Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1925, p. 38

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38 WILMETTE LIFE October 2, 1925 ... . ·~ 9 Tltree Artists Will Give Program That Ope11s Woman's Club The \\"oman' s club of \Vilmette will inaugurate its. srason October 7, with a reception to its new officer : Mrs. K. P. <.. oh,·ell, president; Mrs. Hayes ~fcKinney, first vice president; Jvfrs. Gt~ orge \\·. Kibby. second vice president: Mrs. Arthur }. Dixon, third· vice president; :Mrs. J. \V. Fisher, Jr., recording s<.'cretary; 1frs. Ralph T. Huff, corresponding secretary; Mrs. David L. Ander. on, treasurer. Following the recepti-on there will he a musicale given hy Glenn Drake tenor; Goldie Gross, cellist. and Miss Leba Rosenthal. reader. Glenn Drake is vne of the most popular tenor soloists in Chicago. His beautiful tenor voice has given him a place in the musical world and the club is delighted to have him appear again on a program. ~f iss Gross is a very talented young cellist, who has hecn soloi t with the Chicago Ci,·ic orchestra and has played before many clubs with marked success. Miss Leba Rosenthal is a reader with a promising iuture. and she is a real artist, with a genuine love and enthusiasm for her work. ·wilmette Doctor Weds New Trier Senior Girls in Winnetka Recently Give Fete. for Freshmen Ann'0 unccment has been made of the marriage of :\fiss Vi,·ian Eugenia Ricksecker, daughter of 11r. and 1frs. Clyde E. Ricksccker of Chicago, to Dr. George Frederick Eisenbrand, son oi :\Irs. Doris Eisenbrand of 1360 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods, eptember lR. at 5 :30 o'clock at Community House, Dr J. Vv. F. Davies reading the wedding service. A reception followed at the Edgewater Beach hotel. The bride and groom left immediately for a motor trip through the Ea. t. On their return, Dr. and Mrs. Eisenbrand will be at home at 2537 0 Prairie avenue, Evanston. ~Irs. HOLDS BENEFIT BRIDGE The Eastern Star en tertaine<.l at a card party \ r edne:-day at the home of ~r r:- . c. H.. J I all, 111 I ,;ndt.:n avenue. About iS " L'rl' present. The party \\·as ior the bene ft t of the organ fund for t h I 11 (.' \\' ~1 a~onic temple. -0~ of the senior class at the 1\: e\\· Frier high school gan; a party for the ire:-.hmen girls la:-.t Tue:-clay aiternoon. A b o u t 200 f r cs h 111 e n g j rl s at t c n de d t h e party, which \Yas sponsored by Miss Lulu \\.right, and about 100 senior girls acted cts hostes ses. The purpose of the party \\'as to afford an opportunity for the ne\\' girls to become acquainted with ea h other and' \'. ·ith the older pupils. (~iris (" ~ ·[ a p -':' -.. .. ... ').Jr. and · f r:-. Charles X. Ramsey, who. \\·hile n.sidents of \\' ilmette, resided at 1517 JJighland avenue, have mo\·ed to the Library Plaza hotel in Evanston. tl a · 'I n F " ~ I .b :-. 1 : C. C. Uitchell has rented her You Can Get Very Latest Volumes at Our Library \: l'\\. hook~ n·ceivcd at the \ \.ilmette Public 1ihr rv recentlY include the fol lo\Ying: "~usiH·nsc..." h~,. Conrad: "\Vhat a ~fan \Vants." O'Brien: "Northern Light-..." . Pa rkcr: "\ ·cnl't ian CIa"' Xl·phe\\·." \\.Yiie: "En·n ·man'-.. Crc·nius." Austin: "Sottl's Sincere ·Desire." Clark: "Prinripk-.. of . Sociology," Ro.;;s; ··~uhurhan Trend." Douglass: "Automobile H.<·pairing," Elliot: "TTo\\· to Tell the F;t:-.hion-.. from the Follies." Ducr: "C.cniu:- of ~tyle," Dro\\'nell; "Tlandhook on Story \Yriting," \Villia 111 s: "Dcn·lopmen t o i t ht· .:\ 111nira n Short ~ton·." Pattee: "Tanitor\ BO\· ·· r a nc : '· \\; 11 a t '-; () ·r I n d~ :.. L 0 n·ll : D ~· finition..;," Can!~·: ").[odl'-.. ;111cl ).forals," C.crottl<l: "\.iews and Hn·ie\\·s," Henley: "\\.ith r.~m-renn· in Arabia." Thoma:--: "The CowbO\·," ()'Rollin: "Ha,,·aii." Pope: "C.crm.am·." Gooch: "Hi..,tory of ~pain." ( hapma·n; "!Iiston· of France.·· Da,·i..,. . home at 814 Linden avenue to resiclent:; of California and left \Vilmette the lf\tter part of this week. She expected to spend a short time in hicago beion· going away for the winter. Although 1vlrs. Mitchell's destination was indefinite, she was tentatively planning to spend part of the time \vith her :> uunger son who is in Oregon, and part with her son at Harvard. -o-Dr. 11auue B. 1IcKcrchar oi 102-t Central avenue is Jeaying tomorrow for a fortnight's sojourn in Kansas City and Excelsior Spring~. I a t GORHAM SILVER The Gorham Co.. the foremost silverware manufacturers in America. have chosen us as their exclusive agents for the north shore. and we are in . a position to furnish you with any pattern. We can match any silverware: no matter what make or how old ir is, just bring it tn. Old si lver repaired and replatcd. made to look like new. All work is guaranteed. DOMIN IC PAGLIARULO I 166 Wilmette Ave. Jeweler f1 Optician Wilmette 1o61 ~~~*~*********~***~~~·~ · · · · · · · · ·. · · · · · · · · ·. ·. · · · · · · · · · · · ·· ·~· · ·· · · · · · · ·llf· ·T· ·~· ·· · ·~· Paint isn't an e x p ense-~. it 's a n in vest ment. I Alice Fjellnzan is opening the ~ W - - - - - · -- - - · CLUB DINNER -DANCE Although St'\'C-ral affairs of social import haYe been gi,·en at the Ouilmette Country club since it reopened i'ts door:- after a month of redecorating and fl' l.lOvatir)H, the forma l opening for the \\'lllter season occurs Saturday, October 10, with a dinner-dance. \\'ant ttl varni sh the bed (lr paint the furniture. Peter \\·ill pruw ttl he your cheeri ttl hdper. help you pick c,ut and poli. hes Come in anu \'Otl lll·:'l'JI f·:R ALICE BEAUTY SHOP iornll'rly the \\' innic ~hop l{idg~ ~\Ye. and Schiller ~t. Open ior Dusincs · MONDAY, OCT. 5TH -oREADING CIRCLE TO MEET The Reading circle will meet with ~Irs. ~hl'lhy ~1. Singleton of 1104 Fore~t a ,·e n ue, 11onday, October 5. On this occasion 11rs. J. Melville Brm,·n will gr\·e an intere-;ling accou~~ t of · her trip around the world. from \Yhich :-he has n·cently rl'turned. s ~1iss UNBUR. T' if not remo,·ed, We Sold Your Friend's House YOU'RE NEXT Phone toug-hens the skin. Freckles and other stgns of a glorious Yacation arc not beautiful in the \vin ter. I ~ct us give you some kin treatlnents t10\\. before the \Yinter season begin . 1Irs. Fjc1ln1an specializes tn HOT OIL SCALP TRE~\Tl\1ENT. You are inYited to give us a trial. \Vinnie \Yill retnain \vith 1ne and \vill he glad to take care of her old. as \Yell as new cu. totners. 1304 Wilmette A. J. WOODCOCK MRS. CLOVER FJELLMAN Manager 35 YEARS' EXPERIENCE

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