Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Nov 1925, p. 22

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Z2 ) WILMETTE J' LIFE. November Stage Spectacle to Health Center Boosts · Foster Girls' Home Outdoor Sleep Drive · Ch · ' L From the Gross Point health renter, tn tcago S OO'/J co-operating with the ?\ational Tnht'rThe lllin :)i ... Clt1h inr Catholic \\.om· · · . " sta !.! 111 .l!" a 11 '.: 1 ; 111110. 11 ~.T~· ate; ~JH'rt 1 1 11 1 01 1 · .:· l<~r e un~_er .. w _t t t'. .e~~:r 1 H ot the ::\ 1 ~<'. " ·1_1lch 1" ~l rcpllra of the famot~s. ~l' \\' } ork H 1PP 0 (,l.H·llll' :;_ulre:-.~. ':\eptu~1e.:; D_aughtcrs of a lew ~- ca.rs ago. 1. h1s wll! t~ke place at /h.c Cohseum. Ch1cago, :\o\ em her 2fi tn .1trcmher 6. inclu~in~. The object for which it i-; t() he gi,·en i~ to raise funds for th erection of a club and home for girls in the lc·op district, where girls can find a home and home comforts at a reasonable rate and where congenial companion. hip and a~sociation~ can be made. "The Legend oi the ~ilc" will he staged o n an immense platform at the outh end of the building. It will occup y t h e e nt ire bread th of th e Colis e urn and so m e 150 feet fr om the back wa ll. Scenery representing ancient Egypt in t h e davs of t h e Pharoahs will he erected- some 30 feet in height and tht who le wi ll be s u rro u nded with an immense cyclora ma showing the ..,urr ounding country. The famous disappearing ballet, w here the perf :::>rmers descend into an im mens e tank of water, returning iron1 it late r in difTerent CO!:>tttmc-. will be given in its entirety. Big circus and hippodrome fl'aturcs will he introduct d a n d a pretty theme carried through the p lay. t·n 1 Me~ 1 Si culo:-;is as~oc_iati~n, 'Yhich has it:; headquarters m .:\ew \ ork, COI1ll'. the ~tatcmcnt that the Chicago Tuberculo!--i:-. Jn~titu.te is now actin·h· promoting- the annual campaign tZJt· <'utdoor ~tnd open-air ~keping. ~Ii~s H. ~L !\orcro: ~ . local nurse. is i~terested in seting that the c(_>nl mulllt\· knmYs all about the c<unpa1gn. She tllaY be consulted for poster.:; and leafkts: 'l'hi~ \\'Ork i~ provided by Chri ... ttna:; seals. ------ I ' T1 :..r al !'t' l II I,.;,} / ' ; .. · d \' 11 i i·l .tL!I l < I Fred Broughton . who is a fre ... hman at Illinois this year, spent last \\'CL'k end at his home, 928 Ashland an·nue. rt 'I -o~frs. Jamc. " \\'. Alder of 931 (~rccn \vood avenue entertained her hrid~e club last Tuesday. .tild l"t'l ! . : l l' :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;.;;;;;;;;.;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..._~ '111' 1 I· j .;- r Crown of all the Fine Cars Cadillac Has Ever Built I ' I'll ,, ( GIVES SILVER TEA !\Irs. Ralph 11. J~ice oi lOOi Thirteenth strett, will bt' ho~tess at a ~'Si l ver Tea" at her home Friday, November 20. The gu<.·st of honor wi ll be 1\'lrs. T. E. D. Bradley, who has recently n:turned from a trip around the \\'Orld and \\ "lhl \\ill han· with her, ht·r collection ,,j l'lli'Hh, \\'hich ~he \\·ill exhibit. -o- NAMED COLLEGE TRU ST EE Xormau l\1. Stineman. 1121 A-,h \\.innctka, ha~ been ckrtecl a 111ember of the hoard of t ru~kt·s of Ohio Northern uniyersity ~o \\'hirh Col. H. C. Boydl'n of \Yilmette went I early this fall a~ IH·ad nf the engineer- ' ing departmcn t. ~trec.'t, - - - - -- - - . GIVE BOWLING EXHIBITION The Fam o u s Lady Bowlers, a Chicago aggregation oi expert pinwom en wi ll givt an exhibition at the Good wi n A ll evs ;n the near future. it was announc<.:d this \\ t·<:k. The exact date of the match ha-, not hcen fixed. ~Irs. ]. N. la nd aven u e h as had a-; h<'r guest n· ce ntl y, h er m other, ).Irs. G. \Y. Harvey o f O maha. - 0~1acalister of 918 :\sh- noae who have driven many CadIDaca say that even Cadillac itself baa pever in yeara past attained the heirht of fineness aaow exempiifi ed In the beautiful ne w 90-de2 re e CadillacThey fiod daia emphatically evt dem Those who have lonieat admired · Cadillac, are deli(thtcd in these cara, by a refreshina air of youth, the suuestion of acile fteetnell, the reflection ·of new Europun tendencies in line and in detaft. -the ~cault not only of 11 years' development of the 90 -.fe2ree prin~- but of eiJht-cyJinder eniidee~r tlaat.ltridee aloni far in advance of ~. reneral trend . Dcairn- beauty apin implies the all-emhracinr acope of Cad ill ac sul)remaey. In itl cmilaratlnr new performance But the crowninc adlievcJDent ol all ia in performance, in the 90.. dearee eiaht-cylinder enrine whi~ abound· with life and power. Until you have felt the thrill of what that enrine can make dM aew Ca4illac do, JOU h.avc not nperienc:.t! the finest thinr in motorin~r today. Whole Wheat Flour MILLED FRESH DAILY- ALSO WHOLE RYE FLOUR WHOLE CORN MEA L GRAHAM FLOUR STEEL CUT OAT MEAL CRACKED WHEAT 2 Pounds 2Sc Priotl nnJe from 12995 for th e Brourham to 14485 for the Cuatom ImperiaL · 0 . B. Detroit. T ax te be added. · Tht total C:Git of a Cadillac paid for OUt of income ia the caaa deU·thCI price, plua onl y the low GMAC nnancinr eharl"· WHOLE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR NATURAL BROWN RICE 2 Pounds 3Sc PARCEL POST PAID ON ORDERS OF $1 .00 OR MORE c 1 ~w 90 degrt~ I L 1 A A North Shore "Grainery" Health Foods 1754 Lunt Avenue D I VISION OF G ENERA L MO.T ORS CORPORATIOM D c CA DILLA C M O T O H. CA R C OMPANY E VANST ON BRA NCH 1810 RIDGE A VENUE ROGERS PARK CHICAGO, fLL. Phone Rogers Park 4438 Agency Battle Creek Sanitarium Food"

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