Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Nov 1925, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE LIF ~ 111nr Wl1r.WQaukngiutug ituurr Xove m Thanksgiving is Keynote of Music Program at church :\ special ThanksgiYing- musical 11rogram will he gi\'('11 in connect ion with the regular moming srn-in·s at the First Prc:-.hyterian church Sunday. "Xon mhcr 22. it \vas annnuncetl thi~ Hunting Pheasants Is Oh, My, So Expensive Evan and Earl are nimrods of no mean ability. That was cond 1 ) t k clusivelv substaine ate as wee · when the youthful hunters. fared forth to the wilds near Lthertyville and, forthwith, bagged them -· selves some prize pheasants. That the birds were real trea s ures wa s evidenced by the fact that a s+ealthy game-,,·arden. who h;~p · pence! along--opportum·_ly. ~>r . 111opp~rtuncly, as you \\.· tsh -~ 111\"ltl'd thl' sharpshooters to a ltttle JOUrney to Barritwton whl'rl' the fo\\"ls \\'t' l"l' ~-> ofti cially "priced" at ~RO. E ,.a 11 ·s pat e r w a~ am on g _t 1 lO "l' I' 1 present at the hunt. ,ut ortunatdy, wasn't s uch a go(_ Hl hunter. 1 Th 1)hea san t :-.ea~un h on an< there is a wealth of gallll', ln1t. one 1 111u-.t n :-- t shoot thl' bird-, 11i gl'nt t·r · 1 ~ 1 1 · 1 ' t () "l"- ~o ·.,·an atH ·.;tr ;l;t\l' 1cI Tru. ~[en A~ hoard an d dl cl ub 1-l. Ill church Clarke B. ~hipp. ftr:-.t tenor in the lmpt'rial quartet of Chicago. and the n ·g ular :-.olui~t of th<' \\ 'i ltndte Pre~byter ia n church. will be as~i..,trd hy ~frs. J~ose Lutiger Cannon. ~oloi~t · 1or the Chicag-o Sunda\· I·:,Tnin~r rluh ~ · :-. ' and formnl\' \\·ith the Chira.,.o CiYic :--, Opera L JmpanY. \Yho i. :-aid to he J:)ne of tht< le~ding (:Ontralto soloists in Chicago . The pro .!..!ra m is as follows: Org·<ln Prelude. "Than k s g iYin .l !... ( P a.., tor a k Suite) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... D('marest. "Thanks lh· To Cod." ........ Dickson. tt:-.. ~r r. Shipp '--------------- " ·cc k. T att1 held " Pre~id D.\1.0:'1'\' C<J(J I~ II·:~ I I()~ II ·: ~ I. \ lJ I·: ~ 11 ~ C l ·: . \ :\ l > PLT~l 1 in \·it at l'lan·n (Ill l: t 11 her dira td ' I( Ph:l:: 1)11·:~ The ,..,l. ( I ~ ~f! ~ J> I ·: Cl. \ L C< >F F l ·: I·: C. \ h~ I·~ . I< < H . L ~ ~.\1/l'-1·:1> :\l.'l'~. \ illa~c \ (Itt: fl C.\ .. , >I L~ \ ill:tt!l' t IOih. .t rv !"II( 11 ltlh ;;:r l< Jrtt\11 ·'.-\ P~alm of Thank-.gi\ ing," ~ l' \\' T r i l' : J II g h .., ( h ~)( >I g r I( Id l' 1: :-1 ~Irs. Gannon and ~lr . Shipp I \\Tnt dll\\.ll Ill dt·I_cat i>L'l<·~·v till' 1·.\()rgan Po~tlude, an:-.ton lltgh hu-.ktc . Ia t .~aturda~. at " :\ Song of Gratitudl'.". . . .. Colt-. I·: , ·;lll"l·'ll. \\ "hl·n t~H.' flt_1al_ \\111-.tlt: -= ~~iss Erma 1·:. Hounds. organist. hie\\ thl' -.cur~· " .t:-. -<l () Ill la\·()r 01 [·:vatt-.t(lll , \\l11rlt allo\\:-. till' !attn t1· ANNOUNCE ENGAG E M E NT tit· f(lr tilt' -.uhmhan rilatnpiotbhip. :\n, Trin t:vlit d ()II it' fa-.t pa:--:--ing ~f[r. and ~lr~. \~'. \V. \\'heelock. 132 ·ttt ·trk l>ttt brk ()I ;t n ;t~kquate rl'- , -= Ox ord road. Kcntlworth. announce the ' . · ., · Cl'S 'fl 1 ~. · f 1 · 1 , · l'l ' l\·l'r -,pot 1 t·< 1 11 -. < 1, 111 · · ... --11·" !Jt ,·<il 1tl'ngagcmcnt o t 1e1r <aug 1 1ter, ~,I 1:-.s 1,. .. . 1 !l1· \ ·c1 11 I)' I I 1) 1) f , \.111" 1Oil -..qll.t( d. t " ( ...... ' ] 1· orence, to \.IC 1ar< \.. \.Owe · . on o tl JrOtlg'ltll 1 1 t tilt '~'--' ,,. 1111 l· . · . l;t 11 .I a mrs R owe of l\[tamt, Fla. _ _ ·___ -· -- - ··r \\'ill ... ........ ....... ~r rs. Cannon ).Jagniiy Thel', 0 .\II it son. C~d." .... . . . . ~ r0 ~ l' ll t ha I. New T rier Beaten by E vanston Squad, .26-0 . ~ ( ) r <l c r ear h· t hat ·" c 111 a y k n 1 1 \\ · hat t1· 1 11 u rr rt I j ·.l n1akc II i Jl !1 II" : Ope I · · WQt Wilson iaktry Phone 414 Tit \\ iltll I " I Ill; .. .t 1C [I II i I .1 u r I it '\·It I)( :1: d . .· \ t ..... \Yord has been recri\e<l itt l(eni1 " ·orth that \1 rs. Robert J),·ar. formn ly ~li~:-; ~Jinnil' Lewis, an·d \\·i de·,,· oi 1-~ohert B. lhar. was married to Lotti-. noldenweck .Octohn 1i. ~~ r. ,uHI ~[rs. Boldt·nweck l'X}Wct to lin: in EYanston. f-'11 1' \(Ill!' ('UII\' t·Jiit · IJf't·, !lit· t ·:trl~ t·dt tioll "( :\lt~itda\ ·~ ll· ·rald and 1·:-..:antint·r will ht · 1111 !';th· itt \\"illttt· tl· ·, Ill., at :~:1111 1'. :\1. ~~·t·l(ll'l' ~untla~· nit...:.hl, with :tll tht · latt · ttt·W ~. t:u~ it :11 an~ n·t·w:-; stand. H . :\lcl>attit ·l. 11!1:, \\'tlllll·lll ' . \\"·· ttllt ·: F. L . l~it·t· . l Elt·t·tt·it · ('];lt't ·. (')tOll\ ', \\'jl, l\l :tlld l'jti:l . .:\ll\". 621 MAIN ST. CITYMARKE WHOLESALE MEATS 29Y2C I PHONE: WILMETTE 1810 RETAIL co. SPECIAL-Pre-Holiday Prices for Friday and Saturday, Nov.20-21 SPRING CHICKENS FoR k~~~ ~;~~sTING, LB. . . .. . . . ... . . . .. . . 36c BEST NATIVE P<>T ROAST BEEF, LB . ........................... . liP~~~ .~~~.~~:.~~~~. ~R. ~~~.LE:. F'i~~~. ~~L~ . ~E.~ .v~~~ .~~.cs:. 29c SPECIAL-Genuine Spring Lamb Legs, lb........ ..... ..... 35c -~.\ The Very Finest, Selected TURKEYS, DUCKS, GEESE For Your Thanksgiving Dinner ORDER NOW-LOWEST PRICES .IWOrth , Glencoe, w·IDDetka-FOUR DAILy W·lm I e tte, Ken1 DELIVERIES

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