Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1924, p. 3

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1924 3 netka Chamber Q{ CoJUmerce ancl the Wilmette D1.y worker , fjsAYCONTEST TA"LKS TO WOMEN .lfrs. Walle/' F. Dodd Gi1 ·rs Fourllr Lrclurc 011 Cti:::rllslri(' Thnrsda_\' HOLDS INTEREST Name Miss Ann Whitmack Chamber of CoDUDerce Adela · t o M emberab· · -· · aa Wilmette Librarian Four Ftrma tp ll i s Ann \Vhitmack, until recently . ibrarian at Argo, lllinois, has been q· po:n tcd librar.an of the Wilmette l·rce 1-ublic library and will take charge Wednesday, October 15. ~I iss Whitmack, the Library board announces, is well trainett and with her experience in Argo, is fitted to take charge of the position left vaCJat by t.be rec~nt resignation of Miss Sue Osmotherly, who is attending Columbia university. The new librarian comes highly recommended by a number of people, including Miss Price of the State Library association. During the past two weeks the library has been in charge of Miss Winifred Bright, who served as assist:~nt to ~Iiss Osmotherly. Miss Bright will continue her work, as assistant ~ o Miss Whitmack. Better Home Lighting Has Attractive Awards E,·try school boy and school girl ten years of age . a.n~ o~er, .r~siding in Wilmette and VICinity IS eltg1ble to part ic ipate in the Better Home Lighting contest, a national competition for general, district and local prizes, sponsored by the f:..igh!ing Education a l comm1ttee, wh1ch IS the representative of the electrical interests of th e country. The principa l national award is a , 13.000 model electrical home which \\ 1ll be won by the boy or girl who submib the best essay, not to exceed 600 words. on good home lighting, telling hllw the contestant would re-light his or hu own home. Other national awards include college scholarships. Contestants for the national honors mu"t he winners of district prizes and those competing for district prizes must win local awards. The North Shore Electrical league, of which the Public Service company and other representatives of the electrical indus try are members, is managing the movement locally, organizirlg schools for the contest and selectin g local judges for the local competition. To aid the contestant in the study of proper lighting and preparation of the essay every child who registers is to he given a home lighting primer, which will be supplied by the North Shore Electrica l league through the sc hool. It contains rules, a series of hrief , simple lessons on home lighting and all material necessary. The Suburban Electrical league, comprisin~ the local Electrical leagues in th e ter ritory surrounding Chicago h;" IH·t·n divided into eleven leagues fnr tht· rontest. First and second .cr;olld prizes of radio sets, arc being r·fttrt·d a, territory awards . In each of the eleven local territorie s there \\ill he two first prizes of a watch . one fo r a boy and a wrist-watch for th" gi rl. There will he two second priz~·, also of a kodak for both a hoy and girl. In each school within the territorv of the Suburban Electrical lra~lll·.- from which at least five pupil.; par ticipate in the competition a ioun t ain pen will go to both a boy an d gi rl. In the fifty larger schools oi the territory there will be auditiorJa/ local second rizes of gold Pl'llci ls. Educational authorities, locally and nationally are supporting the Better Home Lighting movement and will be on the Judges' committee to judge the essays submitted. The North Shore Electrical league r rp orts that con s iderable progress is h ci ng made with the organization of schools in thi s section. The offering ol local prizes is exciting the interl ' ' t of man y pupil s and a number have rxprt· 'ed con fidencc in their ability W nnJ..e a good showin g- in tht comJll'tltiOn for the larger awards. Four new memher~ were added to the roll of the \V1lmette Chamher 1f Commerce :\llonday of this week. fhe lat~st fi:-m s :o JOin were: Paul Bleser, general merchandise; F. Coleman Burroughs and company, real estate; Krauss Cleaning and Dyeing company, and the Ridge avenue Pharmacy, Carl Renneckar, proprietor. The Chamber of Commerce completed arrangements for a dinner at the Lake Shore Terrace. Monday evening, October 13, when the local organization will be host to the Win- Wilmette Yo·th WU. Jliah k · R 0 T C A--Ran In · · · · at~ Fred G. Harbaugh. who i enrolled at Ames Agricultural college, has been promoted from cadet lieutenant to· cadet captain in command of D Battery, R. 0. T. C. artillery, according to a communication from the school. Fr~d received special mention from commanding officers at the Cam~ Knox, Kentucky, summer camp, where be won the medal for boxing in the featherweight division. PooL ·INC· CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS & PtPER E\'ery item guaranteed to be right or your money hack RADIO At Chicago Loop Pricea We ean aave you mon~ on anythina you want to bu' in Radio. Genuine Radiotron R. C. A. Tube· WDll, WDIZ, UVItt, UVZOO, UV201A at $3.50 each. Expert Wirina and Repair Work Radiola, Crosley, Reflex and Neutrodyne sets priced right. Come in and ask us about our once a week free premium. "The State Executive" will be ' the subject of the fourth of a series of lectures on citizenship given at the \Vilmette \Vomen's club by Mrs. \Vatter F. Dodd of Chicago. The next lecture will be given Thursday morning, October 16. Mrs. Dodd is a recognized authority on governmental questions and is constantly in demand for her lectures. \Vomen in the village who are interested in becoming better acquainted with the operation of their national and state g overnments are urged to take advantage of thi s lecture series. FIRST WALKING SHOES THE WHOLE SHOE IS VERY SOFT AND PLIABLE GIVING THE NECESSARY SUPPORT TO THE TENDER LITTLE FEET BROAD SOLES AND TOES ~haca&o Siaea 4 to I Tan or Brown ..... . $4.51 Smoked Ponyhide ... 4.50 WILLIAMS 1516 Sherman Avenue E\·anston, Illinois Phone Uni,·ersity 1 ~00 Open e\'Cnings until 10 o'clock. White 1608 Buck~kin 4.75 Avenue, at Daoi· Street EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Peppermint Pattiel · 81.50 Bulla Eye, nickel caee Scout Flaahli&ht and a 35c Rrgular 2 cell Battery Both tor 11.50 ~ J!'/9 Liquid Antiseptic A ecienlifie prep111'8don for combat· ing germain the mouth, tectb,Jlume, throat, nose and mucoua aurfacea. A valuable aid in the treatment of pyorrhea. Rccular ~Se bottle ot 4 -.. GIVEN AWAY Kenilworth Football M...:n Battle Lake Bluff Squad 1-: l'n ih\ ort h fo ot ball junior h,·al)\\t.· i~hh will meet their old ri,ab fr(>J11 Lake Bluff Thursday aftnnnon. Onohl·r !(). in what promise' to he one nf· the footba!J cl:hsics oi the: seaso n. . Tt.·a nh n·prt.·se ntin g the~c communJI H·s han· hanled year after year and th1· kern rivalry displaytd in pa st s< asom co11tinues unabated. Coach Townley ha~ been drillin g- his players all wet·k for the approaching event. Tlw $1.35 Bulla Eye, fibre caee Scout Flashlight and a 35c Regular 2 cell Battery Botll tor ll.SS A wonder preparation for be a utlfying the face, neck and banda. Keeps the skin in ex· eellent condition for the man who ehavee daily, aJ'ID.I, Regular Price 25c 19c Bay Rum 16-.. Ia made from the finut distilled Oil of Bay. Full Regular Price SI.OO Effervescent Citrate of Magne&ia 4 .o .. A prompt acting laxa· tive. A very coolin· and refreehinJ!·tomach eorrectlve. Very pleatant to take. Cooveoi· eot dole cap with each bottle. Regular Price 60e l50 Eye Strain is not a disease but an eye "out of focus" or out of shape. ~fedicine will not help a condition of this kind, and glassrs alone will relieve the strain. The drain on the nervous system of even a slight strain is resp<msible for a great many of our ills affecting the nerves, head and tomach. Indigestion and dizziness are amongst th1 mos~ common symptoms of eyestralll. . 69c Attention Ladies nnd Special Now 43c Gentlemen A REAL BARGAIN a wegular 11.00 bottle of ~ An &fticieot liver Ja,... live more plu~ant to take than ordirtary eoda phoephate. Convenient dote cap with each bottle. Regular Price SOc Srcdal Now ·- 39c "9!1" Hair Tonic and · regular 25e jar or :lila& "93" Shampoo Paste Both for 81.00 A Thorouah Examination alone will re..,eal eyestrain. 14 Years of Successftd Practice Klenao A.tomber A ·t tid. ..,_ Fhaelr· __... hard "'"'- "em, larp lnalb . . . tubbl&. Fittad with Cllln - 1 dp. TU.. diller oila Dr. 0. H. Bench Optometriat F"'"'" Mtr . 01tict~l Dttll. C. D. Ptt~cock, lac ~ -.cry_,.. die ·Tlze Store 1177 Wilmette Ave. For APNlataeat P···· WU. , .. . or Re·ldeaee WU.ette J.'7M Roan ··U7 , . _ 8aM A. 11. te lh:te P. II. II:'Ye'· · 7 ............. ..... ~ . . . 98c or.W.aolutJO.. Jleplar Prtee IUS RENNECKAR DRUG CO. Phones 28-29 wid. a fabric 6..Uh. ~ The box ia very aood looltU.C. Tile quantity ia geaeroua48 abeeu and 48 en~elo(>H [ s.-tJU-c you ue almoet everyday. J Replaa- Price s~ ~=r-~~:d. ,~::::::; -~· s..ew "- · · Pontex Fabric ~~ 39c I· ~.

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