Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Nov 1925, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE November .?( 1. 1925 :::::: Mrs. Fred Workman, 222 r. ~·c ester 1 road, Kenilwort~, was hostc, ... at :t ~ luncheon and bndge party Tu t·· lay . -()-- Circus Cheers Child Patients Congressman and Mrs. Henry R~ggs Rathbone of Kenilworth entertamed thirty guests at a buffet supper Sunday evening. A musicale and literary program follm\'cd the supper. Some noted gursts were present. Frederick A. Cooper oi H 2.... Lakt a\·enuc is on a ten-day de n ' · nti ng trip in northern Michigan . I ,itl ·u Hats Cleaned and Blocked .\ 1most any h a t a r o ttn d the h o usc i ~ worth r L'- c () 11 d i t i "11 i 11 · fur $1.00. Cl~~1n~'"~iant CLEANING~& K.Bll.USS vy;i~:~~~~.l-41 DYEING (,rt' l'fll~at in New Trier ,f , IZIS Washington Avenue Wilmette, Jllin c,· ~ ,t I Little patients at the Evanston hospital forget their trying treatments anu their suffering when happily occupied with handicraft. Supervised by ~r iss Alice H. Dean, (right) director of the James Melville. who is a -;tudent at Illinois this year, and hi~ room rna te, Reggie Olmstead, spent last week-end at home with his parents. the A. G. Melvilles, of 1022 Greenwood avenue. de par men t of occupation a I therapY. and her assistant. 1liss Kathryn B. Butts. (leit) they recct~tly rons~ructcd a complete miniature ctrcus whtc.h. ha:' attracted the interest of many \'tS tt or-; and memhcr s of the hospital staff. BROADCASTING Radio Bargains! · J PATTERSOK BROTIIERS' Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Be em of 707 Linden avenue have as their guest. Mr. Bcem's mother, Mrs. H. V. Beem, and his nephew, Floyd Beem, fro111 K:lnsas City, Mo. Radio Shop is Hroadra~ting a ho . t of bargains in ne\\·, nationally a\ln~rti~ed H. a(lio~. the larg-e st stock on the ~orth ~hore. - - - - - --- - - - - - - Jordan Cars have always been famous for their riding comfort, but the new Xute ~he fol - lowing . Come to our Stort:. a~k for demonstration . your ~c ason . Seand . r\ t '. lect <la ,. Set ~0\V ·. \.iI I make sure oi a joyou~ ll o li - . ,. ( ._._Line S" is even more comfortable · than previous models. Let us demonstrate this fact to you. Take your choice of following: GRIMES, 3 Tubes ... ... $59.50 GRIMES, 4 Tubes . . . . . . 100 KENNEDI, 5 Tubes . . . . . . 80 KENNEDY, 5 Tubes . . 110 A. C. DAYTON, 5 Tubes 115 A. C. DAYTON, 5 Tubes . . 185 (Console Model) BOSCH AMBEROLA, 6 Tubes . . . . . . ........ . 145 HOWARD, 5 Tubes . $150 HOWARD, 6 Tubes . . ZOO PATHE, 4 Tubes . . . . 100 RADIOLA, 6 Tubes . . . . 165 RAD lOLA, 8 Tubes ...... 260 RADIOLA CONSOLE, ... . 340 OPERAD 10, 6 Tubes 180 BUCKINGHAM, 5 Tubes 150 Many other sets l (' · ti t ' I I l1 I I PHONE WILMETTE 597 or come to our sho,vroo::1 at 1160 WIL~fETTE A VENUE ANYTH NG IN RADIO YOU W A T 2 LARGEST selection and GREATEST offering of Advertised Radios on North Shore. FLOYD Easy Payment House Patterson Bros. EVANSTON CHICAGO I I I AUTO SALES OPEN TUES., THURS. and SAT. EVENINGS 816-818 CHURCH STREET, EVANSTON Between "L" and Post Office Tel. Univ. 654 \:V.~mette SZ6

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