Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1925, 46, p. 48

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WILMETTE \ . ILI·.;\.(,;E 0}1" SI11 EC'IA L \\ . ILlll~ TTE LIFE October 2, 1925 "\SSgs~Oif.~:\"1' :\ OTH.'F. lX THE :\L-\.TTEI~ OF ~l'EC'TAL AS~E~S:\H.XT of tlw Yillag-t' of \\'ilmette for th<' impron·nwnt of Fifth Street f1·om tht> south lin<' of Fon st Avenue to tlw ::"'lorth Line of :\faple Str et, by clt'aning- the old maca<lum pavem<>nt and paving- tht" :;:anH' with asphaltic concn'tt', and othen\·ise improving the sanll', in tlw Yillag-e of 'Vilm >tte. Cook "ounty, Illinois, 'Yilm~:tt Sp1:eial Ast' Ssnwnt Docket ~o. Hi~), in the County Court of Cook "ounty, IllinoiR. ="UTICE is ht'rt·hy given to all person:;: in ten·stt·<l that the Hoard of Local lmJH'O\'t>ments, of said Villagf', has ht·n tofort' filPd in saicl court, in said caust·, a <'ertificatt·, showing tlw cost of tht' impro\·t·m nt, the amount as estimatt·d by the Board of Local Improvemt>nts n'quin·<1 to pay the accruing- intt·r st on bonds and vouchers, and that thc·n> is a deficiency of $1,340.fi6: and also that said improvem nt has bt·t· n t·ompleted in substantial confonnity to the rt:quil·ements of th·' ol·ig·inal ordinanc tht·r<> for, and has applit·ll to said <'Ourt to consirler ancl (lt·tt·rmint· whet!H·r or not thl' fa<'ts stat~:<l in said ·ertifh-atP an· trup· ancl that :-;aid <:ourt has fix<·cl :\londa~.'. tht· 19th da~· of O<'toher, A. D. 1 !t2:i, at 1 o o· el<w k A. :\1., o1· as soon t hI' n·a ftt· r as the husin(·S!'> of the court will. JH't'mit. at thP room of saicl Count~· Court, in tht· <'ount~· Huildin1.:;, in tht· <'it.\· of ('hi<';tgo, in !-':tid C'cHd\ Count,·, as tht · lirnt· and pla<·t· fnr h··arin~· ori :-aid appl i··a t ir111. A II pt · l ·son~t cll'!-ii ring rna .\· fll t · o h .k v t i cin!-; i 11 sa i d <: o u r· t 111 ·fort· said cla . ' a11d m:1.\· app. ·ar on tilt · ht·:tl'i ll 1.! <I ll d I II ; ll\ t · I h t · i I ' c1 t · f ·· II S t ·. I 1.\TI·: I>, I 1\'l<lf,, .,. :!nrl. I !t:!.";. Eal'! 1·:. I >rn· · t· .J () h II ( · . I :: tl.; ' . I' Ellllt'l' D. l!t·t·I.;,·J' \\'ii[o nl \\·. !It· I ;,.,·ani ('l:tn.!tH: e E. l>J':t\'~.;1' I 'a u I . \ . Il off 111:1 n· .John F. \\'it·lllitr l!n:tr ·d ··I l.rt!'a] lrnpi'O\'t'lllt'llls of th· · \.ill :q..:·· (Jr \\.ilnJI'tt··. Ll-:!t<' \11.1 , \Cd·: OF ~1'1-:( I \L \\IL,II·:'I " I 'E \~~I ·:~ ~'II ·: VI ' '\0 '1'1('1-: I 1=" Till·: .\1.\TTI·:J~ Ill·' TilE ~I'I·~<'T.\L -·\!-'~ 1 ·:~~:\11-::\'T ,,f til·· \ 'ill:t~..:· · of \\'ilI~H'ttt· for tilt· illlJH'tl\'t·lllt ·llt of :\Taplc · ~tl't·t·t front tht· Wt ·st lin·· of ~ht·ricl:t 11 l{oad "' a lint· ont· hundt't'd sixt\·-Ji\·t' f.t·t'l \\t ·s t of lht· Wt·st lint· nf ·~ixth ~tl'c'l't, by Jl:l\'illg the· !-':IIlli· \\itiJ :tsphaltic· t't·llH'llt t \\ ,, in<'ht·:-. in thit'kl!t·!-'!-', :tllcl oth··t·wis·· illl)IJ'o\· in~ 1111· s:lln··. ill the· \ 'i llag· · of \\'illlJt·ltt·, ('ottk Count_\, Illinois, \\'iiJill'lh· ~Jlt·<·ial .c\ ;-;S<·ssnJ· ·nt l>ot·kt"t X11 . ];-,; in tht· ('ounty <'otn·t of (.'ook t'ount\· lllincd!-' ="11'1.' 1<'1-: is ht·rt-l·y gi\·;.11 to ali pt~l' son!-' lltl· ·l· t·stt·d that tht~ l!oanl of Lt~ l'al lrnpJ'u \ ·l'lllt·nts. of said \ yillag,· has ht·rdoflll't.· filt·cl in said <'Ptll't. in said t':tUst ·. _a ,.,.1·titicat1· showing tlw cost o_f tht· tlllJII'U\'t'llH·nt, thi.' atnount asPStllllall·d b.\· tJw J:nanl of Lo('al Impro\ t:lllt·nt:-; n·quil·,·t] to pa~· thP :t<'lTU' ng till t·l·t·si on bonds and YOUI'ht: rs, anti that thl.'rt' i · a dl'fi<·it-n('\' of . 2,111.:!!1; :IIHl also that said imJ)ron·mt· nt ha:-- h<·l'll ··ontplt·tt·d ill substantial C0!1f~>nntt_,. to tlw n·quirenwnts of the ortgr.nal Ol'tlinan<'t· tht·t·efor, and h as appltl·d to sa id court to eonsidt·r' an<l <IPtt·rmi.n,· ,~· hl'tht-r o1· not tlw fa ·ts stah·d tp sa td l't'rtit1('ate an· tt'Ut>; and that satd l'nurt has fixt·d ~ronda\· tht> 1~th day of OetoiJt.·l', A.}). lfl~;;.· . at 10 o dock A. :\I., o1· as soon tlwn·after· as. th· · busines. of th · Cou 1 ·t will per!l11t, at the r oom of said County C'ourt In _ tht· County J:uilcling-, in tlw· Cit\· of ~ ht <'ag-o, in said 'n ' k County, as· tht· trnw_ an<_l pht<'t' for tltP h ('a ring- on said applt<·a~ton: All _Pt-t·sons desiring may fil~· oi!Je<·ttons 111 saill <'Ourt lh'fort' ~a1<1 day and ma~· appt>ar on th e lw artng a llcl ma kt> th eir <l e fl· n s('. l>ATED, Octolwr ~nd, 1 !12il. Earl E. Orner John C. J:ak<~l· El mt·r I>. 1h·ckt>r \\ ~i lford \\'. ()p J!<·rard <'Ia rPnt ·t.· 1 ·:. Dnl\·er l'aul A. Hoffman · John F. "~it·<llin ,.Hoard of Lo('al 1 mpron·nwnts of thP \ Jllag-1· of \\.i lnwttt·. Ll-2tc \ JI,J, "Ua; UF \\ IJ.ll E'I"I' E ~J»E( ' I .\1, -'"~~·:~~'II<~ VI' :\O'I'H ' I~ \\' lhnrttc.- ~)H"(·fltl .\MNNIMIIlt·nt ,H. J4S ~~ .~J:IE ~l~ATTEH UP THE ~PE C fAL Af-iShS~.:\II~"\;T of th P Villagt:' of \Villll{'ttt ~cnbt-~1 stn·ets and <lVt'llUt·s, h~· con8t~u<"tmg over, along, and UJ)de r the S'\!d s~:e..- ts and avenut"s within th e stre~t nut. for th e improv<·mt·n t of ChestAvenue and certai n oth<·r de- \ 1llage, an ornamental t·l<>ctric lighting system, install (' d bv exc avating, trenching, and laying calJle in parkways, and the necessary sa1d All persons desiring may file objecconduits and manholes: by installing he h ld on th e 13th day of October, A. D. 1925, at 10 o'clock A. l\1., or as tions in said Court before said day and th necessary s ub -stations, gro~p may appear on the hearin g and makf· t ransforme1·s threP contl uctor cable m soon thPreafter as the IJusiness of th their defense. conduit, fron; point of SUPI~ l y ~o }~oint court will p rmit . of distribution, and otht>rwtsP tm}n· ovSaid ordinance provid es for th colAll 1wrsons d('siring may file objecing· said streets a.nd avt:'11Ut'S in the tions in said Court before said day l<>ction of said assessment in fiv anYillage of vVilmett c>. ook County, Il- and may appear on the hearing and nual in!'ltallments and with annual inlinoif:, \V ilmette Special Assessment mal' e their defense. t1·n·s t th('t't·on at th rate of six (fi) Dockt't No. 14 ' , in the County Court Sai1l orclinance provides for the col- p e r centum })er annum, as . provid ed })y of 'ook County, Illinois. lpctic,n of said asst·ssmt'nt in fiv e ~n law. J>at ·d, 'Vilmettt>, Illinois, S ·pt ·mNOTI "E is her<> by g-iven to all JWr- nual installments ancl with ann~al 111sons intt-l·estNl that the Board of Local tt·rest th e reon at th e rate of SlX (6) hel' 2~nd, A. D. 1 !'12!i. Tmpr-ovemen ts, of saifl . Yillag· ~.~. has IH' I' centum per annum, as provided by C'HAm... ES ~. EVA="~. ht>rt~ tofore til< (1 'in saicl court, in . said l'<.·rson appointed by the Presilaw. t.'au-se, a certificat<> showing the cost (ftont of the Boan1 of Local ImJ>att·<l, \Vilmettt·, Illinois, St·ptember of the improvem ·nt, the amount as :!2nd, A. D. 192::i. JH'ove nH· nts of the Village of · estimated bv the Board of Local Im'Vilnu·tte, Cook County, Illinois, C'HAHLE!:5 ~. EV A~S ·. prov<>ments ·required to pay the acto makl' said assessment. . l'erson amwi n ted lJy the presicruing intc' rest on hon<ls ancl vouchLG2-2t c dent of th e BC-1anl of Local lmt~ l · s, ancl that ther e is a defici ncy of pt·ovements of th e Yillag·. ~>f $2:1,1il1.82: and also that said impr·ove\\~ ilmdte, Cook County, Illmots, ment has b een comph·t<' cl in substantial to mak said assessment. l'Onformity to the l'l'quir tnt-nts of th e L52.-2tc \ ' illngt" u( \\· ilnwttt"-SI·c.-efa) AHHPMH original ordinance ther for, and has m..-nt No. JU4. appliNl to ~aid court to consider a n1l cl(·tel·min<' wh e ther or not th f, lc ts \'ILL "\GE OF \\' II,JI E'I"J'g ~OTICE IS H EH. E I ~Y C 1 YE:-.1 to all statecl in said certifi<'ate are true; aiH1 twrsons i ri tt·n·stt·cl that t hP Pr si(1f'n t that said court has fixecl :\fon<lay, th e Sl"E(.'I :\L A~SI~~Slli<~:"li'l' ~O'l' H'E an<l l:oanl of Trust ·es of thP Village· 1 !Hh dav of Octo bet·, A. D .. U123. at 1 o o'cloc·k, A. l\L, or as soon tht' rt>- .'\ illnJ;·t· of \\ ' ilm.-ttc.--~tu-eiul .\~seMH of \Yilm t. ttt ·, in tlw ('()unt~' of Cook . ancl ~tnte of Illinois, having· nnll'rf·tl a ftc·1· as th<> husi1wss of the court will ment :\o. 161. that tlw <'t-ntn11 <·ightt'l'n (1~) ft'(' t of JH't'lllit, at tht> room uf said ('nunt~· <'ourt, in th(' County l~uilr1ing-, in thE' XI>TTl'E I~ HEHEI~Y t;I\·E~ to all the first alit>\' north nf Elmwood An ·<'ity of ('1\i('ag·o, in said Cool\ Cour!ty, pt·J '!-'ons intt't'estt·<l that t ht · I ·'r<'sident llU<', c·x tt·JH1ii1g from tht · W<·st lint' of as tlw tinw and pi<H'P fo1· tht · hl<lrtng :tll<1 I :nard of Trustt·t>s of tlw \'illag·l· 131 h ~~ rt·d to a li IH' 1100 fl'<·t west of on said application. .\II JH'rsolls <1t·- of \\'i lm dtt·, in tht· County of CtiOIC :tnd paralld with th< · \n·s t lin e of sit·ing- may filp ohjP<'tiolls in said (·ourt <tiJcl ~tate of lllinoi~ . havin~ onlt·n' d I :~ t h ~ tl' e 1 · t . b t · i m pro v t · d h y g-rad i n ~ , ht·fort· saitl da~ · and may appt·;u· on that thl· <···ntral Pightt·t·n (1~) fet ·t of pa\·ing- with <·OtH'I' · It· and otht-rwist· the· h1 ·ari ng and makl' their dPfPnS' . tht· first all{·y south of Lake· Avenu<·, intpt·o,·ing th·· samt·, tlw ot·dinan<··· for /1.\TI ·: I> , (ldobt·r ~tHt, 1!12:-i . t·:-.lt·nding· from th1· t·ast lillt· (If l·:ig·hth th·· saint· l~t · ing nil filt · in thc· of!i('t· of I·:arl 1 ·:. 1 >rn.·r :-:tr··l'l to the \n·st litH· of F ourth th· · \ 'i llag·,. ('l··rk of s:ticl \'illagt>, ani1 .Jcdlll (' . nakt'l' th· · :-:t r··t·l, vxct·pt that portion of thP in- :-;aid \'illa:.!;t· havillg app!it·d ·to I·:Irn. ·r I> . I \1·<· I.; c·r t· ·r·s ··cti··n of Fifth Strt't't with said <'ottllt.\· <·nun of ('()o).;: ('llttllt.\·, lllinois, \\'ilfo rd \\'. l>t · I:t·t·artl ; lit·.\' lying· IJet\\·t·<·n th · 1·ast and wc·st fol' :til :tSSI'SSllll·llt (,j' tltt · I'IISt of sairJ (')al't ·IH'I' J·:. ll l':t \ t·J' :l!'l'tll'clin:.:, lfl l~t·ll· · fits li11··s of said Fifth ~l,'t·t·t: also t·XCI·pt iiiiJII'tt\'t ·lllt'llt, l' a ul .\ Ilofl' ;n : t 11. tht · t···frtl' ha\·ingill:tl Jl()l'tiun ,,f th·· illlt ·t· s··t·ti()t l of :111 d :Ill a;-;st ·!-';-; Jn··llt .Jnhll F. \\· i,·<lli II !-'i:-.tll ~tt ' t · t·t with said alit·~· 1.\· ing lw- J,. .,. Il lll:td· · at1d r··tttl'lr<·d 111 saicl ('<·urt l!o:11·d of Lo('al l :npr·o\tlll··tlt:-; .. rIll·· tl>·ll'l.;f't ="" · 11;1), th· · final lwat ·in~ t \\ t "" lht · east and Wt ·st I itlt·S of ~ixt h , .i ll;u~·· or \\ 'i lmdll- . lht·J't ·OII Wi)} ltt · )tt ·Jd 1111 lht· t:ah cla\· Ll-:!tc :-:trt ·t· t: al;-;o t·:-:<·t·pt that portion of tht· 11f llt·fr·ht·l', .\ . 1>. l!t:! :i, at ]It o'(')o('i· int· rst·<·tio11 of ~l'Yt· llth Str··l·t with s:titl all· ·.\· I~· iug- bdween the t·ast and wv ~t .\ . :\1. or as !-'!Ifill t llt-l't·:tft< · r as th · \ ' ILI ·. \GE Oli' \\' IL :HET ' I' E · lillt ·s of said !:;evt·nth ~trPf't, whieh _<;ai<l l1 u s i n 1 ·!-is n f t h l' e our t w i 11 p !' nn i t. :\11 Jl('!'f-'llllS dl"siring- m:t~· filr· ohjc·cint ·· rst·t·tions are alrt·ad.\· pan·<!, said alit ·.\· ilt>ing tlw nJ l p~· t·Xtt· IHl in g· ··ast t io11s in said I 'tlllrt J, ·fnt··· :-aid d:t \' anrl \ilia~· ·· uf \\' ihalt'th·-Satrt'iul \sst·sN- and west through blocks 10, 11 . 1:! 111:1 .\ ' ;tppt ·:tt' 011 lilt· ltt · al'ill~ :U11l .lll:tl·i:l' a II tl I :L i 11 1> i Ill.!; e e. s a d <1 i t i 011 t o \\. i I - t ht ·i I' dt·ft·ll:-;1'. uwnt :Xo. Hi3. rn··tt· ·, h P impro\'t'd ],~ · gT:uling· and !-'aid nnlill:lll<'·· Jl!'fl\· itf· ~ !' 11 1' tit· · c··dX· ITJ('J·: 1~ lTEitEI~Y f;TYE=" to all l ·:t\i!l~ With COIHTt'tt· and otltt·J'\\'i!-'t' lt·c · ti·lll .. r :-;aid :ts!"· ·!-'s iiJt · llf in ti\·,. annu:ll ill~t:tllrn··llts and witll :tiiiiU:tl inllllfli'O\'i~lg· the sanw; th· · r,rclinatlf'P Jlt' I'!-'OliS intt ·J·, ·stt>cl th:tt lht· I 'r· :-.iclt·llt n1(' i 11 t h' . l··l'··st lht·l 'tl·ll :II th· · r:tl·· ··f !-'iX !f;) :·llc1 l!o:trcl "r Tru:-;rc·vs 11f th·· \'ilia:.:.·· r f) l' I II I . sa 111l' "(' i 1l g- () 11 ('ll'rk o( f'aicl . tH·I' l't ·ll ltllll JH ·I' :tlltllllll. as Jll'lt\ irlt-cl h~· pf \\.illlll'tt··. ill tht· C'ount~· c,f rnol:. ·llli· ··· ,,f the \'illngc· \'il l:t~~·. an<1 sairl \ 'ilia~·· haYing· :t)'- I a"'. :11111 ~tat·· of Tllinnis , ha\·in:.:.· .,,·t],.r,,d l> :t t· d. \\ ' ilntt ·lt··. lll illois. !-'· · ld··lltlwr 1h a l t lw t ·" 11 t r a I t · i ~- h t 1· 1·n i1 ' ) f, ·, · t of pli· d to the <'ount.\· ('l·llrt of <'ooJ,;: tht· 11rst aJJ, . , . north uf For. ·st .\\··llllt· , ('Oltlll_\', J)Jiuoi!-', for :111 :\SSI'SSIIH·IIt of :! :! nrl . . \ . I> . I :t:!:;. 1 ' 11.\I~I.I·::-; ="· 1 ·:\'.\:":~. front tht· wi·:-;t lillt· or 7th :-:tr····t to t Itt· cost of said intpro\···nH·nt, ac<'Ol'(1ing t11 ht ·tlt ·lits and <tll :t!-'!"t·S!-'IIJt·llt 1'· · 1'!-'0il :q ·poilltt ·cl h .\ · tilt· l'r· ·S itil· · ··:tst line· 11f \th ~tl't·t·t. b··in:.:, th1· tltt ·l ··fc11· haYillg ·hl···ll nrarh- and n·turndt · llt of till · l:., arrl ,,f l.flt':tl 1111· :Jilt-~· in hlo!'k :-; llf I lin:.:.···t·'s .\dclition to Jll II\ t'lllt·lllS Clf tilt · \'J!} ;t~t· tof \\ 'illll ··tl··. ],. . illl)lt 'o\·, ·d ~~~- :.:,raclin:.:. :1nt1 ··<1 111 s:ti d ('oun lllrl('kt·t ="n . 1111), tht> \\'rlrn ·· ltf·. t'otlk <'ount~. lllitlflis , l·:t\· itl~· \\ ith ('IIIHT··lp ancl othvrwist· lin:tl h··aring· tlH·t ···c·n will lw ht ·ld 011 1ht · l:!th cla_\· of 1)(-toiH·r, .\ . I> . ]~!;!.-,,at t·1 tnakv said a:-;s, ·sSllJ· · Ilt. il!IJll'cl\itl~ th·· !":tlllt·. tht· ln·dinalll't· for til· · !-':tlllc· ht· in:.:,· on til(· in tlw qf1iC'E' of 111 ... l'lovl.;, .\. :\1., n1· as !-'oon tll··r··aft··r :ts tht· hu!-'illt·ss of th1 · court will pt·rtit· · \ .i ll:tgt · <'l··1·k of sai<l Yilla ~··· and s:li<l \ 'i llag-t· ha\·in~· applit·ll t·· th·· m it. . \11 p,·rsous tl, ·:-;il·ing- ma.\· til.- objvc('o11nt.\ ('Olll't II( ("(Hlk rount~·. Tllinnis. fill' :Ill :1!--iSt·SSlllt'llt of t ht · (·()st or saif1 tit>ns in said l'ourt lwffJt't· said <1a~· and \ ' iii:IJ.:."t' uf \\ ilnwttt·-~ltt't.·iul . \~Nt'MN nu-n t :\ u. J HH. in ' 11 '11\t·ntt·nt , :u·t·ording to ht ·ll<'fits tlla.\· appt·ar on tht· ht·aring- and m:tk·· :tt lt, :til asspsf-'nH·nt th· ·n ·for h:tving- tl1t·ir tl· ·ft ·ns1 ·. ~:titl onl ina net· proYi<lt·s for th<' col:-\llTI<'E 1~ HEltEI:Y C[\'1·::'\ to all ht·t·ll ln:tt1t· and rt ·tu rn, ·d to said t 'nurt I l>··<'kl'l X·>. lfi ~~). tlw final h· ·a ring· It· ·tion of said assl·ssnlt·nt in fi\'t· an- J>l'l'SOIIS intt ·!'t ·Stt· d th:tt thE' ) ·'rt ·Si l}(·l1t tht·r .. nn will ht · ht ·l d on thP 1~th da ,· nual installm e nts and with annua l in- all<l I:oard of Trustt ·t·s of tht· \'illag-P of O<'tnhPr, ..-\. ]). 1~1~:;, at 111 ,,·,·l<wi._ t··n·st tlwn·on at th·· ratt· of six (li) of \\'iltnl·ttt·, in tht · County of <'oolc .\.:\f. 0 1 ' as SOOII tht·l 't· aftt·l' a;-; tJH· p.-r· <'l·ntum P~'l' annum. as proYi<lt.·d by :tnd ~tatt· of lllitwis, ha\'ing ort1er <1 law. that a vitrifit·cl tilt· pipt · st·Wt·J' with ~h · II u :-; i 11 t · s s o f t lw co u t· t w i II p t · t· 111 i t. I>att>cl, \\'ilntt'ttl·, lllinois, St ·ptpmh ·t· nt·<·t·ssary l11·kk 11Janhol ·s an<l lHt c:k .\11 Jlt·n;o ns tlt·sil·ing- may tilt · (lldt' <'2:?nd, A. D. El23. <·atch basins lJ,. <·onstrudt.·d and latd tions ill said Court bt·fon saitl r1a,· ancl C'HAHLES ~. EVAXS, fi'Oill tht· manholt· nc~w lc)('att:tl a t a 1na~· appt'a r on tlH · h~ ·a 1·ing- and ·nra kc Person appoi 11 tt·<l b.\· the PI.P!:;ipoi 1l t tiH e t· I :n f f· t · t 110 I' t h 0 f tiH· inth1·ir dl'ft'IISt' . clent of tlw l:oanl of Local Im tt·I'St·t·tion of thl' <·,·ntt·al lint· of Ho ef··r· ~aid ordinan<'t.' pro\· idi·S for lht· <'OlJll'OYenwnts of tht· Yillag-t· of A \'t·IIUl' or ~<·n · ntt·t·nth Strt·t·t, :uH1 the lt·<'l i(ln of ~.lid asst·ssnH·nt in fl\·,. an\\.i lm dte, Cook Cou 11t y, Illinois, south boundar·y lin e of th<· \' i llag·e of nual insta llm t·nts an<1 with annual into makt· said a!-;Sl'SSnH·IIt. \Vilm ·ttt>, where a. conn<·ction shall he tt · r. ·~t th('rNHl nt th<> rat(· of six (fl) L 52-2tc made; thenc<· W<'St along a li Ill:' three IH" r <'<'ntum p ' I' annum, as IH'OYi!l,·<l by ( 3) fe<:·t rwr·th of, an!l parallt-1 with, Ia w . the said south hounc1a1·y lin e of the ·>? DatPrl, 'Yilm <>tt·>, Illinois, ~ept em ber Yillag-e to the center lin e of Fl'rnl ·a( --11<1. A . D. 192:1. \ - illng.- of \\' ilnu·tte-St·N·inl .\sHeHH- A,·enue: th('llC(' north along- the ce nter r'HAHLE~ X . EYA="S, Jueut :\u. 16!;. lin e of Fernleaf Avenue to a }>oint one P.t' t·son appointt·t l h~· tht· Pt·Psihundred sixty-five 065) fe<·t south of clt·n t of the 11oan1 of Lo<'al ImXOTICE IS HEREDY G IVEN to all th e south lin e of \Vilm e ttt· Av('nue, th e provl:'mt nts of th Yill agt· of l >t.' I'Sons inte r este (l that the President ordinance for th e sam£' being on til · \\~i ln wtt(', C'ook C'ount~·. Illinois, of th e Village Cl(·rk of and noard of Trust e s of the Villag e in the otlic to ntakt' said nsst·ssment. of \Vilm e tte, in th e Co unty of Cook. saicl Yillage, and said Village having L52-2tc applied to the County Court of Cook a.nd ~Hat e of Illinois, having orclere<l that the C'entral e ig-ht e n ( 1 8 ), f ee t of ounty, Illinois, for an assessment of YILI.. AGE 0}1" '\\' ILliE'I"I'E the first al!Py south of Central Avenue, th e cost of said improvem e nt, accordt·xtending from th eastP rly lin e of ing- to ben e fits n.nd an aRsessment SPI·~('L\1.. "\ !i'SF.SSJU~~T :XO'I'I( ' E \\~ilm ette Avenue to the west erly lint· th(·refor having b e n mad and re\ ill:tgt· of "\\' llmette-Sr·c.-cinl .\HHess- of the rig·ht of way of th e Hanitar:-: Dis- tur·necl to said Court (Docket No. 166), final h ea ring th e reon will be h e ld trict of Chicago, (except that portion th ·neut ~ o. 1 H!:. of th <.' intersections of Third Street, on th e 13th day of Octob · r, A. D. 1925, Fourth Street, Fifth Street, Sixth at 10 o'clock A.M., or as soon thereNOTICE IS HEREI1Y GIYEX to all ~tr ee t, S(>venth Street, Eighth Street. aft r as the business of the court will J>l'l'l':;ons interested that the l ·'n·sident Xinth Htree~, e h ~tr ee t and Elev- p ermit. lmd no:inl of Trustet:·s of tlw Yillag e e nth Street, e t · e n the east and west All p e rsons a es lrmg may file objecof "~ilm e tt e, in tlw Co unt~· of Cook, lirws of eac of said s tr ee ts with said tions in said Court h for said day and and Rtate of Illinois, ha.ving· ordered all<>y, which are already pav e d), b e may appear on th e hearing and make that tlw Ct· ntral e ight een (1 ~) feet of improY ed by g-rading and })aving with th ir defense. tlw t1 r s t a 11 e y no 1· t h of Cen tra 1 A v t> n u e concr·ete and otherwise improving th Said ordinan ce provides for th e col.from th e east line o f Fifth Street to sam . th e ordinance for th e same be- lection of said assessment in t e n anthe w es t lil) e of Fourth Stl·eet, be ·im- ing on file in the office of the Village nual in tallm nts and with annual inprovecl by g-rading-, paving with con- Clerk of said Village, and said Village terest th e reon at th rate of six ( 6) cn·tt>, and otherwise improving the having applied to the County Court of per centum p e r annum, as provided by same, the ordinance for th e same be- Cook County, Illinois, for an assess- law. ing on file in the office of th e Village m e nt of the cost of said improvement, Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, September Cle1·k of said Villag e, and said Village according to benefits and an assess- 22nd, A. D. 1925. having applied to th e Countv Court ment therefor having been made and CHARLES N. EVANS, of Cook County, Illinois, for· an as- r·eturned to said Court (Docket No. Person appointed by the Presi!';eSSnJent of the cost of said improve- 165), the final hearing thereon will be dent of the Board of Local Imment, according to benefits and an- held on the 13th day of October, A. D. provements of the V-illage of sessment therefor having been made 1925, at 10 o'clock A. M., or as soon Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, and returned to said Court (Docket thereafter as the business of the court to make said assessment. No. 162), the final hearing thereon will will permit. L52-2tc -

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