Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1925, p. 11

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October 9, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 11 The first meeting of the \Vilmette committee of the .t\orth Shore Theatre Guild \\·a, h e ld ~1 onda\· afternoon at The fir:-.t of a :-cries of ~ix Thur:-.day the hom e of the c hairm <~n. :.1rs. Robert morning lecture:-. on citizenship by Stoddard, S2-t Lake an:nuc, \\·ith a large Mrs. · \Valtn F. Dodd. \\·hich \\·ill he attendance . lnt en:-.c intcre;.,t wa:-; mani h ' ld at tilL' \\'01nan\ rlub, \\'ill he it:~tt·d in all the plan:- and projects oi given Oc·tohcr IS. at lO :30 o:clork in the guild ior the coming ~ea--on. Cp the morning, ,,·ith th<: foll<m·i ng -,uhjLTt, to tht· pn::-. l·nt, no organized effort ha s "On tilt· Floor oi till' SL"nate ... ht·en lllaclc in thi-, ,·illagt' to obtain ~Ir s. I)udd, thv \H·ll k!HI\\·n autl ' ority Il lt lllhn :-; to thi " little thL·atrc JII O\'C 011 Illinoi s and it" goq:nlnltnt. and llll'nt. hut thl' gn·at t'lltlm ~ ia~m o f tho-,e co-author \\ith hl'r llthhand oi "Co,·- attvnclinl.!"· tlH: Jll: ritlrJII;tnct·:-. in p ~h t c.r11mt·nt in · 'inlli-.." ,,·ill C<lllclurt tht· -.~.·:t-.tllh l1a . . :tln·;t d y <~rou-.,cd ,,·idc--pread cour. L' unclt-r t he "H>n . . or-.,hip (II tilt· iJJtcrc --t. }.I r. ~todclard':-. guc"h :.1011\\'oman·.., club ui \\'i lw vtte, till' \\ ' om - i day aftnnoon included the Incmhcr~ a1:> l'atll()lir rlulJ _: 1i ~\.!ln~t ·t tv: tht'j(lf. hn t'IJilllllitte~·.. ~}r" .. llaye ... ).fr \\lln lvttl' I.L·a:J,ttt· <·I \\()J ilt'll \(Iter -, f.:.JnnL·\·, }.!r -,. l.t·.,IH· I· . <.atn. ~Jr --. B . and thl' I.<Jgan - lltJ\\a rd ;u1cl l'vntral f F. f.t .'\\i .... \Jr .... 1~ . D . Burtnn. \fr:-.. l'an·nt -Tcacllt'r ;t ...... ori;tti<Jll -... l l ;t!lln Burrill. ~I r-.. :\lln·rt 1·. l'ordt..;, T ickvh Jn;t_,. l1t· prrlt'llrt·d ir()JJJ tltv \t r-,. Cordon \\ ' il on. ~I~ ~-- Lucy Tol 1 ci,·iL-, roJJltlJittt.·t . . c·i tht· \·ar it~th qr- , ltur . . t. ;md ~lr .... H. :\. ~trHllh. ganization . . iJltvn· . . tt·(l. and tl1t·~ \\i ll il. --h l' on :--a k ;ll t h l' d H 1r t lw 111' It'll i 11 t..:.., 1 ui tilt' ci:t-.,-.,t'"· Citizenship Course to Begin Thursday at the Woman's Club Wilmette The~tre Guild Committee Hold Meeting G. C. SCHEIBE INC. Grocery and Market 456:.58 Winnetka Av.e., Indian Hill Winnetka 2525-26-27-28 Eight More Families . Residing iri Wilmette M. Portenhauser 1 PHONE YOUR ORDER '!'hi:- .\\tl'h:·.., Ji-.,t o~· :·illag~ J~t:\·.-1 t'CJ ttll·r . . h t'(Jlltpo . . l'd ·<II l'tght lallllht· ..,. ).1 r. and ).1 r~. I. Franci . . art· COillin .t. : 1 front l'hir;t .~ o t;) n·-.,idt· at -ll 1 J Prai rie I an:nttt'. The lol111 1\ . Folgn:-. iorntnh·, oi th1.· l ·:,· an:-t~Oll llott.·l. \nil 111<tkc thL'(r honlt.' at ltl32 [-,aht.·lla ~ trvl't. ).1 r. and I ).1 r.., . :\ I i r 1.· d I I. I\ t · 1111 n t a r L' lllO \' i 11 g 1 iro111 l'hit.·ago· Ll -tl.=; ~hnidan roacl .l The TL"rn·l j. Fern·nz iantily. abo oi I Chicago, \\ill lin· at 511 \\ ·a-,hingtull 1 a\'l'lllll'. The \\ '. ~ . :\iclwbon~ h:t\'l· 1 rOlllt.' ir(llll llothton. Tcxa:--, L> re~ick at fdi \\' a-.,hington ;t\'l'l1tlt'. Rol>l'rt Taul>nt, .I r.. oi l'lticago. i-, liYing at 1749 \\ 'a-,hiJll(ttJil . an·ntH·. and the F ranci-., _1. ~l artin-., lla\·t· kit l'hirago a \'t'lltH· . Painting Decorating Estimates given without obligation Phon c \\. ilmette 2764 1030 Greenleaf Ave. I i · so in1portant to the schen1e oi \Yholeson1e living as the quality of food \Vith \vhich \Ye ~ othing· I I 1· WILMETTE build and n1aintain the structure of our physical systen1. and arc tl< 1n· . . idi ng at l i 2 > La kl' 1 I .:: · iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii Relia- bilitY in the sort of food \Ye get, It's Here and it's Redueed in price-the RadioIa Super-het. No. 25 No Ground or Airial to Bother with The Greatest Buy of the Day! Distance, selectivity and clarity, not only that, but it's an ·'R. C. A.". What more could you want? Brunswick Radios. Phonographs ~ Record~ .Sheet Music the service oi pron1 ptness and C<>nYcnlence and the reasnnableness of price~ arc the all in1portant lactnr:s. Such "is the reliabili t \ · an d ~ e r \' i c e () f our store. \ . . o u can phone· y()ur order for fond and ~erure c\· cr\~ elcn1cnt of atisiacti<>t1 - pricc, protnptnes~. pur- it\· and personal attention. GET INTO THE HABIT OF PHONING YOUR ORDER DAILY No Waiting . 4-TRUNK LINES--4 Winnetka: 2525-2526-2527-2528 When May We Expect Your Call? Wilmette Music Shop · . Orian A. Galitz OPEN EVERY EVENING 1179 Wilmette Avenue Phone 3006

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