Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1925, p. 44

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44 W I L M E T "'!' E L I FE Octob er 9, 1925 .. OPEN CONCERT YEAR Dasch Players Give F irat of Year's Programs; Report Sell-Out of T icke ts Tue~day evening. October 13, 1s the Official Publication Report of t,he condition oi . I. . ~ , ] 11 date of the first Dasch Symphony concert of the season to be given m the ~ew Trier High school auditortum beginning at 8:15 o'clock. Thi-; \\·ill start the fourth Year of the concerts and it ts expe~ted to he even more successful than iormer Years. The officers of tht· !\e,,· Trier- Township Orchestral assoctatwn ,,·hich, spon orcs these concnb, state that all tickets for:- the season have hcen sold. They regret that many on the wa_iting list for i_ickets \Yere disappomted .and explam that the receipt of paymcn t determined precedence 111 gettmg tickets. All concerts will he on Monday cn·nings except. the first one. Matinee concerts will he given r\ovemher 10. Januan· IH. Fchruan· 15 and ~1 arch 15, it was said. . - The Wilmette State Bank I located at \Yilmctte, ~tate of Illinois, at the close of hu ·iness on the 28th day oi Sep· temher, 1925. as made t 1 the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. I .. ...,. Resources Loan · on l~cal Estate ( la) . . . . . . . . . . ........ $ Loan on Collateral Security ( 1b) . . . . . . ........ . Other Loans ( 1c ) .............................. . Overdrafts ( 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. U. S. Governtnent ln\·estn1cnts l3) . . . . . . . . . . . .. Other Bonds . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . J3anking House, l-1\trniture and 11~ixtures ( 5) ....... . J)ue fron1 Danks, Cash and ()thcr Cash l{~squrces t · · · · · · · · · · ······ · JI ? ' \l a n Fir st Concert Progra m The program for the first concert follows : Overt nre to "Tht' B<Hbet· of Ragdad" ...................... Cornelius "l:-icht'lwraz:ulf·."' ~nnphonic Suit·· aftet· "A_ Thousancl an<l On(' .1'\ights,': Upus 3·> ........ Him~k\·-Kon;akow 'rhit··l mo':ement: "The young Prince and the 1 oung Princt·ss." ~econtl mov(:'ment: "The ~torv of thr· Kah·rular Prince." · H:\llt>t Suite, "Huses d'Amour," Opus 61 ..................... (;}azouno'"'· Introduction. (.;ratHl PaR des Fiancl·~. c._;r:UHl Vals<>. lNTERl\USSIOX Ht)manz~- \from Honata. in C :\UnorOpus J.lLi ... ................... GrieP; . \ ·~·ra_n~eription l;~: Gt·org-t· Dasch) \ anat10ns on a nerman Folk ~ong ........................... Uchs Them I. Bach II. Haydn III. ::\1o- ~· zart I \~. J. Rtrauss V. \'erdi VI. Gounod VII. \Vag net· VI 1 I. Beethoven IX. l\IerHI(·}ssohn X. Schumann XI. I Brahms Xll. l\leyerbt·vr XIII. :\Iili- j1 tat·y l\larch. Alwndlied, 0Jnts ~fi. ~o. 12 .. Rch umann (For String· Or·ehl:'stra, with Obligato 'Cello Solo.) )lalag·ut'na from "Boabdil" .................... Moszkowskv 279,800.00 635,993.37 286,663.61 3,774.57 487,329.48 586,706.89 58,000.00 316,359.42 26,427.45 f { :-; · <; I ' <1 I a )J tl tI t 0 (~ ll (7, 8, 9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . Other H.esources ( 12) .. tI Total Resources I 1 .. $2,681,654.79 t\ t Capital Stoc ~ ( 1) ' Surplus (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... T..;ndi\·icled Profits (Xet) (3) .. ..... Liabilities .............. ... . . . . ... $ 100,000.00 . .. . 50,000.00 . .. . 61,986.54 at tl I - -- - - - - - - OPENS FLORIST SHOP . I I Time Deposits (4a)........................... 987,380.25 Demand Deposits (4b) ..................... t,451,931.75 l{eser\·e . \ccount~ ( ()) t ther Liahilitic~ (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . :\I art in 9aughan. tormerly a member ?t ~I~c \ V!Imet.te police department, is lllYt~mg l~ts fnen~ls to in~pcct his new / retatl flonst shop 111 the \'dla<re Theatre building, ':hich is to be fon_l~~l!y open-~ ed for husmcss aturday ot thts week. ~fr .. Gaug!1an has ha~l many year:-.' ex- 1 penence m the flonst husinl's~. I 28,840.25 ~ 916.00 tl'otal T~iahili ties . . . . .. .. .... . $2,681,054.79 ~1f~· _A. E. Johnson of Rockiord. III.. ts vt:->ltmg at the l_wmc of her daughter. ~1 rs. II. R. I Ittchcock. 90() Cn·enlcaf avenue. this "·crk. -oOpe of the Tuesday bridge-luncheon clubs met this week at the home of ~f rs. Frank A. Brown. ·>-!5 :\I ichigan avenue. 1. \\'. D. f.t·ary. C'a:-hin oi thc \\'ilnwttt· ~t:ttt· nank de. '-Okmnh· ... \\·t·ar that thr ;;l·t·u· . . tatenwnt h true to tht· hv . . t of Ill\" knn;~.,·)vdg<' and ht·lid. :111rl that tht· itt·nh and amount:- -.hown al~tl\. t' rorn· . . p(lnd \\·ith tht· iH·nJ:- and amount... ... )Hn\ 11 111 the rt·pnrt madt· to the \t!ditor oi Puhlir .\rrtlllllt..., .'tall· nf 111inni.;, p11r"uant to law. \Y. D. T.E .\RY. Ca"hic.·· DR. ARTHUR H . TUTTLE DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE Osteopathic Physicians ReRidence and Office 913 C entrnl ,\H· nu~ l~bonl" 3 00 (~val, .'ul .... rriht·d and :-o\\' <·rn to 111v thi ... 7th <by tll (lrttd,t·r. J<J2.;. FH.\ \" 1.-: .\ . . E \ \·. "\"'otan· Public. \"IH~ M OS - Mathilda E. Turnock Vocal I nstrttctor Cia~~ ~tarts Octoht·r 7th at t h (.' ~ t l1 d i () () f :\ rr. :-tn d :\ rr -~ . Luui-. n(lurge< i-- . · ~3() ~heri·dan I~oad. ~- :\. \\'flEELOCK Prcsidc11f PrJ TLLl P HOFF~I:\~~ Vicc-Prrsidcnt Officers D.\~ J' pl at w C. ~TILl·:~ in 15 r ia- p rtsidtll f \\'. C. ~fllTRTLEFF 11L~DT~CEl( \V. D. LEAR\. (ashier r. Directors Vict-Prcsidc11f :\f. of th to co .lssistant Cashit·r \.()icc t<'...;L·d Free For A J:' po in t me nt r.:a' l W il m e tt e 188·1 F. L. H. \'I'E~L \X \Y. \ V. BCCH.\K.\X LY~L\X ~I. DRAKE PH fL'L l I) 11 0 FFl\I:\ X.:\ HENJ.:\ l\IIN F. LE\ VTS FR. \ ~V J. SENG C. ~. STE \ ·E~S Jl Tnsox F. s'roxE . \ RTll L~ R J. T. \ \'LO H l fEN RY T. \ YLOR. JR. S .. \ . \VII EELOCl' Read the Want Ads age anc scr ll1 h a· sto

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