Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1925, p. 48

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48 WI L M ETTE ' L I FE 14 !!' l ' l 'A'l ' I O~ \\ '. \ ~TE D - ll ALE HAHGAINS IN CLOTHES S1Tl'ATIOX \\'TD-YUC~G COL. ~lA~ trood style and qualwant::; hswk. part time; washl'S winitv; size 3S aml 40. dowH, cars. \Yilliug to take steady $~O EVJ·~·NIN<1 GO\VX, 1'1:\K C'HEPE jol> washing· cars uights in garag·e. <le chine, h eav ily l> a<led, $35; ro.se !'hone Alex, \Vinn. 4:-.:-:. 14LTXl-ltc t·vening go ·w n, velvet brocaded chtfEPI fun, $20: navy twill ·oat dress, $12; (Contin ued f rom P a ge 47) ::-;1Tl'ATIOX \YAXTED EXL'. -~ Jwnna t1alliH·l dress, $~; <:Ocoa h ·a<led t·n ·ed housc.·m<Ul has two week days in aml:ll'r, . ' ; l>rown eamd's hair 1J UJ<.;LP \\' .\ X'I'ED-JI ALB op ·n for p<·rnwnt:nt worl-\. \-\'ill ('arc wintl'l' eoat, red fox collar. $20. for fUI'IlaCl'S. Hefl..'··ences. Td. \Vil~lt·n·s clothing-, 36-3S; gTey tweed \YAXTED- HlGH Sl'HUUL J:OY TO nwtt ' 2 ~t3. HLTl-ltp suit, $Hi; n<·w $~10 bt·ov\·11 l~ng-lish dt>lin·r !low e rs aftt·r school and a!l da\· Satunla,·s. lnquir · 1161 \Vil- AlTOL' XT AN~' HAS TDlE TO liAXo\·l'r<:oa t, $3j. l'holl' \\' il. 2!16:-.. m~ttt-· An· nu~ ·. llLT};l-ltc dl<· complet · small s<·t of bool<s. · 21 LTXl-ltc Trial l.mlatH:es, t'l<:. A<l<ln·ss \\'il- FOH S.\LE' _:_ GJU<;EX CLAl'J:OAH.D \YAXTED- b Y LOXG EST.-\BLISHL~I> ml'ttt: Life A-6~IO. 1-:ILT:'\l-ltc chicken-hou::;e about GxUt. and 6 ft. firm; young- man to learn busint'SS. ~mall salary to start. Sun· a<lv~tn ce- SlTL'ATl )~ high; in good condition; v ·ry rc~t::;. \\' .-\:-\TEJ) EXI'I·~fUmcn t if makes ~· oo<l. \\'t·i te \Vill'hOill' \Vilm ettt· 71.i3-.\I. l'llCt·d ganlenet·. lh·~ t \\'int i · tka. m 'tte Life A-6 ' 7. llLTXl-lt · :!11./l'Xl-ltp r efl·l'l:lll't>s. \\'i lling· to clu any h om;· WOI'k. Td. \\-innetka 60. \\·.·\STED- ::\fAX FOH CI-L\l.FFEL' H. FOlt SALh LEATHEH t'.\llH.£EH HLTXl-1 tp and gl·n. hswk .; who liYes at home. for bahy to fit st·at of automolli!,·; Hefs. rt_·quin~d. Td. \Yinnl'tka 1243. just like new, $:1. T ·l. 1\:,,n il. 33XU. llL'TXl-ltc l:t !-i l ' l'l' .\ '1' 1 0~ \\' .\ X'I'EH-J<~BJL\ LE 21LT1·ltc SITl'A'I'lOX \VAXTED EXI ·'ERI\\.AXTED- ELECTHICIAX'S IIELPEH. vu<·t·<l. t.·apaldt' nurst..· will care for F(IJ{ SALE-FULL LEX<:Tll .:\11:'\K <'oat in p e t·f. con<l. Co:-;t $1,:!00. Inquire :>til Lincoln H\'t..·., \\.inuPtka . 1'11ildn·n by hour . lligla·s t l't·fer\\'ill tal<· $3i:;O. l 'hone Ult·tl. fi-1!1. llLTNl-ltc t·n<·l·s. Tel. Edgewater ;:,r,H. 21LTX1-lte ,-,-.A_N_T_E_·-D--Y-O_l_'_X_G.. -~[-A-.. -~-T-l_>__ D_R_I_V_E_· 1 GL T 1-2 tp I ~CLASSIFIED ADS I I ~1 FOit SALE-lliS('J~LLA.SEOt'S ! I Oct::>ber 2, Forum Councilor .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..__ _ . Hanhnn e 12 truck an<l do gen. work. J~ckart "o., \\"innt-tka. 11LXI-1t<' \\~NTED-FBMALE H ELP TELEl'H< >XE OPERATINGIS SITl . ATIOX \\' TI>- \\'0:\IAX \\'ITH 11 yt·s. old want::- gt·n. hswk.: g·ood cook: good honw 1st eonsidt..'ra tion. A<ldn·~s \\.iltn ·tt · Lif · A-6 9. HiLTl-lt' L:\l'XIliCf \\·<·HK <'ALLED FOR AND dt·l i n·n·d. 1 :-;t vlass work. Rt· fs. l'hon· · l'lli\'. 217::?. 15LTX:!l-Hc Sf'1T "\ Tl< >X \\'TI l - ~L\ ll >: FOB. IIALF days IIIOI'IIillgs pn·f.; Ill' by th<· \\'t·t· k. I 'h on t · l. n i ,. . ;, 0 2 II . I :1 L 1 - 1t p SI'JT..-\'fl():\ \\'TJ) <·X p . I 'IHIIH· \\'i l. <~EX. F<IH SALE-LAI>lES', :\lEX'S A~U wt·a ring· appart·l. 33:1 Hawthorn AVl'. <3lt-nt.·ot· fi7!1. ~1LTXJ-1tc hoy~· FOJ~ coop. A ])ESIRAnLE FOH < WCl'PA- SALE-f'rn\T.-\ I !LE <.'H (( 'K I·: X<.'heap. Td. \\'iltudtt· 11:-.:-. . 21LTX1-1tc TI'OX YOL'X<; \YU::\IEX; FOH SALE - THE \\'OHK T~ I'EIDL\XE:'\T, 1:'\TEHESTIX<;. H< >:\TE. \\' ELL OAK \VO< >() ('('T FOH fireplace. Tel. \\'inu. 1 :!01) . 2 1 1 ________________ __r_,r_r_l_-_ _t~· S. J. Duncan-Clark. 228 wood court, well·known editorial writer, public AX( ) >HS < >l'EH.-\T< ...\HE LIKE ASSU\\' [TJf l'AII>; \\'UHK TIIF\" A='\1> TilE! I l 'AY IS (;{\'EX E .\('1[ A IS Till·~ YEAl~: Lll :En.-\ L l !J·;XEFIT ( '( I 'L.\X T<J I'IUJ\'ll>El>. lllittet· of the Chicago Forum t:ouJH·il, a11 enterpri:-t' \\ hirh C">ntl·lllplatt·.., .\:'\TI<!l'I·:. .FT'_IL'\ITl'ln: HI~I'ATIU:'\<: I weekh: di:-.ru:--.ion:- 011 prt·"l'l.lt da,· a11d r,·ftntshJtH.::. uphnbtt· rtng·, mat-j .· . . · tn·~st ·s t't·nt·Wt.' fl. <"aldtH·t work. Ft···<} quL·:-tJOib by natiOnally .;_111<1 Illtcrna F<ll~ SALE-:{ 1'..:\:'\ET.- LK-\THEH 1·::\1-~ Xittfl, 1:!:{' <'· · ntral A,·, .. T'honv \Yil. l tionallv kno\\'11 lt'acln-.. The forum 27 L~-tfC' which .is to he non--.ertarian and non~ ho~s· ·<l ~<'l't···ll: rugs: lll<lh. snwkill~..:· :!·t::n. l'ahind: :! ~ing-1<· hl'ds: lih . tahl<· a1Hl ('ll;lirs::! a:-:h <":ttl~. l'lH'"" \\'il. :w.-.~~. :m P \I VI ' I ~f~ \'\ fl H I-:('O H .\ '1 '1:'\(~ 1 p;trti . . an in charartL·r. i-. to he con. 17L1 - Itt· durted at the :\p olio tht·:ttn·. Chicago 1 -,.-.,-,-~-~-::-;..-,-,-.-, .=---_ -l_{_<_n_ · _:-..;_·1->-.--F-l-.-~-r_E_I_>--<,-.-\-h.--, l'\·cry :unday a it L'riHlt~ll I n·g inning .:\< ,_ 32flfi. tiO invh <lin. taldt·, " ft. f·Xtl·nsion: fi c h a i r :--: 1 o rn H t (' h w i t h I , r < , w n 1t·a tlH ·r ~··:tts. 7ttl L:tkt· .\\·t·. Tt ·l. \\"i lrnt"ttt· ~.;.11. 17Ll-ltp FtiH :-;.\I.E .lt · \\·,.J ;..:as lll<:H !1\"E:'\. <'L .\HK r:tllgt'. n·as.: J,ras~ IJt ·ol: clark f11t111'd oak vhill:t c;lltitH·t. I'll" 111 · \\. i l. :l :3 7 '. 17 L I - I t (' · l ':t it11 E:-:t l rn;tt··~ H::-;\\·K .; l:iLTl-lt<" FUI\ SALE- IL\I;y·s \\'AHHHOI!E . :..peakcr and CI\'IC leader has been ~~~~·I~H~~~~1~~>~\~\~·~i1~ . ~~~fl~~.;~ · -~·~J.~~~~~~2~1~1.~1~--l~t~< · nan h : d. a me m her of the a <h· i ~ <, r Y com- ··-· ·~11 ·: <WFH'I·: \\' I Til · 1 · n TTl'll . . .: r ·., \l'llliH'r 1. - -I TJfE t "HII·;t.· <JI'I·:It.\Tti!L "1111 I l·TIJI ' :I ( ()J' !.!,.i\·t·ll upntl applil'ati··n 1 I :..! :.! \\. i lt1't t · t t · · ·\ , . · ·.. \\. i l111 d t i· !'I' 12TH \\' 1 L:\lETTf.:. X eat, Reliable ~\\·t::-;s I UH SC< >TC II I 'It 1 ·: FE I~ I: 1·: I> : :~ adults in famih : full t·l<·dri<.'al l·quipnwnt; oil }),·at: ;..:ood h"nt··: own room anti hath . Tt ·l. \\'inn . IP71. l:!LTXl - ltc I II~ S.\ L 1::' I F< built -in l't·JI)(J\'t·d. . \ \ ' t ·.. < ; Ftllt ~ .. \LE .\I'Tt!:\I.~'I'H' <:.\,' 111·:.-\T<·t· \\lth saft·t\- dt·\ll'l · litrg<· siz,. f11t ' d"111dt· !.!·ara.:.:.·... 1;;lo' <'t·ntr:tl :\\.'(-' . Tt · l. \\.il. 117 . 17Ll-ltl· ~id1·hnard ( 'lrl ' :l)J. Of Interest Only to Our Advertisers 'I I I ·- 1 FIX 1·: lt ·ll('Ot·. \\'IIITI·: (1.\K \\'hi! ·h h;l ~ IH·I'I1 :! ti I I I :1 " t 11 or 11 I 7 LT.'\ I - I t t' I Let thr TII0:\1 :\.' D l ·: C 0 H :\ T I.:\ G l estimate t e rio r your interior and \\ · h :1 t dot ·... a 111 an <l n " I! en lll' " a 11 t . . "ll' t"thin!-[ and dot·--n't ktlll\\ \\hvre to t!. (' t it : <'X- _:\ 1 , 11 ) F<>I' <'~-'" j F<ll~ :-;.\LE .\_l.~<; r·: <'<H ·. ~T.\11. 1 "·hat hv \\ant--. IlL· t·c,nlJ ' vl ... :tttl'nti<d1 1'(1('].;, .,.. l'h<·llt · L\\ IIIII. !l:i\. hswk.: good wa!.!t ·s a11d good hom(' . 1,\. lllaking hi ... \\;tnt ... kn(l\\tl :\nd ii 1 - 1 T:'\l It. Ht·fs. !111 Elmwood .\\'t·. Tt·l. \\'il-l I ·· < he \\:tllh ,(llllvthim.! ;tt U11l't' ;t;lcl \\:tllh nwtt<.' 1~1i7. . l~LTXI-It<: F<l·lt· :-;...\1_.1·' . l'TE.Xt'tl '.!U·:'\1:\.:<: .~,·.1, ..,'.)Tlw Cood :-hip. 'J·:,·anl..(l'l.' de ... igned ( lt1t1 1 · 111 ·1 1101 I <<"" I· J· t· 1· \\ '-·r 1 it h;trd \YAXTBD-G THL T<· < ". \1{1·~ F<·H and built I>~· tb<: I\n·. \\ 'i lli :lln Cui:-e. it \'t r.\ lllllrh ;tnd ii hv find 1 1 !':mall hous · anrl::? ehildrt·ll in S('hool. ' ' - <I to get other pt·llplv'-. attvntion. lw p an·.nt~ <;111p 1OYt·<l. . <'all \~:il.. 1~11 ! 1 j F<llt S.\LI·: ~!.\If. PIX. l!.\1. SI·: T . :·;,o ; pa:--tor ot the \\'i lmette Engli..,IJ Luth- ~ll()l'T~ ~ 11 .tftt·t l. :\1. LL:\1-It<' !h;l:! tdu· · \\'ilto 11 1· 11 c. :::;l:i: hiL:h t·ran church. \\'ill he laund1ed ior th l' \YAXTEI>- - \\'fiJTE <;!I~L F<>it <:l·:x. (·h··i,·. l'h'lll· · \\'il. %!1-\1. 171.1-tt·· 1 ... t·cond tim ~aturday, Oct ober 3. in L'ncln -.iiililar t' lllclitioJh th · !Ju . . ih~wk. : :1 n<lult~ . <: .. on..:·· \\'hitt>. ~,..,. W\'\' I'I-: H -IHH!-iE II OJ:n (~(UH)s lthc .Drainage c:tnal. :~II friend--. 1H'"' lllCill u-.~·-- a FL . I.l. - P : \Cl·: :\I>~~ 1 11°1 c:n·(· nwnod A Yt·. Tt ·l. \\'ilnwt It< e:--pecialh· the clnldren ot the con1- j Here 1s the R oll to D ate ::?:;..... l:!LTX-ltv T() l!l'Y-SI·:C()XJ) lL\XD lllunit.\·, ·are im· ited to \\·itne:-.-; in- Chamber of Commerce IS 1 1 \YA:'\TEP Y()l':'\<: <:flU, FOH <:E:'\ . I · i~'i'~~~:.~ ;-~·Jl~.J~~!. (;~:\\c;r }~:~.us;;~~;;~.~. g/:.;.~c~ :t tcrc:-tin .~· e\·cnt. The cercmon1e-. ,,·ill I Skokie M otor Co. .. ........ .S hswk. !'lain ('OOl\ing-. Xn wn~hin;..:·. Fut·nitu 1·1 · ::-;ton·. ltHH-fi Emt·rson St ., 1 take place at the Linden an:nuc S R b T,·J. \\'innt'tlct 17fl:! . f~ll \\'illow I' 11 · 1 ) · 1 k osen aum 6 1 1 Hoad. 12LT:'\1-1tc·,yan:-;tun. Ill. l'hont · \~ ~1.'1':'\~~-tft·! >rJ< gt· at ' 0 c oc ·. I W in ne t-k-a Coai-L~mber Co. 5 \YAXTr·· n - ('O:\n· · · · · · · · · I ". \YAXT 1·-: l > - <: r HL (\\' Ill T I·:) F\ II\ <;EX. I I·'< 11: ~,\ L r·: 1:.\ 1 11 l l 1 > y x !·~. r .'\<'IX 1 >(>23i h~wk in famil\· of ;{; 1111 washing: in:.:. t·;tldnt·f, ti tuiH · ~ and :\lu:-:iv .\ la~ nivt· room. Jll'i\·. hath : good ('tool.;: ' tPr l'h<·ll· · \\"il. t · 1 ·--.:==================~ Ifill-, .loud ~Jl,·<tk<·r. ~7.-,. -,l.'l"'Ir e fs .; best wag- .._.s_ l'hunv \\"il. 1-1;,.... . 1 I:!LT:'\1-lt<' I · ·' 1 1 I painting. Phones C n i ". and \ \'il. 237R 29J .49- tic ;j l\\11 :u1ol \\;tit iur it tu r )lllL' to !J i 111 ~- \' v.... i i h v i... l:t 1 ·' · "n d 1111 j :u.liiJi! iuu--. _\'~,. n·rt;tinl.\. 11 i ull Dot·.., ht· :-it 1 1 o If Jl<· '· c a-.J..: . . Vessel Gets 1 MissionSecond Trial Voyage 1'l(lpk \'.l1vrv l1v r:tn .t!.d I -·'i't-: \\':-\:'\'l~l·:n I thi ~ \Y AXTEl )- \\'< 1:\J..\ X ~1()1{:\' I Xc ;s gt·n. Tt ·l. \\·inn . h ~ ,,·J.: . > ;~~~;;.i':'\l-Itc F<>n x . F I·:Ll t\111'1' "Yt·., IU \YAXTI::I st · \\'itlg-. ;-,..... c;oo<l :\UIP: ~XIl \\'<>nK AXD wagt ·~. l'hntw \\'inn. 1~LTXl-1k 1 1,~·tlg-htt ="' 1·:\\· A:'\ I> and ·.Yan::- on. 1 ~1·nlll . l'SI·~ fl Fr· I{Xf _ 1ti-l-1 :\l:tpl<· '1ont· 1 'ni,·. 1118. HLT:'\ 1 !t-tft· \\ ' \ ~' I 'E il - ,11 !-i('ELJ. . \ ~EO l ' !-i :\f rs. Gcon~:e ~chroecler. formerlv a resident of \\'ilmette, is now stopt;ing at the Edgewater Beach hotel. _ _ 0 :\fr. all<l ~lr ·. I·'rc·<l \\·1 11·te ll~\·c l)t'.C ll .-\ ·· Hu bbard W ds. L umber & Coal Co ... 4 La ke Co. Construction Co . ...... . .. 2 Val Quinlan Co . ...... . .......... 2 Wilmdte 2 N I L Shoe d S tore e son aun ry 2 A y res Tefft Co. · · 2 Meyer Coal & Material Co 1 J h E ........ . o n vans Apts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . I A . Starr Best .......... .. ...... .. ... 1 Kashian Bros. · · · · · · · · · · · · . ·. · · · ·. · . . 1 C ommunity Chest ...... .. .......... . I Wolff-Griffis ...... _. .. .. . . . .. ..... . 1 Crown Oil Burner ................. . 1 M p t h 1 or en auser ................... . Ballard's ........................... . 1 R E J & C · . ames o. . ............. . _.. 1 John M. Smyth Co. . ............. .. 1 Oil-o-matic Co. . .................... 1 E vanaton Motor Sales . _......... ... 1 New Evanston Theatre Co. . ........ 1 Shoreen Motor Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Scheibe .. .... ...................... . 1 Cartozian .......................... 1 Kleen-Heet Co . .. ·........... .·....... I "~AXTED - \\'JTlTE ~L\Tn: GRX. h!':wk.: ;-, in famil~·: J;uttlllr~·s~ lH·nt . $1fi-1:-. . \Yilmt·ttl · 1fi).-.. I~LT'\1-ltc 1111 I if HL hswk. Tc· I'<HIK AXn <'all \\'il. ~'-HI. 1:!LTXI-lt<' -----------------" ·. \ XTP.n - l·:Y I' ,,~Ill T 8 ~r \Tn FOH ~(· n. hswk. Td . \\'il. !1:!:>.- \\". 1_2_L_~_r_x_I_-_1_tc - _____________ ~t>l'\'t·: ".A XTF:]) \\" . '"'F"n - \YTJJ'l'E hc.:wk. w;·}) "·; 1. 14 7? [rnncl lHlmtPhorw ; 2 !I 11th ::-; t. 1 2 L 'T' :'\ 1 _lt r :\TATn FOR ?74!> . r.nn, TO .·\~~T~'T' f;B:\'. staving at the Edge\\ ater Beach hotel \\'TXXETKA FTRXTTl'TIE ::-; T 0 HE I fo~ a time prior to their departure for llu~·~ and !':t>ll!-: rug!';, ston·s. auto~. I'l · 1 pianos, :Jn~·thing- URt·ful. ' lfl-l:i Ash · Of!( a. :-;tt·t·<·t. Xt·w St(ln·, 1 :;no \\'illov.· Hcl. -ol!ILTS-tf(' Mrs. John" Fay of St. Joseph. Mich., -- - - - - Bl'Y ------- - - SJ)Cnt last week as the guest of Mrs. \YAX'T'Efl TO - C'LEA-:\' WfTTTE rng~. 1 Oe 1wr lh. Uo~· fl Holli~t.:'r, Charles \Vachs, 934 Elm\\'ood avenue. Inc., 1222 ('(·ntral A Yt>., \Yi I nwtte. -~-------------1-!l_r_ . ._ T_N _ l_l_t..: p _ ··,\rA~T"'l~T) _co, HF:;mr._...... _.· 1> .... 1 · .~ · 1 ··'-\.., PO:\TY. GE;.JD tlt·: hridlf' anrl sa<lcllt·. A<l(ll'(> !';!'; \Vilmdtc· Liff' A-fi. 4. lfiLT~l-ltc D 't on r orgef, . The want Ad Deadline is . \\~AXTED- \\'HT'l'l;; hc:wlc Phnnp "'il l?L"f'"\;1-ltf' FOR 14 ~rrrr _&'T'Jn. ~'~r·~-- man. W'"'l'D - f"ATIF: OF FPR,l,.n ,.... .. h011<:··wo··k. ·hite Rd~. Phon<> \Vil. ~?~~ rr.-, .. g-0n<l For d(·monstra tion 214ii. ~ALB roa<l~tf>l'. In LA'l'E DOD(1F; conrliti0n, $300. call 'Vinn.:'tka 1!1?~ 20LTN1-1tp 14LTN-1tp FOR ~ALB-1!124 nnnnr.: RllADS'l'ER. f., r,rst (·Ins~ C'Onr1ition. 'l'Pl 'Vinn. 2-122 . 20LTN1-ltp Wednesday Noon

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