Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Nov 1925, p. 23

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1925 ::::::::: November 20, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE BUY MORE ~F "FARM" I I McGuire and Orr Purchase Additional Six Acres of Famous Mahoney Tract; Space for More Home Sites 1 \\'r·nt.tlt·, t·luL 111 \\ 'i lll lt t' i . . meding I }(! .. ·cl"t k. Frirl;t\. \'~>\' <·miHT 20 . I j, ·T :t 1.? :.,I I .. ·~··"' ~- lut.lt ltt·t o11 <tnd a da~ 1 , , r·t t inn of a home. ,,j -t \'.it l' .\11 ·t.t·l!ll~t·r . . art· imi t·d I Tht· n ·--;dt· a! o \\ill J,t. l'CJlltrulkd , in t· ht·l;t ,.,,,, t],; . . \'.tl k j,.r t·lt:trit~ . I ;tkr u, ea rn· out tht· prr1t ·r in: p11licy ,.; tlll· tirttl in ih dv\'t·lopllll'llt ". .Jr . . . l'l:trk,· l .. ll a.\·c, or 911 Ltl.;:l·i T\\t'lll.\ j',,, rt ..... idt ·lll't·-. h:t\l' J,t· ,·n , , rt·c·t lt.t, l!.trl :t . . l1~·r !.'.tll· ... t-, recently. · , ::iJ.J, tt·rl 111 :t·t· i11 ~· .. t t·· . . , . .,j ~~·n . . :·u,·- lwr -..i:-~n .... \fj, .\Ji,·t· Bro\\'Ilt·l l 11i; ' .... ()]1 tltt· t,.) "11]\ll' ,j] t ' ' . ('11:-(;11!.', ;dl \\·.~ . . hin:...:t"ll. 1> . ~ ·. ,a nd ).lr-- . l·! 1\ : ·', \'.:ty inlltt .~.?~.IHJ(J t<· .' ~11.111111 . :,l.tnky n1 \\' auf-., .... !J;~, \\' i--. .t ::·trt. Tiw -. ix arre-. arc to ],l. dnelopl:d .t." ll~ th<' litH"> oi thl' l\\t'!l t y-li\'1· alrt' l t'll d \\ '· rt h l!t·ach .., uJ,di ,.j.., ion. :\ ll i·: prti \Tilll'!lh, including concrete pave -· 'tll nt.., , ~c wl·r , water. :-.idt·,,·;tlk .... b11d t , 1 pi 11 !..! · l't c.. are t o he 1J u t in and · .1id ior l1d(lr<· tht· pr(IJll'rty i. offt·rt· d .,,r . . ;de. 1 cdlm\ ing t ht· p< d ir.' r1i ~I cCu it t · l·. a ( h(It h :-; k I) k i l' li e i g h ('> a 11 d r-.:: l' ll ii \\IJ tllt nca r !J , -,all·-, \\'j)j Oil])' lH.' mad·· 'i""t \\'rittcn application, pre~erence t·itt\..! L:i\'t'll (tl tJt ht' t'Oll(t'lllj.J;lt!ll_. tilt.' ( · 1 ;:,,JJ, ,\',in~ a -,r~~·;;tl lH·ur and n ·irc-..1!11 w 111 ... llt.: cluJ, arljt,llrJJvr! to lllel't t(J rL t\ fc,r a 1~ IJ\·Jr,rk Jun cht·nn at tht· ( ln i ttt..:t r,n Ill· t·l. 1·. \ ' :t n . . ton, a itn "hich tilt·\· \\·ill \'.i ttt·--, t ht· annual Chn·--antiH·;t Uti! ... IJ,,,,. ;tt Carlit·ld Park. · i .\1 r... . \\ ·. C I i · r 11 d 1 i... i 11 l han.( l' ; Settle This Oil Burner Question SEW · FOR CHARITY TODAY T!J,· pllil:t11 it!'"l'. fkp :trtlllt'llt oi th~.: I .Mow! -.-This Easy Way Would you like to end your heating troubles forever? End your slavery to a furnace-the stoking-the ash handling-the freezing on cold daysroasting on mild ones? End once and for all the worry over coat strikes? The only part of .\·o ur heating plant yo u need see or t ouch when you have Kle e n-Heetth ls thermostat In your living room1 Every Kleen-Hee1 i" t·qulpped wlth a ~ 'neapolis therll· ---- I A Phone Call Will Do It Just telephone us. We will call at your home and inspect your heating plant-tell you just what it will' cost to have Kleen-Heet installed. A.nd here's the big ne1()S! You don't llaL·c to pay tor it all at once. Ju st a small <lczwsit-tlLe balance i.n easy, con re ni cnt payments! You can 1w vP Kl ern-Hcct NOlV I 1B you r check on the acc uracy or KleenH e e t automatic e t t ht>rmom tlw meter. -tat and er ThIs ther- t·o ntrol. Perleet Oil B eat Kleen-Heet'a exclusive method of vaporizing oil In ita scientifically conatructed flre pot Insures Instant combustion efficiency. No oil burner without auch a flre pot can operate ef.fict.entty under aut~ matlc c o n t r o I. Kleen-H'eet Ia made with· either gas pi· lot or electric lgnltfo .. It Ia the arm~·eat of all oil burners, lnstantaneoiJS in action, completely automatic, actentlflcally co r r e ct. Protected by over 100 patents. It burna the cheapest grade of clean olt. Installation Involves no change In your heating plant. In Chtca9.o, home of the 011 burner Industry, and moat competitive of markets, more KleenHeeta were lnatalted last year than a .n y two Other r'1akea combined. Mr. Frederick E. L ewi~. <t~si'>tcd b\ Mr ~. F. E. Lewis. rc sidinR in Wiln'ett e. will d irec t funcrJls in a manner ro meet the mo st exacting requir~ mcnts. They !1 ave had rw enrv-o ne years of successful professional service in thi s field. Per sona llY recommended bv Mr. Chas . A. SrcHn s of Chicago and a host of others. Thrv come to the Nonh Shore rradv to rend er the most careful. courteous, conscientious service. All calls will br prrsonally .Htrnded· to bv Mr. Lewis. who is thr only funeral director rcstding in New Trier Township . There's a Kleen-Heet in your neighborhood. You can see it at work in a home. You c::ln see-feel-hear about -the service Kleen-Heet has rendered AUTOMATICALLY, month after month, for over five years, in 20,000 homes. You don't pay for wasted fuel with Kleen-Heet. It turns itself on and off. You forget about heat, as about lights and water. It's there when you want it-never when you don't want it. Get Kleen-Heet Now! Save time-labor-worry-moneyhealth. just mail the coupon-or better-PHONE! Just a small deposit puts it in. Get KLEEN-HEET started today! AddrP · Very Latest in M odun Limou sine Equipmrnt Mr. Frederick E. Le,vis assisted by MRS. F. E. LEWIS Phone Wilmette 3552 1120 Central Ave. WILMETTE Telephone University 1139 705 Washington Street Evanston, Ill. A product of the Winslow Boiler and Engineering Co. Chicago, Illinois ' ~

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