December 4, 1925 . WILMETTE ,._ LIFE .l J ' ! I . - 'I Christrna$ Gifts Our store is full of suggestions t ' ' for Xtnas giving-tnany, tnany things suitable for every tnetnl)er of the fatnily. Last Xtnas was scarcely over, when "'e started to n1ake preparatiot1s for this one-and now tl1e results of all these tnonths of plan11i11g and careful selecti11g, are l1e1Ae on display. We i11vite you to visit us, inspect tl1ese displa)rs and do your shoppit1g 110\\ \Vl1ile the selections (li·e co111plete. 7 , I ~· I vVORTHEN-CARRICO CO. 1146-48 \\T iln1ette Ave. \\r i 1111 c t t e 11111111.11 1 :;