Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1924, p. 23

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1924 23 :venth c:upants of THIS READ GET-TOGETHER PAGE ·--------------------.. lt~OR RENT-ROOMS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS :ANT ~ 'ces-Claa·lfled a.dvertt·ementa 'lriU be charce4 only Genera l N 0 tt to residents of the district from Evanat'on to PAINTING ~;0 ar" regular eubscrtbera to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. · 1 11 coc Inclusive whose namea appear In the telephone directory or 10 cents per ltn'! In one paper. 10 centa per line In all three RQt t S__papers. MISUIVIl CHARGE 58e. Averace of ftve worda to PAINTERs TKA ~ the tme. No black face type used. Ratea for Display type on appltcatlon. QUEEN ANNE I·L0--8-T---W~H~I~T~E~~C-A~T~;~M~A~L~E~:-=D-=E:-.:A-.::F F'OR RENT-LARGE CORNER FRONT FOR · SALE-54-IN. t·oom in east sldto home; well turnround dining room table and chairs. and one ear party !(one. Family nished; comfortable ; 1 blk. to cafeA-1 cond. Also white enamel baby pet. 1327 Washington Ave. Tel. teria; 1 ',ic blks. to transp.: h. w. bed, complete. 210 9th St., WilWilmette 2H7. Information leading mette. Tel. 915-J. 17LTN2-ltc to his return will be rewarded. ~·~tt·~~~~a~! ~J~ water. Refef~2:1et~ 24L2-1tp FOR SALE - BEDROOM SUITE; FOR RE~T-FURNISHED ROOM IN kitchen cabinet; chairs; rocker; 3- LOST AIREDALE MALE DOG. KENmodern , well equipped east aide tube radio set; pictures. Leaving llworth license No. 35. Reward. A. home; good location tor buBinesB Wilmette. Call at 610 Linden Ave. A. Amberg, Ridge Rd., Kenilworth. people : neat· cafeteria and all trans17L2-ltc Tel. Wilmette 46. 24LTZ-ltc portation. Reference!!. Tel~ WilO_L_.D 28 G.ARDJ!:NING m e tte !IH-J. 4L2-1tp F-0-R--S-'A_L_E----R-E_A_S_O_N_A_B_L_E-.__ 17 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS :U LO T AND r01JND 4 advertisement· will be acto Wednesday 1Z o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or A.ll three papen; Thuredav 1l! o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday U o'clock for tbl'l GLENCOE NEWS. Tel .- phone·: WILMETTE 1U0-1U1 or WINNETKA 1000·1001. · f 0 t Jnsetti'OnS--cepted Claaalfted Dea dl tne up RABILITY at VE SYSTEM. II II RE .\L I<~ST t\TE C?IEWlllt\~ (G (Q) IFIFIE~ THE INDIAN HILL ~ ,; LBS Tulips, es, etc., omplete. s [RIS !ants. OF TOMORROW <'huict:' countr·y homesites with ,t l ! thl' conveniences of the cit)·. ~. ,, ,.·., watet·, roads and lectrlclty ;~II inl'lu ded In the eale price. These If· J. t· tahle lotR overlooking the l!l'a utifu l North Rhot·e Golt Club cours,· range in area from onethir·l of an act·e to 1 acre and are OXLY $3,000 DOWN; TO ORDER; 6 in tlh' midst of five exclusive North st>ac:>lous r·ooms ; h. w. heat; large Hhor,. ~olf clubs. Amo11g which at·e Jot. Attracti\'e locations. De e rfi e ld th!' lot8 or Highland Park. Price $15,000. H:.x I !10 ..·..... . .. . . $26 per foot Adtlress Wilmette Life, 338 . 111\x 1~r. .. .. .. .. .. .. $38 per foot 1LTN2-Ltc IHOxl!IO ............ $30 per foot J :tl'l'e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 Th .. s·· prices at·c subject to change "tlhout notice. If you want a real hollwRite at a real bat·galn with all COLONIAL. FIVE BEDt·on ,·.,niPnces affot·ded and Included Dl:TCH In tlw tJUrchase price get in on this ~~~~s :ivo~~~~s ~~~d75'::7~~o;y:blt. ~~ keeping rooms: unfur: 1618 Spencer OJH·nin~ offet·. For further details school. Two-car garage. Tel. Win. Ave. Tel. Wll. 82 l-W. 10L-2-ltp l'ummu nicate with 1226. 1LTN2-ltc I~===========~~~~ Cl.<liUJ BUDINGER & SMITH tl Hl<:LP WANTED-MALE Exclusive Agent 11 i i Wilm e tte Ave. Tel. Wll. 1750 l)pposite Village Hall HOMESITE 60 300 FT SEWER SELL PERSONAL CHRISTMAS GIFT boxes; customer's name printed on _"_._ II_m_·· _t_te _,_n_l_ . _______ 1_L_T_N_2_-1_t_c water, electrlcx set·vlce. 'i.-tve block~ every box. They sell on sight. 30% to station. Price $700.00; terms. dtoposlt Is salesman's commission. Sample free . Call or write Zinke Hoberts Co., 927 Concord Place. ChiTel. Northbr·ook 104 cago, III. 11L2-ltc :\'J.:\\'1.\' DEC'OHATED 6-RM. HOUSE; 1LTN2-ltc ~ l·· ·dri>Oms; 2 baths. Lot 50x187 WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR A ·· ilh large oaks, formal rose garden FOR SALE-6-Rl\l. HOUSE: VERY salesman with auto. Knowledge of a11d \':ll'ietr of small fruit trees. See cht-ap if sold at once. Mrs. Mllllsh, Nor·th Shore prefet·red but not esit Sunday. $13,000. 1848 Jo~orest A\'e., \VIImette. sentlal. W. J. Stacey & Co., 336 1LTN2-ltc Linden Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wilmette 30S. 11LTN2-1tc FOR SALE-280 ACRES NEAR LAKE ~plt·mlidly built Eng. stucco, solid Borest on state road; fine for subHELP WANTED-FEMALE walnut doot·s and stairs; unu11 ually division . Tel. 'VII. 3041 . 1LTN2-tfc _·_::_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-! atl rtt L' li\'e dt!corations; fixtures maut> 1 - - , - - - C-R_E_S_I_N __S_U_N_S_E_T __ R_I_D_G_E WA,NTED-GIRL OR WOMAN FOR to ortll'r; 4 bedrms.: 2 baths; extra BUY 5 A gen. housework b)' . the week for lan\ tory. WQoded lot 75x150 with estates on Kotz Road . Tel. Wll. 304 1. atte 1·noons through dinner. Tel. 2 ;Lttra<'tive garden. $28,500. lLTN -tfc Winnetka 1086. 12LTN2-ltc lN KENILWORTH, COMFORTABLE, carefully built 8-rm. home . Beau. grounds 100x175. Two-car garage having 2 rms. and bath above. Owne t· mo\·lng to California has reduced price for Immediate sale to $20,000. Miss King. Tel. 'Vilmette 215. 1L2-ltc $5.000 REDUCTION COLOI'\IAL HOME i-OH RI!:NT- NICELY FURN. ROOM; fnh~~e~~:t!s~h~~:~e~~b~r~ee:{af ~~~ suitable employed; married coupll!. 60x2 . 'I'd. Kenilworth 2317. Hom e privil eges. Breakfast If de17LTN2-ltc sir t!d. Protestant. Reasonable. Tel. Glencoe !176. 4LTN2-ltc FOR SALE- LARGE, HELIABLE GAS Rtove, 2 ovens, broiler: plate warmJo~OR HENT - ATTRACTIVE AND er. Formerly $125 . Bargain, $22.50. co mfortable front rooms. East side Tel. Wll. 1684 . 17LTN2-ltc near all transportatlon . 'l'el. Wilm e tte 1940. 4LTN2-ltc FOR SALE-WHITE ENAMELED kitchen cabinet, U1!Jed very little, 1 new , reasonable. Phone \VII . T~lla~E:~;~~~~r;n:?~~!~ s~~~~e r~; like 776-M. 17LTN2-ltp em)}lored lady or gentleman. Tel. Wlnn. 2073. 4L2-ltc ,·vtt !:!ALE- DINING ROOM TABLE, -------6 chairs and serving table In Early 41 FOR RENT-GARAGES Englleh finish; good condition. Cheap. T e l. Wi,l. 1655. 17LTN2-ltp FOR REJ:IlT-SPACE IN DOUBLE brick garage. 153 4 Spencer Ave. FOR SALE-MAH. LlBRARY TABLE. ~T~ p~t-~W~il~-~!l~9~3~-~~N'~·~=====6~L~2~-~t~t~c Reliable gas stove, 4 hurn rs. 2 bak= lng ovens, broiler. Tel. \V'II. 580. 7 WAN'l'l<:D TO ftl<:N'I'-HOUSES 17LTN2-1tc -1'. -0-R--S-A_L_I!:_' --l\-IA_H __ O_G-.-B-A-B'""Y-G ....R~A~N....-:-D piano, !;Oef!l condition. Tel. Wll. GLENCOE; 7-Rl\1. !HUCK HOUSE; 111 r.. t 7LTN2-ltc sw.-plng vm·c h : heated sun room. <J.aragc. Large lot near school and t!f 'WANTED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS transl)ot·tation . Immediate posses- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sion: 6 mo. or l yr . lt;~ase. Tt>l. High- WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND land Park 261. 7LTN2-1tc fut·nlture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost W AN'rtJD TO Rl<1N'l'-ROOMS Ill Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., WANTED - TWO SMALL HOCSEEvanston, Ill. Phone 18iSLTN24-tfc 1 -;::::================;Cheap labor means cheap work, poorly done. Have your tree· and shrubbery trimmed by experienced men. Let me Inspect your trees and explain our method. Robert G. Bolinger Tree Expert We also do 11urglcal work, spraying, fertilizing, pla.ntlns. Let us rearranl(e your abrubbei'Y for better effects. 1230 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wll . 3163 28LN61-Hc 25 ---------------=-----:: \VANTED TO RENT CONTRACTORS AND .JOBBERS HA.l::Utll:l BROI:l. PRESTO-UP OA· rages. North Shore Rep. Ralph ~~~~~;. 17~!t. G~~~~:;.~~~~· ~~~t· ~~: spectlon Invited . Cash or terma. 1nrormat1on gladly tu-rn~5t~~ o-"trc 5 ~,.!!!!!!!!!!!!W!!!!!!A!!!!!!'"'~T~E!!!!!!D-!!!!!!~M~I~"'~C=E~L~L~A~"'~""!!O~V~S~~ ·· · " ,...,. WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and ~:~ells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash Street. 19LTN-tfc PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIRIng; old pianos made new. L. W. J<~oster. Tel. Wlnn. 509-~SLTNH-tfc :,ex 30 NORTHBROOK BARGAIN WYATT & COONS TUTORING DRAMATIO ART, 10-WEEK TERM.. Class lessons, $15 . Private, UO. KrL Marjorie C. Mussman. G JeLnTcNo~l~t8r'c' 30 u ··elcl, m. 1111111111111111111111111111111111/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ~ ! V t&~~.urntt omes. IB3~Ifi[£lhm In north- FOR RENT-APARTMENTS we~{ks~lnt~etk!~h~ol~lk\mt~n;t~~~~~' Quick sale at $9,000. 3; ~ of an acre, wooded, f(Q)~ ~ENT WANTED - BURROUGHS POSTING machine operator : must be experienced In ba.nk work. Addreaa Life, 837. ULTNI-ltc WANTED - EXPERIENCED MAID, general housework; 2 adults; good wages. Tel. Kenilworth 2985. TEN RM. BRICK HOME IN BEAU. UL2-ltp 21 POR 8~LF-MISCI<JLL .\.NI!IOUS section of a. e. Winnetka; 6 bed1800 Wlnn. 1!18 rooms: 3 baths. Completely redec- WANTED- NURSE GIRL FOR AF- FOR RALF:- GRI·:Jo;N STEEL MODERN orated. Very large grounds. For tt<rnoons. Tel. Kentl. 2930. lmft· : I -incheH wide, 20 Inches high COUNTRY HU.MESlTES WITH ALL 6 to 18 mos. $350 ver mo. Tel. 12LT2-1tp anti 24 lnr:heli th·t·p; tire and burTHE ADVANTAGES AND CONVENWinnetka 1226. 2LTN2-ltc Kiat· proof. Cost $82. Price $45 net. IlO:NCES OF THE CITY. WANTED - MAID FOR GJ<;NERAL N~w condition. Clyd<' r. Ross, 1321 'Ye are otrerlng a very limited num~~ rc:"' Tl:D housework. Ap)li~· 260 w·oodlawn Cbt'stnu-t Ave. Tel . K t' nil. 1329. lwr of c hoice lots within one block \\t\Y 21L2-ltc m<eu.u.~ J.f' A_v_e·,;..·_H_u_l>_b_a._rd_w __ o_od_s_._._t2_L_T_N_2_·_H_c I ot transportation <steam) and ad- IN Joining a vet·~prominent North ATTRACTIVE 7-Rl'l. HOUSE; ALL WANTED-GIRL, WHITE. FOR GEN. ~hot·e golf club. These lots have a modern conveniences; waH·r h eat; housework. Five In family . Tel. ft·on ta,.;-tJ of i5 ft.: water, sewer gas l.>t> au. lamlscaped grounds; Ideal loWlnn. 1991. 12LT:-12-1tc P I PI' ~I'i e li).l'h t, sidewalks, telephon~ cation for transp. both to "L" and ~ .. t·vt ct· ancl bani roads all Installed Ren~oval: 1 have moved "My steam. Will reduce regular month· WANTED-CAPABLE \VHITE MAID and paid for. NO ASSESSMENTS. ChinPse Shoppt>" to 929 Thir~~~-~~~~i~tlraccot~:~dfoa.~~:~t~a~~~~e :;~~~ ~o:t. ~~~n.h~~rwork. N~ 2~-F~~~~fc llt>t'e is an onpot·tunity for you to teenth Street. Wilmette, S. W. ll\\'ll your honwslte at a price within eornl!r of Jo'ore·st Ave., where I to' live in a clH·erful and comfortyour r·each and nt tt>rms convenient. shall be pleased to meet all my able homt>. Tel. ""ilmette 2066. HI<:LI' WAN'I' ..;D-MALJo; ,\~D Hhoulcl you de~lre to build, we are 2LTN2-ltc old fr·iends and many new ones. FEMALP in !·osition to · sav e you 20 % of the cost. Do not fail to take advantage FUR RENT -G LE~COE FURNISHED WAN T ED - COllfPETENT WHI'fE of this otrer·ing. Phone \.IS or call 6-room bungalow : large lot; reas. couple able to take charge or home <'holet> plPCf'S ol Amel'icj\n Anat our omce for full Information. pt·ice; long lease or winter moa. tor man and wif(. . Man must be llqu,. }'u,·nltut·., and Bric - a·Brac . Tel. Glencoe 7211. 540 Jackson, corcompetent chauffeut· and gardener; ner of Greenwood . 2-LT:-l2-ltc wife good cook. Stead~· employment 929 Thlrtet>nth St. Wilmette and good homt- to cout>le willing to 21LTN2-ltc !10!1 Hit.lgp AYe. Tel. WII. 364 f'OR RENT-MODERN 7-RM. HOME work. Address 'Vilmt' tte Life. 334 . 1LTN2-ltc neat· "L" and lake: garage with side 13LTN2-ttc §thnllfcz~~lBlllty<C<ID. WllNNE TI[A WAN'fED- WARDROBE TRUNK. STATEMENT OF TRE · OWNI!lR!IHIP. Must be In good condition. TeL MANAGEMENT, f'IRCULATION, ETC,. Wilmette 25. 19L2-ltc R~QUESTED BY THE ACT OF COl"· GRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1e12. Of the Wilmette .tfe publlsbe4 WANTED TO HUY-CHILD'S LARGE weekly at Wilmette, Ill., for October size doll bugg)'. Tel. Wll. 2499. ULTN2-1tc 2 Illinois, l s11. ;.:o FOR SAt.Joi--., l 'TO)IOBJLES County of Cook f ---::-----------~~~~~::-:::::-::-::Before me, a Notary Public In and FOR SALE- 1!122 BUICK ROADSTER. for the State and county aforeeald, good cond. · All accessories. $425. personally appeared Lloyd Hollleter, Call 221 Wa.rw iek Rd.. Kenilworth, who having been dulr sworn accordor Tel. Kenil. 392. 20LTN2-1tc Ing 'to Jaw. deposes and saye that be is the Business Managet· of Wtllmette Lite and that the following Is to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true staterqent of the ownereblp, management (and If a dally paper, the OPEN AIR SALES circulation), etc .. ot the aforesaid pubCor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. lication for the date shown In tbe Wlllya-Knlght and Overland above caption, require~\ by the Act of Dealers August 24, 1912, embodied In sectlon Evanston 140 443. Postal Laws and Regulatlona. 20LTNU-trc printed on the reverse of this fonn · . ~t;te ~t t"----------------Used Cars- All Makes to l~l~hat the names and addressee of tht· publisher, editor, managing editor, n on .n. @If lfu®ll'i!u. ,__ 1------------------ My Chinese Shoppe Antiques 1J o IHio §cclln~®~~lf & CC<O>o Mrs. ]. 'vV. Panushka fc~t~l.\~l;;;l,:';L~(,;~"~l'~E~L~Y~-l'~'~U:;:R~NI~;iS~H~E~D~~6;;;-li!!l"!iO~O~M~ ('olonial house In most convenie~t location east side or 'VI lmette. Large living t·oom; sun porch; 3 hrtght chamb et·s; h. w. heat, gas and co al plants: Lovekin water h· ·atl· r ; electt·lct washer·. Furnishtngs Includ e linens, dishes. etc.. l' \' t-I'Ylhlng in best taste and new. Hous l! 3 ~ Y!'S. old. Unheard of ntlue for $23,500. Apply personally to 1\rr. Stockton. ? ~:~·e~a~~fess~na~!t w~~~s 6:~. lt~OR respons2LT-21tc 14 SI'I'U t\.TION \VANTI<:D-MAI,t.: FOH RJo:X'l'-AI'AR'I'!\IHNTS :' - .,--R--R-E_ ' _N_T __ _ U _N_F,U -R-.-4---R-l\-1:. _A_P_A_R_T-10 I'Ot.. ITE, NJo~AT, OLORED CHAUFfl'Ur. A-1 machinist: man· led: best of cit)' refer e nces. Tel. \JnlvtJrslty 2885. Mr·. Tl<lwell. HI.,T2-ltp SALE-C HILD'S POLO COAT, 11iZt' 3 ~· r·~< .. $5: two rabbit fur coat!l, si"··s 4 an<l 6, $8 ach. Tel. Wlnn. 1033. 21LTN2-ltc SA 1..1':- M lNN !':A POLlS THERmostat with l'lock . Also one pah· it·o n amllt·ons. TPl. Kenll . 1369. 21LTN2-ltc HALE- 2 EVENING DRESRES, mlsl<es. slze11 32 and 36; also tatreta party drt>~:~s, size 36. Tel. W tc \\i.\JllliL1ii\fri' TL:'l "ll"l""fFTL:'l ~ Jl\Yill..C:IJ il J.l l..C:IJ 726 11th Ht. ment . Oec·U(lancy furnished rooms. Nov. 1st. Also Hl'l'. ""A!':TJ<;O-RY GOOD, EXPERIenced man. Houst' Work and IJutler : steadv. Tel. Oakland 4506 . ' 14L2-1tp FOH n~'if~f J1 '\1 1l '\J te~ 1UlllR?.IE of well to the of lob ure clesir- & ~ ~. .~=--------------1L_2_-l_t_c ht<at ; in-a-dor bNI In dining room. · Janitor service. Tel. Wilmette 2399 . 23 .\CRE FAR~1 -------------3_L_T_N_2_-_t_t c :'I.BAH NORTHWl-~RT LIMITS OF ··lencuc; four·-tl' nths mile to express FOH Rt>-:NT- OC'T. 15TH. FURN. 3rm . apartment : hot watt-r service. station ot North Shor·e line. Fine hpat, l.Jath: newly d(·co ratell. 1230 olrl orchard and shade trees. Has 3 unobstructed Yiew of Skokie valley Wilml'ttc An·. Tel. Wil. ~t~·-1tp anrl acres of beau . woods. Surroundtug homes at·c high class. HENT- FOUR-ROOM: APART$,l.tJUO Per act·p Exelusi\'t' Agent FOR mt>nt with hath ; 0\'1!1' J)rivatc ga< ouuty taxes Tl·l. Ult·n . ~60 ragt· on Prospect avenue; hot water 1LTN2-ltc lwat. To eouple with no children. '1'<>1. \Vituwtka 68. 1LTN2-ltc _REAL HO:\lE; 7 LARGE LIGHT all·y rooms; well constructed; choice northeast location: hse. recently remodeled and palntt-d; beau. lot pretttlY landscaped with several fine t;ces. Excep. good buy at $15,500. 'It·l. Wll. 2066. 1LTN2-ltc J<'OR h SA~E OR RENT-5 AND 6-RM. ouse.i, new; big lots; close to trans ~\ke, )golf course; $10,000 to · 121 000' so ots for sale $30 a ft. ow'ner: 8ounty BLine ltd. 2 blks. west of ll:.~~<_e~ 3 ay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. 1 42 -;::;:;;,---;;--:7 . ;::--:--::------_: :L:T:N:.:_:: .:_:·t:f_:cl J<'()H. RALE - 10 ACRES, COR. WINnetka and Kotz Road; ver3-· fine, wooded. Tel. \Vii. 3041. 1LTN2-tfc Tel. "\Vilmette 228 4 -ROO::If CO ~IR?. . . l·OR. Tel. 'VIIm e tte 1 68 3LTN2-1 tc t>~OH. R '., ENT"f- v 1':25 11 t h ST· APART!\! ENT; ----------------------------WANTED - WASHINGS TO TAKE I~ s TEA l\1 the direct ent trans- A WITILJMIIEliTIE and Glen e east of -=--------------::---::::::-::-:-::= FOR RENT- 2-ROOM FURNISHED kltcht'nettt> apat·tment; private bath, 1 porch and9e0n~:nce; good3T ~~:~~~c T··l \\·tJ. - · ' · FOR HENT- APARTME!':'TS AND OFflee 1·ooms. G. F . Gonsalves. Tel. fl2 3LTN43 tfc Winnetka . 4 FOil RE""I'-ROO:tl!'l FOR Rfo;NT- NICELY FURN. FRONT bedroom In a prh·ate homP. Convenient to transportation. Reasonahh·. ('all at ns Park Ave. after 6 !>1. 4L2-ltc P . NI E SUNNY ROOM FOR RENT, 1507 Wash . AvP. Gentleman P!'eferred. Tel. \VII. 969-R. 4Ll-ttc Avenue FOR RENT- PLEASANT FRONT room in very desirable location on east elde; 31~ bloeks from North Western station. Gentleman; refVERY COZY LITTLE HOME IN EXt>rences required . Tel. WI!. 909-R. treme east sec. of Wilmette; glazed 4L2-ttc slpg, J>ch. ; 2-car garage; beau. lot with abundant shrubs and nne FOR RENT- 2 ROO:\fS FOR LIGHT trees. Best buy of the aeaaon for house~eeplng. Tel. Wll. 291:i:.. -1tc 2 $10,000. Tel . WI!. 2066. 1LTN2-ltc WlliL~IETTE ea~_o. i~;\t tht> known bondholders, i-4ALI':- IlUDSON SEAL COAT, Mar·tin <'Ollar and cutrs, good condi· mortgag~ s. and other s curlty holdors owning ot· holding 1 per cent or tnore tton, ~lzt· 36-8. $50 . Tt·l. Krnil. 392. 2lLTN2-llc of total amvunt of bond , mortgages, or other s curllles are: (If there are none, so state . ) ~None. W A~TED - POSlTION Al-l HOl'SR1~\Ht HALE- COOKING AND EATING 4. 'l'hat the two paragraphs next kl't'IH'I' an<l mana~l·r in a motlwrapplt>s. C'all afternoon!l . H33 Flf- al>ovt·, giving thP names of the ownlt'ss hom.. . Call \\' ilmctte ill-J. · tt'l' llth Ht .. or Tel. Wll . 99S-M. t>r~<, stockholders, and security holders, 1~L2-1tc 21L2-ltc if au)·, contain not only the list of WA!':TED--POSlTIONH HY TWO EXP. FOR SAJ,E BABY BUGGY, IVORY sloekholders and security holders aa tht·Y a))pt'Rr upon the books of the ~~g~~::t o.: ~~ok lUld st·cond1 ~;_!~!=z:i~~ reNI. C'hNln. 1747 Washington AVf'. c:-ompany but also In case.; where the Tt"l. WI!. 8-2a-J. 21L2-J te stockholder or 11 l'Ut'i ty hultltlr appears llRJo:SSMAKEH WANTH VlrORK. ' 3 ·1J O I·'OH HALE- VICTHOLA: 60 records In UJIOII the books ot the eompany a· a day . Address Wilmette Life, 336 · hooks; l'er!. coml. ltensonablt>. Tel. ti'UStt>l' nnd In any other fiduciary re15 LT 2 ·ltp \VInn<-tka n21-l\f. 2lLTN2-ltc lation, tht· nam e of the person or cor· tlorntlon for whom sul'h l!'ustee Ia CARE OJ·' CHIJ.DREN OR INVALIDH FOH SALJ·:- GHAPl':S. TEL. WIL. uf'tlng, Is given . al '.:J thu.t the ea.ld ~ln~~I'Jf,~~-ut·. Mury Hut~L~Nz?i~~ 1432. 21L2-ltc two pural('raphl! contain statement· embracing a.tHant 's !uU knowl!!c.lge and I·'IJH HALI·:- l'ONY AND CART. TEL. bt·ll··r us to th clrcllmstances and WA:-ITEI>- ,VAHHI!':G. lW·NlNG OH l'nh Prslty 774 . 21LTN2-1tc:- contlltlons under which stockhold rll hswk . by thP clay. TPI. Wll. 775-l\fX. I~~~~~~~~~========= and ~:<t·t·urlty hulrlt<I'S who do not ap15 L 2 -llP 21 JIOUSEHOLD SER\' ICE )lf'RI' upon tht:' hook!! of the comp ny 1--------~::--:~~::-::"::::'"::'~:-::-:-:::- '"' tru11te1'8, hold stoc:-k and !<N·urltles 16 SITl \TION WANT ..;D-l'l.\L·1 NORTH SHORE HOUSECLEANING In a cavaclty other than that or a AND .~ ..~MALE Service cleans wall paper and paint IJonn tld1· 0\\' 11<'1'; nn!l thl>< atnnnt baa work ; al!!o furniture polishing, floor no rr ·nson to bt'lien· that any other HJTl"ATION \VANTIO:O- nY ('OLOHF.D waxing and window washing; calci- 11t>rsun. a11sociatlon. or <'Orporatlon baa c:-ouple. Ex peri IICt'<l; r~;ferenc<·S ; mlhlng and waiJs starch ell; furnaces any lnt .. rt>st dln·ct or lndln·ct ltl the gooll <'OOk, butler and chauffeur. clellne(l and also odfl jobs ol all sa ld 111tock. bonds or othl'r l'l'uritiea \\' Ill IH'<'P)lt <Ia~ work until locatNl. klndt~. F.d. T . Handy. Tel. Wll. thttn aM so stntt·tl by him. TPI. l ' niv. 16n2 16LT2-1tp 1647. Call 7- A . or 6-8 P. J\.f. 5 That the av~;rnKt' number or l6 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS 2 7 LT6 2 ·4tc cOllies or t'l\.Ch l.su11 of this publication sold or distributt·d. through the malla FOn HALE- BnAHS BED WITH BO .. · ANTT~lm FUHN!TI'RE HEf'AlHlNG or othPrwlse. to paid aubecribers dur· and refinishing. l'pholllt··rlng. l\tat- ing the six months proce din&' tb date springs and rnattresse11; cot and tJ'f' RI!es renew('d . l'ahlnet work. shu~n . ubt~ve I .-( This Information le mattr~sse11; dark oak library tablt> FrPrl Nitto . 123 C'!'ntral Ave., \Vil- rt·Qulred from dally liUbllcntlons only.) and bookcasl' . white enam<'IIed steel (!-llgul\tu-r of l'<lltor, publleh r, bu 1nwtte. Tt.l. "\VII. 2340. kitchen cablno·t; other household ne!IS mtUtltto; r·. or owner.) 271.2-trc goods. Very cheap. 411 l..aurel J.l,OYD HnLLI TER. Ave., Wilmett e. Tel. 'VII. 493. worn to and subecrib l1 b Core me 17LTN2-ltc EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING; WINdow washlnlf; ftoor waxlnl(; furnl- this Hh "·'Y ot Llctob r, 19 4. (S al ) CHAS. E'. HOTZE. turt> pollehlng; nrld palnUnc a.nd calFOR SALE-BAl'ER PLAYER PIANO. My t'Olllllli>~>~lon ·' X~Jirtoll Mar. 14, cimining job11. Tel. Wtnnin~..~a s _tfc ~a: .Rtdge Ave., Wlnn. ; e£T~~2~c 1927. ) home : tlnlshed work nnd rough dry : also wet wash. Will call for and d e liver. 41!! Prairie Ave. Tel. WI!. 1351. 15LTN1-tfc J.~OR 1lJ.:!i 2 an~u~~~~::s ~:~;:g~-~~~~~:~r. [nc.. (A Corporation') , 1222 Central Ave .. Wilmette, Ill . ; Editor, Erwin W. Weber, 1239 Lake Ave., Wilmette, Illlnole; Business Managt'r, Lloyd Hollister, 813 Pine St., "\VInnetka. 2. That the owners are: (Give names and addresses of Individual owners, or If a corporation, give lte name and the namee and addresees of stockholders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of the total amount of stock.) Lloyd Hollister, Inc. (A Corporation) 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Lloyd Hollister, 813 Pine street. Winnetka, III.; A. H . Bowman, 1316 Maple 1wenut>, J<:vfV\Ston, 111.; E. R. Ladd, 2404 Hart'lson avenue, Evanston Ill.; Hobl·rt D . Rodenberg, 635 N. Lock· wood avenue, Chicago, III.; F . L. Bate· man . 735 Michigan avenue. Wilmette, Ill.; Gustaf Nelson. 849 Elm 11treet, Wlnut'tka, Ill .; E . '. \Vt>lssenberg, 965 .J:o;lm street, Winn e tka, HI.; H . D. Hill, 801 \Vaiden t·oad, Wlnnetka, Ill.; Frank A. Wilson. 1118 Central avenue, \Vilrnt>tte, 111.; Ben P. Kiefer, 1801 AsiJury avenu c. Winnetka, Ill.; Harry I.vnn, 1111 Gage street, Winnetka, 11·1. ; Wcrstcd Motor Co., 662 Lincoln nvpnuc, \Vlnnl'tka, lll.; Elmer E. Adams, 73 Ot\.k street, Winnetka. 111. : Eal'l L . Weinstock, 630 Walden road, Winnetka, Ill.; Arthur C. F . Oeltge, !120 Center street, Winnetka, 111.; A. c. Wolff, 1124 Greenleaf avenue. Wilmette, Ill. ; R. H . Schell, 800 Elm street, " ' lnnetka, Ill. ; Charles E. Hotzl'. 1229 Hill street. \Vilmette, Ill.; A. 1\1. Levy, 1!01 Dt·cxel &Quare. Chl· 6 M. 0 7 46

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