20 WILMETTE LIFE With the Bowlers WE~I.;. K~DI.l\G .NO\ili:~IHER 1· Team Won LOSt .Pet. Av. Hess Motor Service .. 2v 4 .8 3J 890 Floyd Koon Autos .. 17 7 . 708 807 Snider-CazeJ Drugs .. 15 9 .625 843 Wilmette State Bk ... 12 12 .500 760 Schultz & Nord ..... 10 14 . 417 795 Mac's Lunch. . ....... 10 14 . U 7 786 McNamee s Store ... 7 17 .292 757 Herbon Taxi ........ 5 19 .208 753 Individual average . (five ranking bowlers), Buss Udell, Hess Motors, U11-15; Field, Hess Motors, 179-21; Pete Golbach, Snider-Cazel, 179-13; Ed West, Hess Motors, 179-9; Chubby Leis, Hess Motors, 177-9. High team average (three games) Hess Motors; 9~7 2-3; high single game, Hess Motors, 974; high individual average (three games), Buss Udell, 206 1-3; high single game, Doc Schur, 246. Goodwin'· Women'· League Team Won Lost Pet. Av. Goodwin's Beauty Shop ........ .... .. 24 0 1,000 641 New Tr·i er Confectionery ......... 18 6 . 750 575 The Hanna Shop .... 15 9 .625 502 The Unique Style Shop .............. 8 16 .333 453 Hess Motor Service .. a 19 .20 8 448 Cecile Shop ......... 2 22 .083 381 Individual average (five ranking bowlers) Mrs. Anna May, New Trier Confectionery, 143-5; Kay Ambler Goodwins, 133-19; Marie Conrad' Goodwin's, 128-7; Helene Leis, Good~ win's, 12~-14; Helen Leis, Goodwin's, 124-13. Hig-h sin~le gamt>, Goodwin's Beauty Shop, 737; hig-h individual average (three g-ames) Mrs. Anna May, 173 1-3: High singlt=> game, Mrs. Anna May, 198. Bulae·· Men·· Don·Ung Leugue Foreign I College \ n t111U un wac; · ··:,tion;d ·1 ,,d lc gc la , d had rl ·· 'l i ,. ~ tll.!' I I .f i \ j'" i · · ;tt t vll · ,.. ,. a..,k , ' ,. h("- l · 1 t· I I pear< 11i ] <J .. : . -.., I I ',(. t,.J , 1 .....: i't" ,,, I I f" I }ft ANNOUNCE LUNCHEON The Chicago and North Shore branch of the English Speakin~ union will give a luncheon Tuesday, Novt>mbcr 24, at 12 :30 o'clock. in the Red room of the Hotel LaSalle in honor of James C. B. Garnett, executive ~ecrctar)' of the League of Nat ions in Great Britain . Mr. Garnett will spea k nn "\Vorld Co-operation." '.' I 1j ~~-~. - \'I'~ ·:·· 1 I l -oM r. ancl Mrs. Alexander Hannah, 356 Woodstock avenue. Kenilworth, e ~tertained at dinner Thursday c,·enmg. /1\~\ ihJI~';ih . ~ ), I · ~ ~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhlltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.lllllllllllllllllf.l Lt j Thanksgiving Joys Await You in the Delightful New Rookwood Room! there's a fine old house beneath SOMEWHERE the elms at the bend in the road, where you knew Thanksgiving years ago. Although it's too far away to go for a single day's happiness, regret fades before the prospect of a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner in the cheery new RookV\'ood Room of the Library Plaza Cafeteria. There'll be brown roast turkey with succulent dressing and cranberry sauce and all the other things itpagination could \vish for-topped off with a melting sector of luscious pumpkin pie. None \Vho journLy half \vay across the continent for Thanksgiving will fare more happily than you-in the Rook"rood Rootn of the Plaza! 1 · 1 ·· Haye s, of St. L~mis, nas been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Haves at their home, 911 Lake street. - c. -o- L. Haye s' mother, Mrs. F. ]. r · ~~ fl ~~···· / . . '1 ' I I ,;~fN~m:e S. S. Montroyal from New York \. -\.\) main Only a month from home visiting 15 ports under 8 different flags. EnJOY a tropical springtime. with the thermometer steady between 70 and 80 while winter is doing ita worst back home. Far~ $250 up. Further information from lo. .. ateamahip aaents or H . !-'. Elworth y. Slt>allt~hip r ... ,.,kc::nn ~ .,. S~-~· fo1· the ~!1....;.:." . }an. 28 and Mar. 1, 1926 11 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. General Caaadlaa Pac:Hic Blvd., t ·h ;f"11!"0, Ill. A g t" n t,. 11 E. ll BRARY PLAZA CAFETERIA Orrington Ave., Just South of Church Street in the Library Plaza Hotel Where your Appetite Can Always "Find Its Way" to Happine~~