Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1925, p. 42

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42 WILMETTE LIFE October 9, Fl/ ~ Sell Tickets · for Matinee Concerts of . Dasch Players Tickets for the matinee concerts of .the Dasch Symphony orchestra will be placed on sale at all schools in the to\\'nship next .M onda.r. The dates for the matinee concerts arc announced as November 16, January 18, February 15 and ~larch 15. The concerts will begin at 4 ·o'clock in the afternooi.J, and arc expected to draw large numbers of pupils from north s hore schools. .\f u sic appreciation classe:-;, mu ..,ir~ll organization:- and all freshmen at Xew Trier High sc hool will attend the ~c ·onc " rts and this will in sure an attendance of more than 500 from the high school alone. 0111cials hope to sell out all tickets as in the case of the regular c\·ening conc<:rh. The afternoon con certs will he given with the con .plete orchestra, and three so loi sh . all alum.ti of the high school, arc ..,ch<:<lukd to at·prar during the series. Woman Stricken on "L" Train Taken to Hospital Lie u t. Albert Borre and Patrolman Wil'iam Kreul were ca lled t o take an unconscious woman from an elevated train at the Linden avenue termina1 last Sunday evening. The woman w a s taken to the Evanston hospital, where it wa:-; said that she wa suffe r ing from cancer of the stomach. From cards fc und in her purse police believe her name to he Lydia Tipper, hut no addre ss ha s been found. The .\iii ·s ion Go sp el \Vorkcrs of Chicago are caring for her . .\1 r. and .\f r:--. C. E. Urad (Andrey Lonnq ui !'- t l han' taken , an apartment in t]lc Linden Crc~t \Yhich they <:xpect tn ncrupy shortly. . .\1 r s. Edward .\1cncl se n \Yill he ho ~tes:-. ior the 'l'uc sda,· club next we(:k at -0- Oh Boy-the very nan1e of ,::\ l ac's Bow ling Lunch Jnakes vour tnouth \Vater! You start to get hung-ry right a \\'ay, ~nd begin to feel in your pockets to :-.ee ho,,· tnany nickels you have. Let's sec. a delicious sand\\'ich, a cup uf rich coffee and sotne pie al a tnodc \\'otdd hit the spot an\· . old titne of the daY. "' Mac's Bowling Lunch I ~-'1111111111111111111111111111111 ~ 11 A.M. to Midnight 11 5 9 Wilmette Ave. 'IUIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllillllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllilllllllli l l llllllllll oll,lllllllllllllillllllliil :.t ·,l ill'lllltlllliltlllilllllltli her rc <idcnce. 5.il hghth s treet. II I E 1 First Church of Christ, Scientist WILMETIE, ILL. Tenth Street and Central Avenue ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE H . ('a r I " t r 0 111 0 i 2 I () I \ \'ood court, announce the marriage of their <lau g htn, Carolyn, to Ralph H . Peter:--on, son oi .\1 r. and .\fr-;. Harold G. Pl'ter:-;on of Evan~ton, October 2. ' The young people haH' leit on their honeymoon, a month' s campmg trip tLrough the Fa t. enroute to Florida, whc.:re tht' \. \\·iii make their llomc for the \\'inter~ a n d .\ r !'- · :\ · .\ rr . r DEPENDABLE GROCERIES Why not telephone your order? FREE DEEJVERY I i SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-II A.M. Wednesday Testin1onial Snnday School t·: .· tTci . . l' ... q JJ l\1eeting- 8 P. {\I. :-+5 A. ~r. ::\fr. and .\[rs. John 1l<:rhon of 1-l27 Centra l a\·cnttt', arc rl'ceiYing the congratu lations oi their friends upon the bi r th of a son, Sunday, October 4. 11 r s. Her bon was formcrh· ~~iss Flor ence B urgdorf of \\'innctka. :M rs. W. H. She ll man. who has hl'en confined to her bed at her home, 727 E lmwood an·nuc, for t he past three w ee k s, is no\\· improving in hea lth. Val Quinlan Co. Eight Retail Branches 1153 Wilmette Ave. Phone 3470 - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -· - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - ----- -· - - - - --' § ~ ~ .... llllltllltllllltllllltllltllllltlllllillllllllltllllllllllllllllllillillllllllilllllltllllllilll lllllllllllllllllollllillllllllllll ll lllll lllllllllllllll l llllltl ll:ll lllllllltiiiiiiiiiiiii~WI, -=: -=:_=~ . ~-= R::~~~~:~:~:: ~;:a;;~~::;;ER:~~~a~~~da~)x9eA~ ~:~~n6e~~Oa~. ~~ Wednesday 9 A .M . to 7:45 P.M. Saturday 9 A . M . to 9 P . .M. HOURS: Tht · I:ildt> and ~~l:;l~:riz~~ldyCh~~~lanall Sc~:~~: b ar- \Vorl<s o( .Mary Li tHature may be read, 'owed or p ur c h &.Rt! d . _ The Public is cordially invited to attend the Church Services and visit the Reading Room - _ - -- - - LULIAS BROTHERS 1135 CENTRAL A VENUE

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