2 WILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1924 Board Alters Procedure Local Realty Finn Opens in Ordinance Adoption Sale of Fine Homeaitea Tho~t· who haH been longing for a country hona·. with plenty or room for t·xtcn~ivc lawn~ and gardens. will manage, 'omchow, to he on WaFtner road hctwct·n Lake a\·enuc and Glt!n' it·\\' road Saturda\' aiternoon. Octoher 11. or 'omt·tirne- on Sunday when Clore, nudinger- and Smith. a local real cstall' firm, introduces the ale or a few acre and half-acre homcsites Figuring that a lot about 200 fec·t -quare is an acre, eyen a half acre of home ground~ con~titute a nice little c-tate, the firm . explains. The tract of land containing these sites is deli~htfully located, oHrlooking the new Xorth Shore Golf cour e and bordering on the Forest Pre serYe. That 111akt'S the tract a natural park. that i- protrctcd on all sides. This pleas·'"' cmnmunity center is three and a half milt·s from \Vilmett e and a mile irom Gleuvi<"w. both towns heing,.a,i ly accessible by auto- bu . Later there will he an extension of the !\orth Shore line only fi,-c hlocks :1way. People who arc seeking- a suburban \"late or a countrv home with citv ;·o n,·eniences and lmpro\·e ments wiil want to make a trip out to this prop<'rly. Clore, Budinger and Smith declare. The Village board at its meeting thi~ week set aside a precedent followed as long as Earl E. Ornl·r has heen ,·illage clerk-some 18 years-and proceeded to have reading-s of ordinances under the parliamentary rules. In the past. the rules were suspended hefore an ordinance was read so ihat immediate action could he taken. Generally, there were public hearings and discussions before the ordinances were drawn up so that every trustee and interested citi.zen was well informed as to the suhJect matter. Taking up the ordinances under the rule , require two readings at me~t ings of the hoard, w.hile at. a tlmd meeting, the measure ts submttted. for a ,·otc. Three ordinances were gtven their first readings at the Tuesday meeting, including one regarding the laying of water mains on Ridge avenue and two on the wide~ling of Central' and \Vilmcttc a\'enues in the husines area. Putting aside of the precedent of suspending the ~u.les came in consequence of a petttton signed by residents on Park avenue opposing the widening of Central a\'cnue west of ~lain sfreet. Bette It's Up to You to say how much you'll need, when you'll need it, and \vhat you want it for. Our Special Purpose Savings Account Plan does the rest for you. It works a lot like our Christtnas Savings Club, on ly you save any sum you wish, start any tin1e, and have it n1ature any time. Ask us about it! En·r ten Y in \\'il part ic il ing cot genera sponso tiona!. ;e ntalt the cot The Sl~ .OOO' " ill be 111 its tl words. how tl or he\ a ward. (ontr tnu.;t tho~e Form Local Committee of P ropoae d Scout CounciI \Vilmctte's organization committee which is to cooperate with representativcs of other north shore communities in the establishment of a Korth ::;hore Council of the BoY Scouts of America, is rapidly being formed with several ci,·ic groups and churche~ · pointing tl..,.ir committee members. 311 This week the Wilmette Optimist cluh announced its committee as follows:. O;ian Galitz. Dr. D. \\'. Rapp. Dr. l·.. ]·.. Moore. Howard Board and Rav Klemm. St. Augmtine's church representatives on the pn·liminan· \\'ilmctte organization group inclucl~ C. R. Hope. llarry Fowler and H.]. Leach. The \\'ilmcttc f<otary club named ih ('Otmnitt,·c '-<'H'ral week, ago a-. fol lows: Frank A. \\ 'ilson, I. H. Harper. 1~<· ,·. Stcphl·n A. Lloyd_- C. E. Rt·nlll'<·kar and Dr. ~1. ('. Hecht. Other g-ron)" art' expt'ctcd to an noun.n· their rcprhcntatin·, in the <·arly futurc . Frank ~fay, Jr., 10 year-old son of :.rr. and Mrs. Frank .May, 1317 \Vilmctte avenue, lost the sight of hi s left eye and the tips of the fingers of his right hand were hlown off when caps of dynamite which he found. Thursday night, October 2, exploded. He is at the St. Francis hospital recovering from the shock and injury. __;;;,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __;__ _ Small Boy Severely Hurt When Dynamite Explodes must The ol whand o trical aging in~ I irlg s tit ion. To of pr the e is to whicH Shor schoo hriel , and ' Th !Cr;ttt rd"i \ ' r oi t \\ "1 one tit~:" Kenilworth School Open After Enforced Vacation Cla~ses at the Joseph Scars '>chool After Sun, Wind and Dust-Murine In summer the EYES frequent!~ ··vou1· Ill I become blood - ahot from the were resumed Monday aitcr a "eek'~ enforced ,-acation due to the Jlre>cncc of infantile paralysi., in 1\:enil\\·orth. \Varning was sent to all parcnb to take special care of the children and to g-iYc immediate medical attentiott to ~tly illness that might arise. ·The Kenilworth School hoard decided to close till' school on September 29 and to await further de,·elopment' At a meeting of the hoarrl Frida,nig-ht, OctolH'r 3. it was decided to reopen the school. Xotices were sent to all the parents and classes went resumed Monday morning. The board has provided a nurse to make daily visits to the school. The teachers and Superintendent E. L. Nyg-.aard arc also paying special attentton to the health condition, of the children. Reports from the home!> of the two hoys who were stricken with infantilt· paralysis are to the effect that they arc improving. irritating effects of wind and dust. Murine relieves thi.a unattractive condition a lmost immediately, as well as eye-strain caused · by the elare of the sun. If used night and morning, Murine encoura11es a clear, bright, healthy condition of the EYES. Contains flO bdladonna or other harmful inaredienu. llome Banh·· Ill I · ti',.:."tu':.!:r~.::.!.."O:'t;·&.-~ The Murine Company Dept. essay Th repo hcin scho ol t"- l'XJI IP :9, Chkqo pt'li 1ft (JRINL f.OAYOUR Ke EYES 627 MAIN ST. CITY MARKET CO · -:- PHONE WILMETTE 1870 RETAIL WHOLESALE Is It Fresll? Thi!- i!- the question mo"t frequently ashed the baker. Our pledge to the people of this community i · tu offer nothing but freshly made good-,. Cood~ that clo twt sell prompt!~ arc n:lcgated tu uur hargain counter "here ,,-e ,..ani tice our pruti t by se \ling them at a reduc c1 cost. to u .... ~enire in the tillJug-ht that You cannot appreciate the quality of our meats and the economy of our prices if you have not traded here. Now-during this sale ia an ideal time to get acquainted with better meals at lower prices. SPECIAL WEEKLY SALE-FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10. 11 MEATS ~~~~n~-~~~~~.~~.~~~~ ................ : ...................... ~fj~C: Milk Fed Spring Cbickena-Special Lb . ....................................... : . ............. . Lean Pork Shoulder Roast Lb. . ............ _............................................ . Armour's Star Bacon Armour's Star Hams Half or whole aide, lb. half or whole, lb. . . . . . . . "!"C You ma,- l.'lltru · t your order ... Fre~h 27_1_ :· ou \\ill rl:'ceive l;oud-.. Armour's Cloverbloom Butter, Pound prints ............ . Fancy Rump Comed Beef-Special Lb. I 42c I 22c I . 37lc 2lc 33c 28c Na~.;:e ~~t. ~~.t . ~~~ .. .. .. . Ro~~~ .~~~ .~~~ . ~~.. . .. . 32c Milk Fed Veal Leg Rout Lb . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leu: ~~~~~ .~i. ~~~··· ... 32c l9c I 5~:f;~~r~~~ .~f..~~~~ .... l2c WILMETTE. KENILWORTH, GLENCOE. WINNETKA FOUR DAILY DELIVERIES-I A. M. -11 A. M.-2 P. M. -4 P. M.