD6E BROTHERS S P ·c:IAL TYFIE--B SE-DAN An investment in sound value, timetried; smooth performance, time-per- One of the outstanding fetures of these special lectures will be the interpretation oi symphony concerts given each month at the New Trier auditorium by the Chicago Symphony Players, it is announced. "Call of the Wild" to Be Children'.. Picture "The Call of the Wild," picturization of Jack Lon r' , i':- f..1mous novel of that title will be shown at the Chilclren's Free Movies in St. Augustine's Parish House Thursday. January 8. There will be no showings of Childen's Movies over the holiday season. "The CalJ of the Wild" film is furni shed through the courtesy of Mrs. S. R. Roberts, 629 Gregory avenue. fected; sturdy construction, time- proof. An investment that is remarkably low when the dependability of Dodge Brothers 4-cylinder engine, together with the character of the coachwork and special equipment are all taken into considere.tion. Five Balloon- Type Tire· Dr. Arthur H. Tuttle Dr. Alice D. Tuttle Oateopathic Phyaiciana Residence and Office 113 Central Av-ue Phone 300 DR. C. E. GEISSE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN · Electro-Therapy Vilbgr Tbutrr Building Phone Wilmette 2052 TAXES PAY NOW Wilmette Special Assessments Are Now Due PAY AT THE VILLAGE HALL AND SAVE TIME, MONEY AND WORRY E. H. KERR, Villa,e Collector C. M. McDONALD 1019 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON Tel. Univ. 224 D.