Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1924, p. 21

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1924 ~he 21 are again in M' A the1r Elmwood av I$5 nnci. and Ma v Ekvall of 1329 Frank B. King of 825 GreMlleaf aveMrs. Frank M. Paul of Rio Hond,o. 1··' e nu.e a f.ter near 1 Gregory avenue D. are Tewae.;. vJ's:·ing friends in the vil'~Y a year s pent in in Washington, C. \·isiting relatives nue is in ' Cali'n""ia "'-" on a fiv ."·ee .. ,..,. " "· "' · .,. "' ._... Cahfor111a. bu. iness trip. for a few week.. J. H . VerHalens own home at 1018 -o- """()- \l r-. H. S. Griswold will ent.ertain Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Ev erson of 430 1· T uc ·uay club at the Orrmgton L~ke avenue are Jea,·ing tomorrow :1 ~~ ~ w ee k. The. Gri~wol~· will move With .a party _of friend s ior a week's , hortiY 1n to their new home at the stay 111 Detroit, Linde n cres t. -o'M r .. and Mrs. E . A. Kaumeyer of -\ ;;urpr i ~ e recept,i on was g1ven last 60.1 Lmden avenue left Tue sday with w:·t'k iu r :\1r. and Mrs. ~· ]. Kqnzer fnends for a short trip to Pen sacola oi l:lfl) Gregory. avenue . m honor of Florida. . tht'ir ,iller wedding anmYersary. ~l r. and :\frs. Ralph E. Schmidt of 1;?i Cent ra l avenue have returned f~~m nort hern Wi sconsin and Michigan. -o~I r-. 1.. S. Becker of 105 Fifth street j1 cn 1ata ining the Arden Shore board at lnnch eon at her home, on Thursda . 1. Octo ber 9. -o~lr~. Walter Lawrence of 520 Lake n'"nue ha · gone to Huntington, West \'irl!'inia, where she will ·visit friends , 111 .! relatives. -o~I r,. Charle s N. Reese entertained tiH· me mbers of her Thursday club at lunc heon and bridge this week at ht r ho me, 727 Washington avenue. Mrs. Robert McK ay, 823 Chestnut Miss Edith Young is uow living at Perry L. Smithers of 711 Lake Jftavenue, was ho: t> ss at luncheon and 625 Park avenue. nue, has been in the east this week. brid.ge at Skokie, 1 uesday. -o- -()- --oJohn ] . Moran of 924 Greenleaf avenue is spending two weeks at the Ritz -Carlton hotel, Atlantic City. -:<>- -o- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Goller have -orented their home at 418 Tenth ' street Mr. arid Mrs . John Campbell of 815 and are living at 49 E . Oak street. Lake avenue motored to Madi son la st -oweek. They also spent a few days Mi ss Jean Drayer and Miss Marion in Milwaukee. Thayer have entered the freshman -oda ss at the Cniversity of Illinois. Robert Wen ban of 900 Lake avenue -oha s ·returned from Europe where he Mrs. H. R. Hitchcock of 906 Greenhas been spending the 'tast three leaf avenue entertained her mah jongg months. club at her home on Tuesday evening. DELICIOU~ AND COT CO., INC. Phone 885e-81Sl malo a -o- -o- ria ~[r. and Mrs. Orval M. Bercaw of -:..rrs. Calista Gedney of Minneapolis 741 Eighth street, announce the birth is visiting her sister. Mrs. Edward of a son, Orval, Jr., at Henrotin hos- Mendsen of 531 Eighth street. pita!, October 7. ~ -o-oMr. and Mrs . F . D . Day of 1~33 ~[r . and Mrs . W . C. Braun, 807 Cen- Elmwood '\venue are returning today tral avenue returned Monday from from a shor~ trip to Crystal take. . Ripley. Ohio, where they spent four -oweeks' visiting relatives. Miss Alice Eck of Chicago, is spend- WHOLESOME Every cake, pie, roll, and loaf .o f bread that we sell to our customers must be. delicious and wholesome. It must be made of \he best ingredients regard.: less of cos't and must be baked exactly right. Not a .bit of anything less than the best goes into our products. When y.ou get a good thing remember wheN you · get it. Quality Above Everytbin1 . r ---··---.. . s1ery I I I I I :.r r:-. Willis H~. 1112 Elmwood ~Irs. Charles -;;:; McCallum and al'e nu c. was hostess at the North her little son, Charles, 930 Oakwood Shore Golf club this week to the avenue, have been spending several emh ers o f her Tuesday Bridge club. days in Milwaukee. -o-ors. F. L. Bateman is returning Mrs. Harry Boice of New Jersey, rn her home on ~[ichigan avenue formerly of Wilmette, is visiting Sunday a fter a two months' sojourn friends in the village. in Ca li fornia. -o-oMrs. Clyde Hays of 519 Laurel aveDr. and ~[rs. Frank B . Earle of 923 nue, is ill at the Evanston hospital. El mwood a\·enue have motored to north ern \Vi sconsin for a two weeks' r... hing trip. -()- ing the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. J, J, Bradley of 234 Catalpa place. -o--Mrs. John F. Krema, rof 1630 \Vash· ington avenue, entertained the women o{ the Wednesday circle at luncheon this week. --oMrs. Arthur Johnson of 322 Fourteenth street is on an extended \' isit in Denver, Colorado. and ~~ rs. F . W . Baxter of Canton. Illinois, are spending ten days with ~Ir s. C. W . Kirtley of 927 Greenlc<t i aycnu c. H. R. Hitchcock were li(H to the members of their cve nin.c.: bridge club on Tuesday at their l1 ·lll<', YOo Greenleaf avenue. .\ 1r. and ~~ rs. ~~ r . -o- KEEP HEALTHY AND HAPPY Eat good food<> cooked by experts. Take your meals where you feel at home. The Dutch Oven 1129 Central Avenue Wilmette -o.\1 r. a nd 11 rs. Hoyt King arc entertai n!llg th e H. and W . club at dinner thi -, e1 ·c ning at their home, 711 Forest ;II \'lllll'. WELCH'S CAFETERIA 1131-33 Central Avenue Wilmette 1981 -ollcrn arrl J . Hens of 6.l2 Prairie avenu e i> com·a le scing from a serious ill - LOOK YOUR BEST You will look like a new man when you put on a new suit or one that we have Cleaned and Pressed. Our clea11ing process removes every spot and stain and ""·rinkle and really renews it. We also give it a special treatment that makes it thoroughly moth-proof. A moth will never touch it. Ask us today to call for your suit and bring it back to life and another season's service. Schultz & Nord PRESSING THE NORTH SHORE'S LEADING TAILORS REPAIRING 1152 Central Ave. Phone 320

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