Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1925, 47, p. 49

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October 2, 1925 hje ,_ Y and WILMETTE 1 LIFE RE ..\ J... ES'I'ATI<~ 47 FOR REN'I'-APARTME~TS mak f· COlan n. l in x ( fi ) ed b y pt "111 - Glencoe mclusive whos~ names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscnu.ers to either WILMETTE LIFE \VI~NETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. · ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice-Classi_fied advertisem~nts_ will be charged only . . to residents of the distnct from Evanston to t -----------· FOH. SALESPE 'IAI.. BAHGAI:-.;S· 75x1S5 wood e d lot- H.avinia. Nr. lake. $50 p r ft. Terms. 6 acr s on Lake avenu e , w e st of Wilm e tt e . "los e to new "L" e xt nsion. Fin e for subdividing. Price $3 ·,ooo. T e rms. FOR RENT-APT. IN EDGEWATER; 6 lge., lght. rms.; stm. ht.; 2d ft. in 2-ft.at. Hublease to May 1. $90. Tel. Sunnyside 5528. 1462 Winona. FUH. 3LT~1-ltc Ra eS-- S, e si Im of ois, 11) c e nts a line in one paper. 2:> C'e nts a lin e in any two papers. 30 cents a line in all thr ·e Jlap e rs. l\IINI~IUJI CHARGE 50 cents. Average of five words to tl'l e lin e . No black face type useu. 10% discount on nil cmch with order nch·crtisements ~vhen brought to our ofllee nt 1~2~ ('t·ntrnl 1 \ n . ·., \\' ilmette, or :J64 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. W. G. Stacey & Co. 336 Lind e n An·. , " ' ilnH.: tt <> Phon e 30 ' 1LTX1-ltc .FOH. SALE C OSY, YINE - O VERED, 6-rm. stu cc o h o m e : north s ec tion \\'ilm e tt e; 2 blk s . w e st of railroad; 3 bdrms. ; 2 p c h e s . ; fir e place; g-arage; flow e rs and shrubs. Own e r bought larg-e r place. 'han ce t o s t:c ur · good hom e at l o w c ost. Pri ce only $13,ri OO. Parti('ular s on r e qu es t. H . A. Hoagland, 2 Pr o uty Ann e x . \Vinn e tka 24 SO. 1LTN1-ltc R'ENT- 5 RM. APT.; CENtrally locate d; sunny and pleas. ; h . w. ht.; slpg. pch. Adults pref e r r e tl. Call Wil. 764- \;V or 1014 Lake. 3L1-1 tc Deadline for Insertions--cepted Classifi e d up adv e rtis e ments will be acto \Vetln e sday 12 o'clock for the WILMETT~ LIFE or all three papers; '.fhuisday 12 o ' clock for the WINNE'l'KA TALK and Ffiday 12 o'clock for th e GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1!:120-1921 or Winnetka %000-2001; FOH. R.B ..: XT- KITCHENETTE APT. I!'; Franklin Uldg. ; in-a-dor bed. G. F . Gonsalv e s. Phone Winn. 62. 3LTN50-tfc FOH. H.E~T - 3 R.:\I. APT. OVER GArag e ; s t e am lH:at. 5GG Sheridan Rd., \Yinnl·tka. 3LTN1-ltc It E .\ J. I.;S'I' .-\'I'B - to al l ~ id e n t ill a g (· C o ok 'd f' l' (·(i For Sale. vVihnette 7 H.:\I. C OL .: BHKFf-;T. NOOK; H. \V. ht.; m e tal wt·ath t: t' strip ; c opp e r s c r ee ns: g·antg·t·. Lot GOx 176 lh . Pric e $1 ri,OOO. H t-- nt . $ :-i ii. ~ IUf. C'OL. ; <:LAZE I..> FI{OXT A~D br·k fst. pclH· s .: 2 car garag- t- . Lot ~~~~ x 175 . Bat' l{ai It $1-! ,:i iiO. 1i IL\1. AXD llltKI·'ST. :'\O()K, I1H.ICK n ·sid P tH·(·; - h. w. ht. : stt·t ·l ln·a.m s; mt:t a l sa s h : tilt· bath . <:ood lo c ation. Lot ~dlx1ti :i. l:arg-ain $ 17, ;:J-OO. 7 lOT. ~ .:\Ir. Harlan D. Hall . \va s th e fortunatl' buy t--r o f anoth e r harg- a in adv e rti se d in thi s s pa c<· la:-; t v· e t· k. ~In~: t~;<~I l,~~-1 ! : ~: rr·I~h TI~\r;!~~ A~;:~ FOR H EXT- 3 JUTS. KITCHENETTE ) < s ·· · ·- ·n s .. >a s ; · c · · l; (· au . l o t :J Oxl:iO: 2 hlk s. to s ta. anc1 s c hool. . FOR RENT- 3 H::\lS. KITCHENETTE and hath: fur·n. $4 5. Hubbard Woods. T e l. Wi11n. !.!77 . 3LTN1-ltp li g ht hskpg. l'hon e \Vilmette 2399. L'l'N50-tfc 3 ' l' t of Y t·tH' 0 f A ASH - 'fhis \\·-eek's Bargains ~THEET, \\·rxxETKA :;ox1 ~ 7 [olEo §li:illlL\t~~®CID.llfrw (C(Q) $.111 ft . c:¥ )>t-'1' F ( )H H.EXT- 2 NICEI,jY Ft;RN. Rl\IS. for lig-ht hskpg. 310 Park Ave. Phon f> \\' il. 1 !Iii X. 3LT1-ltc I<'OU ltK~'I'-UOOliS st of e of .~ din ~ . lL\ItDI~<} Jt()..\1>XlL XE\Y ELE '" tr·ic <· xt,· n s ion : ni e t·ly w oo tl ·1l : 1 ;: ) 10 t S, ;, 0 X 1 ~ 7, .;· :~ ~~- 4 II ll ~' I' g · l. 111 Carlton AmH· x \\·inn. 1 8 00 1LTX1-lt c 4 rwi s t· let· ... fo r of . ani1 th .. i n o is , said ll· · li t s ' . I>EEHFIELll til A<'IU:~ . \\. l-..LL woodt ·d ; a b o ut 1 1 ·· milt ·~ Wt·st o f 1 '· · ·· rfid<l ~ tati < Jll. ~~ " ~Jil pt·r a t· t···. [ n Qd) ht. : ··ll 1 7,:,nn . I? ~, FH .\.\1 E Hl·:~fiH:~<'I ·: c··l'. }Ill :! :-,llxl '~' · ~ : II . p~ \\' . l::,r:..:ain n . .·" ':2) c til o ~«; ~-a®ll'®If & I~itl !:.!. · · o · [ ~ o~U:.Mlll1~ 1r."""l ~0 ,. I .fl. IF"" ~~ ~ o Ill ( a !'lt t oll .\ ll llt · X Ft>rt SALE UH HE~T - ~< "<>TT AYE., Huhhard \\· ood s. Xt·w 7 r n1. h o us e : 2 b a ths. F o r q ui c k ·a sh sa l t' $ 15,ri 011 . H r· nt $ L i ll . 0....1 0 '7":' i' o -r ( r I \\' 1~:'\ETK.\-XJ·:"· RED l;[U C'K I) ~~ G"Jl1 .] Cd:r nns. 711ft. l ·>t. l:t ·st l ol' atinn . · · ..;; 1 ~ ~~· · :io n. lnquir· · at \ 77 Elm St ., \Yin \\ IIII I. l\ill) l lll· tl-.:a. l'h o ll l' \\"inti. ]lj\ ~ 1 . 1LT~l-1t t· 1LTX1 - lt c ------------------------------F< >n RE:'\T 2 LARGE, LIGHT, ,. . cc W t:> ll-furn. room s ; s ing·l e or in suite; Pl'iY. bath . Xr·. tt·ans. Phon e \Vinnt-' tk a 1:)4 3. 4LT~1-ltc <'EXTH..\L Il()TJ.:L--LTGHT OGTSTDE rn o ms: fur transients and r<>si<lt:>nt~. 112 ~1 ::\lain St. l'hon e \Vii. 10 . 0. -!LTX:iO-tfc FI)J{ J~E~T - L.\I~<~E ~ · · p a t· :l.t t· l >t· d ~. Two a \"i n g- ( 'f· lll' t :u ·in l{ da \' <'I 0(' k F111~ ~ . \I.E l'hll ll t· 7 .\\' o· .. \\' il rn ··lt· · \\' il. :: .: 1 li.T~ - lt c ~~~~~ - ~! ·: : --------~---1--l--l---------~ I Fill~ )J!I;XIJ-'IJ·: JJ II 1~ .\ 1 . l:I~I!' K 1 ' 111. . 1~1·: ~ . : 1 a l rno~ t tl ··\\·, ~ - 1 ·: . \\. i t11 1··t l-:a : ~1111 l'lll. , l i \' . rm . 1 : t x:: ~: I lJ at hs; h . \\. I ht .: ~la t P !' IIO[; ill olll t'llSe l o t ; s t;Jt ··l:-· I I' · t'!-', \. cc tl( ec th . ·hj('(·- ·· 1 :. \Til~ : J, I' ]( f S t. l }I) I " " ; ;! I ' : I I' ~· a I' a 1.! I· ; S i fl t ' drin ·: ~ hll-: :-: . · t11 ~· · \\' Tr i·;r h il..!' h This is :1 11 \Ill: ·w huol a tr d s ta t ic ·tl. 1~.\1. \\· . (' l) f' . p 11 r·t atioll: l:tt' !..!. t' Jq t : pr ice · .~ :!1.111111 . ()tt, ·n. ~ ~~ ; <' u u n t\· Li tll· ltd .. <;.J,' nl' h on t· l;! t· lh:Ot; . -t :j:~ . lLT:'\ :JIJ -tf e 1 !'Ill ~ . : ll <:ll' ];L)..; t·, ~· f1lf a!lcl tl':\!I S- SAL!·: ill~ I!l·: :-\T - ~1·:\\· ][fll.SE t o tran s. FT{OXT R : )O::\L gt: ntl t-- 11l l' n. Clos .Ph< lil t· \Yil. 21i !I~J n ft ... r 1 :30 . 4 L:; 1- tfc ~ · :'\.1111 11 . \' :Liltl lll : l k f' I·Y>H S .\ LF.- 211 _\I 'flES : from fl, · prJt in l> ,· ··l'tiv l·l: o t h ,. r a <· t' · ·- F< IT"! RE~T LAIU~E. PLEASAXT fr n nt !' 0 (Jl1l: pri\·. hath. atHl showc·r t ' Oil\'. l'h n n e \\"il. 7111-H. 4Lltfe . (·· d- ·. all a I in - x If; ) ·· d h .\' · ·s i }Ill It f clis, lo all ·id<·nt i I lag- " Coole t1 e r <> <l h th ' lJI'iC'k laid at a P inoef· ·t· d th t: g;e of Lll h e · \\. i 111 1. ~ ~. I J :i~ l HILL :--:T ., \\' IL.\II·:TTJ-: . ~~·. :\\ -~7~ 1 1 1 ·:1111 =-' t. \\'in tl··tl-::1 I LTXI -1 l t· ·:- r o flll l ltt tll !:.!. :tl n w : h o t \\ a t ·· t· h ··:tt : a ll !OllJ:tti \' 1.! :1 ~ \\';\ 1·· 1' ho ·;t to · t·: til t· - 011 hat h \\'ill! " Ill· "· r: lll· ·t a t ,,·,·:l th· ·r ~I 111 ~ ~ lrip-pl:\lt· g la ss \\ i ll dt·Ws : largo · li\"-· ~ · · 'i 1 1~· t·u ·llll \\itll tiro ·pL H·t·. l:· ·at tlit'ull ~· .\llll >t·:l!:'\ ~. -1!1111.\f ~Tl'l'('ll 1[1>.\11·:. \\'oll do ·d lot, ~, 11 :-; 17 :-,: :! -\':1 1' !..!:t t·a :..: ··. l ·: ; t~t St·t·t ion \\. ilnlo ·tt t·. llot wat· r llou s ·· o n ]_\ si x n t·,nths ol1l. h· ·a t : h t· at· ·d sun p a t·l o r : til· · ha th · 1~ ~- · ll"l " 1111 11 ~' c ~en< ,ea ty o. · · ,.,l ·. ···· 1·' · · tl : tt llt T ill ~ t u n ..:\\"t·. .\TTlL\( 'I ' I\.1·: ti - lDI. l~I!H ' K l>l . T< ' II 1' n i, ·. :l ;~ or ":{"4 C o l o n in l: !l (·a rl\· Ill' \\' : h ot wat ··l' "Fr,JJ, ,\,. tho· Star" ht ·a t: full tilt · l ;;lth: s c t't· t·nt ·cl plll 'l'h : 1L1 - lt <' ti n t· l o t. t:o··cl East lo ·ati o n . Pr kt· -------------------.; 1.\ , :i OII . \\' I IE~ < ITI I Elt .\1 I·: I )J t ' :\J:-; I L\ Yl·: fa i lt· d t o :-:·· c un · tht · n· ~ult ~ ,·ou dt ·- ~l·~\. EIL\1.. <}<H>D L O TS \\'IL~IETTE , sir,· i n dispo s ing- of ~· our p .rnp· · t·t~· . Kt· nilw o i· th, Xot·th E\·an:-:ton. nFF'H'E~ l is t your impro\'t ·d nnd Ya<'alll in ;:411 Linrh· n Ax e. , \Yilnwttt· \\.ilnwtl t' . Kt ·nilwot·th ,\\-innl'tka an·l I' lw n l · s \\ · i l. 6 S and H 4 1 :ll'll('tH · with us for qui<:k a c tion and ~:i47 l ·'rairiP AY e. , E\·anston ca s h. !'hon e <3n.·e nleaf ti~ll F<tl~ ~ . \LE -111 7 l. i tttlt- 11 .\\"··. \\. i I. li ~ ·" I I. l - I t <.· ---- lHI I) c (~ 11-F ;- ~. ';"' @"' Tf'~t2G ..-v"' {(·? lr'.-... <o;:)f7'YJ 11 .....-.,"'\l ~Luu ©~.~...., ~ il~ , ... '=""' <->"-") Ll..wu \.::::? J I \ I r<>1 & · Co Off-··r 1~.\1. Tltll-~1 ·~: _ \ ~ l ..C.I. I,\'l)JTfllX. XE\\h· ·a tin g· plant : ~-t·a r · !:.!.' ;t r:t:..: ··. l)t· ··P \\' <H! d ... d !ttl . l!o ·tlU <:P d ft ·om ::; 11;, :-;o1) t u $ ] -1 , llt ill for q uick sa l· ·. T o· l, · ph o n ~~ \\-iln w tt t· 17."i ll . 1LTX1-1 t<.· F l 1 I~ I~ E:'\T- <'I 1:\f F. \\' H tt ·r: 1:'1· 11\". t o h a - - FltT. IDI. : h. th . \\.il. 32111) . 4LT1-lt c Fl ~ "I lry IJ 1 C I -~-----~--~~~~~~~~~ 1 H· IYt ~ rHx . ·· FOil HEVI'-HOt ~E~ (.'tJl~ ~ .\LE - .\JI>()Elt:'\ I~ 1~.\1. ~TI>HY a nd a h a lf h u nl.!alnw : h . \\' . ht. : nr . ~t· h tt! ols :11 1·i st; tt i<lil. \\. ill t r:t do· fnr \·a 1 ·; u 1t. \\' ri t ·· \\.l l llll' tt· · Lift · .\ - li\fi . 1LT~l-ttl ' I! EXT_:_ l !< )( ).\J: T'h t tlH· \\ illl l. 4 ~ 1 ~ 1 . Jt'OIC tl~ xr.:.\H. TRAXS. 4LT:'\1-1t c . \~ll HEVI'-~TOHE~ OFFJ( ' E~ Fill{ !!EXT 7 Jt.\1. Fl~ . \.\11·: 1111.\II-: IX lirw south t· a~ t s· ·1·t ion \\. inno · tka : furn . o r llt l t' tt t' ll.: nr. l a l-: ··. s v h o nl:-~ and station . l'Pss . a t on t···. \·· ·ry r e as. t't.·nt . _ \ c t quick . ~e t· I~ .\. Hna~lat11l , ·> l'r o uty _\nnt· X. ";\"innet k a 2 4 "fl . :! LT :'\' 1 - 1 t e !-'l)ll HEXT- \ 1~.\T. <.'<H.XTitY HO:\IE Ill'. ~l qwaUk l' t' H\' e. :tnd nlen\'it ·W rcl . : 2 or n10r · a c r ·s ; wat e r ht ·at atHl plumhing. Fin e h o nw . .' 4:i mo. Fl l' n tyt·, 7:!~) L rt ke av e ., \\. i lnwtt ·. T e l. 13S2. 21...1-1 te FOR HE~T - Fl"HX. 7 R:\f. H~E.: I) mos. or longer: garagt:, oil hunwr, piano. $200. Tt>l. \Vinn. 22~> 1. 2LTN1-lte Fl >H HEXT- ATTRA TIVE S R.:\f. hse.; h. w . hl'at; garag ; nr. trans. and schooiR. Lg t>. wooded lot. Phont \Yil. 2720. 2LTX1-lte FOR T:.E~T- 7-H.\T. 4-7 months. :>27 \\ri n nPtka . =~ nFFTCES FOR REXT fn~. r>A\·r~ ~T .· EYAXSton . Eh-\':ttm· s e rYi c t·. All out.i(l e ntfit ' t·s. Lilwral eo n c t·s s i o n. APllly :\lr. Har\'t ·~· . Xt ·w E\·anst o n Tht>atr e. 5LTNilO-tfc F1 11t 1! P.XT- STOH.E XO. 110;) CENtral .\ \' t' ., \Vilnwt tt . Fine location for ~ hot' st o ri' . Phon e \Vii. 2399. 5LTN52-tfc FOR RE~T - STORE XO. 4 IN CARLton nl<lg. G . F . nongalves. Vhone 'Vimwtka fl2. !lTir~ri2-tfc ; " -. \ VI'ED '1'0 H t<;::\"1'-HOFSES X orth Shore Real Estate Co. -t 1 'I Lind Pn .\ \ "f ·. , \Yilml't tt· l'hotH · \\. ilml'ttP :!77S 1L1-1tc l three with, f the nl ·a( e nter t one lth of ~· th Cook nt of cordment F<H{ ~ALI·~ - lll-I:J:AHD W<HID~ . 7 rrn . Col. houst· : 4 h<lrm~ . : ~ baths : :! JWht·s. : garag·P. 1110 ft. ft ·ont lot. I :t ·a U . vit>w. $1X,000. Frank A. Reid T..intlt·n A v<·. , Huhhard \\. ood s l'hotH' \\'inn . 1300 lLTXl-lt<' F< )}{ SALE- ::\tnn. HO:\fE nARGATX; 7 rms.; l'oL fnlnw: h. w. ht.; 2 baths: ht<l . g·arag-t>: 2 tint· pchs. ; lg-P . liv . rm. with firepl.: 100ft. lot. Brig·ht 'llHl homelikt·. $1S,OOO. a~~}J 16r6)~ HEAL E~'fATE TO EXC'HAX<.zE FLOltii>A 0\\'XEH. Jl:RT ~JOYING· TO Chicago will consi<lt>r trading hi~ Florifla honw located in a mo!"t t·x('}usiYt.' suhurh for a goo<l huil(lin~· lot on the :'\orth Shore pref t> rahly Kl'nilworth, \Vinnl' tka or Glencot" . Th e hous e is value(l at about $30,oon.oo and has a mortgag e of $15,000. If vou· would be intereste d in this proiler·t~· fot· your vacant lot, plc' aSl' s e nd location and I shall be> glad to consider it and if interested, will send you complete information rt.>garding my Florida honw. Adtlrt.·!';!'i \Vilm<>tte Lifl· A-6 1LTN1-1 tc HESPONSIP.LE l\fARRIED COPPLE want to shari' home with small famil~or will give finP ('are to home in your ahRt>nce. Ad<lre~~ Wilmt>tte Lift> A-6 . ii . 7Ll-ltn n " ..\ X'I'F.D TO It t<;Vt'.\ P .\ H.TliE::\'TS \\"'A~TED - ~:\L\LL not ovt>r $4:i. A-flS!I . HI<~LP FURX. H01..HE : Provid e nt AY· '· · 2LTX1-1 tc rNFPRX. FLAT; \Vrite 'Vilm tte Life llT...TN1-1tc 11 "·.\~'I'ED-)IALE ~ lHI fill ll \\·in !1(·tk.1 Cfuilll cdl < Hfkl' §ttcw ITil® . \Vinn. 1:i4-l 1 LTXl-1 tc North £yanston ~PLEXDID lR®<ID.ll 1E~U:~it® § <ID.l ®~ Iffiil®ITil \\' E HA YE OPENINGS FOR OXE EXand 011(' held 1925, heret will col.an1 in(6) T\YO C"HTC"AGO J<'Al\fTLTER 'VA~T 2 :\10DERATE PH.TCRD HOl.SES AD.TOI~ING OR NEAR F:ACH OTHER: ONE OF 7 OR S ROOMS. THE OTHBR OF ;; OR 6 ROO::\fS: OR T\YO FA:\ULY HOPRE TF r:'ll'DER $:l0,000. \VRITE AS HOON AS POSSIBLE TO 'VIL::\fETTE LIFE A-flX2. l .Ll-1 tc FOR SALE-LOTS 0-=" CHESTNPT, Ashland, . lOth, 7th, anrl Sheridan, ·with rip. rights, and niers: little down; long timt>. John P. Gag-e>, 3fl Grape St., Vineland, New Jerse~·. 1L50-ttc KICELY WOODED LOT, 50 x 140, IN north section of WilmettP. All improvements. $75.00 per ft. For further information call Wilmette 1750. lLTNl-ltc OLl> HO::\IE OYEH.LOOKing Skokie club; 9 rm., ~ bflt'lllR., 1 hath .. Beautiful lot, 150 ft. frontagt· x 1~2. \Voncl rful possibility. Actual ogTOUIHl value $20,000 . Price $2G,GGO. Exclusive Agents 10 Carlton AnnPx \Vinnetka 1 , 00 1LTN'1-1 te E.\ S T 'V 0 0 D APARTl\IE~TS 0~ K\ST,VO D AT C"ENTRAL ST. COR~ER, NOT CO ~RT APTS. ACCLAI:\'IED BEST OF NE\V APTS. I:'\ EVANSTO:-.;. 4's and 5's with extra bed, clost>ts. ReaRonable r<>ntR: 1 1 '2 blks. to C. & N. \V.; 18 min. downtown. Sound-proof, larg rooms; playrooms for hildren. No rear apts. Near public golf course. Owner on premises. Phone Pniv. 3713. 3LTN50-tfc F'OR RENT UNFURN. 3-R~I.. kitchen and bath; first floor; including heat, light, gas and hot water. Front and rear porches. Also furnished one-room, kitchen and bath. Rooms. Call 1\'Irs. Berringer, Owner. salt:>snutn of character atHl ability at OUI' \Vinn tka and Chicag-o officeR. Prefl'l' reRidPnts of North Hhore with car. Phone Main 3121 or \\'inn. 23ii0 x d by l\ Real Home 7-JUI. RRICit AXD STUCCO; 2 BATHS; water heat; vacuum clt:·aner; sunparlor and slpg. pch.; 2-car g-arag(;'. Large landscaped lot; 2 blkR. from lake. This is one of the most attarctive homes in Wilmette. for atlPOintment. f o ~ o lllhlcwmm<ID.~ & C©o 11LTN1-ltc S, esiIm- W©rrttllli§Ihlcwrr®~®~llttcwlf~ (More Want Ads · on Pace 48) ot lois, F. Coletnan Burroughs & Co. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Wil. 640 1LTN1-1tc 726 11th St. Wilmette 1868 3LTN1-ltp 52-2tc

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