16 WILMETTE LIFB December 4, 1925 Sunday school has the gymnasium and bowling alley reserved on Friday Mr. and Mrs. T. E. D. Bradley of night. Evanston, who have recently returnea from a trip around the world, will The Moentita club meets on Wednesspeak at the Sunday school hour on day afternoon at ' 4 :00 in the . Guild the subject, "The Near East." room. The members of this club will attend a luncheon given for the MoenThe Men's Bible class m<'ets everv tita . clubs on the north shore, SaturSund'ay morning- at 9:45 in the c hurch day, at 12:30, at the headquai·tet·s of the Moentita club, 510 Wellin gton aveauditorium, with Ralph Durham. nue. The Woman'lii Bible class m~ets at The Men's club will have a program 10 in their room, with Mrs. F. R. and social evening, Friday, DecemQuayle, as teacher. ber 11, 7:30 ll. m. Dr. John Timothy the Fourth P1·esbyterian The young Woman's class meets at Htone of 9:45 with their leader, Capt. G. R. G. ch urch will be the St)eaker. Communion Rf'I'VICP and l't>Ct' Plion of Fischer. members, Sunday, Dt>cemb<'l' 6. The Christian End e avor soci~ty meets at 5:30 p. m. in their room for discussion of the subj<'d, "Causes of War." Mr. Ralph Veach is the leader of this meeting. There will be special music, and a social hour immediately following. Presbyterian Church TAYLOR'S The Satisfactory Store WILMETJ"E, ILL. Dry Goods, Furnishings I and Carter's Underwear for All the Family A Good Place to Do Your Xmas Shopping Sensible and Practical Gifts at Reasonable Prices I The Boy Scout Tt·oop No. 5 will meet Monday evening, 7:4fi in thP gvmnasium of the church with t\Ir . Harold \Vhite and Mr. Weld. Tu esday the Woman·~ ~oeil·t\· will meet for sewiog at 10 o'cloelc i~xeeu tive · committee m<>eting· at 11, luneheon at 12:30 and the program for the :ilfterno on at 1:15. Mns. Geor·g-e Turner will have charg(' of the devotional services and Mrs. Thomas K D. Bradley of Evanston will talk on lwr trip around the worl<l. A group of th<' uwmlH·rs of the \Vestminstt'r Guild will vi~it Eri e Chapel in Chicag-o, TuN>day <'V<'ning, havmg dinne1· in the mis~:;ion and vh,wing the many activiti<'s carri<>d on at this most intei'f'Sting mission. The men of tlw chureh and <·ongregation always have> Tuesday Pvening reserved for tlwir URP of tilt' g-ymnasium and bowling allC'y. \Vednesday ev('ning is tlw l\li<l-w<'ek servic'. 'l'h<' trustees are promoting this service for the month of December. They ha\·c provide<] another real treat for us next week. Mrs. J. Margaret Pfeiff(·.r, who n'cently delighted the Woman's soeicty with her splendid address, is to be the speaker. The subject is most timt·ly. "The Stewardship of Life." WednPsday s p. m. Thursday evening tht' older young P.eople of the church and congregatiOn have tlw use of the gymnasium and 1Jovding- alley, with Mr. Whit e and his assiHtants directing. 'Tht' Jn lPI'm('(l iatt-- department of the If you're going or dwell. Paint the house-protect it well. 1125--1127 Central Ave. Ph. 1914 W HEN a good-!>izcd buildjng is put up the structural steel is painted to protect it from the corroding effect of time. You will realize the power look T .a ylor's Bootery Selby's Arch-Preserver Shoes For Ladies Nunn Bush Shoes For Men · Holland Shoes For Real Boys Pied Piper Shoes For Children and All Kinds of Beautiful Slippers For All The Family We Do Good Repairing ·= - P·h ones Wilmette 2600..01, 721 Main St. Wilmette, Ill. 605 Main St. Ph.385 Motors Service, Ina. I Everything for the Autotnobile As the weather grows colder it is very advantageous to Change the Oil and Grease in the motor, transmission and differential to a winter grade. This will give better lubrication all around and make the gears easier to shift. We can do this for you at any time. ~ll:tlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.~ LET US HELP YOU INSURANCE RENTS SALES LOANS Phone 1304 Wilmette A. J. WOODCOCK 35· YEARS' EXPERIENCE f oar clothes wulaed fr.e if you rina ua ]. C. Slown A. B. Van Deusen Electrical Repairin1 Radio Sets and Supplies Eveready "8" Batter1er Music Master Loud Speaken Base Plup Installed Fine Line of Lishtiaa Fixtures A!i"-4" ·Vaewam£1Ktn~ E .-·· WASHER .. Pboae Wilmette 1040 Adam· Electric Shop Fourtb Street