Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1924, p. 4

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WILMETTE, LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1924 On icur :\lond:1y :tfternoons, October \3. 2L). 27. and November .l, By SCOUT RUFUS Lou i~ K . .'\nspacher will give a series l.l'l tilt· ~~:outs do 1-our Saturrlay of lecture, on the subject. "The Hope l·akinl{. Ht· a frit'tlll to. yourseli and a of Immortality." at the Playhouse. frit·ncl to \\'ilmette Girl Scout,; by Fine Art-; huild,ing. Chicago. Mr. < "oming- over to our Food sa le to- :\n,pa~:her is a philosopher and d!a111orrow front 10 :30 to 12 :30 o'clock in 111ati ·t oi more than local reputatton our Scout room at the Wilmette Par- and j, reported to be an unusually "h Mdhodi~t church. Lake and \Yil - eloquent and inspiring speaker. !llt'ltt' avenue~. Ail ~orts of goodie· The particular topics of the four will ht' 011 hand-cakes, pie , cookies. 1ertures will be "In ~iteratur_e an~ hr<'a<.J-. roll~. ca ndie s. and all the 1:\rt," "Th~ Present Ver.dtct of Sctence. c.thcr ynmmy thing that Scout~ can " \\'hat the Great P~tlo~ophers H~ve make. Said." and ·'The AsptratJOns of Reltg1-:1 ny St·out will ha1·c her part in ion." thi, ·ak, for each one is to contribute At the first lecture Mr. Af!spacher ·JII<' article whidt she has made with will he introduced by Dr. Louts Mann ht·r own hands . Each of the thirteen of Sinai Temple; at the second by Dr. patrol' will hav~ a tahle which they Horac e Bridges: and at the third by will d<·eorate and supcnise them- Dr. George Craig Stewart. ,dH·. A committee of mothers will l -nder the auspices of the Drama price a ll food~ and judge the table, . league. :\[r. Anspacher will also deScouh hope that their effort s will ti,·er four oi hi s six lectures on the hring iu quite a fine sum. for they arc Great Dramas of Revolt. The first of auxiou~ly waiting to order their new the,e "ill he given Thur sday, Octtroop flags so they may ha1·e them ior ohcr 9, at J o'clock at the home of their Parent s' dinner investiture and Mr~. Rockefeller McCormick, 1000 Lake Shore drive, Chicago, on "Prot·ntertainment on :1'\o,·ember 14. So help yoursei\'Cs and help the mctheus Bound." The second, on "The Scouts of Wilmette aud help the com- Book of Job," will be delivered at the munlty spirit of \Vilmette by comin~ home oi ~[rs. :\L Dreyfus, 3033 Sherito our J·ood sale on Saturday, Oct- dan road, Chicago, at J o'clock, on oher ll, from 10 :30 to 12 :30 o'clock. Thursday. October 16. The third, on "Hamlet," will be given at the home oi !\frs. Arthur Meeker, 3030 Lake Kenilworth Scouts Plan Short' · dri\'e, Chicago. at J o'clock, on Over-night Country Hike Thursday, October 23. The last, on "Prometheus l'nbound," will be given The Kenilworth 8o1· Scouts will engage in an ov<·r-night hike to Camp at the home of the Arts · club, 410 Howel l. Friday anc.l. Saturday, with !\'orth Michigan a1·enue, at 3 o'clock, 011 Thur·da1· .\:'o1·ember 6. Tickets Hohert Townley in charge. The Scouts are making elaborate may he ~e~ ured at the door, it is explained . plan~ for the first parents' gathering to be held next Friday when Frank Watt s will be awarded an Eagle Scout halolge and 85 other awards will he mad<'. A number of new Scouts will attl'lld tht' gathering with their parents, among whom are Marshall lludley, a transfer Scout from Chicago, ' on Rohert Richardson, Fred Breit, "Mac" Mcintosh, John Spiegel and "\\'inn" Richards. Our modern methods and Former Kenilworth Bov Scouts who lo\\' prices make Bie Savar(' atlt'nding schools itt other comings and give our hundreds munitit.·s and who haYe become as of customers better cleansocialt' Scouts an~. Phil Btlrnham. who is at Cantt·rbury academy: Mark Creing. Repeat orders from alsap, who is at the Hill school. and most every customer is Ralph Wheelock, who is at the Northproof of this statement. wt·~tt·rn Military and Na\'al academy. GIRL SCOUTS SUMMON FOLKS TO FOOD SALE Invite Residents to Hear l . K. Anspac.~1er Lectures · SMOOTH PERFORMANCE A program of constant mechanical refinement involving the body, engine, clutch, brakes and other units of Dodge Brothers Motor Car, has resulted in an unusual smoothness of performance. You have only to ride in the car to instantly appreciate the decided freedom from vibration jN:~Pri;e:Rug Cleaning -------------------- I 1 C. M. McDonald Evanston Walther League to Meet at St. John's October 19 St. John's Lutheran church. \\'itmelle and Park avenue s. \Vilmette will he the scene of a large gatherin~ Sunday, October 19, .,.,·hen about 20{) memht'rs of the North Shore Zone of the \Valther leal{ue hold their quarterly COIII'ention in that parish. Among the prominent conYention speakers will be Re,·. \Villiam Dallmann , author and lecturer of ~Iilwau l<ee, and Rev. M . Tcnni:; of Oak Park Session~ will he in the afternoon and evening. 9x12 Domestic Ruga, cleaned $3.24 6x9 Domeatic Ruga, cleaned $1.75 John Nazarian 578 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA PhonP.s 1019 Davis St. Phone 224 , ::::}727 ---------------------~----------------- 35 YEARS Real Eatate Esperience at your Service KLINGE & WHITE MEATS and GROCERIES A. J. WOODCOCK · PH 0 N E 1304 W ILMETTE Lake and Ridge Ave's. Wilmette, Ill. Phones: Wilmette 113-114 SATURDAY ONLY AUTO STORAGE \ Ye are re-arranging our :--hop to take care of lllt 'rt:' Spring Ducks, lb. . ......... ·..... 4Sc Stewing Chickens, lb. . .......... 38c Roasting Chickens, lb. . ......... 40c Frying Chickens, lb . ............ 42c Spare Ribs, lb. . ................ 21c California Hams, lb. . ........... 20c Dixie Bacons, lb. . .............. 2Sc Rib Roast Beef, lb . ............ . 38c Chuck Roast, lb. . ........... : .. 24c Round Steak, lb. . .............. 3Sc Shoulder Steak, lb. . ............ 2Sc Hamburger, lb. . ............... 2Sc New Cabbage, each ............. tOe cars. Let u store Y< ·nr car for the winter. Squabs, each .............. SO to 7Sc Leg of Spring Lamb, lb . .......... 3Sc $10.00 Per Month Breut Lamb, lb. . .............. 1Oc Shoulder Lamb Stew, lb. ........ 2Sc General Auto Repairing WILMETTE MACHINE AND AUTO WOW at IZZS Central Avenue, Wilmette Plaoae WihDette 185 Freab Pig Heads, whole or half, lb. llc Sauer Kraut, per qt. ........· .. . lSc It would be a big help to us if you would get your order to ua by Friday night.

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