:t\ovember 6, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE DEVISE SEWER OUTLET II FOR RIDGE DISTRICT Sanitary District of Chicago Adopts Plan; Village Board Act", on Sewer Project ----------------------------------------~ Rejoice at Stone Laying ICORNER STONE RITES ATIRACT HUGE THRONG Street Procession and Ceremonies at Site of Masonic Temple Impressive Scenes . 1 Proceed to Task ELECTION TOMORROW! Tomorrm\· i:-. thl..' dah oi the special school board ekction to fill the t\\'0 vacancic~ on the board caused by former member mo,·ing out of tht..' village. The candidates nominated for the post::. are Henn· E. Cutkr. 407 Central aYcnue ancl Lincoln C. Torre\·, 1341 Elmwood avenue. There i's no 0ppos1t10n. The polling place ,,·ill he at the \,..ill age hall and will be open i rom 2 o'clock until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. t\ominations were made hy a special committee appointed by the hoard of education. Both candidates han· hecn residenb of the village for years and are well qualified to occupy po::;ition~ on the school board. FIND CLUB NEWS HERE News pertaining to various women' a clubs and social group activities will be found on Pages 17, 18, 19 and 20. Following the introduction Mr. Da Yen port made a brief address of acknowledgement. There was then a selection by a Masonic t:~uartet after which Mr. Davenport took charge of the laying of the corner stone. He ordered the secretary of the Grand lodge to read a list of the articles which were placed in the box to be enclosed in the corner stone and then ordered his deputies to place the box in the stone, after which there wa:' another selection by the quartet. The contents of the hox were as as follows: Variety of Document· By the Wilmette 1Iasonic Temple a -.sociation: History of the Temple; list of contractors for the temple; (Continued on page -tJ)