36 WILMETTE lifting of this tax. He encounters the worst roads and most of his trips are long and wearing on mechanical equipment." Mr. Brown attacked secretary Mel- · Ion's statement that so lon g as the federal government contributes more than $90,000,000 a year to roads ov.er which automobiles run, that automohtl.e owners should be made to pay thetr way. "If this stand is consistent," said Mr. Brown, "why does not Congress tax specially t~os~ wh? u;c;e pub~ lie buildings or pubhc ltbranes . Wh) not tax the railroads for the Inte~ State Commerce Commission that ts established for the supervision of the railroads, or the farmer for the de- 1 partment of agriculture? Each . of , these departments fulfills a funrtton ' that benefits certain classes. :1\.s. a matter of fact, all of these actn·ttte" are for the common goocl of the nation and the cost for them is a commot; debt to be borne equally ~>Y all Clttzens. vVhat is more CSSi.'llttal to commerce, indu~try, Or agricultur~ than an adequate system of high ways: There is no obligation on the part of the motorist to pay exci:--.e taxes to I LIFE December 11, 1925 CONTINUE BAME TO .WIPE OUT MOTOR TAX American Automobile Association Leads Fight for Repeal of Excise Tax on Cars "Half the fight is won." declared Howard 1\L Brown, managPr of the hicago 1\{otor club, when he received word of the action of the Hou se Means and \\ ays committee, in cutting the excise tax on automobiles and in repealing .the tax on trucks, tires and acre~sones. RUB-Y~ MUSCLE DEVELOPING FOOTWEAR FOR. CHILDREN .Nt>PTH SHORE. PATQONJ' rt~D·1urEL>GE\\~TER BEACH StiOP CONVENIENT ' ' "The American Automobile association and its 720 affiliated automobile clubs ha,·e been waging war on these taxes and we are grateful fo r what has been clone. hnt the entire tax on automobiles should he wiped out. The entire tax on mah jong sets, jewelry, cameras. canch·. chewing gum. toilet articles. and other commodities numbering 22 in a ll , h~s been repealed, y~t the tax on automobiles which arc much more of a n eress ity than any of these articles, is reduced to 3 percent. The federa l tax o n automobiles was a war measur e pure and simpl e, and it should he entirely wiped out. To place the a utomobile in a category with a platinum wrist watch is absurd. "The \Va vs and 1rieans committee i::; to be congratulated in rem oving the tax on repairs and parts, which was a tax on mi sfo rtun e. The farmer will be the one mo st rclieYcrl by the A SMART, DAINTY, PRACTICAL DRESS SLIPPER FOR TOTS Roomy toes, narrow at heel, Ruby's special moccaaio pack flexible aolea that help devel~p foot muaclea Sizea 3 to 8 Patent Kid _______ $4.00 White Buck ------ $4.50 I\U.B)(S Q4h...DRLN SHOES L~.i:.. FlifED :BY M.E.N WHO .KNOW 1iOW 1 ; ~-i r::nr,rw.I'>J A ,I .! Ll~ OEACH 1h>Tll SHOP · 00-6'2 CAST WASH I NC.TON St I Ir:;. d 0 lUBt~ I-.e l.l ~ v CHI ~'~'AG 0 '-.t, INC. cover aid Fcclera apprOJ>riatiotls for road federal huilcli n~·. I aid ,,., t:-. __ ·""__ adopted more than a year hdurc Con- I gress decided to lt·vy a l ax en auto- 1 mobile:-.. The "uild oi t hl' ( 'hurrl1 ui the ( ·o mio;~n ha-. adjourned inr tl11: da,·-.... Tlw IH'.'\1 mel'ling will ]ll' :n Kenih,·orth. :\fond"Y· J a11t1ar.' llol: hcdihvlcl -t . ~~~;~~~~~~~ - ~~ -~~~ -~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ Frederick E. Lewis Resident North Shore H ts a pnceless heritagt. every boy and e-ir1 should have. Health ..,.i ves happiness: strength of ~-=t., a"rl f":IO'""""'"c:c: of mind . Give your prectous children grow Funeral Director Mr. Frederick E. Lewis, assisted by Mrs. F. E. Lewis, residing in Wilmette, will direct funerals in a manner to meet the most exacting require ments. They have had twenty-one years of successful professional service in this field. Personally recommended by Mr. Chas. A. Stevens of Chicago and a host of others. They come to the North Shore ready to render the most careful, courteous, conscientious service. All calls will be personally attended to by Mr. Lewis, who is the only funeral director residing in New Trier Township. H ~AL T BOWMAN'S MILK. Its creamy ·ichness wilJ help them ~turdv and c:tro,o- . Very Latest in J.ll odern Limousine Equipment Mr. Frederick E. .Lewis assisted . by BOWMAN'S MILK 1s whole milk: rich in all the essential v i~amines It is he:tlth :,., .. tft'l~nce of the highest kind. Perfectlv pasteurized to assure its ourity. Ranidlv detiverPd to as:;ure it~ freshness. You. too. need it-at least a nnart :. "'"'~ MRS. F. E. LEWIS Phone Wilmette 3552 1120 Central Ave. WILMETTE