WILMETTE LIFE " · r · -... ~~~~~~w~ !;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visitors Voluble Among Southwest Indians in Praise of New The Rev. john H. Bowman of \Vil= Central Cafeteria mettc was the speaker at the Tues'UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111 1111111111IIIIIIIIololllt··· '~ 1 4lllloo ( · Crowds of visitors attended the opening of the new Central cameria in the X e 1::-.on building last Tuesday eveJ>ing and inspected the appointments of Wilmette's eating place. The reception continued from 7 until long after 9 o'clock, the scheduled ·closing hour. during which period a buffet luncheon was served and a musical program provided. · ·The Vvilmette village board was invited to attend and accepted. The members inspected the cafetena following the board session wl~ich was held on that evening and were served with a delightful luncheon. All were much impressed by the excellent equipment and the beauty of the new place. The cafeteria has 3,000 square feet of space available for dining space. The kitchens have the most modern {·quipment obtainable, and Fred .M iller, tlie owner, invites any patrons to in spect them at any time. He will personally supervise the new establishment, gi,·ing it the same expert attention accorded his iamous Lake Shore Terrace, at Sheridan road and ChestJ:ut avenue. Dr. and 11rs . .K. P. Colwell of 520 Gregory avenue entertained as their house guests over Thanksgiving and the following week-end, Mrs. Colwell's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. ]. W. McElroy of CenterviJle, Iowa. -oM iss Jean Drayer came home from the University of Illinois to spend the week-end with her father and mother. Mr. and }.Irs. Clarence E. Drayer of 1034 Elmwood avenue. -oM iss Dorcas Branson of 817 Central avenue spent Thanksgiving with her sister, }.f iss Florence Branson, at Monticello seminary. day luncheon of the Wilmette Optimist club. · Rev. Bowm·an gave a talk illustrated by colored lantern slides on the Indians of New Mexico, where he has done a great deal of work in connection with missionary and government school work. In hi s experience, the education of the Navajos and Pueblos has resulted in great econ0mic and social improvement, and has lifted them otit of an almost hopeless degradation into which they had fallen. A large basket of flowers was presented to Fred Miller, a member of the club~ at the opening of hi s new c£-fcteria Tuesday evening. I ~ ~-= ,. ~fy ~~usoa~:l ~~:;~: ~u~~~e~;le~~n;;; ~=- , That Social Event I := ~_; ,.~' , . ;. E~. (", 'TI ore he !nt~~ ~= = to ~te a~;~~~~~~~~~erable kind · and special design~ ~ vVe tnake a specialty of catering to the private homes, clubs, institutions and organizations. pa no1 :n 'u::ec iadl Our business is catering frozen desserts and ice confections to the most exclusive entertainers who den1and quality. fhu ") 'cJ~ Tl ·r· , ~ R. l ,)art )f t nar .:ext .. B Spontaneous Combustion Starts Residence Blaze Sc,·cral hundred dollars \\'Prth of clothing was d~stroyed in, a fire which started in the basement of the home of H. J. Cederberg, 714 Prairie avenur, last X 'l on day evening. Firemen an S\\'Cred the call promptly and had the blaze under control before the house was seriously damaged. They were of the opinion that the fire started from spontaneous combustion. rs. G. Ross Stewart has returned to her home at 619 Seventh street, from a visit of a little more than two ·,,·ee ks ncar Boston and New York. -oUr. and Mrs. Dwight usack of 1203 Elmwood avenue, are spending the winter months i'1 Lakewood, Fla. ~1 EXCEL ~~~,p~~EAM CO. EVANSTON E 1566 ELMWOOD AVENUE Phone Univ. 3087 Phone Wil. 3160 Livl ill 1 grac T is t cipl lllO~ \Ve ;;:lfllllhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ' :IJI lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh: . ~ ~~- to ", of ~e Th " e rot \'1:::. Mrs. A. McKay Dressmaking, Expert tailoring, plain and fancy tailoring, smocking, etc. Prices rea~onablc. 1126 Central Ave. Wil. 2195 d he Parisian Expert Weaving Co. CNOT INC.) North American Bullcllnr; 36 SOUTH STATE STREET, CHICAGO Roona 914 'l'el~phone .l Deurborn 1206 ., J NO PATCHING BUT 1 c f Hand Weaving Before After FINE LINEN and ANTIQUE TAPESTRY a Specialty MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED MODERATE PRICES Estimate sent upon receipt ot Garment All Work Guaranteed 24 Hour Service ot Damages such as Moth 'Holf'·, Clsarette Buraa, Cut·. Teara Ia Woelea and Silk Garmeata Sta-fresh Brand Atr-tite Eggs are science's lat~ ph to the American breakfast table. Sealed by an lnvieible coating disoovered by an eminent Chicago biolopt. the melle are made air-~t. ~ch egg is as freeh and eweet u new laid. · ThJa Innovation Is revolutionizinc the egg market. Althouch Sta-fresh Brand Air-dte Eggs are cheaper than eo-called fp.h eggs, they are UD.eurpaseed in quality. . . Full weight, firm golden yolks. imma~ulate whifesl delightfully sweet· flavored, ~hecher boiled, ..fried, poached, or ueed in cooking. Try eome ior breakfast tomorrow. Your crocer has them. r . · · UNDERTAKER We have served the peopie of Wilmette anct theN or~h Shore for NINETEEN years. Space will not per,nit the _names of those in WILMETTE who would be glad 'o personally recommend us. We were .the FIRST on the North- Shore to instal(a Limousine hearse. We specialize o~ . ~!rvice. H. C. CHRISTIANS CO. Ualn Ofticea JOHNSON CREEK, WI& Chlca~ Brancha ·· 116-lll W.lWDola St. Phone DearbonllllO / .. 1124 Central Avenue, Wilmette __ e_ Tel. Wilmette 654 __J!! air-titefaU' ~~--llllfiD·~~~~ servul_