November 20, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 11 Annount:e Program Woman's Club Gives First for First Matinee . J?ance of Season Tomorrow ' fhc first dance of this season to be C oncert 0 f S eason given by the Won1an's club of WitAn unusually interesting program is promised for the Young People's matinee at Kew Trier auditorium Tuesday afternoon, November 24, when the Symphony Players of Chicago, Ccorgc Dasch, director, appear in their first concert in the matinee :-eric~. The concert is uncln au:-pices oi the "\'c\\' Trier Orchestral association. The hour is announced as ~ o'clock and th program, as follows: ~~·mphony No. 2. D ~{ajor. Opus .)() Bcetho,·cn First ~fovcmcnt: .\dagio ~foltoAllegro con Brio lri"h Reel, "Molly on the Shore" Craingc~ .\finuet · . PaderC\\:skt I fungarian Rhap :--ody .).;(). 2 Lt~zt :\t the reque~t ot ~lr:--. I Iomer l' o t ton. ~f r. Da:-c h wi 11 play a;) an n;tra number on thi-; program. hi" ... \nclantc and Can>tt(', 1·:1 -Do." CUURTESY I I mctte, will take place at the club house ~aturday, 1\ovembcr 21, at 8:30 o'clock: 1 hcsc dan.c<.:.s were \·cry popular last year, and tt ~~ expected that thev will prove just as ~·njoyable this '~ipter. All members ot the · club arc invited and <.:ach may bring an escort and must accompany her guc~t. The host and hoste !'s<.:s for the e\·cning will be Mr. and ~f rs. Frank } . Schcidenhclm Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Low, ~1r. and 'Mrs. T. K. Stover, ~1r. and 11rs. }. W. Fisht'r, Jr., ~I r. and ~f rs . R. A. \Vheelock, \Jr . anrl ~frs. F. 0. Ebeling, and Mr. ;t nd ~f rs. Carl _ E . \\'idney. ------, ~~ r . and ~~ r;-;. Frank ~[. Hayson of 41 Laun:l a\·(·JJJtc announce the birth of a daughter, Fannie Ruth, Sunday, \:m l'lllher X ~~;:;;;;;;;;;; . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; The Serlsation of. the Radio Show "FADA NEUTRODYNE" Beethoven Grand Model $250 Queen Anne Desk Model $300 ~fi:-s Adelaide Jones of 1020 Central l\·enue, together with Miss Eleanor Randa ll, gave a reading of "Smiling l'hrough" in Racin , \Vi s., last week. ~1 i~-; Jones sang a group of songs and played for Mi . s Randall as she read. Tilt' Carl :\. l .. tkt· an·nuc. have purrlla . . t'd an t':-tate. " l.llt'" t!t:wood." Lake ~hc.rt· clri\·t·, ~t. ·"·"t'Jdl. ~lirll .. \\llnt· tilt'_\' \\ill mnn· , , ·<HI. I I -.~:kr . . WheIte ca · sh M k tc CLEANLINESS Albert P . KrUSI'. 1 189 I l. Their wonderful artistic beauty is attracting the crowds at the radio show which is now going on. · The reputation of the Fada for wonderful tone and pennanent relia .. c·Th oi 1503 ar e Wilmette 0e Pr<"~ . WILMETTE A VENUE 2779-2538 -0- Phone l'llt· Chri-.tnla.., --ak lll'ld hy the _·11ld ()i the Kl'nih\t)rth l'nion churrh lt . . t \\·eek brou ght in Sl25 clear. and ·IJi., lllOTH·y will hl' u-.l·d t<· pun·ha-..c ' .tit-rial<; to lll;tkt· g,trJIIl'llt-. !-()!' tilt· "I'll'. QUALITY LOW PRICES bility is the most com.. I 1 -0- and ~~ rs . Lttgt' tll' P{'rry and daughter,. .Elea.nor. <Jt, I l!JJ,l, an· tn , .l., lt ~f r . . Pnry's mother, \1 r. 1 hl'.ir · As Usual Our live and strictly fresh poultry for the Holidays, are sold at the lowest market prices. Orders t.lken now . mon talk among the many admirers. fr .... I :· ·. i ~f. Than\.:: ~gi \'int.:" . Hrn\\'n. 117 1 (~rn·nleaf aye- I I 1 1 -o\!: . . . 0. H. ~on . . thag,·n oi ~fani· ·\\Ill' , \\ 'i-. .. "a" tht· ~ll< ·, t oi ~fr -;. .t!llt' \ \ ' . · \Jdn. 'J.)! (~rn' ll\\ood ;l\t'. tit', Lt . . t \\'l'l'k. It will pay you to visit BOB'S RADIO SHOP 1141 Greenleaf Avenue Phones Wilmette 2600--01, 72111ain St. Wilmette, Ill. Motors Serviee, Inc~ Everything for the Autotnobile before ptirchasing yotir set. Only reliable products are offered for your selection. Sets ranging in price from IMPERIAL PRIMERS The Greatest $9.7 5 to $500.00 All sets sold on thirty days' approval. Aid to Starting in cold weather that we have ever found All accessories and apparatus purchased here will be installed free. (Except aerials) $6.50 Installed J. C. SloWn Telephone Wilmette 3573 A. B. Van Deusen