Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1925, p. 1

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A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth \ ' QL. XV,,_ XQ. LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS r \\ IL:\lETTE. ILLIXOIS, OCTdBER 2~ -1925 .WATCHMAN. NABs ·T H . IEF· Groups Respond to . IN.KENILWORTH CHASE .\ Invitation to Us~ Two H~:n~s Entered by . Lone I ScYe_ ral. groups of 111 ~ 11 in the Yillaf!e Wolf · 1n Early Evening ltave mdtcated a de s1re to take adPrt'wling Wednesday v;~·ntag c of the c ffe:: n:ad<. by the \Vii- I 1 8 ..___un_d_ay_c_u_b_s_:pe-ak-er_ · ..... I' EDGAR GUEST OPENS · · _.. SUNDAY CLUB SEA~ON · . --- · . . ;, · Church Gymnastum . ' met Pre~bvterian clturclt, in la:-.t week's Cuns J)arkc·d, nio~or cars cra:-.ltL·<l to- i~ · ue · of \Vrr.~ti<:TTE LIFE, to place the Edgar A. Guest, nati01~ally known · gc·th<:r. ;~t"l nH:n fled lighting through gymnasium facilitic .; of th<: pari:-,lt ai. poet and lecturer, whose contributions the ~ ttti~t ~~n..·eh oi Kcnilw0rth in trtl(' , the disposal oi oldu boys ;u~<l men oi l appear daily in hundreds of newspapers Chicag() fa :::hion ear lv \Vedne s\.lay en~ning the \·il:ag<', for U:-.<.: a!-1 they choo . c. throughout the country, will address ot thi~ \H~"k, and the ;:('sult \\'a: the cap- e\:cr} Tuesday evening throughout the ~· the Wilmette Sunday Evening · club, ture of a burglar " ·110 had brokL·n \\·mtcr month~. October 4, '.lpon the occasion of the into t\\O home:-. it. the Yillag<.: and 1 · B. ~[. Colvin, }()01 Highland avenue. beginning of the clevent!l season of ~tolc:.n 11Lady $2.000 \\·orth of' clothi·1g, ·,,·ho has been rccei\·ing the response::. \:. that popular community institution. rug._ and je\':elry. 'J he c:lptt:r<.: \\·a!-1 to the invitation, reports that four or :Miss Gladys Swarthout, 'me mber of the made by Capt. Arthur J. Eppn:-. oi. fn·e g.·uut,s haYe expr~!'!-.ed u desire to Chicago Civic Opera company, will be tile :\orth Short- Prott:ctiYc a:-.,ocia- ent<:r into a" indoor ha~· chall leagu<.. the soloist. ti(ln, a \\'atcL scn·ice . . All ·the loot \\'a which would usc the gymnasium for its Arrangements are being made by r~'(O\ ned, ~nd in ad<!it_ion a'l aut ~Jt_no-1' g<ll11t':-.. Other _groups, he . aid. ,w<·:e Presidet~t \\'. Frank McClure anrl his LJ!e ll(:longmg to a ( ~11cago phy·._ICian. expcctecl to reg:ster !--Ovn. ~~ r. Colnn executive cotnmitt\!e to care for what ·.d1ich tIll ln~:-glar had ~tolen :-ome may Le reached at \ \'ilmette 2208. is expected to be one of the Ja.·gest tintL a)..:'o. I \\'ith ~he ann~~tnremcnt that the ·· audiences in the history of the Sun~' he hotne~ l·ntnt·d \\TIe 'tho:-.t· oi Prt::-hyter;at~ church would prm·idc re-I day club . at the opening meeting. Burt :\. Crm\e. 2_34 1\.aleig_h road '.' ht·n· c:cational iacilit~e:- for tile t"CI_ 1 oi the I . . ·'"'···· ...· ,...,..... ··. ::".· .... It '"ill be of especial interest to Suntilt· hurglat obtamed a su1t, an onentaJ I ·:tllage, the part:-.1.1 k:uk··, t111:-. \\·cek _. . \ C t .1 . t ... · d b day club patrons to knO\V that Mr. 1 1 . . · t · .< g.tr .... ues , c 1arac e.1ze . y G . d' . f 1 1LT 1 man\· critic a:. the James \Vhitcomb rug ;l11,l "omt.· J~·\\· dry. au< 1 .-.:·nc~t r~Cl'I\'l'(1 a ~ugge:-. 1~m t 1 1at t 1 H .' o 1 < uest wntes t 1 1e 1ea mg arttc 1e or ~!organ .22H H.ale1gh road \\·hnc t\\'v Jglrl-; and \\'OilJ~n 1111ght be pka)'ed to 1 ,. ~ . t . db the October number of the. American . · . · and other tla\·c a ~m11lar . . ' · ot t 1 1e p ... <·eneratwn v l\fagazine, P.ntitled, "vVhat M y R e 1· 1 tur roat·... a nn,· tqJL' \\Titer program arran,ged 1or .\.1 1t·\· ~ :,c~e11 · :-._ h · an , ·it 111 1 1 1 ;,nic-k, \~' t:rt: ta!:t:li. The lock 0n tht: t 1l'l11. It is !--aid that the pari~h i-- ot 1ll'J'~ v:-. t 1 \ \··toet Gt ~ e reop e, 'Y gion has ~feant to Me." 1 mtt~e · n ·ar d(Jor of tht: :\I organ homl' \\'a:-jnot only \\ illing t0 conwly .,·ith tlii ., 1 OJ ' L'I, t 1e ~i' eGenm~ Begins at 7:30 O'clock pid.t·d and cntrance to the "'ro\H' re--i- ... ug~~"' tion_ Lut. i::, in . tht.: iortunate cluJ~. ~t:a~~)t_J- Octo ~~r · · r. . uest 5 dt·nr t· \\a" gained IJ\· "jitnn . nng" a po~Jtton 01 ha\'lng a,·adable the :-.en·- ul~Jt.l t hcl:-. not bct:n anno~mct:cl, but The Sunday club meetings are held H'ind· )\\' . . · · ic(':-. Pi a competent \\OI1 1a 11 }>h~ :-.ical r~· . . Hl<:nt~ \~H, ha,· ~· heard hnn on pr~- in the Fir:-.t Congr~ational church, Ad · p : R d dir<.:ctor who has !'-ig 1 ufH~<l her ,,·illing- \'IOU~ occa:-.1son~. ,,.. 11 wan t t o 1 1car ag;un \\'ilmrtte and J.. ake avenues, and ·begin ·\ ; . . ~~t~ . rt~oln . elc~r\\"1 . . Ill..... ., to f~ive htr !'-e~vice::- " ·ithout \..'0:-ot. tht· rccitations iron hi~ :ich stor~ promptly at 7:30 o'clock. The enter. .. tt.r qtt<>tlontn h >~ _t 1l 1 Illt ttc . . 11 ,i '>v-:ms and to al>:-orh agam some ot pri!-.e is non-sectarian· in character and J!<liJ~·v the burglar adn,ltte ·l. tktt hh L =-t:· 01 the g\'lnna~Jum JJ,. th ·· men ' . · the suppurt of eight J:>rote;:;tant . 1y-lt 11c l~ft:n tl e, un- has ' ] I (I l ilt..' \\'<'l.S lfttcrh }(. · .~-.· · /'-> I'J.\'1.'111' 111·.., (· tel ~ 'I \\ ill entail a co~t· i ior th~· indiYidual I 111.f.., 1lOnl1e 1y 1}> 111 1(.)~()p 1 . \\" ) d K 'I h ., ~'->, .·M · · · . · . · ,· . ;d ectet trut 1:-. ot t'\Tl'\'( a\· 1 e. ·: I1urc I1es 1:1 1mette an em wort . drt· ....... ;,, 4.),)H ~hcndan road. ( htcal('o. I to lO\ <:1 c:-;pcn:-.e:-. llllH 1. . nt to t 1 1e 1 lC,tt- I · · I The exect,tive committee of the club 1ic ... aid tlt;tt lw ha<~ :-.t.·n·cd tintL . in ill~ tile gymna--ium on Tuc:-.day l'\'l'met la:-.t Sunday, formally approved the ral iiorn ia on a io··gery rhargt:. a1~u in niug ..... and the prm·i--ion oi t'<(llipllll'llt :-.ea:-.on·~ program and re-elected the .\'e\\ ,trk. ~- _1 . · on ;, charg<.: oi bur - ior tht· 11Jt·n·, night artiYitiL·' · of-ficers of last Year. In addition to L(')a r~· .. l'hiei 1 'l'lil'Y Braut iga Ill oi t ht· programs annOUI~ced in a recent i sue \\ ' il111dtt· ·io rre took fingt.·rprillt'. and Local Churches Observe ot \\.rr.-:-r£TTE LIFF. specia l teatures, intlJ~...,v htt\'L' l>t'ell ~l..'llt t o thl' hur~·au pj I R II d eluding the following, were made idt'n:itit.'a ti 011 in Chicago. i a Y eremontes un ay :\1 u~ic loH· r~ are anxiou:.ly a,,·aiting public this week: Tl!t · · thnlling _ th.t...t· <ll.Hl ra }'tttre 1 . !(all~· .. Day \\ill h .. oh--e~n· d ' in :-cv- the first oi tht· .\'e\\' Tr:cr To,\·n:.Lip The appearance of Horace D. Ashoccul rc d alwut 1 o rlork 111 the t.'\' t'- t.·J.tl \\ Ilnte.tte cln1l:clll'~ ~ :md ;·y . 1 )~' - ( >rche:-.tral a~..,ociaticn ronn·rt:-. hv the ton. Fello·.,· ·of the Royal Geographical ning. \rlt.en l'a11tain l·:pp.e r--. in the t?her ~. \Yith :-.pcCial ol> . . L·rYanrc' In 1 [)a..,ch Sympl: my Player~. ·shicl~ \\'ill ~ociety, \\·ho made the 4,000 mile flight rour . . t· oi hi~ roun<k :-..pil'd 1\o......, · unday :-.chool departnH'nb and at thl' l·t· gi,·c.l in the atH:itorium of ~e\\· to Porto Rico a!Hl return in the Los roll' itt~ iro1.1 the .Jf organ rnic!t-nn·. IllOrtling ~cn· ice " . ~·hurrhc:- \\ hirh 1 Trie'r ~1igh ~cho~ 1 'J'ue~day e\·ening. Angelc:-;. :-.i::.ter :-..hip to the ill-fated l(o .......... a,,· Epper' at the ~anH· titnt·. ar - h<tH' annou!~ced ~peetal. program, Ill - ( ktoher 13. · Tickeb io,· the :-.t:rie:. Shenandoah. and \Yho is to give an rtlrdinl.!. to · the :-.t o n ·. and ran ;o r hi., r]~ 1 de t!ll' \\ tlmc_tte ~aptl~t churrh. , :h~..· lla,·e been practirall~ :-old out and a illu:.trated lectur on the journey; an rar. ;t Cadillac ~·l'<lan. \\hirh \ra:- hr:-t lon :!.! regatlr" · church. thy hr-.t . . ucc c~s ful !'-ca:-.on ~· ~:o!n .e,·ety ~tand- addrc:-;:- by A:-a C. Baldwin, who i' parkt ·( 1 on · LeiCl'!'>tl'r roaJ ncar < hiord l'rc:hytl'nan rl!urch and the \\ lln~t· tll' po int i..; _a:-;,ur·L·<.l. l h1:-. 1:-. tht: IOttrtll to gi\·e an illustrated lecture on road. Ro~~ gaint·d the " IJt.·t.·l oi the Pan~ll. :\fcthodt"t church. . --L·; .... on 01 the concert:-.. , .. Tracing the Frontier of Alaska from rar an d :-oped <may. hut Eppcr, il'aped Ddadcd itnnouncemL·nt::- 01 th~· pr o-~ The motto oi the Da:-.t.:h pla~:er, j.., 1the Ar~tic ocean to the top of St: \() the running hoard and wa s attempt- grain:- " ·ill he found in t_he. lln:r.~.~~ n.u--ic for entt·rtainmcnt. and ."·hilc Elia~": the appearance of Ivfadam int.:" _to :-.tth<!tll' 1\o..;:-. \\'hen th~ ntarh!nt· nt·\\':-. ::: L ·ction · <li this ts·me ot \\II.\ti.III·. tLl' mu:-.ic pla\'l·d i:- all oi the lllght·:-.t Pearl ~Ietzelthin, \\'ife of a diplomat, r~1llukd \nth anothL·r car. thro\\'Ing I.IFI·:. . . · t)rder. th~ prog~·; un:-. h;·,·e he. e n ar - 1" ·h-:> spent 12 year in China, and who l·.JIJ II :r ' t ~> the ya\TlllL'Ilt. H.o :-.:-. _ t~ed r;11_1 ged \\'lt_ h a YIL'\\. to p_re:-.ent~ng thL· I j-; to speak on the present day situaon 1not. h11t l·. ppyr:-. _ _ pur~ued. finng Sc~aefer Gets Post as Jt-.., . . tecl1~1tral and ~ mon·. tunetul L 'X- I tion in that country: an addres hy :t,' Ill' ran and ~hl' ltt.l.!,ltl\'l' ."urren.dercd.l G p · t p t t 1a111pl·:~ o_ l the cotnpo_:-.er~ art. ~o .tl_1at l't'cil Roberts. England's brilliant poet, . I ht' . . t >kn ··rt1cln ,,,·crt: tound 111 the rOSS OlD OS mas er no one need he a prote:-:-.tonal llltt:-Irlall e,.,a\·i:-t and critic who will speak on rar. , ,1:->hn TJ. ~chaeier ha~ been appointed t<) enjoy the :.nie~. The works of more "\\'li<lt !·:urope i:-; 'Thinking." Steals Physiciau's Cz.r acting po:-tma~ter of Gro~s Point. ;\c- tl1an (>0 con1po,er:-. ha\ e h.l.Tll <Ira\\ 11 Further inve!'>t.igation · rL'\·e.aled the cording to word received from \\'a,h - I upon to pro,·ide 111aterial ior the con. iart that tl_; e car tt:-.ed hy the burglar ing-ton _thi.." \H'ek. ~lr. Scha~·ier i-- ~· t·rt pro~ranh_ thi:- year. Fxcep~ ior Pratt Found Dead ha<l hel'n stolet! about · tcn days ago head ot thL' real estate firm ot J. fl. · tht· openmg 111ght tlw t·oncerh will l,>e · G t Rest.dence front Dr. Arnold Kegel, 540 Briar Schader and company. He ha-; het'll I pre:-.en~ed on :\londay evening~. ID arage a place. l'hicagc. ~'barge s of ln~rglan· a i· e~i<knt oi th · community in which ---------Ed\\'ard A. Pratt, 1224 Elmwood 1 "·ere brought · again~t Ross Tln~rs~la~· he lin·s since child!~ood and i~ well Obtain $330 in Recent . aYenue, \\·as found dead in his garage a!Hl he \\'as held OYer to the crmunal known to mo~t \\ tlmettl' re~tdents . ' ·· in the rear of 1223 Elmwood avenue cou,·t by Police· :,fagistrate D. ~f. ~fr. ·schaefer will fill the . place of ' \\.ill · Forget-Me-Not Campatgn \Vcdnesday evening of this week by ~ ~1ickcy, o~, \Vilmette. . iam Par.ks, ":ho resigned recentlr heForget-~Ie-Not sales in \Vilmette Ernest P(.trker. who lives at the Pratt 1 On the I uesday evu11ng before the cause ot bus mess reasons. t!ti-; vear· tvtallcd $330.87. it was an- home. Pratt had left for his business burglary a ·Kenilworth poli~eman atnounced this week hy ~lrs. Edward in Chicago about 10 o'clock in the tempted to stop two men m a Ford Large .Invitation List T. McArdle, chairman of the Forget- morning, and when he had not returned roadster, whicl_1 w~s without light . inc-not drive in the village, September early in the evening his wife sent Instead of obeymg h1s command to halt for Voters League ea 19. According to 1frs. McArdle's re- Parker to see if his car was in the the two dre~v revolvers and sped away. This afternoon at 2 :30 o'cloC'k. Mrs. port this suu1 is about $100 less than garage. . Parker found the body leanNo connect.IOn between the cases has Hone Thompson will open her home at was collected in the drive la~t year, ing over the steering wheel @-f the been estabhshed. 1219 Ashland avenue for the larg-e tea hut i was- explained that only one machine. The hood was open, as if given by the \Vilmette League of organization, the \Viln ette Catholic Pratt had been working on it. PhysiADDRESSES BAPTIST MEETING \Vomen Voters. Mrs. Kenneth S. \Vomao's club, conducted the drive, cians said that he had been dead for Dr. Frank A. Smith, secretary of Pich, vice-presidc>nt of the state league, and there were not nearly as many some time and it was thought that he the American Baptist Home Mission will give a talk to the assembled workers in the field as in previous died while preparing to start the car society, will speak at the mid-week '!Uests. Members of the hoard of the campaigns. The funds are used for in the morning. An inquest was held meeting of the Wilmette Baptist \Vilmette leaguP \viii assist the hostess rehabilitation work among disabled at Scott's undertaking parlor on church, Wednesday evening, October 7. during the tea hour. war ve~erans. Central avenue Thursday morning. Noted 'P oet and Lecturer to Speak Sunday, October 4; Gladys Swardtout, Soloist r I I I lllH .... I s.r or c . s Music Patrons A wait l1l i tia l concert of S Orchestral eaS01l I I I I I E. A. T

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