WI LMETTE LIFE tately Radio $137.50 ·r he p1~'u' \l' I ltl"'trunH'nt · () r) · , , IH' ll U Ill .1 . , .l , l0 11\l' r\.1 { I Ill butlt 111CCl' of futnllllll of I ll oo<.·tih ,..,t> Jr Ill'., .1 n d ., 1 ·1 1 c I v 1(1 JW .1 r .1 n l c \\ If h h ll 1I t ) , 1 1 · 1 · ·~,.II ., < om J) ll· r c '" tf I> .ll < ,~ <. <; o 1 tl' I n 1 I Olll I \f\.1<~ketdh·d " the frc<;hrn .ln l\L~"'ll" Cor.· ·~ oll' · . It j,. .1 ft\·c rube ll'Ct'l\· tn ~ . . ., IHII I { $137.5 Set Scri I>J,ccl SH9. :;o i\cccsS()rie .' :; .> ·I ., I{ C t R .1 d 1n 1 1 <) n B.1tr e 1 r \\ () " H .. l ,, 1 ,· .~~h On. \(,)t .tg,· Putl,' l"" I : ; 4 . :\ \ I l.l I I· q ll I p Ill \ ln'lul.ttol' \tunthh ~2(' -r ern1-.. l)o,,·n 13alanC\.' \1nnth], \, u t~ in . qttar , ~ , (_) ll 1 \'l ·: · thou.d1 \'Uti 111.1\' tl\'\,'r ll'.ln o\ r .1 h.hk l , r,· Jktrl~~ \\.1\h · ..t luh. tlh· \.h.tdc)\\ f,! \ .l\h d.t\ \till ling ·t" o\ ,·r '<lll unl,·"" '()l ,,·tH.i \OUt l.lundr'. .1 \,1\ lrnn1 th· hou,,· ,·.tt·h' l' ·· l-. \\'ht·n llh· L1undrt'\'> ~.· onh' \. tlh· 111orn in~~ hou chold I(>litrn,· 1 up~"·t l'rorn lh~ tinh' \ ' Oll hq~in l.'Xpectin~~ lh·r .lrti\ .11 . -I h,·n tl1l.'r~,·· · lu nt:h to b~.· .1rr.1ngcd for .1n·d other inll'rruption .1nd .1nno\·.tnc~.· un 1i 1 sh l' h J ~ goth'. !\ n d t h l' n i ron i n g Whv S.lrrihc~.· \'.du . 1blc tinh' th.ll rnight lh' ptoftL1hh· L'tnplov~.·d i or tnon· intl'resting things~ Con1plcte freed 111 fron1 I.HttH.Icrin~ C \fl'S COS[\ ')O little th.lt it'\ .111 l'XlLl\'~.lgJn(r not (0 ,1\' ..lif \'Ollf\l'Jf of r h l' Iw 'i t s c r v i r c v o u cJ n h J v l' 10 ('; .1( t he N cl <\ o n L .1 u n d r \' discount on work brov.ght in and called £or 1210 C ntral Ave. Wiltnette