Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Nov 1925, p. 32

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32 A Seaman Aahore "SUNLIGHT IN NEW GRANADA" (Continued from page 31) seekers of culture with vine leaves in his hair and the true dionysian ecstacy in his heart." "Sunlight in New Granada" is this sort of a journey into South -\merica. Perhaps South America is to you merely an unnecessary appendage on the map of North America. Perhaps it is only the obscure source of the dark, extremely wealthy individuals who dance with abandon on boats and in expensive hotels. If it is, then tra- · vel there with Mr. McFee, see and hear things which you will not soon forget. Among them is a sunrise; "Even when you step out upon the balcony and see, against the crystal purity of the heavens, a dead palm, sho rn of its tuft of fronds and standing stark like some old Nilotic obelisk, you have an awesome feeling you have intruded into a colossal and empty theatre of the gods, where there . \vill be enacted a drama beyond the power of men to perform." Magically, Mr. McFee makes you feel that South America is so mething like that. WILMETTE LIFE \\'urn !'HNI1 .tfll; J l !J : :~u A claSS I ij (· ·45 A. A. "\\'h ~ THA :-;unrla Y ill .\ I :\lunda \ · da~ ~ ~ Jn p r :·wl"\' ic ·· tfH" 111 I >Vi II p a f ering 1 pa c ka g 1 IJrouglt l ~w rv i c· ··. tht · \'t Thank " taktn · pi t:tl. t' CI!J lt I !' th· · our 1"1 · ... .at~ t ,. h u rl'l1 Ito · Ot (I 1 SAIL ON BELGENLAND Mrs. Robert Law, 24 Warwick road, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Law, Jr .. 415 Cumnor road, are sailing on the Belgenland from New York. No\'tmbcr 24. for a trip to the Orient through the Panama canal. ~r. and .\f rs. George Nichols of 519 \Varwick road expect to take this trip, hut they will visit the Grand Canyon in Arizona on their \\'ay we~t to embark on the Heigenland at San Francisco. -o.\1 r Hussell Cooke, 331 Cuninor road, Kcn11worth, entertained at lt,mch- 1 eon t riday. \' JLI·. \G.E SJ·El'IAJ. \ ' lllnge of ILlY ;r. a: f tt · :;t · f\"i (·· . 1 ' 1lri~t r :.{i \ ' t ·!l fdiUt ·!' .·ulltl a' ( t·lld:t! J· Jl fi"J!<ll't i\IJ f t\\ i I It \ttl ar b I \ .l ~S ll. ~U It~ < I I; l tUdl.! d tor I '·:.! 1 . ts~ · , OF W JL.ll.E 'l"l'.E NO'ri(;.E Til · · It·!\ .·\ ~SESSllE~'J' Illt.'Dt \\' lhuette- SJH. · eiul . \N~o~e·N No. 167 · lfft.'ri r. · 11 i! "t·l· All pt"rson~ tl0sit·ing mn,· f11p ohif'C'- 1 tiCIII~ in sai,J C'oul't Jt.,for;. s:1id ·d·1,. I an(} mny app(·ar nn tht· ht ·:\l'ing nnd mnJ·, thf·ir clc·fE>I1sP. : f.;:licl orrlinnnc·r· Pl'O\'irlt--~ fnr tlu· ('nil P r· t ion of sa i rl n s" · s s m , ·11 t i 11 t "n n n _ I nu:tl in'-tnllm,·nt~ ntHl with :1nn.ual in- , WiJl NOTICE IS HEREBY Gl VEX to all persons interested that lhe President and Board of '!'rust es of the Villag ,· of Wilmette in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, having ot·dcre(l that a system of streets and alley:-; consisting of Uirard Avenue and Garrison Avenue, the alley lying betwe ·n the said Avenues and the tirst alley east of Garrison Avenue, all from tht.· south line of Arthur Du·nas Sheriua:1 Road Subdivision of part of lot thirtythree <33) of Baxter's Subdivision in Ouilmette RE:>servation, to the north 1 ine of said Arthur Dunas Sht·rid.ut Road ~ubdivi ·ion, together with the alley adjoining lots nine (9), h'n (lo), and nitH'tf'en (1~1), on tht· north, from the west line of lot o1w (1) of sa1tl subdivision to the west line of lvt nineteen (Ul), all in said Arthur Dunas Sheridan Road ~ubdivision, (·Xe(·nt tht· int<"rsections of said stn·ets with said I alleys which inter;-;ections at·e m- , <'ludccl ht>rein in the description of said c·rartl and GarTison Avenues, b~-< improved hy grading·, a<ljustillg manhole cov(·rs and catch basin cov I'S, 1 and pa\'ing· with a r,·inforct·d ('Oncretp pavement l'll'\'t:' n (i) i neh(·s thick and 1 otherwist· impt·oving tht· sanH>, th(' or- ~ dinanet· for· th · ~<1111(· bt:>ing' on tilf' in thP otticc· of th<· Yillag(' Clerk of sa'd Village, and sa i<l Yillag-'"' having apJ)lie<l to tlw County Court of Cord( County. Illinois, for an asst·ssmf'nt cf th coRt of said impro\·f'nwnt, according- to bt·nt·fits nncl an asspsstn(·Pt thPr(·for ·ha,·ing· ht·t·n ma<lt· and rt·tunu ·d to sni<l C'nurt (Doekpt ~n. 1 fi7). tht· final ht>aring tht<rPcm will lH' lwld on the 30th <1:-t.\' of XO\'I ' Illht·r, .\. n . lf12:i, at 10 o'C'lock A. ::\f., or ns soon t h <· rc· n f t P r a ~ t h ,· J. us i n t · s s o f t h v r n .1 rt 1 I past,·r 'l'haDkigiving -~4 years 11 til I " ~-;, ,., ~ ago and now ht · I ll· ·" hur, l. ··an h o~ I ' an 11 11 h.t ~ .1 1 11 ho (" 1 IJ!Id ( 'j tnd I j I ~ t \\ !"" l llg'!< , l I PPT'mit. 1 RATEFUL that their lives had been spared and an ample harvest reaped, the Pilgrims set aside the first "Day of Thanksgiving" in 1621 ·· ·. They knew nothing of the comfort of the automobile, the pleasure of radio, the convenience of gas and electricity ·.· T ·.:>day, surely,, we have n1.uch to be thankful for. G A Thanksgiving Dinner Suggestion 0)'3ter Cockr;ul Tabasco ~uce Cucumber Rehsh Curled Ce!ery Roast Turkey <11f'St nut Dresstn~ Potato Roses Gtbler Gravy Caultflower, Au Gratm Candted Swt>et Potatoes Cranberry jelly Orange and Grapefruit Salad French Dresstng Cnsp Wah!rs Date and Nut Pudding Hard Sauce Mtzed Nu~ Raisin Owten Assorted Frwu Coffee A h. ..: i rl 1:-ol a\ t ,.. . a I llS( I' ll a t l ot, Ill< II I~ }1 : l .\I I la1a.·. t1·r· ·st th··r .. oJ· at til· · t·att· ,f <:ix In) pr·r <"ent um Jlt·r a Ill I um, n~ JH·oy: l·' d ll\· · T··,ted. \\'ilnH It(·. 12fh . ..\.I>. lfl?,-; , lllinrds. Xnv, ·mh;r.l' ~ f"·rson ' :lPJ·ointPcl 11.\' thP nf thP r.onrd of l..fiC"ll mr·n!~ .nf .t}lP YiJJa_gp. nf Cn_f·l< C'onutv. Tlltnots. s~ trl R~~Pssm <>n t. I f"TIARLT·.~ ~. RVA~~ Pr,·sith'YJt Tmnrove'\?ll mrtt<>. , tn mak.· I I PUBLIC SERVICE .COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 'l'h ... . \~ . L~7-2t c

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