Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1925, p. 34

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34 W I L 1\1 E T T E LIFE October 2. 1\J5 Oct FIELDBALL NEW SPORT North Slzore Vets High School Girls Add New Feature to Activities and Design Year's Program Fieldhall. a g am e n e w to X e w Tri e r hi g h ~ ch oo l. " :ill h e a fe atttr l' o f g irl ~' athletic~ a t till' ~ch oo l thi s fall. ac cording to th e a 111 io un ce mcnt hy ~fi !>\s ~fay P. F ogg, head o f th e g irls ' phy sical culture d e partm e nt. }.{i ss Fogg h~ s outlined a n ambiti o us prog ram for her charges and exp ec t s to, make it a big year for tiH' girl a thlet e. of th e schooL Field hall is a conwma tion of ba sket ball. hurlball. and soccer. It will take the place of volleyball thi s year, followed by the u sual program, soccer, hockey and swimming. New test s and new charts are being planned. The Red Cross te sts will be gi \·en as u sual. During the winter there will be basketball games and swimming meets, and a new feature-an indoor meet. Thi s will he held between the gym cJasses and will .contain such events as apparatu s ,york, relay s and comic race s. Track. ha s chall. and tennis will take up the attention of the girl s' gym de partment during the Spring. ~f i ~s Fogg hope s to carry out thi s whole program though a s \ 'l't it is onh· a plan. · ~f r s. A. Keller of Ouray, Col., ha s been spending thi s w e ek a s a gue s t at the home of her son and da ughtrr . in -law, 11 r. and Mr s. C. A. Keller of 821 Grl'cnwood a Yenue. Mr. Keller Yisitcd French Lick Sprin gs la st week. 0- of Spa1zish War to Hold Get-together Evan ston Camp ~ T o . 57. e nit c(! Spani s \1 \Va ·· : ctc :·;:m_ !.:. :: iii ,'10!(: . <. g e t - t ogether d m nc i. ctt t h e i\o~ tl! :-;b o re h o t c ; , :·.. :t· ..':u: ·1 :c :, <.. ~ ning , O ctobt ·· !.). ,·..Jcb, ;.t i11~· ··c o pening of thc ·i:· 111 , .. h t·a clc JPflrlc:. . th e s un pa rJ o 1 ,, 1 111, . 1 0 1 ,:~. 1l fJiv· · :o f th e Illin oi :- :- l· t· ti 111 ,;· ,· 11 ··r.:.! :!:': za tion toge th er " it J1 ;, 1;. 1r :.h 1 -ja;-;~ , 11 · r e cruit.s \Yill l, t ~- 1 H :- \ :- 1 , ( 1 ht 1;; 111 , 1, at thi s dinn v 1 . \ lll()Jl .!.! ·· · 1 H·kiv . ·· -...-! 11 , will be mu s tered into the camp after dinn e r arc Ge n. Frank S. Dick son , former adjutant general of Illinoi s, Lieut. A. E. Geb e rt, Dr. 13. }.{. Conley and oth e r well known re sident s o1 th e nort h shore. T~ l i S ca.mp ha be e n in exi stence 'j si;1cc 1911! and ror . ~. iong tim,c ha s m e t <~ t ~ he ofh ce o f \\ IIIam IL S cott, 1911 ( , · : ·2.1 ·tr e et , Evan s ton . . . . . ... , . . SMART COATS~ Fi11 T~ = The stnarte. t looking r oa t" o( the day are 110\\' bein g "hown at the don cent Unique Style Shop 1126 Central Ave., Wilmette wcel the ~ ed t 1026 . \: .: n c \n s hlllg. fut thcr pat tt cttl ctr:, ._: ... t·~·;a rd to th e dmner can g e t th e m :r1,;· Jo hn, 0. Hannawalt, 2025 Darrow J ~van s tOt·l, th e prc sc n; com 1 :t' t.:lt lll', ji.n a n ck r , or fr~m D. ] . ~Blaauw, ad Jlll "l l i · 619 Davi s s tre e t, lwan ·ton. 1 J'hcy're Ranging In Pri ce f rotn '$35 to $225 We defy you to duplicate these coats elsewhere at our prices. rene at 71 toG at 8! ~ind ram i rent1 aven .Bed Jose ing M B a ld in C Mr. and 1frs. Lon Be c kford of the Lin.dcn Cre s t apartment~ departed in their car Sun da v to dri\·e to Florida where they wit( pas s the winter c ;~~ son. It Tunes Through Everything ) ""Sirable as individuality in a hon1e is distinction in a motor car. .................... new Sup C' r-Zt>nith is NOT r It i.s a six-t uhe Ret wit a new uniQUt' and really differt:' 1t patt-nted circuit controlled exclusivt' lY by tht' Z(' ni th Radio Corporation . For the firHt time, you have he.re a set that1-tune. throug-h ._.·n·rythhag and sel(·< ·ts tlw station you· really want. 2- requir 'S only hl·o hand~ not thrt· to operate. 3- bi·ing-s in each station ut only " 1 l'here i this to be said for the Reo Roadster. No other car resemling it can be found on streets or ighways. · H' g-(' , · ra.ti ve. EO ROADSTER Priu $1665 -~ ont> Jtolnt on the clial. · eo Evanston Co. I I(' I Cl'licago Ave. · t 4-affords such math matical precision and simplicity that you can ru.n over the t.' ntire dial in llh mmutes and pick up uaore st~ tions with greater clarity a1.J volume than any other set on th market. Direct comparisons invHed. Univ. 6194 "Bu, · Where Service Is Han4y" ·,. See it in Our Display Room HORNER PIANO CO. EstabliJ/zcd· 1907 1521 Sherman Ave., at Grove St "Horner,s Corner" Opc11 Tuesday, Thursday ami Saturda}' Evenings Greenleaf 464 l ~ If .,..

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