Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Oct 1924, p. 28

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28 1 Home Photography by SHOGI OSATO Family. wedding. sc hnol and such groups aud iudi\·idual portraits taken in one' ~ own ~ur roundiug ; also interior and exterior of homes. work commended hv the he.,t architecb. Christmas ru sh almo~t at hand ·-make annointmcnt!> now . ·miN SOCIE Huguein-Lowry Wedding Attractive A/fair W Phone Un;ver.Jty Evanston ~-M PCDL & PIPER I ·INC· CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS WOMEN'S ATTRACTIVE UTILITY PUMP PATENT, BLACK SATIN, TAN OR BLACK RUSSIA SHOP IN EVANSTON Ample Parkin· Facilitiea No Noiae or Coa.e.tion I $10.00 1608 ~lncaco AYenue, at Daoi· Street EVANSTON. ILLINOIS HITE velvet simply fashioned 'was worn by Miss Huguenin on th~ .occasion of her marriage to 0. Lown· last Friday evemng. A coronet of ~ra~ge blossoms · tulle vetl m place ,and ------~~~~=== roses and valley lilies formed bouquet. The little flower Lucy Grace McLafferty dressed in a frock of pink de chine and she carded a of pink r,o ses. The two maids, Miss Elizabeth Cutler and Miss Dorothy. Yot~kers, wer,e gowned respecttvely m pale green and yellow satin-back crepe, and the matron of honor, Mrs. Sidney Huguenin, wore orchid. Their gowns were all trimmed in bands of ostrich tips to match the dresses, and their bouquets were of Aaron Ward roses and .orchid sweet peas. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride·s parents, Mr .and 1\lrs. Philip Huguenin, 506 Lake avenue, the Rev. John Herbert Edwar!h of Highland Park. After spending a few days at a cottage they had offered them Mra. 0. William Lowry at Crystal Lake, ¥r. and Mrs. Photo by Perclval-Grlnsted Lowry will live in the apartment they have taken at 7740 Haskins aventie, Rogers Park. · Tickets Now on Sale for Annual Benefit ABLES for the card party to be given October 29, at the T mette 'Voman's club, are being reserved, and tickets are now selling for this a.ffair which 'vill be one .of the attracth·e society events of the fall season, as well as a benefit for the philanthropy department of the Woman's club. An eager and energetic committee is in charge of the event. There will be a prize for each table, and Mrs. H. J. Newton will take table reservations. Mrs. B. P. Wanner is the chairman in charge, assisted by Mrs. \\.ill}am H. Holmes, chairman of tickets; Mrs. H. J. Newton, chair· man of tables; Mrs. C. \Varren Cozzens, social chairman; Mrs. Herbert E. West, chairman of prizes, and Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline, Mrs. Frederick Bowes, Mrs. Evan R. James, Mrs. Charles Harrison Smith. Mrs. J. M. Camelon. Mrs. A. J. Woodcock, Mrs. Edward Kracke. l\lrs. G. A. \\.'ebster. Mrs. W. F. Froeschle and Mrs. J. B. Ott. From Los Angeles comes notice of a wedding of interest to Wilmette, and along the north shore for most of the members oi the bridal party were l\ orthwestern graduates. The bride was Miss Jane Kendall, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. James S. Kendall of Los Angeles, former!,· of 802 Elmwood avenue, Witmette. ·Her marriage to F. B. Hoffman of Chicago wa solemnized September 6, at th ehome of her parents in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends. Her sister, Miss Virginia Kendall was her on ly attendant. ·John R. Bentley of \Vilmette was best man, while James Mitchell and R. L. Schwarz of Chicago, iraternity brothers of Mr. Hoffman, were ushers. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman will make their home in Chicago after an extended wedding trip. Mrs. Hoffman was graduated from l\orthwestern in 1919, and is a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Mr. Hoffman, who was a graduate of 1920, Mr. Bentley, '23, Mr. Mitchell, '21, and Mr. Schwarz. '19, are all members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. -aThe first of the 1924-25 series of North Shore Organ concerts on the great oq~an of St. Luke's church, Evanston ts announced for Tuesday, October 21. at 8 o'clock. The program will be given by Herbert E. Hyde. dean of the American Guild of Organists, assisted by Henry :M. Hobart, tenor. The numbers include the famous Bach Toccata and Fugue D Minor and three brilliant compositions by Joseph Bonnet, one of the great living masters. -o~~ r. and ~~ rs. C. H. Dye of Oregon City. OrefCOII, were guests last week of ~Irs. Dye's sister, Mrs. Carrie Carley, of 242 Wood court, and her niece, Mrs. E. G. Goode. Mrs. Dye is a well known author t on the west coast. Among her better known works are "Mclaughlin and Old Oregon", "The Conquest", and "Stories of Oregon" which are used in the public schools of that state. Mrs. Gussie Angell of Prophetstown, Illinois, was a1so Mrs. Carley's guest last week. -oMrs. Harry Griswold entertained the Tuesday club this week at the home of Mrs. W. B. Davies of 5JO Forest a\·enue, with Mrs. Davies as assisting hosten. Mrs. Griswold moves into her new apartment at the Linden-Crest, the last of October. I Haz;e' you entered for tilt' clwntpiouship belt 011 the ·n alflc col/lest.' 1t 111 iyht lll' a flOOd idea to start 11oz,· 1111d qct iu traiuiug. 616 Church St. "Opposite the Library" Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Huguenin, rio have been making their home with Jlr. and Mrs. Philip Huguenin, 506 lM avenue, left Wilmette Wedn~ to reside in the apartment they ha.r taha at 7681 Rogers avenue. Datlll'l ":~ guenin, son of Mr. and Mrs. \'1\\X, Huguen:n, is working on a ranch l1l Colorado, near Julesburg. -()-The A. J. Mouats of 616 Lake avenuc ha,·e been in Connecticut for the last few weeks. Mr. Mouat returned on Wednesday, and Mrs .. Mouat tlt· pects to be hack in the v1llage some time next week. Mrs. H. G. Bentley of 804 Elmwo~d avenue has returned from a trtp through southern Illinois . At _champaign she attend~d the weddmg of Miss Dorothy Dobbins and Albert Mohr of Oak Park, which took place October 8. -()- -o- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Edgar Erwin, Jr., of 2247 Eastwood avenue, are .re· ceiving congratulations upon the b1r~h of a son, September 16. Mrs. Erw1n was formerly Miss Mary Rickson of Wilmette. Mrs. W. G. Colvin of 709 Elmwood avenue gave a B tea at her ho~e, Thursday. This was one of the serte of A, B, C teas given by member~ the Presbyterian church. Twenty guests attended. -o- I } ~ Hallowe'en Baked Specials Promise your guests or members of the family a delightful surprise on Hallowe'en. And let it a deliciously frosted. wholcsomeh·. well baked Laver Cake or a tash· Pumt;kin Pie: or one of. the thany other Yiting Hallowe'en Raked Specials we intend to prepare for the occasion. -o- ' t Mrs. William Taylor of 849 Michigan avenue is back from a visit with her son Winfield, :who is attending Dartmouth college, Hanover, New Hampahire. -oM iss Ethel Syford. one of the speakers of the Republican Women's association, is the guest for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Knapp of 633 Forest avenue. -oDr. M. C. Hecht, 1042 Greenwood avenue, is now able to resume his practice after an illness that confined him to his home for a number of weeks .· be i;- The Dutch Oven Wilen yoa -oThe Junior Auxiliary of the Infant Welfare society will meet Monday afternoon, October 20, at 2 :30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. E. J. Clampitt, 1029 Chestnut a venue. -()- ··t a pod Tlaittw ~melfi#Nr rrltere J'O· . .t it IIZI Ceatnl. Aftlllue Wilmette Miss Joy Scheidenhelm. who gradu· ated this year from Wellesley, and whb -ohas spent the summer in Europe, arMr. and Mrs. E. A. Kracke of 1010 rived home this week. - - -"'·· Elmwood avenue have just returned -ofrom an extended trip across the M rs. B. A. Clepp of 1011 continent. They are leaving shortly avenue is visiting relatives in to spend the winter in Europe. .. Rapids, Michigan.

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