Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1925, p. 29

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925 October 2, 1925 WILMETTE ue 111 ... .. -;,. tUl ade of ' ' Promise Sell-outs t Will Join Fraternities at Purple Football Begins Dance Classes . at Illinois University .._ ______________ _, _ Ea r!ier th an· ust·al this season, the Games fior Season list has come of the north shore boys who have been pledged to f ratcrnitics at the Cni,·cr ·ity of Illinois. :T. H. Heuer of G lcncoe. class of 1929, i pleged . Kappa Sigma: V. T. Sanderson of \\'ilmcttl', '29, Phi Kappa Psi; Robert ).f ocllcr, formerly of \Vilmcttc, '29, I hi Kappa Sigma: R. Garretson. \\"ilmettc, '20. Theta Delta Chi; Fred Broughton. \\'ilmettc, '29. Triangle; John Schram, Graham ~farks, \Viimctte. and James Hartman. \Vinnetka a ll of '29, Zeta Beta Tau: Gu Koepke: \ \ 'ilmette, '29, . .~igma Alpha Epsilon: H. H. Fra. er, '28. H. ]. Richards and K. I-1. Do\\·st:. '29, all oi Kenil\\·orth, Delta l:p~ilon; Robert Danly, Kenilworth, '29, Sigma Chi. I LIFE PLEDGED KAPPA DELTA 29 Northwestern chapter of Kappa De lta has announced its fa ll pledges. a numbct· of whom arc we ll known h er e. The list is a s fo llows: \ Vi lda ~1ar t i n , Betty Cart er, Loui c Ruse, ~fyrt l e Torcom, Sybil Schugrau, a ll of EYanston; Ethe l Carlson, Josephine Clement, of Chicago; Dorothy and \Vinifred Leyton, of Fond du lac; Kina Thompson, from Texas; Mi ldred Patterson, 1fargaret Paxton, of Storm Lake, Iowa; Virginia Anderson, of Chicago. 1fr. and ~fr . Harold ~foltcr, 325 'cntral avenue, send word from On· tario that they arc enoying a two "·ceks' motor trip through beautiful Canadian country. \f r. >Od 1SS 00, ate at at11al ::;, Packed stands will greet Nor.th \Yes tern university's footba ll team at all the games to be plavcd this fall according to announcemc;1t made 1)\· Ed~ ward B. Dc.l\·idson, manager ot the ticket sale. :\ever in the his ton· of football at th<.; Purple sthool has· the advance :-ale been so large as it is this / season. The early games ,\·ith South Dakota this 'atunla v and \\·ith Carlton October 10, \\'iii sec practi ally c\·u·y scat on :\orth\\'C!)tern field filled. ~ ~ Exceptionally hca\·y sales for the conference games to be played at Ev, anston and in Chicago arc reported. A capacity cro\nl ,,·ill attend the lndi4 ana game on Octoh<.;r 31 \\'hich ,,·ill he the Kort.h\\·e~tlTn homecoming. Thousands of grad s ha\·e ;tlread,· written for rcscr\'ations 011 that date: Soldier~ Field at Crant Park. Chicago, will he taxl'd to hold the throng~ ·· which ,,·ill he on hand to witness the XortlnYe-.tern-.\1 ichigan game XoYem1... her 7. declare -. .:..1 r. Da\·i(bon. Last J fall the Purple playl'cl :\otrc Dame on the \ame fi~.:ld ancl thou:-.anch \\'ere ~~1r! wd away iro111 tile gTea~ ~tadium . I h1s :--~.:a-.,ou thl· :-.tn·ngtiJ 01 the t\\'0 competing u·anh \\·ill a-.:-ur · another hean· attendance. \\' hen tht.: Yhlting lul;mv ck,·en from :\e\\· Orlean..; llll'l't~ the.: Purple at Stagg field anothn huge cro\';d is expected. Tulane. Ia~t Year champion~ oi the ~outh. ,,·ill come Xorth \\'ith a \Tteran team prepared to giYc t he Purpil' con~idl'ral,lc oppo~ition. "The Crt.'l'll \\.an.:" a-., the Tul:tnc a{..!.·grcgatiC?n i.... · termed throughout 1 . I ti1e ,-,out 1. h anx1~th to put t 1 1c ~ 1 ~H-; un1 (' 1 Tl · 1 1 · · 1 · < tr oar 1 . 11-.t et 1\\'(tllt.: . l l ' ~ ',o,·:-. I ) tll' tot 1IL' nnportancc l_ IIH!lllg on t 1l' 1 1 · I · ' . "tr.ugg L' ;uH .111 on~·:· 1o <1~-.,u~·c ~utfirlt·nt "t·at-. tCir ;til 1t \\·a-. dvc1dcd to :-.tag-t: the ga~ne at ~!a r fi ·II · · ' gg t: < · ,., ~ . f <'Ol.PLE ADOYE REPROACH ' VILL CAH-r.: FOH. YOT.JR HO::\IE DT RIXG R. ).1. Johnston and company re- YUCH. ""l~TER'S ACSEXCE. ".ILL port the rental of the home at lO<J ALSO AH.E FOR A~Y ::\IEl\IBER NOT Fourth street, \ Yi lmettc, to Harn· H. AI.~LE TO LEA YE THE CITY. 0 ·R ~tark. A. L. To:-.!)cll \Yho fon{1erh·· f El· EHEXCES 'VILL PLEASE THE liYcd there, has mo,·cd to 1005 Oak- :\lOST IJTS RDTIXATI~G. APPLY "·ood aYenuc. \\'i lmctte. Ll FE ...-\ -li!-'3. ,~ L' 1' G ladys Hight, hearl oi th<.; school of dancing ,,·hich bear~ her name, in- 1 1 troduc<.:d her cla~ses fo r chi ldren and adu lts at the \\.oman's club oi \\'i lmette this \Yeck. She specializes in the 1 teaching of ba llet, toe, oriental. charactcr, nature. acrobatic. clog and sta).!e dancing. - - - - - -- - - 'r. · f · L' C"'l .· 8?() :1]·-. .\ 1 :-. . u. 1 \\111. _ 1,,. ,c <n'enue. 1 · 1 t ' f J::-ra 11 k (). . 1as as 1cr gue~ . .\ r:-: . ·tl 1 " f I>l 1 0 ~Ill ~ ! 11 :rr~ .· . ~ 'tl 1 . ·.X, . : \ I.·.. I 1'. . .\ ·' ~ 1111 · \t.t cr ~penr1 - 'I ()! \\"111. 1::- a ~~~.cr o 1 .\ r. .ing- ::>l'\·cr<d \'.Tek:-> ir:. \\'ilmettc. :-.hL· ' :II · ·t 1 · · '1 1 1 1 \\I . Yl::--1 . re atl\"l'S .111 o cc o an<.; Peona h<:iorc rcturnm. !.!.· home . I I 1 I ' .. 1 1 · · -o.\lice \\'anl Fro('-.chlt-. daughter oi Dr. and .\Ir~. \\·.F. Froe~chk oi 13() .\[r:-.. ]. \\·. ).lcElroy of Cent<.:n·ille. ). f apl<: an·nm·. j .., attending: L!~cll j Io,,·a, is \·i~iting her ~i . ter, ).[r. . .):. P. l'ohYell of 320 (;rcgory a\-l'lltlt:. -.('lllinary at .-\uhumdalc . .\ I a~:-. HOLLAND BULBS Darwin Cottage, and Earl)r Tulips, Hyacit1tl1s, Narcissi, Croctlses, etc. , of exceptionally fine quality. Order earl)' while assortnze1zt is conzplete. This WinterLive Comfortably at The Orrington E ~ I .\t'll Yl·: . \1~. with of lht· n·al h u t th:lt p····III·· and attt:ntiYe ~l·l'Yice 1 li ,. =-- t t c· u c h fa 11, u nobtru~i \'t· eliminatl·~ re~idt · llt~ of !' u m m ,. r l'lllh~ Hlll1 l'Yl·ry ~ta~·. hontt·~. l'UUlltl'y hou~· · kt·\.·pi 11g can·. shot·t l:tq..!·· hard l't>ll1t· to IH·at hou~l·~. For t h ·· just a PEONIES Best varieties in strong cltn11ps. . . to Tht· 1 ltTi 11g toll fut· w i 11 tt · r. o ,. thL' as a \'ery per- \\ int· ·l' l't>tnfurt. ll··t·t· in a t·lo~.· mallt·nt hnnlt ·, Tht· I >tTing·- coz~· rootn nt· ton a!'!'Ut'l · ~ best suitt ·, !111 d to shops ~· ou and will in goo<l o 11 l ;.- liYin~· . Immediate transp<·t·tation l:t ·autiful plva~ant PERENNIALS PHLOX and IRIS in Vigorous, Field-Grown Plants. New and choice sorts. Send to-day for our catalogue. r v a I w in t L' r h ~1 p pi rw ~ s l'Ut't'ounding~, as a. lim itt· d n u m h t- r of a e eo 111 n H.>< I a tic !Its an· a\' a i 1abho. Yisit u · or n·st'l·Yations an· urg·t·<l th.· sociabi l ity of I I. I I Tel. University 8700 GJM ORRINGTON EVANSTON··~LLINOIS ~ · FRANKEN BROTHERS, Deerfield, Ill. VISITORS WELCOME EVANSTON'S LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL

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