..... ~ . WILMETTE LIFE December 4, 192 .~ Come · Children:. · )\V. \\'h . .'n \'<; u Jrc 1~1.1kin.' \Our pl.1n"' ;~lr th~.· holid.l\'" .uH.i ' lookin~J .1ft 'r .1il th\.' <.1.'L1il~ of prq)JLllinn . iii th . ., tin1t' ·ou'll .1ppr~..")ci.1ll' tl~1..' r.ln.' - 1r~'~..· L.1ppith'<i\ c,f dq.'-'n<.Ld 1 . ., l.1undrv 'il'rvic~.' . up \ ' OUt \' l..'t.'k·s \\ .1shing into J hundl~.· . ·.dl our nutnb~.'r or k:~\·c the l.1un<.ii: · Jt ou! ofhc, .1s vou p.1s" bn th . ., \\',1\' to do \'Our ~hop~)lll~. It \viil r ,nH' b.Hk to \'OU <;pi~: .1nd ~p .ln .1<; onlv r.1rdul .1nd '- xp~.."' - irnc~..'d hJndling c.1n 111.1kc it. .1nd ·ou'll th' \ 'L'r .1g.11n w.1n: to hl' troublt'd \\·itd \\'.l h -d.n· fjl'l' Jt Lolid.1\ tinll' or .H .111\' other l i 111l' : ~L1k'-' 10' ; ·discount on work brought in and called ~or 1210 Central Ave. Wiltn tte·