Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Dec 1924, p. 15

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e~ of the season incltJdt 10 s party on Decetnbtr lJ. m ~n Monday, with Men's ' es m the evening; the (ear's festivity on W and the "At Home" Day, when a special nged. lEMJ&Nls KJENITJL W(())~ 'TI'JHI IH!(Q)JMIJE§ ny Parties Keep Mrs. Babcock and Her Guests Busy Keuilworth, inside and out, this week is anbze with Christmas glory I Without, iu almost every yard a~d at the_ gates nf thl" village, a ~undred l1ttle Chnstmas Jrl'b are twinkling with red and green light>. Within, . alm~st every · dinner table is aglow w1th s1lver and candles, aud ~uests merrily come and go. Amoug the very busiest hostesses is ~Irs . Irving Babcock, 229 Essex road, ~vho is entertaining over the holidays her mother and three sisters, Mrs. Madeline Scott of Chicago, Mrs. Warren Hilli > of Utica, N. Y., Mrs. George Salisbury of Detroit, and Mrs. William Salisbury of Minneapolis, and their families. A perfect whirl of entertainments are bring given in their honor, the first of which was a huge family dinner par!1' for 30 members of the Scott and Babr;·ck families on Christmas night. Mn. Bahc· ·ck will also entertain with another dinnl'r party preceding the Kenilworth r:ub Formal on New Year's Eve, and again with an informal dance for SO on lie\\' Year's night. ~he will also give a luncheon party on Saturday. Mrs. Ketcham of Kenilworth will give luncheon party for the visitors 1nclian Hill club on Tuesday, uary 6. Mrs. \ '; r , T- , ley will enttrtain at luncheon 11 I 1 day, January l. at her Winnetka resi,,.:nce, and Mrs. Arthur Graham of Chicago will also give a luncheon on Saturday, January 3. Mrs. Arthur Leonard of Evanston will give a lunche_on party Friday, December 26. There will be a dinner-dance in their ltouur at the Sherwin hotel on Saturday ni~ht given by Miss Katherine Chapman, and ~f rs . Frank Peck will entertain SO at an informal supper Sunday evening, IJt:cember 28. Still another luncheon for .W gue ts, will be given by Mrs. Morris Duun on Monday, December 29. Alh>g,·ther it is a breathtaking program. -o:\lr. and Mrs. Valentine Smith of Ah~~~ttsford road and Mr. and Mrs. David Dl'Camp of Ahhottsford mad are doing '"me entertaining for the young people, and incidentallv, for some of their own iril'nds. A nu~ber of his young friends surprised Wilson DeCamp with a dinner party in his honor Friday night on the l' l'l' of his return from Kemper Military acadrmy. Mrs. Smith's niece, Miss ~I ilclred Streigel, will also give a dinner party for the youug "soldier" topreceding- tbe -young- people's ·dance Kenilworth club. Wilson Dewill reciprocate with a dincing )Jarty at the Birchwood Country club tomorrow night. :\!r. and Mrs. Smith will give a breakfa,! party at the North Shore Golf club ~\'\\' Year's morning following the formal club dance and tomorrow night Mr. ·tnd Mrs. DeCamp will give a dinner party at the Birchwood Country club. -o-M iss Ainslee Bennett. daughter of Mr. and M-rs. I. A. Bennett of 185 Sheridan road, is home from Ogontz for the holidays. Mr. anti Mrs. H. K. Knight, ll'ho have been staying at the Bennett's lor the past mont~. will return to their htJme in Evanston after the first of the Yt.'ar. Miss Dorothy Bennttt has issued ill\·itations for a hridge party next Mon day a ftern·oon. -()- ~A v r wnTIHI JHI(Q)ILITJD)A v fiE~'fnVn'Tn~&s Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Breit, 422 Essex road, entertained twenty-four guests at dinner at their home Tuesday evening. Miss Betty Jane Breit celebrated her birthday Saturday wtih a matinee party followed by a tea at the home of her grandmother. --(}- A Correction over-indulged. One fellow is pu~-~hardening of the arteries and a. fourth ished with diabetes, another with gets pntlJmonia.-(State Health deheart disease, a third suffers from partment.) . TTENDS CONVENTION Stephen A. : Lloyd, pastor st CongregatiOnal church lerator of the ' ence of Illinois, will ation of Congregational K_nox college, Galesburg, llli1 urmg the early part of llCXt ------------- ------- l Thomas C. White, 310 Richmond road, is planning an extensive trip to Florida just after the first of the year. He will leave early in January for New York City, going from there to Melbourne, Fla. --oMr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen of Melrose avenue are proudly entertaining their recently arrived granddaughter, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Allen. Mother and baby arrived home from the Evanston hospital on Tuesday . -o-.Mrs. Herbert Mesick. of Essex road, has her sister, Mrs. Myrtle Daniels of Tulsa, Okla., as her guest for the holidays. Mrs. Mesick will give a luncheon and bridge party in her honor on Monday afternoon. -a-Francis Allen and Ogden COQk also returned from Florida Monday after a two weeks' vacation spent in Miami. En rr u:e home. they were c·1tcrtained at dinner at the Birmingham. Ala., home of Jack Smith, formerly of Kenilworth. -a-Otto C. Owen of 205 Essex road and Valentine Smith of Abbottsford road returned Friday from Florida where they have been sojourning for a month. -o-M iss Virginia Woodland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Woodland, 336 Leicester road, gave a dinner party at her home Saturday night. -o-Mr. and .Mrs. Spaulding Coffin of the Kenilworth Inn left Tuesday for the ea,t to spend the holidays . Dec. 22, 1924. Editor, WH.MF.'M'E LIF£. In your article concerning the Concert given at the Stolp school in Wilmette, the name Count and Countess Sykora is incorrect. Following is the right way : "Mr. Frank Sykora. 'cellist, and Mrs. Frank Sykora. (Countess Godzamb de Czuwasz) accompanist. I would greatly appreciate it, if you would publish this letter in YO\lr next issue. Thank:ng you for this courtesy, I am very truly FRANK SYKORA 1802 Juneway Terrace, Chicago, Ill. r, · · ,. ~· · I .. , .t· 1tl!\"'.,·, .. ' .... Priced for.Quick Sal~ Editor's 1wlr: The rrror as i11timated !u the abo<'·'. n·as comll.-ttcd by I he Persol~ rrsf'ollsil>lc for yi·viny thr i~J/orma fion to \Vu. \fJ;;Tn; LitE. Names and titles m·rr f>ub/ishrd i11 \Vn,ME,-,: LIFE r.mri[J a.f drsignated iu lh1· origi11al m nuscri/'f se11t to our offias. \Vu.MF.'M'E Ln'E rrgrrts tltr error. THE INEVITABLE RECKONING Too many miles on wheels and too few on foot; too many hours in the easy chair and too few on the golf links or the wood pile ; too many square meals and too little time for dig-estiou: too many nights at the movies or the dance hall and too few in bed · too much work and too little plav a1;d too much play and too little work; too much fire in the furnace and too little ventilation; too much theseand are too some of soap the and things that dirt little nature condones for a while but which she ultimately vetoes l>y the very effective method of stealing away the health of the fellow who has $25.00 and.' ~p .. WILMETTE MUSIC Orian A. Galitz WILMETIE Phone 3006 ·--·o 1171 Wibaette A'""- water-~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· THE SAMOVAR Adjoining the Blackstone 624 South Michiran Boulevard . C OSMAS .CHATS THE SEASON'S BEST WISHES DANCING Evrn· e\·ening, 6 P. l\1. till dosing ·a nd Saturday afteruoon SPECIAL Or~nges, Co. sn. x LAKE SHORE AUTO SALES Salea Room and Service Station 1010-16 Chicaao Ave., Evanaton. Ill. I [-.......m··· ·. ... J·artleular" sweet-juicy 17c ~ntertaimnent per dozen Santa has carried off our stock ao to-clay you will find us The Samovar Syncopaters Jack Johnstone, Director THE SAMOVAR Down the Marble Stairway with New Fresh Gooda to start the New Year Right, ERS AVE. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Reading Room Christian Science COSNAS BROS. Phone Z893 Opposite Village Theatre Mi ss Harriet Hamm returned last Saturday irom Miss Bennett's school in the tast to spend Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. _ F . H_amm, Sli Sheridan road . She w1ll g1ve a hridge party on the afternoon of Ja_uuary 2. Miss Anne Greene of Champa1g11, Illinois. is a holiday guest of the Hamm's. -o~r r. and Mrs. Frank \V. Cherry, 422 Ahhottsford road, will give a dinner parthis evening preceding the young peodance for their daughter, Jeanette ry. The Cherrys also have as their mas guests, Mrs. Cherry's sister, H. C. Cheyney and son, from Bay, Wis. -oJohn Bellows formerly of Kenilworth and now of 'foronto. Canada, arrived home this week to spend Christmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Bellows of Evanston. 1113 Wilmette An. Wilmette, Ill. Hours: T~th St. and Central A'fe. Daily (except Wednesday and Services: Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6:00 P . M . Sunday at 11 A. M. Wednesday: 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting Saturday: 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. at 8 P.M. The Bible and Wonca by Mary Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Baker Eddy and all other authorSubject of the Lesson Sermon Ised Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purDecember 28, "Chriatian Science" chued. Th Public ia cordially in'fitecl to attend the Church Senicea aad e "iait the Readin1 R-m. SPECIAL' CHRISTMAS OPI'BB We are making a Special Reduction in price on Bart OU Burners inatalled during the Chri·tma· Ieason. Whatever the Circumstances the ·me courtesy-the sa~e helpful aervice iD managtftl all perplexing detailt-are accorded roa whether y 0 11 desire an unlimited expenc!iture or whether circumstances suggest that you refrain from undue costa. New Year's Decorations hones i ::, r 15-4 PRIMROSE "MUMS" CYCLAMEN Potted plants are always to he had at reasonahle prices .35 Ceatral Ave. Can you propose? a better gift for your ~vife and fami~y than a safe and dependable oil burner that ts so au.tomatic in its operation that it will permit one to go out anyttme. and leave the chi1drcn behind, knowing full well that there ts no danger of fire and that the home will be comfortably ~eat~d hl' )e? Then too. have you thought of the savmg m a It th e w · · · · k ep ,ollars and cents? Our terms are convement; tate up e ~s we11 as the fuel consumption is extremely low.- I~ f;ct the smn total of your satisfaction and your avmg ts ar g-reater than the cost. . . Honestly, we cannot think of anythm~ so hkely to brin such a lasting perfect peace as a Hart Oil Burner. Let us h~ar from you and talk over with you the prospects of a Happy Xmas AYRES TEFFf CO. 556 CeDter ·St. Phone Wilmette 654 1124 Central Ave. Wilmette R WILMETTE SEED &: BULB . CO. Street Pltoae 3215 WINNETKA

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