Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Dec 1925, p. 14

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December 4, 1925 14 WILMETTE LIFE Methodist Church Northwestern Men's Glee Club concert will be h e ld in the Methodist church, the evening of Dec~mber 18, under the auspices of the Wilmette Epworth league. Plea e save the date. Tickets may be obtain c1 from any m ember of the Epworth l eague. young people are urged to attend these worth-while me~tings. Women's Foreign Missionary m <>ting Thursday, D ecember 10, at the church. This will be an all-clay me eting to sew for the Hospital and Christmas party combined. Ladies are requested to bring sandwiches. lio~t<>!';St ·s for the occasion are Mrs. Lew Springer Th e MidwN' k S<>rvice of Prayer and and Miss Hattie Latham. The Christmas socks which were g_iven out last Praise conducted uy the minister. month are to be returned at this meeting. 1\irs. ,V. I. Cahl(', <·onfen·nce st·c~ext Sunday ~Iorning the minister retary, will giv~ an ad<lrcss. ~pecia.l will preach. music will b e giv n. This pronuses to 1J an enjoyaule occasion. Ladies come Congratulations, :\!others! That was and bring a new memb e r. a fin e start. 'Y e hope that your claf;s The Ladi es of the Thir<l Division of will continue to grow. the LadiPs' Aid will m eet at the Girl Scouts-,Ye are organizing a church, 10 o'clock Tucsday mornint.;·, new troop of hi g·h school girls, this Dl'C'('mber 8, to sew for Lakt" Uluff ()rtroop will be Troop 1. They wil\ meet vhanage. l\1rs. Reinhold, ::\Ir:::;. l'ru ·tor on TuesdaY afternoon at 4. The form- and ~Irs. Cox, hostesses. al exercises will be held in conj unction with the otht>r three troops, that The North S hore hamber 1f u ~ic is, Troops 2, 3 and 4. Every hi gh school girl that is interc:::;ted in Scouts a . :-;ociation is presenting the El~chucc· is inviterl to come and join the group. trio at the Kenilworth Assembly hall Thev will hold their instruction period Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'cl0ck. in til e Kew Parish House. The following badges are to be worked on this month: Bugl r, Electrician, Handy Woman, H ealth Guardian, Hostess, :\lusi c ian and Astronomer. Th e exact We specialize in the very dat es when thes tests can be passed will be given out next Tuesday. best quality 1Ieats, Poultry, Boy Scouts -Tr oops 3 and 6. All 13oy Scouts of these troops and all boys interested in Scouting are urged to be present at the m ee ting Monday evening. B. N. Cox and Mr. \Vill a rd sburn, Scout masters. Joint mee ting Monday evening; Assembly, 7 :30-l ·'au l Stoker, bugl c- r ; Recreation, 7 :35- Jo Miller; Assembl y, 7:35. ; Instruction Period; Calcsthenics, :45; Inspirational s e rvice, 8 :51-Chaplain of the Troops; Flag and Oath C e remony, 8:58; Dismissal, 9:00 p. m. Junior Boy Scouts meet at 7 on Thursday evenings. A similar program is carried out for this group of boys. Mr. Harold McCarty is -in charge. Epworth League-The Epworth league meets at the church, 6 o'clock Sunday evenings. The topic for next Sunday evening is: "The Man with the Inkhorn." Leader: Harold McCarty. All Christmas~r. 1veverForget Give Her the World famous Grand Prize EurekaVacuu111 Cleaner aEE $850 Set of Famous ~ I I 1 '~¥acuum" ATTACHMENTS ~~P!~~A!~ An opportunity you surely cannot afford to miss! Rem em· ber that these great cleaning ~o?ls (regularly pnced at $8.50 and worth far more in the optnlOn.uf hundre?s of thousands of users) are yours ABSOLUTELY FREE if you purchase your Eureka now! Special Christmaa terms-only $4.50 down and the .balance in the easiest kind of monthly payme.nts-~e avatlable t~ you. But you must act quickly. Chnstmaa ts almost here . Come in and w1tnes' a demonstration of the unmatched cleaning efficiency of the Eureka and oNLY $4§0 its attachments. The Eureka and at· DoWN tachments delivered when andd where a vantage You say. Be sure to take Eaav Monthly Payment· A ct w1t hout of this special offer. delay and make sure of the finest ONLY S4CJSO possible Christmas gift for her t CA"H Gan1e and Sea Foods. TV!zolrsalc and Retail White Cash Market Co. ALBERT P. KRUSE, Pres. 1189 \Vilmette Avenue Phones Wilmette 2779 and 2538 EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER CO. 1235 CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON Phone Greenleaf I 7 3 4 Radio-the Ideal Christtnas Gift Fada Radio-the standard of reception. The Reputation of the Fada for its wonderful tone and permanent reliability is second to none. Ask any Fada owner and have our .statement verified. Fada sets ranging in price from $40.00 to $300.00. Terms if desired; 1-3 cash, balance in 6 monthly payments. Crosley Sets, $9.75 to $60 Kellogg Wave Master-Sonora-Pfanstiehl Eveready and Burgess Dry Batteries Philco Storage Battery and Socket PowerBalkite Products l. 1 Lt ., j to ily. BOB'S RADIO SHOP 1141 Greenleaf Avenue Phone Wiltnette 3 57 3

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