Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Dec 1924, p. 24

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24 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1924 WANT SOMETHING? USE A WANT Qlencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the teleP.b.one directory, or who ate regular subscriber,. to either WILMBTTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NBIWB. · ftdtea--10 cents per lin· In one paper. 20 cents per line In all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGIIl see. Avera..e ot ftve word· to the line. No black tace type used. Ratee tor Dleplay type on application. t· Claaelfte· advertleementa will be ac· ·n f J . D14dl I I Ot nllt &Onl--cepted up to Wedn'.laday U o'clock tor . tb.e WILMETTE LIFE or 1\ll th.r ee papere; Thurad~y U o'clock tor the WINNETKA TALK and Friday U o'clock for ~1\e GLENCOE NEWS. : ' Tet~phonee: WILMETTE lUO-UU or WINNE~'KA 1000-1001. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS -' N t· · ClaaeUled advertlnmezlte W'ill be char..ed only ·G .. IDetMJ 0 ICII-to reeldente of the dletrlct from Bvanaton to What Will You Read in 1925? Librarian ·OHers Suggestions List Gives Promise of a Well Ordered and Pleasurable Year of Reading By ANNE L. WHITMACK (Wilmette Librarian) ker's 'Ports and Happy Places,' nor 'Jungle Peace,' by Beebe, nor Padrian Colum's 'Oddyseus,' nor Dante's· 'Divine Comedy,' but New Year's eve, we are going home and read Richard Cabot's 'What men Live By' nad we know then that the New Year will be begun right. "The following i~ a list of new books which will make good reading for the new year: "The History of Writing," by W. A. Mason. Besides the customary chapters on Greek, Meriavel Babylonian and Chinese, the author also speaks of prehistoric American, Indian, Mexican and South Sea forms of writing. "A Thousand Way_s_ to Please a Family," by L. B . Weaver. Just as good and interesting as the authors. "A Thousand Ways tol Please· a Husband." "Commonsense in Music," by S Spattle. · by ALICE ELEANORE UANIIu.!·' Little dolls portraying "Christmas Carol," that " classic, were brought to life "New Year's day finds us with our Winnetka Woman's club usual resolutions," said Miss Whitafternoon of this week to REAL ESTATE 1 18 w ANTED-H0111!1EHOLD GOODS mack. "We resolve not to be exdelight of the children, and :FOR CHOICE LOTS OR ACRE WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND travagant, but to live within our ups too, by the Attic Puppets. ! trac \s, fire and tornado Insurance, ~~~~~~[\~rc~ o~:~~ rooru~~~~~ g~~::t budget; we resolve to have a hobby performance was unusually good, 1 ~~~·~tY c~~:e~:at~~~ d~:S~~!~c'! 0 "~; Furniture Store, 100·-6 Emerson St., -we don't know what it will be, but it can easily be understood why ' surety bonds. Evanston, 111. Phone. 189. a hobby we must have; and we retroup has gained so much fame :n ~ 1L .If! .!Q)_ f1"'3 18LTN24-ttc solve to read more and better books. popularity along the north shore. ~" o ~~lll!'lfiir<elf~~<O>o ~~~,~iV~A~N~T~E~D-=~M~I~S~C~E~L~L~A~N~ .E~o~u~s~~lwe are going to read all the fascinating new books thilt are published, was a special performance given every year for the children. Wihn .. tte, ~?~~ Ridge Av.;~~~e Wll. 384 WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE and we are going to ca.tch up on some 1LTN13-ltc buys and sells rugs. stoves, autos, of the things we missed along our In the first scene, the mis _F_O_R_S_A_L_E--,-3,-0-0_0_B_U_Y_S_G_O--OD.-E-A_S_T pianos, anything useful. l~~t;~~-~~ way. We have made up a list and Scrooge, a tiny marionette foot high, harshly declines ll'lhdeer,ldbaunlldrohalgd. lot two blocks trom .,., ..... ~==========~~~~~=~!have resolved to keep it during the FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES sunny and stormy days of 1925. nephew's mvitation to dinner S waving his tiny hand , declares "L~Ixa~~o~~~~r~~~u~~~~e rT~~~s1~ r;,~~ "The first thing we are going to "Grand Opera Singers of Today," there should be no Christmas and up-to-date. Onl~· $18.000 with U C All M k read is Bryce's 'American Common- hy C. Lahee. .o ne entire day of work is very easy terms. · sed ars.a es wealth.' We have wanted to for a "A Handbook of Athletic Games," by. To the great delight of North Shore Real Estate Co. Cor. Sh~;!~n 1_~~. ::f~~nve St. long time, now we shall. Robinson's by J . Bancroft. Gives the rules of ience he indignantly tells a -us Llpd en Ave. Phone 2778 Wlllys-Knlght and Overland 'Mind in the Making' must be re- all the leading ball games. gray haired charity worker · 1L13-ltc Dealer& read; we didn't half do it justice in "Atlantic Book of Junior Pl;y;:"· will not help feed a lot of id Evanston 140 our last hurried reading. 'The Edu20LTN24-ttc cation of Henry Adams' is another "The Advance of English Poetry in just because it is Christmas. book we want to , go through. The the Twenti!'th Century," by w. L. most denies Bob Cratchitt his shrill:. ing but cheerful helper, his holiday. more we think of it the deeper it Phelps. ~ws. Very good studies of the more The Choat Appear· "After reading Stachey's 'Queen prominent present day poets. The second scene opens .with appearance of the ghost oi J Victoria,' we wished we knew more "A Little Book of British Verse," Marley. Scrooge's former about her contemporaries and the same This was a very realistic ghost, authors 'F.mminent Victorians' would edited by J · Rittenhouse. "A Readers Guidebook," by M. L. blown through holes in the floor certainly he illuminating. Harvey Becker. Entertaining directions on the miniature stage lending it an O'Higg-ins. in his 'The American of authenticitv which made the Mind in Action' gave such an enter- what to read. "Roving Critic." by C. Van Doren. dren shout. The ghost warns taining study of Benjamin Franklin that we would like to read his Auto- Essays on contemporary literature of the others that are to visit .him FOR REN~APARTMENTS and thought. solemnly shows him the chain biography. "Fleur de Lys," a collection of ·he welded for himself through j;'OR RENT-625-llTH ST. FOUR"So many of our contemporary French vfrse compiled by W. Thorby his i~noblc deeds. The chain : room apartment, steam heat, In-a- 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANE0118 writers turn out such entertaining made of little links and a small . ?co..~ b~<~~:~e d~~~~e~~~1·3~;.nltor serv- =F:-:0:-:R::-::S-:-A:-:L-:-E=:-_....,.W""'O~M-A_N'_S-.-HU----D-S_O __ N_S_E_A_L_ books that we cannot forego any of ley. "Supers and Supermen," by Phillip lock was visible. Marley tells 3LTN2-tfc fur coat with caracul collar · alRo them. After reading Stuart Pratt Sherman's 'My Dear Cornelia,' we Guedalla . Clear and ironical bio- beware lest he weave a similar ~OR RENT-APARTMENTS AND OF- ~~~·~ol~~~kb~~~e~hei;~t p~~~~ d'1~~~ decided graphical sketches of some men who which he will be doomed to to read all of his other books. ~fn~~~~s.62. G. F. Gonsat;~;;N~r.?t~~ 22. 2tLTN13-ttc H. L. Mencken writes with such gusto were prominent and some who were through the hereafter and then not. h 'I 24 II FOR RENT-ROOMS --:-----L_o_s_T_A_ND __ F0_11_ND ______ , that we must have his 'In Defense "Jane Austen," by 0. W. Tukins. A parts t rough the eel ing. ILOST-PAIR OF HORN-RIMMED. BI- of Women'-wc may not always agree readable book on Jane Austen and Sc:rooce Meets Tiny Tim FOR R~i1NT-ROOM; NEAR TRANSP.; focal glasses on Thursday, December with him but we are always highly her books. So the scenes followed in r ! gentleman preferred. 726 Prairie 18 about 4:30 P. M. near Wilmette amused at what he says. "Honore de Balzac," by F_ Brune- cession through the length of ! Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wll. 442, and Central avenues. Reward. Phone immortal tale. The spirit of , ·· · . . ·4LTN13-tfc Wll. 271. 2lLla-ttc "We have always admired Edwin tiere. .~ Arlington Robinson's poetry but late"Hill Towns of Fran~e." by E. M. Christmas Past, showed Scrooge ." ""'A;.. n,.D ""u b.~>.NI"'-DV\ISE& . ~ CONTRACTORS AND .JOBBERS ly we have been captivated by Edna Fryer. Descriptive and historical boyhood days-another spirit WANTED TO RENT-SIX OR 7 ROOM, MR. LOT OWNER St. Vincent Millay-maybe it si be- sketches of romantic old towns in him to view t'he Christmas eel France. at the Cratchitts, where Ti ' mo<lern house near Kenilworth or QUALITY BUILDER WILL BUILD cause we are growing old. Jessie l Indian Hill station; must be on East and loan entire cost of home reacly Rittenhou se has three beautiful col"Besides all these books, which have was borne in , as in the t side. Phone Harrison 1801. tor spring delivery. Easy terms. lection s of modern verse that we shall recently been added to the library hack of one of the o - . 7LT1B-ltc fs~~te today. Address W~~~~~1o~~~~ read many times. there are many not so new which and how this feat is 11 H ..~LP WANTED-MALE HOUSEHOLD SERVICE "The~e arc so many books that we are well worth reading. Also, books with puppets must have 27 every one but the operators . 'WANTED-A HIGH CALIBER SALEScan th111k of-we will not omit Par- are received almost daily." The acting was excellent man who Is looking for an opportunbelievably life-like . At Ity to represent a rep\l'table firm In absorbed in the story, one wo this territory In a line that pays big earnings. The right man who get that these little actors were will follow Instructions and worll and cloth and steel, instead of hard ean make more money than be ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRING and blood. The costumes were can in any other business. Mu11t and refinishing. upholstering. matknow the No··th Short> and be able tic to the minute~t detail and tresses n>newed. cabinet wot·k. Fred to adapt himselt quickly. ExperlNltto, 1238 Central Avl'. Phone The funeral of Allan A. Gilbert, 111 a dozen puppets were required t'nc<' Ill not necessary as we give you Wilm ette 2430. 27L2-ttc Sixth street, widely known attorney portray the various roles. alll'istance and hel11 you get In touch with p1·ospects. Reference required. Praiae for Produc:era and resident of Wilmette for many WEEK OF DECEMBER 15 Let us know why y()u think you are Unstinted praise is ccrtainlv due years, was held Wednesday, many Games ~\etc:g~~ · Address. 1020 1 p~!;Nr3t~1~~ women who staged this perf 1 2 3 members of the Chicago Bar associa- Not only did they manipulate Nightingale .... Totals 657 673 611 tion being in attendance. INSURANCE REPORTERS-MAN IN little dolts to the huge delight of Mr. Gilbert was born in South Careach suburban town and village In vs. olina and took up the practice of law children, but they designed, and Cook County to make confidential InBob-O-Links .... Totals 551 555 583 in Chicago in 1890.. He has been well the puppets. and the theater in surance reports during spare time. Stat!' age and occupation. N. P. known in legal circles in this vicinity they give the show, the costu Orioles .......... Totals 502 555 502 ever Gret<n. Box 192. Chicago. 11LTN9-5tc WEEK OF DECEMBER 15 since that time, with the excep- wore, and every detail of the vs. Printing Stu.dio tion of about two years, 1910 and performance. 12 ~LP WANTED-FEKALF. ..... Totals 500 614 White · Owl s 586 Games 1911, when he was forced to abandon The marionettes are made of W ANTitD-EXPER.IENCED MAli) FOR 1 2 3 Meadow Larks .. Totals 540 529 530 his practice on account of ill health. with papier mache heads and gener.al housewotk;· must be good Totals .... 900 859 998 He resumed his practice in 1912 and hands. They arc so hinged that cook; Swedish or 'Norwegian preferrvs. vs. ed; Z In family. Call Winnetka 2062. \Varblcrs ....... ·.Totals 505 494 485 was active until the time of his death. can be made to imitate almost Lloyd Hollister, Inc. 12LTN12-1tc His son, Allan A. Gilbert, Jr., is also motion of the human body in a Totals .................. 821 925 882 like manner, and can make some · 14 SrrUATION WANTED-MALE Blue Birds ...... Totals 498 513 595 an attorney in Chicago. In addition to his legal career Mr. tions that would be quite beyond ._ vs. Schultz ~nd Nord Gilbert was prominent in many' frahuman, even a skilled contortionist. Totals 0.. 00. 0... 0... . 00. 796 854 878 Cardinals . . . . . · . . Totals 468 495 433 ternal orders, civic clubs and church Those producing the play were vs. enterprises. He was a former presi- Emmons Blaine, Mrs. N Ouilmette K. of c. dent of the Methodist Social union Blatchford, Mrs. Samuel Greet Totals .........·. : · .. :.. .927 790 823 ~or All O~~asions and a founder of St. James Methodist Perry Smith, Mrs. Sebastian · Booking Agent tor Episcopal church . He was a member Mrs. Fred Mason, Mrs. Norman TED MORSE'S ORCHESTRA Snider-CazeJ Drug Co. of the Hamilton club, Olympia Fi&lds ris, Mrs. Henrv Tenney and E. E. BIGELOW Tel. Wll. 11035 Totals .. 0 0 ... ·-·· ·... ; 0 .'.733 818 880 Country club and the American Bar Russell Walker. Mrs. Blaine HLTN4-ttp Wilmette Troop Activities vs. association. the part of Scrooge-{)r rat Nelson Laundry ·. The funeral services were held from operated the puppet Srrr>na~~.a SITUATION WANTED-EXP. BOOK- Totals ................ 0.702 778 726 the . family home at noon Wednesday Jacob Marley, the ghost, was mal' keepel' and typist offers part time TROOP I and burial was at Oakwoods. The services. Address Winnetka ~alk There will be no further meeting pall bearers were the present and past ipulated by Mrs. Blatchford . Doctors 398. ULTNll-tfc H-r Chriatma· Carole Totals .... 0. 00........ 0.702 748 740 of Troop 1 until January 10 because grand masters of the Dearborn lodge, SITUATION WANTED - COLORED of the holiday season. Between the scenes Christ....: vs. No. 310, A. F. and A. M. chau~eur; eight years' experience; carols were sung by Mrs. GoddJR At the December 20 meeting we Wilmette State Bank all makes of cars. Phone Douglas Cheney and Mrs. G. Blossom. Thd 8411. HLTN18-ltp Totals .. 0.... 0. 0.. 00... ·.844 784 762 entertained a large number of forspecial performances for the chit~ mer Scouts as well as the celebrated Open. Lighting Contract 1G SIT11ATION WANTED-F'EMALE have been given at the Woman's c.. Arms · Tumblers who were prepared Dannemark Bids at Seaaion Tonight for the past three years. They to put on their regular stunts but were Totals ........... 0...... 646 703 719 SITUATION WANTED- LAUNDRESS wants work at home; finished, rough vs. unable to do so because of the abBids for the contract to install Wil- fail to delight both the little ones ..., sence of the necessary mats. ~~Iive":.et :Pb~'!th~ ~~et~~ul:~f. and Clore. Budinger and Smith mette's new ornamental electric street the older people who witness at... Captain Gay gave us an interesting lighting system will be fonnally opened performances. . !!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~::==~~~~6L~T~N~9-~t;;;fc Totals .......... :....:_...... 738 732 728 talk on life aboard ship. The history of the origin .of tllil at a meeting of the Village Board of 17 JI'OR I!IALE-HOUIIEHOLD GOODS First National Bank show is interesting. Mrs. Blame L?cal Improv~ments this evening at the FOR BALE-HOUSEHOLD, MODERN Totals .................. 768 741 875 V1llage hall, m accordance with an an- some of her friends once got liP CLERK-CARRIER EXAM puppet show for the amu se meot "Reliable" gas range In good condlvs. nouncement made several weeks ago. Examinations for the position of 1 ;~:nue.ca~h:~e 11;'1~m!~te71f11 t nden Meyer Coal and Material Co. The Village authorities advertised for their own children. This type of clerk-carrier at the Wilmette Post the forerunner of the modern s~ l7L1S-ltc Totals .................. 812 711 902 Office will be held at the local post bids. early this month following confir- captivated both audiences and or·· office Tuesday, January 13, according mation of the assessment for the im- a tors that they have continued FOR SALE - DINING TABLE, 7 SEW FOR ORPHANS chalra and cabinet; Steger plano. The Ladies Aid society of the Wit- to the United States Civil Service provement in the County court. panded the show until within the_.. Phone Winnetka 1574 · 17 LTNl8-Ztc mette Parish Methodist church will commission. Information concerning year or so it has become popu!ar applications for examination may be various audiences and bids f~1r to FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL, STERLING hold an aU-day meeting Tuesday, DeCANDLE·LICHT SERVICE table allnr; nevK been used. Phone cember 30 for the purpose of sewing obtained at the post office. turn to a measure of its ancaeot The young people of the Wilmette U18. l7Lll-1tp for the children of the Lake Bluff ularity, at lea~t on the north byterian church will hold a RESIGNS REALTY POSITION 18 w....,.o-ao11IIDIIOLD ooon· orphanage. Members of the fi{th light service in the church R. L. Morely has resigned hil posi- afternoon, December -N-.-n-"!!~LL--....,Nl!!W==-A-:ND'="-:us=:m=D::--:FU==R:-:NI=--·1 division will serve luncheon. Mrs. George tion with Hill and Wheeler, north o'clock. Miss Katherine passed ture bouarht and sold. 1144 Kaple Mrs. D. R. Lockhard of 6?:1 Eleventh shore real estate operators, and will be the speaker and at the Ave., l!lnn·ton . Phone l{;~TJU:ttc street is conval~cing from an illness. leave Wilmette for the winter season . be in charge of Miss ... .. IHI 10 I Go.odwin'a Bird League ALLAN A. GILBERT SUMMONED BY DEATH BUSINESS LEAGUE BOWLING SCORES ~--------------~ 00 ......... 00 · I - - Our Boy Seouta - J pla! ------------------------·1 a!ld;

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