Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1925, p. 43

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October 2, 1925 WILMETTE NEXT WEEK IN WILMETTE (Recorded at the Chamber of Commerce office). · friday, October 2 7 :30 p. m. \Vilmette chaiHer, R. A. 1f ., Ma:,onic hall. . 8 p. m. \Vilevansbrook Encampment, 1\o. 177, I. 0. 0. F. Odd Fellow~ hall. Monday, October 5 8 p. m. Regular meeting, Chamber of Commerce, Village hall. 8 p. m. .Ouilette. court No. ~48, Catholic Daughters of Amenca, ·at St. Joseph's parish house. Tuesday, October 6 12:15 p. m. Luncheon, \Vilmettc Optimi t club, at Lake Shore Terrace. Wednesday, October 6 12:15 p. m. Luncheon, \Vilmette Rotary club, at Guilmette Country club. Thursday, October 7 7 :30 p. m. \\Tilmette Lodge No. 931 A. F. & A. 11. :Masonic hall. 8 p. m. A. T. Sherman Lodge, No. 892, I. 0. 0. F. Odd Fello\YS hall. Friday, October 8 7 :30 p. m. \\'ilmette chapter, R. A. 11. Masonic hall. \\' eek of October 4-10-Fire Prevention \Veek. man, at h('r home at 204 :'\inth strN:> t ' next Tu<·s<la\'. Tu(·sda~· ~\·<·ning- Roos~·,·elt Troop :'\o. ~ will nH·<'t at lwa<lquarter::;, at 7:1 1. Ewart Coo~ s ou tmast ·r. LIFE 43 I. H e N. U. Star Directs Recreational Work at Wilmette Church Harold \\'hit c, star half-hack of tl 1c No rth\..\·e tern university fo0tball sq uad, has been secured as director of recreationa l activities at the \ \'ilmetfe Presbyterian chur'ch. He has been secured for this work in the parish through the instrumentality of the Men's club of the church. Mr. White, ,vho is a three-letter man at Northwestern, has consented .to take complete charge of all the recreationa~ activities of the young people in the parish and, in addition. will direct Boy Scout work, and devote two evenings a week to work of instruction in the gymnasium of the social activities building of the church. White, who hails from Boise, Idaho, has compiled an enviable record since coming to !\orthwestern. His football career is well known, bringing him into the public eye as the running mate of the famou~ Ralph "Moon" Baker. He has also starred in basketball and baseball. The e achievements, combined with his pleasing personality and special Y. M. C. A. training, are thought to fit him i~.leally for the work among the young people of th e communit\·. Another announcement from the recreational department of the church is to the effect that Homer \\'e ton, physical director at the Evanston Y. :M. C. A. i:- taking an active interest in the plan of the Presbyterian ~len's club and " ·ill a . . :-.i~t Director \\'hite in mapping out the "·inter program for the variou-.. groups. :\fr. and :\lr:-. Alfred Hirsch, 716 Gn·en ,,·ood a \'l'l1 uc. ha \'(.' left for a trip aJ,roa<l. A.ll truly home made fudges, caramels, toffee, cocoanut kisses . .... PATSY ANN CANDIES 115 9 Wilmette Ave. Opposite Movies Only 75c a pound Kranz' Hard Candies Phones Wilmette 2600-01, 721 Main St. . Wilmette, Ill. IMotors Service, l~e·l Everything for the Autotnobile . ,. .. .: 7' WINTER STORAGE For those cars that come in for \Yinter storage before \Yinter \viii be $15.00. I I ~ovetnber .. 1 t, the n1onthiy rate through the l?()r those that con1e in after X oven1 bet 1 t the rate.\Yill be $18.00. Congregational Church . \. Llo.\'0, nlinist('r is 1~:111~ · d:n·. ThP c·n1it··· <'hlll 'l·h s i'!JIJol \\· ill l't· iurn t11 th·· !1 : ;{11 ht·Ul' f.,t · llll · · · lin~·. J·:a, ·h C']:ls~ \\' :lilts : t 1 tJtl Jwt ·ct · llt n · ~·~·rd for this first t't·~lll:tt' Sullcla,·. :11111 :rt l1 ·:tst onf' Xt·'d Sund:1~ · !It ' \\. St· · Plll·n Tht · fl'atun· of th ·clm·sclay n:g-ht I sc·rvict· will be an addt·~·ss hy thv pas -~ tor <~II "Th1· l'ropt.·r Approach t11 Our ·\nnual :\l1.·1 ·ting·. " Th(ls(· in attt·tHl:tlH' t' will Lt· gi\'t· n opportunit~· fc,r tll· ·' 1·:-:pn·ssion of \'it·ws an<l . . a.sl,;ing- (If questions JWrtitlf'llt to th1s .tmportant occasion. Th·· \\·~· dnl.'s<la~· n1ght S··rvi···· is alwa~·s a lllt ·t.· ting of clt· \·otioll a11d inspirati<·n . 1-:vt·n 1111·111111 ·1· pf th· · parish is in\'it ·d. Thu1·scl:t\' anrl Frida~· t lw East ('ir('l· · wili t'OrHluc·t a J~ttllllll:l!.~t· :r 1 t II·· Et'ononry Shop. E11'l sal · 'y J. C. Slown A. B. Van Deus en .,, (~ f f n11 ·11rho ·t· . Tho · att· · Itd:lltC'I ' la~d Sunda ,. was ::fl!t. \\.t · mu~t g ·o wa~· aht ·ad · ttf that "It l~all~· tla~· . Tho · .llllli(Jt ' ctHtgTt ·c-ation "·ill asst·n1ldt · f(Jt ' i~t ' lll't·al wc,rship at ltt :::n wh· ·Jt: i 11 J-\ 1 · 1 · Jl j II ~ \\ j t lJ t }J \' I ' 11 t h \1 S i :t ~ Ill I ol Hal]\· rl:t\, ::\1 i~s Louist· :'.lt ·t·holcl. lH·ad of tiw .. ;ltl<':ttional work in tlw <;iris' ~('hop] in l'it·nning-, "hina. will <ll·- li\·( · t· t h1· adtlt·N.;s. Tht> spirit nf Hally <lay will llf' <'arrit·d still furth~·r in :\It·. Llo~· crs f"l· r111011 at 11 o'dnck Wh1 · n ht· will Jll't ·:\ 1 '11 on "Tht· Tt>st of Fellow~hilJ... Thi~ will hf' the ftn;t Comml}nion sinct · tl.w vacation st·ason, ancl lll'\\' lllt'Jnllt·t·s wtll be r ·ct·ivetl into Fel1owship. ( lvtolH· r liH·I·ting· of \\· ill l>· · lH·ld bo·- I This is thv first 1 lltt ··· ting- at whkh :\!1·s . l't · rr~· . th1 · 111 · \\ pn·sidt·tlt, will pn.::-:idt·. Tlw prog-ra111 b in charg-1· of th1· ~lis~..;innary dt ·panlll1'11t. awl lunch ·on "ill lw S( ·n ·v<l h~· t ht · Cusy Corner < "i rl'l1·, ::\Irs. A. F. , l'lunllt·r, <'h:tinnan . Ladit·s ar, · l't · quv~tt·<l t<t hrint:: t himrllvs ancl llt·· ·dlt ·s . Friclav th·· 1 hv "'ur1l:U·l·s <iuil1l g i rtllillg at JO:::n :1 . 111. c Ill I Tlw Sunday En·ninl..( eluh will 11<·g-in its (·lev~ nth st·a~on at 'j :3o p. 111.. with a presentation uf Eclg-ar A. <;~H·st. internationally known wit and philosopher, as speakt.·t·, and :\I iss <; Iadys .·wartout, youngf'st mE:'mbcr. of t lw Chicago Civic opct·a, : s sol<.nst. On Monday Mrs. H. G. Wilber will entertain the East En<l Circle at luncheon at her hom e at ' 33 Chestnut avenue. 1\Irs. Cameron and ::\Irs. Broughten will assist. Thf' member of the eircle are requestE:'d to hE> pri.'Hcnt at 1 o'clock. Mrs. l\1. H. "·<·~t is chairman. The W. C. T. U. will meet at 2 p. m., Monday, with Mrs. 'Villiam J. arey, 883 Oak street, Winnetka. The speaker is to be 1\irs. J. Klineop, and her su.bject will be, "Relief and Flower :\11Ssions." Mrs. B. G. Callaway, Mrs. J. A. Born:-amp, Mrs. G: F. Iliff, and Mrs. H. 'V. Caldwell will assist l\lrs. F. G. Ho~r ber in entertaini11g- the CrE>scent Cu·cle, of which Mrs. E. S. Band is chairYour clothes washed free if you rin1 us For ' Quality and Service Call or Phone Genthner's Market 1145 Wilmette Avenue Opposite Post 0 fficc Phone 2814 Electrical Repairing Radio Sets and Supplies Eveready "B" Batteries Music Master Loud Speaker& Base Plugs Installed Fine Line of Lighting Fi~tutea . E As '-.~ Vacuum Electrid - - WASiiER WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK It will be of interest to every housewife in .Wiltnette. 4Jrer Phone Wilmette I 040 F. W. MOORE 523 4th St. Adams Electric Shop Fourth Street Wilmette 2837

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