· 22 WILMETTE LIFE December 4, 1925 Realty Folk Foresee Model Homes Encourage Local Violinist Achieves Biggest Convention Plana for Building Move Fame in Weatem Concerts Following the formation of a NaThe recent joint recital of Milan at T U ISa N ext Y ear tional conference committee on Better Lusk, north shore violinist, and 'Allen Hotel reservations arc already being made for delegates to the }926 convention of the National Association of Real Estate hoards in Tulsa Oklahoma. June 7 to 11. ' California Realt\' broker t' . · s, an ICipatmg the most widclv attended convention of the national association has planned a special train made of several sections and has made reser vations for delegates The C J'f . R ·· E 1 orma ea 1 associa tion has a sent messa es · ...state t ·T I · 1 Real Estate hoani · g d. t1 e u sa Real Estate a ·s .a ~1· t 1 lei ~k!aho~a heartiest co 0 ~.c.:~~~~ ton ..P e gmg . 1ts nation--wide t ...'r ... stton d111 a,ro~smg 1 . _ .... an ent lU SJa sm among meJnher hoards to attend . . The .Antarillo, Texas, Real Estate board 1c- al 1 d d ·"" rea( Y 1> 1e ge to . s Ctl<l r'ts . ent1~~ n1en1hership including their fan11ltes .and a big drum corps in an antomobtle caravan in order to keep th~ attendance cup which was won hv thts or~anization at the conventio~ the. N.attOTl::lt Association held in De tro1t m 1925. The Tulsa hoard fla.., alre:1ch· rent f' d four large room . in a dmnlt0\\'11 build mg a~ an office for the convention _ COJllJlltttee ancJ a Staff of . tCtiOQ'rapher<.. ha_s been en(Yam'd to ha ndlr> the prelimm~ry corr~spondencc. Th;.. commit tee ts pJa,,.,,n,..,. to house a'ld e . nt r rtain at least .n.~ delegates. T111 f'rc~t in th<' conve.ntton rs not ronfincd to r<'al eo;; tate !nterests in Tu.J..;a hut ;.., ielt hv m~n tn manY other litH'S of hn..,iness a" evrdenced fn· the rf'Ct'nt <Hidition to the board of Sf'Vf>r·>l hundred affilia+rd members \\·ho will furthf'r convention plans · . Building by the . National Association of :Real Estate boards in which numerous other organizations interested in ~onstruction and finance are to be asked to co-operate, the work of this association to encourage home owner· fi n d s s.uppor t 1t1 · a rec~n t ac t'ton ? f s1 11p th e. An1cncan constructdJOln h counc!l, 1 1 1 ~ 1an s ~o erec t mU e. donSes cttteds t 1roug out ~ 1 1c mte tat~s to e ucate ~)rospecttve 1 1ome owners m the value of good con struction. · · ~1odel homes are hcmg constructed as part of a number of the home ownership expositions that are spqnsored by real estate boards in their local cities. ·up v.:';,:- m ° i, Mrs. \V. Jl Henderso n of C_hicago was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ]. A. Read the Want Ads Carney of 125 Sixth street this wee k . -·-~-----------~-~~~~---~--------~ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ : ·· + '" + : + : :. · + : : ,. + + + : : McQuahae, tenor, found great favor throughout the ' Middle Western states, as newspaper reports in · the various cities visited attest. The Hibbing, Minn., Daily News, for example, says: "~he speed and · · L us.k' s fi nger wor.k ,prectston o f M'l 1 ~n simpl¥ took one s . bhreath away. Hthts techntcal accomp 1tsl m~?ts ~re no ing shor~ of md_arve ohus. G t der ne wsd1s 1an papers mclu mg t e ran (Neb.) Independent, Boon~ville (Mo.) D at'I y · R bl' d th e N eva d a . e~u tea~, an (Mo.) Datly Matl, were equally enthusiastic ·over Mr. Lusk's artistry · The concert tour was conducted under directiOn of the Wolfsohn Bureau f N y k o _ _e_w __ o_r_.- - - - - - - - - - Hectric ~geration $~50 r.o.a. ar==;:;=r=~ Cflmplete Dlt&Oit 0 R e c e 1. v e d chr1 ·s t m a s G 1 ·f t S w e 11 A refn.entor with KeiYIDator aJ. ready iDatallecl. requlriDa oDiy a aiqle electric CODDectloa to pat It Ia opentioa. Refriaerat.. wltlaoat atteDtioD, relieYiDa you of aU the worriea of caria· for aa ice ltoz. Call aacl aee the KeiYla·et. or plaoae for lafonaatloa. J: + 1 "· ! + + + + : + : + + Whether or not one's gift-giving is successfully done must be determined by the recipient's appredation. + : + + : + T he N Ew LI N Es o f GI F T J E W E L R Y at the Remodeled Graves Store afford wide and specially satisfactory choice of distinctive gift articles at moderate prices. The general preference for Graves Quality Jewelry is assurance that gifts selected here will be highly appreciated. !I + + + + : + [OIL BuRNER 5 08 Davis Str~tt Students Begin Work on High School Year Book New Trier High school students arc busv preparing to puhlish their annual year book. Rohert Kenyon h1" been ..tppointed editor-in-chid ~nd Tohn · J c\ve 11 h as l1ecn named as husinec.;s m.an~gcr. The students arr now hegmnmg to collect material for the hook which will be put on sale to ward the end of the school year. a REfRIGERATIN~ (9 Evanston University 2131 ondJ .. ++ ++ ::+ + + : +++ ::+ CharIes E. ·G raves & c o. Jewelers & Silversmiths : + + :+ 1 + CAN'T BE DONE : '!'here ~re massiYe locomotives now + + bemg butlt that cost more than $100.- : Madison and Wabash : 000 each, says the Los Angeles Times, + + a~d ye~ some fool dri\'er of a Ford : ESTABLISHED 1857 wtll thmk he can push one of them + + _o_ff_o_f_a_c_ro_ss_i_ng_._ _ ________:___ +.. ·.....:·=-·~·.....:· .: . . .+ :=-+~++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + ++ ++ + + + + :, 1 + KELVINATOR TkeOldest Domestic Electric· Refrigeration · :I Z CHECK UP on your COAL BIN/ Genuine N i 11 e s S e r vice accom· panies each order whether it's a ton or a load. & M. C9 UNIVERSITY 5200 WllMETTf 333 Play safe and have your coal bin full tn readiness for the coming winter months. There is always a rush .for fuel with the first real cold weather and sometimes people are caught without coal. Don't let this happen to you. Tbtrt' · one of oar Coal Statiou Near Y oa