Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1925, p. 44

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WILMETTE LIFE hol<l th e ir Chil!ll'l'l1'H "At'l'('pting· October · 2, }<>5 · :iltl\·t ·oy Scoll Thun;<1:.tt: to !Jl'r :-., al 7 >I G. <·Y ·nin:~. -·-·-· St John'·s Lutheran \\'ilmt'ttt· an<l !'ark a\'t'llUI'S, \\"i ltnetlt' llt· t·m:l n \\'. ~tp:-· er. :'11. A. pa:::;tor t tlll I 't·a i t'it.' a ,. ,,nul'. Tt·lt·phone 1396 C'hlll't'h tt>lt>ph<)Jh' 3111 ~E ll\ J ('E ~ t 111lance an<l many new enrollnH:·lltl';. Tlw Primary school will ass ml>l~.: next ~utHln ,. a~ 'usual at !I :4;) in the ..,lull Iloiu·H: antl tlw .lunior school at tlH' samt· hour in the ehut·ch. Tlw ""ilmvtte ~UlHla~ · En·nin~· club OJH ·ns ~UtHlay cvt·ning. <letoiH·t· I, at i::W o'd..ocl-:, with l·:tlg-ar A. (;nt·;-;t, th e wvll l\n c wn po ·t, a~ ~JH·:1kt ·l". Call To C'hrist." The young !WOP le w i 11 rall~· meeting at ;) :30 in haiL Tlw topic will be Christ --l 1klit' \'t.·." !': -t ;-, .·\ . . :\l. First :::;<'rvict· an·l se rn'lon . ll :00 . \ . :\f. ~ ·co tHl ~1' 1'\'iC't. ) 1 :llO A. ~I. Hecotul HerYit'P Holy Com- !1:30 A. :\f. class('S. ~litHia:-· school and l~illlt Baptist Church munion. :\11 tlH·::o;t · <l1·siring- to n \c t·iYt· tlw Sacr:lJnt.· n t arP n·q II· ·St1·d to an nou lH't· thi ::; lP the pastor this Frida:-·. J l t·t· t i n gs :\fonda:-· :ual' Frida:-· t'Yenings at 4 0·1·lo<"k-C hildrt·n's chtsst·s. Tu1·s<laY C'\'Pning- at s o'cloek- llH'<' ting· of \'O.ting- nwmb c r s. . Thur~day Pveuing at o'elocl· hihlt> Hour. " Thursday evening at !.1 o'clo k lllt·l'ting· of Sunday school tl'achers and otlict:t·s. I St. Augustine's Episcopal Thl' serYIN·s Sund'a:-· , t ><-tob1·t· 4, thl' 17th :S11nday nftt·r Tt·inity, at St. Augustilw's will he Holy ( "o mmunion at ~ a. 111 ., church schools at !l:4S, aJH1 Holy Communion with :uldn·ss at 11 a. m. · . ·f'x t Sunda~- ht·ing thP first Sunday in tht · month th< ·t·,. will lw a ('Orporatl' C'onnnunion for thl' ho:-· s and g-irls of tlH· l~t)\s' antl Girls' <.'oi1 "11 Utlion lt·ag ut·:-;. · 'I'll ·· \\'ilnldt·· t::.tptist c·llur<'h i!-' ],, Elahot·atv plans ,.,,~· th· · thirt1 ·1·nth < ·a tt ·cl at lilt· <"tlt'ltt ·t· of \\.iltlll'tlt · :11 1· 1 :1111\Ual t·ally day of th1 · J:apti!-<L vhurch l·'on·st :t\'t·tlU ··s . Tilt· pastur tlla\ 1. this sun d a,. a r ' i n t 11 1· p r 1·c, ·s s of < · o 111~, · 1· 11 : t t t h 1· <' llu n · 11 s t u <I y d uri 11 g . t It , pldion. \Vhile the <'Otumittt·l· ' in lllt· l '!lin!..!,s .. r tilt· wt·t·l-:. o·· loy a 111 1f,il lldtarg· · is JH't' J aring thv progTams t't>J ' Tht· I'IIUI't · h olli<'v, in 1'h:trg1· 111 Tho · ()ct,,IH ·r Jm ···till£!.' o( thP l~ o.ntl lll· ·ttt. Su·nday, Octobt' t' -t, th1 · prt~c .. ss of mol·- ·tof J>t ':II' OIIS \\' ill l>t· ht·ltl at tbt· (' hUI'Ch .1 li~s ~l;tlot · llt· H.t·lllta<"l-:l·l', is OJ·vtl tl:t tl· r ro 111 ~~ u n t i 1 1 o ·<"I ocJ;;: . ili?.ation ha s a]rpad,· lH·g·utl. \\'t· dlli'~- Ttt· ·~da.'· t·\·l' ning·, <>t·tol><·r tl. day nig-ht th e meml)ers g·atht·rHI fnr a pra:-·t· r rall~· wh J;<' thv C'n\' t·nant, n·Tllt- :'llitl-\\· < ·t·k IIH'Pti .ng· of lh <· chun·h C1·ntly a<loptt' d, was l'(':t .d and dis<·uss. ·d. will lw IH ·ld \\' ed tH~s da:-·, OC'tolwr I. at Th1! pastor offt>red tlH·n· "A Ht· · ipt · for ' o'clt~ck. Ut·. Frank ..\. Smith, St·t·r· · l'nt:-· ~ ·r·· as. fo)l~nvs, . "Tal-i:(· yo til: Li f'··, tary o ·f th· · . \nH t·it-nn l!apti sl' llnlll P I put all C?f (,of~ tnlo Il that tt ~nll ab~ li ~!'ion !-'O<"il'\~·. \\' ill l11 · tht · gu1 ·st atHl sorl1. <~tYI ' ll11n fit·st pla ct· . .:-.; ·. xt :t!-<k :-:J>t·a or t ht· ··vl'n in!..!,·. for stn·ng·th that you may \\' ot·thiJ~· s ·rv1· I lim . Stir in ,· our intt·J'· ·sts with Th· · ('hor:tl !-'<Wil'l\' \\' ill m··· · l !'tor 1'··(~od's till tlw:-· are ·utot·nug·hJ:-· mixt.··l. llt'a 1 '!-<a I l.ltlllt-1' t h· · tl .i r· ·vt ion of ~I ada me I SPrvt· vours"lf to all the world a f··rgi \'t! l1 tlll<l fot ·g_iving- lli~t'iplt ·. " ( 111 Thllt's<la\· nfU·rnoon tlw \\'on~t ·n of th· · <"llll!Th aiHl .C'ongTt·g·ation 1lll·t fr>r an all da,· ~t· s:-:;ion at tht> <'hun·h. Tlw:-· made l1a lHlag·vs for t ht' 111 ission hlisJ·it:tls itl tht· mut·ning·. Lun C'h \\':IS s··n···d :tt lltJon. Thl' aftt'rnoon progTam inl'ludt.·d :t t't ·~Uilll' o( n·(·l'tlt 1 · \'t ·nts on til<· 111ission fiPlds and an :tdtln·!-'s 11,. ~lr!'. II. 1 ·:. (;oo<lman, who is pr· ·!-<idl·llt. 11( th1· \\'oman's .\nlt ·ril':t tl l:aptisl Fol·t·igtl :\fission sol·it-t\·. · 'l'<·da~·. tht· motht·rs and l·:tllit ·s ot ' '··· t'radlt· !toll \\ill g·< .llh<·t· as tht · gtt · "'" o[ th·· ~Upl'rintt·ndent, ~lt ':-4. \\' . .\ . 1-: . , _ dt't<·k. 1:~ J.l (~n·enwood a\'t·uu ·, fr· "· ·J t ll ;) 0 'l'l 0 c k. 0 S;l.,tunla,,· t·V(·Jtillg- thl' Young l' c·rq,J, , !-:tH"i··ly \\ill ll!t ·t· t for a part,\· ar .. tt 11 1 t h1· lin· <1ll lh<· IJ· ·a<" h . l!l "' 1 ,,. .. II Tht· re will lw an all-clay nwPting of the \\.<nJH·n's Asso<"iatf'<l <:uilds of St. .-\ ug·ust int ·'~ Thun·;cla:-·, ( >etoh< ·t· s. Tht ·n· will he a nH.'<' ting- of St. Au!..!.' Ust int·'s \'t ·s tr~·. \\rt·dnesda:-· t·\'t·ning, t>l'tolJt·r I, at ~ o'doek in tht· f'arish House. .\t 1 t o't'lock will lw tlw raJ}\· tn worship. :\Jr. \\r. H. nat·n,·s will . prv- ' sitle at the ot·gan. H will play as a 1 pn·luclt- "Arioso" hy Candl~·n: f ··· th~· ; uffertor:-·, "Autumn" by Hollin s anrl f11r th e Postl u<lt· tIll' (;rand l'horus in E Flat hv Cuilmant. Th e choir. und1 ·t· tht · di'n·d ion of ::\Iadame < :ildt roy :-;cott will >ing-, "Cri ve Xot tht · H1.t~ · Spirit of <:od" h:-· Stai net·, and ~I iss · :rat'~-' Pat' llldl', Soprano, will sing· "Th1· \'oiev in the \\riltlf'rne~~., b,- Sl'Ott. ~Tt· . Sti fl<'r wi 11 SJ>l':t 1-i: on t ht· i h1 ·ll1·· "Th t· M. Portenhauser Painting Decorating Estimates given without obligation Phone \Yiln1ette 2764 NOBTB SHOBE BOOTEBY . ,. n h t p It is (·xpccte·l that tlw first Ht·ssion of ~t. A ug·ust i np's I 'iont·et·s tlw so<'id:-· for small hoys , will ht· l1t·ld Satunla:-· a ft0rnoon at 3 o'e.lo<'k 1n tlw Farish lloust·. l'rotwr notit·l' will he ~"l'll t all Illt ' l11 ht·rs. On account of tlw UJlS<·t <·on<lition~ in the l'arish llous ·, owing- to the build ing of new ass<..·mbl\· rooms in tht· rear, th<' .Junior SutH1:1v school lH·l<l its initial st' ssion last ~·unda,· in tlw ch'tn·ch, with an unusuall:-: larg·t· at- H.umnwg·t' Sale g-in·n by tht· J·;nd l'irdt· of ThL· ( "ong-t·Pgational l'h urch at tlw Economy Shop, · ktnht·!' 1 1;-, t h an <1 I fit h. Anyone h a vi 11 g art ic 1, · s tht·~· wish to donate towards this l':tUH(', J)Jt>a~l' phon<· \\'iltn<·l t1 · ~111:-,. ..\ 11 donations will lw call1·d fnt· . .\d , .. X=~ I 529 Davis Street at Chicago Avenue In the North Shore Hotel Bldg. The Store of Good Shoes .. PAULINE PETTIBONE PIAKO 1::\STRC 'TIG:Special attention g-in:n to technique and to beginner:; 1030 Greenleaf Ave. WILMETTE Wilmette 733 J II G. C. SCHEIBE, Inc. GROCERY and MARKET 456--458 Winnetka Ave. Indian Hill Winnetka 252~--26--2 7 · I ~ I I Confideitce! Prompt, Courteous and Efficient Service is the Foundation of Our Business. The Large Business We Are Doing; The New and Repeated Orders We Are Receiving Daily; Go to Show Our Customers Have Confidence In Us. Have We As Yet Filled An Order For You? If Not, May We Expect A Call From You, Either Personally or By Phone? Sugar, 18 lbs . . .... ..... .... . ....... . 62c Flour, Pillsbury, Gold Medal, Ceresota $1.45 Scotch Belle Tissue Toilet Paper, doz . $1.35 Burley Crepe Tissue Toilet Paper, doz. $1.45 Swan Tissue Toilet Paper, doz. . . . . . $1.45 Pitted Dates, Fresh Shipment, pkg. . . . . 30c Fresh Cider, per gal. Dixie Bacon, lb. Lamb Patties, Fresh Ground~ each. Lamb Kidneys, per doz. . . ... Swift's Premium Ham Shanks, lb. Hamburger, Fresh Ground, lb . ..... .SOc . 32c .12c .30c .20c . .25c

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