Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1925, p. 13

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· - · 5 October 2, 1925 WILMETTE Mrs. Frank Gerrould and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gerrvt,ld. The Gerroulds lf>ft toc!ay for their re5pective home in Ardmore, .Pa., and Pasadena . . Cal. En route east, the Frank Gerroulds will be the guests of the Andrew Taylors in Indianapolis. -aFLORIDA CLAIMS FAMILY Kenilworth loses another of its residents to Florida this week in the case of the Samuel Gaylord s of 306 Cumberland avenue, ·w ho have sold their home here and will m<>.ke their future abode in the South. M:. Gaylord, accomp:lnied by his mot he!" and son, John, will leave Sunday to motor to Flori<ia, where they will do some J.ctive househunting in· anticipation of Mrs. Gaylord's arrival a littl~ later in the season when she has completed the business of closing the Keuilworth hou se. -aANNOUNCE GUILD MEETING The Guild of the Church of the Holy Comforter will hold its first meeting of the year Mon:lay afternoon when the member ~ will sen·e tea and discuss the work of the coming year. The Rev. Leland Danforth has been invited to ht a guest on this 0ccasion and to address the gathering. -0- LIFE 13 Mr. and Mrs., W. W. \Vheelock of 1.12 Oxford road, celebrated Mr. Wheelock's birthday last Thursday evening with a dinner to which they invited a number of their friends. On Wednesday, Ralph Wheelock departed for Lake Geneva where he will !'e~ume his studies at the Nort!lwestern Military academy. 1lfrs.· H. R. Rathbone J, r ) After ma:1y weeks of pleas~nt idl~ ness aud social diversions of only the lightest sort, a number of Kenilworth hostesses are respondiilg to the urge to preside once more at cozy luncheon t~bles, to sally out to bridge club s with ir~cre~ s ing frequency, or garLer their friend s about them fo: lively dinr;,er parties. The li st of partie s grows amazingly each day and it looks very much as though Kenilworth folk would have no end of things to do and place s ta go in the · fall and winter ahead. An affair that 'vii; be much talk:ed aDou~ took place thi s afternoon at the SheriJan road home of Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone, wife of the C-:>ngre ss man at Large, \V·ho wa 'i hostess at a musi<....tle an<l tea from 4 until 7 o'clo~k given in honor of her two ·isters. and hou s e~ue s t s , the Mi sses Edith and Mabel Harney of Milwaukee. Several noted artists from Chicago as well as Mrs. Rathbone herself presented a musical program during the afternoon thi s being the fir st occasion upon whicl~ Ket~ilworth has be~n given an opportumty to hear Mrs. Rathbone since her return from \Vashington, D. C., where news of her performances at numerous emba ss y teas and one notable performance at a tea given by Mrs. Coolidge at the \Vhite House, reached home from time to time . The Rathbone home was plentifully decorated throughout with choice i'all flowers a:1d pink Killar~ev roses formed th~ ce ntral decoration -in the dini!lg room. Is Hostess. Todqy at Large Musical Tea mally ope.n their club season with a song rec.i tal, October 8, under the auspices of the department · of music, of which Mrs. Ernest FJei shmann is the chairman. Frederick Newell Wo0d, well known lyric tenor, will on this occasion offer a delightful program, which will he followed by an informal tea and social gathering. - o11 :.-. and M r . Joseph White were host and hoste ss at a charming dinnerdance on Saturday evening at their spacious S heridan road home which p,roved a mo t enjoyable e" ~ nt for man y of th eir frien~ . -o-- M iss Theresa Backus and Miss Betty Taylor held open house Sunday evening in honor of Miss Phylis Ruf, ·daughter of the Arthur W. Rufs of Cum nor road, who left on Wednesday to attend school at Pine Manor. · -o-o~Irs . Roy Hulbert of 528 Ai:>bott sford Mrs. Ralph 'R. Hawxhurst of Essex r0ad entertained her bridge cli.tb at road, entertained at a luncheon and luncheon · on Thursday. bridge party Monday. ;!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiii'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltt11WUII...:: I = ~=_ = -:= 1 .First ~ Church ·of Christ, Scientist ; II Ten~ ~~M;r~~Avenae SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. Sunday School Exercises 9:45A.M. j c --o~f r. SUNDAY EVENING TEA -oand Mrs. Henry Taylo~r, Jr., of The Public is cordially in'irited to attend the Church § 5 MUSICALE . OPENS CLUB E s ' ex road entertained at tea Sunday Services and visit the Reading Room evening in honor of th(;ir visiting The Neighbors. th~t bu sy orrraniza daughters and their husbands, Mr. and tion of Kenilworth \\'Ot.leti, will for - ~IUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIII..~ KAST.NERS DEPART TOMORROW The departure of the Frank Kastners from the1r Abbottsfo'rd road home formerly the Woodward house, which tht.y have been at such pains to n !mvdel and with such successful results, will be made tomorrow when th~y leave to take up a permanent' residence in Florida. The,· have reported the sale of the h0·u e but to whom is a subject "·hich \Yill be in t ~ restingly auswered '"ithin a few weeks when the ne\\· owner take possession. Wctinesday Testimonial Meeting-S P. :rvr. Subject ,f the Leason Sermon: October 4th-"UNREALITY" READING ROOM--1163 WILMETTE AVE. = .Daily HOURS: (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7 :45 P.M. Saturday 9 A. M. tc;> 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of M&r7 Baker Eddy and · all other authorized Christian Selene· Literature may be re&d, borrowed or purchased. i I FALL'S NEWEST · tn MEN'S SUITS! WHEN you get Clothes made to your eXacting requirements; when you obtain woolens from the finest foreign and domestic looms; when you get the style from the best designer5-you are getting clothe~ of the highest quality. We ha~e jus~ received 1 ·wonderful shipment of the newest .woolens in the latest pattern effects-ready to be made np into Suits and Topcoats for you. ·A t our moderate prices, custom- tailored Clothes are not a luxury-they are, in reality, a necessity. May we expect a visit from you? SCHULTZ & NORD The North Shore's Leading Tailors 1152 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE WILME'ITE 320 ..!

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