Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1925, p. 11

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.· October 2. 1925 : 5 WILMETTE LIFE 11 ·Autos and Horse Bum I Gamma Phi Beta Makes Marion Tilt Will . in ,2,500 Bam Bl~e Public Its Pledge List Marry Otl Parents' Fire of undetermined. origin caused Northwestern chapter of Gamma Wedding Anniversary ·a· loss of morl,! than $2,500 when it Phi Beta announces its pledges for this Invitations are out for the marriage ' or J\liss ~!arion \Ve~ton Tiit, daughter of l\f r. and 11 rs. Frederick Tilt, 61-5 Laurel aventa. ·, to Richard Hamihon Houghton, son of ' . Phillip ll oughton of Lo . , Angeles, Thur~day. October 15, at the \Vilmettt.: Congregational chut:ch. Tht· Rev. Stepheil A. Lloyd will read tl·1c service which will b · follo\\'ed 1)\· a s n~:.tll recci>tion <t t the Tilt residet~c~. l\Jiss Tilt's \\T<iding will occur on the annivcr:-.ary of ·h·r father's ·and mother's marrie:tge, awl ~f rs. R. G. Sto\\'cil, organist at the Chut .sJJ oi the. Covenant, will i>lay tht forthc~11ing ceremo:1y a · she did ~t the solcmtiization of the Tilt~' m .. rriage. -~ The· bride elect ha:-. chost·n. tor her maid of l.onor, · her cou~in. ~Ii~:-. Virginia Little of Kenil\yr>rth: ior her matron of honor, ~.1 r:--. 1alllt':-. \\". Barrett, _I r . of i·,,·an~ton; ~nd ior her bridc:-.tf1aid.. her cousin·. ~I iss Helen Lit'tle. a:1d ~1t:s. Jam('s B. l~ycrly, ~frs. La\\'rencc '1' ~I cCurdy an<i ~{i-.;-., Janc Luce, all oi Chic;l~O. If e kn Condit. little c .l ;uwhtcr of Dr. and \1 rs. 1 Tarold Condit oi \\'illllctk, ,,-;It he flower girl. - ~[r . J foughton "·ill han· a . . hi-, he~t 111 a n . Ja lllL' "' \ \ · . E a r r l' t t . Jr. . a n d t h e lh h l'1' , \\ i II he D r. I .t llll' .., D . 1·: , T r h · l,a \\ rt·nrt· T . .\I rl'uni ,. c,j l'hir:tg(;, ·at~d \\ "illi;tnl 1·:: l~t·.' nold .... · \\"altl'r L. Turk, a 11 d . \ It- x ;111 d l.' r ( ~ . \\ · h n ·l n o i t·: ,.at h tOll . ---- -- ---- t {, de .;troyed a barn and garage 'at the rear oi J o~eph Borre's home at Ridge and \ Vilmet.te avenues early \Vednes · day morning of this ·w eek. The fire was· discovered about 3 :30 o'clock it~ the morning.· lJy Borre, \Yho awoke and detected smoke. · T,,-o trucks · anc! a pleasure v0hicl ~· ,,,·hich were in the g.arage · \~·ere destroyt:d, and a ho~sc, which· was hoi.tscd in. the lJarn, was rescued but SC' · sc,·crelv burned that it was necessary to ~hoot the animal. Xo one was it;j~red iil fighting the blaze.· '.) iall, a number of whom are well kno\\'n along the north shore. The list folIo" s Alice Reddick, Louise ~1 urry, Helen Strickland, Marjorie King, Helen I \Vi!liams, Vesper Gilman, all of Chi- l cago; .Harriet Heir, \Vhite\\·ater, \Vi<;.; !\ellie \Veston, Marjorie McBroome, Geneseo, Ill.; Mary Louise Fenton·; \Vinnetka; Oualie D~wson, Da,·enport, Iowa; Vivian McConnel, La Grange; ~[adcline Lar~on, River Forest: Mad~line 1[unns, Minneapolis: Martha Halloway, Digonier, Ind.: Lillian Enquest, EvanstGn; Eileen Dapp, Quincy, fll.; Charlotte Cummin·s, Redwood ?,fr~ . . L. ~f. Allen of 258 ~felrose Fc.Jis, l\finn.: Eleanor Luse, \Ve5tern an·nuc, has returned frotn a Yi .J it to, Springs, Ill.; Janet Griffith, Highland DaYen;;ort, Iowa. Park, Ill. I ~fR. KRA.CS SAYS, "\\·c urge .fOU t) ha,·e your winter clotning cleaned and repaired no\\', and haYe it done by a ,::\IASTER plat~t, instead of having it CLE:\XER, in otl'er \\'ords, a cleaning lllg. 1· 1 jol;:>e<l out through :-.omc tailor unfamiliar with the art of clean" 'leaning Plant ~en· ice co~ts no rr.ore.' Special , on renoYating it·athl.'r pill<>\\·:-. continues until further nctice. -+ pillows ior 1 S2.fl(), 50r (';-. t ra inr each a<.lditional ont:." PLEDGE ALPHA PHI <1\\ il \ . .\1 ;..,.., ~farian 1\n· . , c. ~fi:-..., f< ·an 1fnld and ~[j . ., .., ~[an· Loui::,~ 'cheidenhdn-1 \\ lw i ... taking a p()--t )·racluate cour "l' at Xorth\'\T ... tt:rn uni' t:r--i~ ,., are tllv \\.ilnwttt: girl~ ,,·ho han· - lH. :l' ll pl· ·d'..:l·· d to tltt: .\lpha J>hi :- orur ity at . X<,ttll\\'c .. tern The Only Cleaning Plant in Xew Trier · ~uss CLEANING @5.&- DYEING P\tones \Vilme:te 3400 Greenleaf 700 ! EVAIURON SCBlJR OOJVNS·FROCKS- SPORTSWEAR NORTH SHORE HOTEL 1605 CH ICAOO AVE . EVANSTON 1215 Washington Avenue W ilmette, Illinois ·IT'S HERE! AN ASTOUNDING JORDAN LINE EIGHT SEDAN Equipped for $1,995. Delivered. Ji'LOY· D KOON AUTO SALES 1160 Wiltn ette A venue Phone Wiltnette 597

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