Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1925, p. 39

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October 2, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE VAUDEVILLE 39 THE HOWARD For next Sunday, October 4, the Howard theatre. will feature the film called "Go Straight" with Owen 11oore and Gladys Hulette starred. On Monday and Tue sday, October 5 and 6, ~Iilton Sills will be seen in "The ~fak ing of O'Malley." On Wednesday and Thursdav D. W. Griffith's latest epic of the circus, "Sally of the Sawdu st," with Carol Dempster and W. C. Fields in the chief roles will be the attraction. And for the week-end feature, Friday and Saturday, the Howard will present H. B. \Valthal in "Kentucky's Pride." ere ability Baldi sing :M ack and that falls fairly well. dominate his act. a song or two V,era Velmar try short although Cari and and Neil a sketch he sings ,.. (" ·-':' ·I 'fill Neighboring Theaters 11 Reviews of the Week By Thespian .:11 ajestic A vaudeville bill above the average greeted patron~ at the ~1ajestic this \n:ek. Heading · it \\· c.b Duke Kamakua and h is group of entertainers, lla waian!'> " ·ho play ~tringed instrunH:nts and do it ,,. ·II. Assisting them i~ a young lady who is quite expert in the natiYe dances of the sunnv · J t:-.lands. \\'a m sley and Keating, long time iaYoritcs, are hack with their iunny patter act and the crowd liked thc·m immensely. A quartet disgui sed under the title of "At's Here" brought hack memories of pre- Volstead day s \\·hile Hickman Brothers were also in evidence with their old sketch about the old time one night stand. Keil ~I cKinl cy, one of the be st of the origina! "nut" comedians was also on the bill. Xeil ha s di scarded much of hi s iorlller material and make s the mistake 0 / l ~ tting a "song plugger" of medic(·. _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ : . _ _ _ ··. . .. . ~ ._ ,. .. ~ . .. ... · VILLAGE THEATRE "The Lost \\' orltl," Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's great imaginative masterSTAGE piece; will ·he ~hown at the Village theatre Monday, Tuesday, \\"eclne:-.day ({SKV-IJIGII" and Thttrs·,la _,., ()ctol)er ::::. > 7 atlll P. 0 ... " TVith l t 'if lie 1fml'ard \\'it h it ,,·i ll be s hown 11onda,· and Tucsdav. a comedY and a Pathe- new:> Schllbt 1't 01-smpic reel, a11d \Vednc sclaY and Thursday a The Olympic theatre. long a landPathe revie,,· and ;u1 Aesop's Fable. Jmark on Chicago's Rialto. is now the "The Lctst \\'o rld" ha s a notable cast Shubert Olympic. .t\e"· paint and new "·hich includes Bessie Love, Le\vi s chairs have worked_ wonders. One Stone, Lloyd Hughe s, \Vallace B ee r y, would hardly. rec.ogmze the old place Bull ).1 ontana and others. · . where vaudevtpe. burle sque and what Friday and Saturday "Kivalina of the not reigned for so many years. Ice Land s," a film of the Arctic, will To o pen it in style the ~f e~s r s. .be shown for the first time on the north t ~hubert have brought "Sky-] Iigh" and ~hore. \Vith it will be shown a Harold \\'i llit· HO\\·anl from ~e,,· York and Ll oy d comedy revival. "Kever \\'eak en" the crowd . . Tllilling arou nd th e spacio us an d a Pathe news reel. "Kivalina of Randolph street lob by indicate a wise the Tee Land s" ~ s a real pict_ure _of. t_ he c_h_oice. ).Jr. !i O\\·ard, ~.rr(JUCntly idcnnorth, an amaztng s tory ot prm11t1ve! tthed as the "tunny one ot the Howard liie under the northern light:-.. All of ! Bro ther :-> oi \\ 'int er Carden and vau Newell & Retchm the actor:-. arc l·:~kimos and tliO~t oi ' deville Lune. dolllina.te s th e proceedings " T h e House of Harmoa7D the sce ne s were taken near the Yillage through three act:-;, \\·or\..::-, hard and I of Koogalook. which i ~ onh· about canH·~tlv and is entitled to the exl.llOO mile s irom the north pol~·. t~· n:-.ive ·prai:-.e .his a_udience g_ive~ .. H r 1 . . mgs so ngs m . l11.s ?"·n mdtv1dual , Continuous THE NEW EVANSTON manner. docs an tlllttatton or two Every Day-2:15 to 11:1' N. W. "L" Station at Howard I ack J Jolt and ::\oah Bt·cry fini-..h a I>O\'e t I1e an.-rage anc 1 I1andles a run - th~ir L 'n.l (agcmcnt in "\\'ild. 1 fDr ... e ning line oi <.:Oillt·dy in a manner de- I ~1 e ... a .. ; 1t the ::\ew J-:yan-,ton thea tre cidedly :-. upcrior to the us ual type oi \ !i'untlay Oct. -t Satttrday. ()ctohcr J. Jewi sh COilH.'dian. 1 : .. -.:1. ll' 1 ., · · 1 · l I I Owen Moore-Gladys Hulette On ~fnnda\ ·, Tttt·-..cl;t,- and \\.l'dlll'"',,r.:y- tg 1 ~:-. . typ tca mu stca com- ~ ~!ay next. ti_J~· .fca~un·,-.PiCttJrc . \\ill he cc_l)> preten ~io_~~-..l y pr::ct~tcd: r~·: plot in Prt"tty Ladtt·.., \\'lth 10111 ~loon: and ~l.b ~o do \\Ith a c,t:-.c ot m~:-.tak cn , "GO STRAIGHT" /.ant Pith . . tarred. l tdcnttt~· \\'hereb y_ a l~arber a:-;:-.mne.s the i : .-\nd ior tilt· Ja ... t ' oi th e \n-el~ Rc g i- role o! a marqut s \nt.h the u:-.ual con 1t:ald Dcnn _,. ,, ill .1·~· ~~'t'll _in } 11 ~ Ja_te..,t ~dy. re:~!lt> . ·::-. _m :h~c ;_d .c0~1:cd~· ~J!, ,t_.., I : 'loncln~· nntl Ttu'stlny 1t 11 11 ... u r n . . , . . . ·( a It 10 r nt a ~ t r a n.d 1t go tt ~:-. t 11 t 1 r ( I) :-. ,t t t. , tn c to t ) ~ 111 c t' t t : o d. ;') :a n cl H .\hv:td ." Thi-. J·icture ,,·ill he at tlw 1a llm\·s ample tinle for numnott:-. SOi l!.! . . 1 . Milton Sills :\:l'\\ l:.,.a 11 ... t()ll T J1ur-..da)·. Fr id:t)· an d , <11: d mor~_nu.meroth (Ltn_cc:-.. :\ ch(l rtb ~ :ttu rcla\·, (Jrt ohn ~ .. <)and](). \\.ith ~~ ~.-=--~>~lll'.-J.~trb ;u:d,,hal t a .... man~·,! J(I\::-. = in ,. " !l l I w ... hr " · 1, a (_ t·n tun· cnnw<h·. t t 1 .t.t.tll l) ku·p t 11ln_.., 1IJonng . I ht 11 I "THE MAKING 1 - - ____ ·_ tratntn)..!· ha-.. bt'\.'11 exct·lkn~ .tnd i1 1 1= OF O'MALLEY" THE HOYBURN I d_i\·i_dually they excel t n ~) ... t _oi thl.·· ~ · · ·· · · · I ..,111111 a r g r n 11 p... y () tt kt \' e ... c l' 11 n t n· c v 11 t I 1 .. J, ;.t~.tllr ·tl~l. (,r,.f.flth b 110\\. pla)·tnl( 111 ! t.ll·~tlt!l .... li it':-. rbnt·in.:..:: yo11 \\;tilt. ll· ·;·l.· ,= \\t·dnt·sd:t~· :uul 'l'hnr!<idny Ill'.., .\ I rt11L' L' at tllv ll n) burn thl'a - tt !" tll pka-..11r;thk ahundanr . .· ~ : <h·t. 7 nntl s tr ...·.. ,. . . . . I .-\ . . . i..,ting ~~ r. llu\\ arrl in hi-.. t'Jl-' I Carrol Dempster · I· or tht · ft:·:-.t ot tll'Xt -"·cck. hcg111- <ka\·()r ... are :-.ttch \\Til kntl\\'ll people = n_tll~ }.l _ond;t~. ( lrt<~hvr :'1. the attrac- 1 a-, C()nchi'a Jliquvr. [ . . abclla ) ; 0 ,~; 1 , 1 · in t to11 ' ' t}.l l_>t' a II 1m called "\ \'hite .I ol,ln Uuinlan and Fl nrt·nz :\tnt· s. 'SALLy of the SAWDUST' ~lonkey ,.\\~th !Ltrha ra' L_t ).farr icaI : turt·< l. I ht-. tea tu re \\til r :)lttinue th rough \\'edn~·:-d;t_\· nig·ht. .\ Ce_nFr·idny nntl Saturtluy 10 t_tt r)· con1vdy \\d! al-.o be :-.h0\\11 \\tth · , Ch't. Hand 1t 1 · H . B. Walthall . Tltur:-.da). Frida~· and ~a turday ?f lu next \\Tck the I loyhurn tt·atttre \\·til , 1 he ~~ akoltn ~f rC.n·gor and Eleanor : "KENTUCKY'S PRIDE!' B?ardutan in "The Circle." \\ 'it h it , I wtll he shown a Buster Brown comeAll ~orth Shore Trains Stop at d\·. · Howard I I I 0 WAR . Read the Want Ads ·1 I New.CampuS Fountain Square Evanston Cont. from 1 :30 to 11 P. M '.n :lll ,- i ~ I' 1 I tl I! ~~ .t :\Iunday antl 'l'ueHday John Golden's Triumph "LIGHTNIN'" .\tldt·tl H .\Hn \ - L .\X(;nox "Remember When" \\'t·thH'sdny "KIVALINA OF THE ICELAND" \\ ith . \ n .\.It Star Cast lli - ~'I'EH 1 i i I ~- ! i i I ~! h.E .\'1'0:\' In a Roar from the Riot Squad Thursday anti Friday "PARISIAN NIGHTS" Mack Sennett Comedy SuturtlnyBuck Jones in "THE TIMBER WOLF" ('onu·dy- Fnhlt·- S(lOrtllgltt Jlutinee Only-··Piny Ball." 'l'hls iH n 1 I R ea d t h e W ant Ad s I ·... . ._.(,._. (~,..._....._., ._. , .._. ( ~ ( ~.._. ( ..._. { . ·~ I ~~ ~ ~ 1 I I I !I I ,- I I 1 0 . For THE next NEW~MPUS :\f on day an<l I I I I tl Tuesday. Villag Jh tr Your Heome Theeaatre e Koppel lUn~ngl~g Director Evenings, 7:30 and 9:00 Matinee, Tues. 8:10 :uon., Tue8., \\·t·d., nod Thurs. s·ar A rt h ur C onan D oy I e ' s "LOST WORLD" Also, Pntbe Xt·n·s, I·nthe Re,·it·n·. 11,nhles utul Etluentional Comedy. y~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEW THE 1 Greater lUo~·le Theatre October and (), the management of II the ::\c\\.5 Campth theatre will offer Frank Bacon's record-breaking stage success " ·ith ] ay II unt as "Lightin' Bill J one:-," as pre sen ted on the screen by \\rilliam Fox. It is a ] ohn Ford production. "Kivalina of the Icc Lands," the film story of love, deYotion and peril in the shadow of the Korthern Lights, will be shown at the New Campus on next \ \' cdncsday. It is said that this picture has scenes showing the beauties of the Korthern Lights which are distinctly wortln\'11ile in them elves. For the SaturdaY attraction the K ew Campus will offer Buck ] ones in a th r· lling film called "The Timber \ Volf." the romance of a man both feared and loved. H_.ARmembers IT ALlAN CONCERT Twenty of the Korth Shore 1\lusical society hdcl the first meeting of the year last Monday at the home of Mrs. Truitt at Deerfield. A number of guests were also present and enjoyed an <>xcellent program of Italian music. Coffee was served after the music and the program for the vear outlined by .M rs. ] ean McSh-ane chairman of the program committee. ' 1 EVANSTON Now J 8 HOYBUBN :Xow Playing Raymond Griffith in · I"»Jaylng I I I I Jack Holt, Noah Berry in "WILD HORSE MESA" ('outing Jlondny "HE'S A PRINCE" Con1lng ~londny I 1 I Tom Moore and Zazu Pitts in "PRETTY LADIES" .\lso Comedy "The Cloudy Romance" ('otning 'l'hurstlny Reginald Denny iu Barbara LaMarr in "WHITE MONKEY" .\.IHO Century Comedy "KIFVriAclnLyiNtn·A·l ~OattF·rcl;TayHE I Com iug 'l'h u rHd n y Malcolm McGregor Eleanor Boardman in ICELAND" on tbe north Also, Hnrohl Lloyd in Hhore. "Xe,·er ' "cnkcn," nnd Pathc FlrMt sbowlng XewH. "CALIFORNIA STRAIGHT AHEAD" Century Comedy "THE CIRCLE" nnd Jlustt·r JJrown Con1etly Daily Shows at 2, 4, 7 and 9-SatiU'day Continuous 2 to 11 P. M.

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