Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Dec 1925, p. 19

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December 4, 1925 WILMETTE B9ARD TO MEET Board members of the Woman's Library Club of Glencoe will meet Tuesday morning, December 8, at 10 o 'clock, at the home of the president, Mrs. William A. Fox. 585 Longwood avenue, Glencoe. LIFE 19 Book Review Ia Open to ·d f w·1 R ea1 enta 0 1 mette An interesting Book Review meeting will take place at the Woman's club of Wilmette Friday morning, December 11, at 10 o'clock, with 1-lrs. Carl E. \Vidncy in charge. At that time Mrs. Leland Pier son -oEdward C. Crush, son of Mr. and ~1 r::.. Louis \ \ '. Crush of 710 Laurel avenue, v.-ho i!'> attending the University of Illinoi~. came on with a group of friends to sec "Red" Grange play in last Sunday's football game. will review "God'. Stepchildren" by Sa.rah G. 1~illin. Sc\~eral critics han' satd that tl.lts m~ch <bsrusscd novel of South A fncan h f e and manners one day will he co~1sid;red a cl~='sic: . -:-<>:.Mrs. John L. Lodcllc wtll gtvc a Announcement ts made of the enreview of "1f an kind at the Crossroads" 5ahemen· of .\1 i~s Carol A. David'>on hy Prof. E. ~1. East. Proie s!-o r Ea st to A. I. Dula of San Diego, Cal. Th ~ in thi s work shows the nt·ccs-;ity for wedding will take place Saturday. limiting. world J~OJ~ttla~ion because of .r anuary ~ ~t tht..· church of the Rcthc agncultural hmttatwn of the world. 1 deemer, l htcago. Jt wi)) he seen readilY . that this sub- ~ - Oject has many inter~·s ting t:amifica~rr~: \\'illiant H. Ega11 and h~·r (.'n, tio 1s \\;hicli \.viti lead to discu ss ion . of ~lth,· aukce. ~pent l~t:--t ,,·ce k wtth Thi :-; meeting i:-- open to the public ~.1 rs. F . J. Ro:--..,, .205 Filth street. ~f r\ atHl all tho ~e interested arc urged to t'~:ut ~;-, _th~ '.ndo,:· of Mrs. Ross enter into the discussion of the book s. >t < 1ht: r \\ IH dtcd 11} October. I . The K ntghb (tf Columhu~ wfll · hold a Christmas party at the \\' ilmettc \\' omat~'s club. ~~ onda)_' after hrist mas. 1 here wtll he bnrlgc and daneing. Franci:-- Budinger is rhatrman of -oth~ comn~itt~c ior thi~ even~ and Mrs. , The ~1. \\·. 0. \\" . club met Thursday Altce Hem ts treasurer. Ttckets may of th: , , ..~,(·k with 11rs. F. W. Church be secured from Mrs. Hein. , of 610 Maple avenue. PLA~ CHRISTMAS PARTY ' · · · The Gu~ Irving Golbys of 427 Grecnkaf an. · tntc, had as their gue s ts for Than ~sgiving and the follo\Ying weekend, }.lr. Colby's brother, \Varner Colby, and his three sons, of Indianapolis, Ind. · -o- The FlaVor is Roasted In! I F your coffee, however you make it, just doesn't seem to taste right-maybe thefaultis not yours. No coffee can be good if the delicate coffee aroma has been lost from the coffee bean during roasting. Buy White House Coffee with the flavor TOasted in. Then you can be sure that all of ~ature's rich coffee fragrance has been preserved by our special White House roasting process. Then you can serve coffee that is full-flavored- delicious! Try it! Insist on White House Coffee and do not accept a substitute. Let your family enjoy the flavor that is roasted in. l t J. ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS NOTE: On receipt of adv a nee information,agent will arrange to stop North Western Limited 6:49p.m . at Davis Street, Evanston . Ill.. to receive passenrrt"rs forEauClaire 'tnd beyond. North Western Limited Modern, All SteelStrictly high-grade, immaculate, distinctive-a step ahead in travel luxury. Finest appointments--- many innovations. Endorsed and patronized by discriminating travelers. 5:30p.m. 9:00p.m. 7:05 a. m. 7:40 a. m. Lv. Chicago (daily) Lv. Milwaukee Ar. St. Paul Ar. Minneapolis Ar. Lv. Lv Lv. 8:35 a.m. 6:00a.m. 8:40 p. m. 8:00p.m. Whit ~Boston ouse Chicago COPPEE DWINELL-WRIGHT COMPANY Roomy observation car; compartment, drawing-room and enclosed section allsteel sleeping cars; buffet-club-lounge car, and free reclining chair car. The famous North Western table d'hote dinner ready to serve a half hour before departure. HUDSON·ESSEX SALES A~lD SERVICE 6 Other Daily Trains Between Chicago and the Twin Cities For tickets and reser,.ations apply E. E. ORNER. Ticket Agent Wilmette, Ill. J. F. DAVIS 911 LINDEN AVE. Telephone 4 1 ~OfiB CHICAGO & NoRTH WEsTERN Rv. TEL. WINN. 2268

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