10 WILMETTE LIFE November 20, ~=: ;~·~:;"'"'C~:·~:~~~~ ·:f"""C~~~:;~ ~~~S~~::;~:; ............... . .. ., . , ,. ~,. _ Anne fo Roo:--<.'\"t.·lt Troop :\<·. 2, Hoy Scl·llb ha~ it!-. meetings ~H the Fir~t Congregational church, awarded to fire of it:- Scout~ special .sen·ice badges for four con~ccutive year:-; oi scouting in the troop. All of these Scouts arc charter members of the troop, heing consi tent workers in the organization s ince its inception. At the; regular meeting Tuesday t.·vcning, former Scoutmaster \V. Ewart Cook made the awards . To each dtartcr memhl'r he ga\'c a red sleeve :-tripe signifying three years of service, .and a green slec,·c stripe representing an additional year of service. Scouts Seymour Burge, Robert Burtner. Harold Spinney, Lloyd LO\nie. and :\!bert M oorc recein·d the honors. ).1ajor Ceorge R. Harbaugh was tht: :-pccial guc!-.t of the evening and address(·d the Scouts on "Scout-like <..'ondurt." He was received enthusiastically h.r the troop. Plans are under war hy Scoutma:-tn Cha:Ics Blake. 3!t;d his assistants, I Da\'td Kmg, Bradtord llutson Carl , Shabino, and Arthur Cook, for a' :-erie:- ' oi i11:-tructional courses which an.· to 1 cover C\'ery ad\'anced phase of scout - . ing. The purpose being to make the ! entire troop membership above the rank of First class. oi America. wh irh Tenth St;~;~~~;~ Avenue SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. Wednesday Testitnonial Meeting-8 P. 11. Sunday School Exercises 9:45A.M. Subject of the Lesson Sermon: WILMETIE, ILL. An Ul promise matinee Tucsda) the Sy: Ccorge fi r:->t cc '!'he CO! :.: l'\\' ~ November 22-"Soul and Body" READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. The ho and th< ~~·mph Fir~t :\llcgt lri"h H .\finuct I fungar :\t t \ 'ot ton, n; tra j ·· \ndan ~1i:-s p. n·cnue Randal r h rott \f i;;-. J played The l .. tkt· a .. .... ,.,,( EXHIBITS ART WORK The h ost of north shore friends of 11 rs. Anthony French Merrill and her dau~hter, Katherine Merrill, the New York artist, \\'ill take interest in the 1 ;.tnnounccmcnt that :M iss 1f errill is havin~ for the first tim<.' in a munher of ~·cars, an exhibit of etchings and bookplates in the Thoma:- \Vhipple Dunbar Art galleries on t ht· second tloor oi the London Gllaratltt'l' J,uilding. Jr,() North Michigan :t\l'llttt·. (at the briclgt'l during the lllllllth <·i \'1· -, ,·em her. I \lr . :·nd \lr . . \:tth;ttlid \\ t · ld~ fli 1 llihJ,ard toad. and 'hv·r ncpht·\\. l<dln l Laing, expert to ltaH· :-\ ,,,·vnJI,t.;. .~(). to nwt<,r to Biloxi, ~~ i:-. :- .. whl're tht·,· plan to :-pend the winter. · '""I "JI ~~ ' ' till!. llt t· - 'll ld I t ... t :I t i-. , ·· 1 t II )I u \\. 111 t·ri, )I'. \I r. :ln.- i r < ( lllitl, ; 1r.... r :,. . i ~ 10 a11d 14 K.t. Canlt~o \1: .... · 1\\ ( IC. ~olid ~~~ld m .t! ll <.' ... Ring-s front Wilmette Cafe l'his model \\~ ;dth.tlll $10.00 up s ~ ~ ··ut·, I; ~ t\ large variety of I 0 K. and 14 K Gold Emhlr11 1 Rings from Elg-in or \\'atch in ~olid ~ f\1 $10.00 up gol,l or gold hlled C<fS(' from l·.l~tll "' \\ 'atcl., i11 s<did ..!":d ,. . g .. 1d tillcd ,. ' ' " I hi , IIIIHlel ~ I'] ~ ~ \\' ,tltl 1111 $25.00 up 1 11 " " $25.00 up "Howard" ~ \Vt." have a full lint: of \\'t· hcllldle ~ "Hamilton" Watches Thanksgiving Dinner Nove~nber 2.6 Roast Turkey Dressing Sweet Potatoes Celery Cranberry Sauce Mince Pie and All the Fixings Stt:r~ling Silver ot J4K. Gold Ct'nh \Vrr~t Wat ·hes, guarantt"ed frollt $10.00 up r ' ~ I ~ ,----d Small _; ' ~ ~ ' Snappy Diamond Kiug-s iu I MK White Gold from$25.00 to $75.00' r.; A largevarietyofLadies 14and t8K Gold. Wri~t Watche s, engraved, also set wtth Dtamonds and Sapphires from $15.00 to $250.00 JEWELER & OPI'IOIA.N 1166 WILXBTI"B A.VB NUB WILMETTE, ILL. Beautiful Sparklin~ Blue White Diamonds in 18 K or platinum Mounts from $75.00 to $500.00