Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Nov 1925, p. 8

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WILMET T E LIFE Novemhn 20, 192~ N o v e l ~ Police After Boys Who Shatter Street Lamps Strict wa t c h for boys said to be enga~d in t h e mischievou s practice of shatte ri ng lights in the new street lamp posts was instituted this week by the police in co-operation . with \~illage Electrician Shile and his a=-si~tants. = Ball Patroness WOLI'Ji'·GRI Ji'Ji'IS, In c;EXER:\ 1~ H :\ llD\V .I\R E I '1'1 :\' ~ lU U' HI :\"{; 1 ;PTTERS, Hcrently ~r,·cral la mps haYe been broken, particularly in vicinities somewhat r e moved from homes. The boys appear to have taken a particular rancy to the red pedestal lights which afford wonderful targets for rocks. .. rt i obvious that some lights will he hrokrn accidentally, especially when snow - balling time arrives," says Mr. .. h ile, who is a veteran in the street lighting business, "hut some of the breakage has he('n done hv hn\'s s hying rocks at the lamp s from the Rt' n<·ro~b . upply pro\'i,dcd l>y thl' rail road ngf1t - of-way. 1 h<' parent~ can 1 help u s a lot hy simply 1l'lling their j hoys that that so rt of ~port is not only rostly to the Yil lage hut ma ,. bring the culprit. into some diff1cuJt ·, . " ·it h the police department. · A ~D SPOUTS TIOOfi'Il'\(1 HARDWARE FURNACES ~'I ' OH 1<: 1 1 :. -7 \\'1 f.:\ll ·:r. Opposite · \ "ill;~. \\'E. Stu. Tri,er annu<l uing, of th 1'110.'\F 1 ~- Ta ll As of th it is ~ Stoves, also Oil and Electric Heaters I I and h alrea other Metal, Wood and Felt Weather Stri:. s COM PLETE LINE OF FI R EPLACE GRATES, ANDIRON S, FIR I· AND SCREENS skillfu The appca barn I I be con I ·rs I See Our Special P l· ices kins 1 \\'hill' glo\\' the hl i1l hy atten til<.' drc:~~ ro:-,tm I Refuse Grant for Garage Addition in Store Area The application of James Cral>l> for pnmi'i!->ion to construct a garage addition at the rear of th(' Ifcrhon Ta"i company on Twelfth :-,trt'et wa~ dt>nicd hy thr Yillage hoard TuesdaY t'\Tning of this wrek upon recom·lllt'!H l ;~ t ion of a spccia I ill\· ('~t igat ing Th lligh pa rt~ - CtllllllJittee comprised oi Trustt't'" 1 ~I r .... Charlc" .\ . ILtrton ()f I.!Jr, CII(· ... t Dra _ , ·< ·r and 1 foffman <~tHI Building nut a\ en ttl· \\ ' illllt'tk "lw i-. pre . . ident Cllllllnis~ioner Randall. · of the \\·o;11an\ l'atl;oli r club. will he The J)('rmit was rdu ~ed c·n th(' one oi a long Ji ...,t oi p;tlruiJ\ ·..,.., t·-. ior the <·round ~hat th <' propo s<' d ~ trurture did larg(' charity l>all to he gin·n \'o,·enJhn not rontorn1 with the Yilh _ g e build ing Thi . . alTair. antir ipatt·d ; t-.. Pill' oi codv. partirularl)·: " ·ith rdn<·nc(· to thv oubtanditll..!. . . orial l'H·nt-.. 111. thl' 0r·· - pn_,(lf. ron.struction :1..., demand('d year. "ill he gin·11 111idn the :tthpiccs tnr l>uddJJJ_g-; tn tht' htht!ll· .-,s ;Jrca-;. I .1! tltv \\'o ma n\ t'af!wlir club. 12i. Roasters, Cutlery and other Equipment ior Preparing Your Thanksgiving Feast 1o. 'I l1 all ~ :30 he e :15 · n tcr I t 11 (') ~1r ,\' 11 I n ap ll' r s t h t· 'I cl at ~lr home Bocl<l L1 t AdeQuate Telephone Service! Four Telephones··- No Waiting We take pride in our established reputation for high class quality of groceries and meats, and also for courteous and efficient service at counter and t~lephone. I 11 ('; Mli no un Rohe the Four Free Deliveries Daily G. C. SCHEI.BE, Inc. GROC ~R. Y AND MARKET 12525 FOUR PHONE~: Winnetka \2526 I )2521 \2528 456-458 Winnetka A venue Indian Hill

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