Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1925, p. 22

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1925 O c tober 9 1925 WILMETTE HOSTESSES AT LUNCHEON Mrs. L ee E ll is, Mr s. S amue l Clark o f F ull e r lan e, W inn e tk a, M r s. Sa mu e l L o0m is . H ypes o f Gl e n coe, a n d Mrs. Wa lter W y lie of Ev an st o n we r e host esses Tu esd ay at a r e uni o n lun c h eon for abo u t 25 B r adford academy a lumnae, at the home of Mrs. Crdnt Ridgwa ,-, 207 Cumberland a H'n uc. Ken ilwo~t h. LIFE 21 Mis s Dorothy Weimer of Charleston, W. Vc,.., is visiting Mrs. Jame s H. Prentis s of 201 C umberland a venue, Kenilworth. Miss Patty Hamm of 517 Sheridan road , w a s host ess in Mi ss W e ime r' s h o n o r F rid ay after noon . Beatrice Pease will 1lfarry in Kenilworth Saturday Afternoon Mr. and Mr s . A. W . Hannah, Mr. a nd :Mr s. C. G. Littell of Wood stock ave nue, and Mr. a nd Mr s. Grant Ridgw a y of 207 Cumbe rland ave nu e, K e nil wo rth , left S aturd ay for a m otor tr ip of a wee k' s dura t ion in t h e North. - oThe marriage of ~1 iss Beatrice -aTh e Eva n sto n G a r de n clu b ha s in Pea<sc, twin daughter of ~[r. and ~Irs. Richmond Kenyon and Clive ] . \ \ "arrcn Pease, 320 Leicester road, Tavlor of Cumnor road. Kenih,·orth, vited the K en il wo rt h Carden club to K,c nil\\"orth, to Calvin Berghaltcr, will mo-tored to Champaign for the footba ll a n e nte rt a inmen t nex t W e dn esday at take }Jlacc Saturday at 4 o'clock, at the game Saturday. the h ome o f D aniel H . B urnham. Church of the Ho ly Comforter, the -0- 0~~ i~s Dorotln· Smith. 32-l Cuntnor Rev. Leland I I. Danforth, officiating. ·oad, Kenilwort-h. " ·Ito had been vi:-.it~ r rs. Rufus K. Por ter and ~~ rs. D var ~ f r. a n d 1-I rs. Geor ge S hipman 01 A reception \\"ill follow at the home of ing it· Cody. \\.yo .. ior :-.everal \\·eeks, oi 428 Cumberland avenue. ret un-1cd 432 Wa r wick roa d , K e nil w orth, returnthe bride\ parents. ~lany entertain- returned to Iter homt· }.! :-)llda,· \\'ith to Keni lworth Ia. t week from their ed Sunday from th eir summe r home ntenh arc being given for the..;e t\\"O ).lr =-. Peter :\ordqui:-;t. :-;ummcr hom at Lincolnville, ~Iaine. at Sy lvan Beach, 11 ich. J!v l ··lar young people. Sunday night, - - -- · - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -· - - - -a tt \\· a~ gin·n at the home o( ~1i ::-s Lucilt · Singer of E,·a n -- ton. ~rr .... , Samuel l'onJ!c,· oi E,·atbton "a-, ho -..tc ~. :-; at a lunch ·on }.londa,·, and the f o llo\\'ing aitt'rnOO!l }.1 r :-; . ] fenr ~ Foreman oi Highland Park gaH· a hriclgt.· part_,. at hn hon11: in llighland Pa rk . . Thi :-. en·ning, tiH· San1ud Clark ... arc , entntaining .tt dinner at tla·ir hotnt: j· in \\'innctka. }.tr. . and }.!'r..... Da ni~_· l nngilaltn . i at i a· r an d 111 o t h L' r o i the pro " 1ll' r t 1\ v hri<kgrOCilll , and hi... l>rt>tltn, .1<~~· 1 Bcrghaltcr oi Tiflin. ()hio. ;tn· th t: l!."lH'"t " oi ).! r. ;t nd }.! r .... \\ ' arn ·n l'va . . ~.· t 11 i- " ~.· ('" . New Skokie Valley Division will bring high,speed electrified transportation to one of Chicago's most attractive home areas Give Social Affairs to Honor Departing Voyager I I }.! r :-. P. I>. H.athh lilt' ui . \blwthford ro.td, ~t·nil\\'orth, \\a. much cnter taitH: d ll\· her Kcnih\ orth friend~ bc iore dt· p~trting on her trip around till' "(>rid. Friday night. ~1 r-... ,.'idney l'. l·:a..,tman gan· a <linn ·r for Iter a" w~.·ll 1 :t-- iCJr \fr .... J. :\ . Culbert-..on·~ gm·--t. \I r--. Kelh· - oi Kcntuck\·. Saturda'·l ('\' \.'II i 11 g' ~ <til d \ f r". ll ~-n r y T a y I() I r "ere dinnn ho:-t-.. ior \1 r--. 1\.ath . Lonl'. and \1 onda\·, }.{r..... '. T. Albert oi 321 \\"an, irk ·road " ·a:-. ho. tc:-s at lunrhcon and bridge prior to her dt· parture \\\·dnc:-.day for ~C\\' York in cotnpany " itlt her :-;on, ]. \ r. Rathbone. ~lH' j.., --ailint.; tonight on th<' Carinthia. ! h~ \\·ay oi Pana111a. to San Franri ... c . , "htre -.h(' " ·ill he joined by ).f r. and \[r .... :\eel 1\athiHllll' of Pa--adena . Tht· thret· tran·kr . . plan to he a\\ay a y(·ar. F r;. r. OURTEEN thousand inhabitants for-every square mile of its areathat is the average density of population in Chicago. Compare this with Kansas City, which houses only 5,593 people per square mile; or with New Orleans, which has a population of 2,175 per square mile; or with Los Angeles, where there is an average of only 1,563 inhabitants to each square mile. Such comparisons make one realize th e great need for new, spacious suburban communities within easy commuting distance of Chicagocommunities accessible to the city, yet removed from its bustle and congestion. The new Skokie Valley Division of the North Shore Line, now under construction, will help to fill this great need. Early in 1926, this new Division will be completed. Then will be available a fast, frequent, electrified transportation service .direct from Libertyville and Mundelein, in the Lake County Countryside, to the loop district of Chicago. Already, the North Shore Line serves these attractive towns; any North Shore Line ticket agent will tell you how to get there. But service will be faster ~ and direct-without-change -when the new high-speed Division is completed. This beautiful, rolling, wooded home section already possesses city conveniences - electricity, gas, water, stores and schools. Now comes the final and most important of all necessities high-speed transportation! \ l r. a!ld }. l r:-.. Bruen han: returned to the Kenih,·orth T .nn for till· ,,·inter. LAKE MICHIGAN -~gO.H.BEdCii.OD. i ~i!i~of./i§lzt I HALF DAY RD. ~ '- w I 0 2 EVERYBODY'S NEED GREAT ~·· . < <1 DEERFIELD RD. DUNDEE % CLAYEY RD . ,. ~ s 1 If tC £ ! RD . WILLOW RD. GLENVIEW ~ "So SIMPSON ST. ~ DEMPSTER ST~ OAKTON ST. t" ~---'l ~ o High-Speed Service The Scenic Route P e rfec t v ision is a bles ing that a ll ca n h ave . . A pe rf ec t eyeglass se r v ice a wait s y ou h e re, a scie n tifi c and con sc ie ntiou s examinati o n that is thorough. 15 years of successful practice CHICAGO LOOP Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Co.The high-speed electrified railroad DR.O.H.BERSCH Optometr;at 1177 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette fi'or Appointment Pltone WU. 2766 -

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