52 WILMETTE LIFE December 11, CADMAN IN Famoua Compoaer to Appear at OrMrs. Paul A. Hoffman headed the rington Hotel Tonight in Benefit for lt..st of new officers of \Vilmette chap .. Mu 'P hi Epsilon Sorority Chapter she. Order of the Eastern Star, when .Many north shore music patrons are she was elected worthy matron at the expected to attend the recital by annual election of officers held ~Ion Charles vVakefield Cadman, the famous day e\·ening. · Other officers elected l composer, in the ballroom of the Or- include Ravmond R. Rabe, \\·<wt hy , rington hotel. Evanston, this evening. patron: Mrs. A. T. Pyfer, associate 11r. Cadman assi ted hv other noted matron: Mrs. S. P. \\'atkins, con- ' artists, will give a concert of his own ductres s : Mrs. Fred Birr. associ~ttc compositions. The recital is to he a conductress: 11 rs . Earl Orner. trca .., _ benefit for the scholarship fund of urer: Mrs. Grace Skelton. secretary. Sigma chapter of 11u Phi Epsilon so- A public installation \\·ill be held ~f m~ roritv. day evening. January 4. in the ~fa:-ontr Tl1e composer will he assisted on temple at \\'innetka. ~1 rs. Orner. \\·ho this evening's program by Con tance was re-elected treasurer. ha s held that Eberhart, soprano, who will sing .-;cv- poq since the institution of the chap eral of Cadman's songs. ·M innie Cedar- tcr 15 years ago. green Jernberg. violinist. and Gene -----------· I Yieve Brown Horween. 'cellist. \\'ith \[ rs . Kc·rn· ( ·. \ ·1rag-her was ho:-.1e"' j \fr. Cadman at the l!ia1~o. ,,·ill. pres~nt :.L luncheon - and bridge Thur-..da _ , . at one of the composers successtul t.nos. her home. 71(i Central ct\Tilllt. Mrs. Nell Eberhart. who has \\Ttt· en 1 the libretti for Cadman's operas, " t!l he a guest of honor Friday C\'Cil im~ . Patrons and patronesses this evctiin~· will include: Mr. and Mrs. Alhe1 ·t Appleton. :\li~s Lura 1\f. Bailt>~ · . Mt·. and l\trs. \Valtt·l· Bt>nson, Carl M. B 'E'C her. 1\Trs. ::\T~Ttlt · I Hatswell Bowman, Mr. an<l :\Tr~. l{·d·- 1 c·rt Cunning-ham, Mr. and l\frs. 1-"'n·<l<'l'ick \.Y. Chambel'lain, Mr. an<l Mrs . Charlc>~ F. Champlin, Miss :\fan~;an · t , Camero:'. 1\fr. and Mrs. \Villar(l Dixon, 1 ~rs. Frank Elliott, 1\fis~ :\fargar('t Fabian. Mr. and l\1rs. EugenE> Ganwt t, Mrs. Nelli<> Giv('n, :\lr. and :\ft·s. Roht·rt Grenelle, l\l"r. and :\frs. ..,hnrlt·s .J. Haake, Dean and 1\Irs. Ralph E. H<>ilman, Mr. and Mr::.1. Ht' rbert E. Hy!le, Dean and 1\Irs. Pt.·ter C. Lut kin, ::\liss Zelia Marshall, Mr. an(t'l\frs. A. H. ::\Iconn 11, Mr. and Mrs. v~. L. :\TcKay, Miss Alta Miller. Mr. and )Irs. RollirT M. Pease. Miss Mary Ross Pottt.·r. Dt>an Winifred Goodsmith Richanlson, Mrs. Hanison B. Riley, Mr. and ::\Irs. \Yaltt·r Spry, Parke E. Simmons, 1\Ir. and :\lr~. Loyal r'hillips Shawe, 1\IadamP Gilderoy Scott, Mr. and Mrs. \Valt('r Allt>n Stults, Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. l'llrich, Mr. and 1\frs. S. H. Verrall, r hJa n a n<l Mrs. John WigmorE'. CONCERT Mrs. Paul A. Hoffman Is New Eastern Star Matron The Best · ID ·Radio This ts what you demand. and get tn an "ORIOLE" True reproduction and purity of tone. selectivity and ease of tuning. tance any night of the week. You be judge of your own cl.lims for the most wonder ful r.1dio set you· ve ever listened to. Phone us for .1 demonstr.1tion or drop tn .1nd m.1ke us prove we're right. Unsurp.1ssed Volume .1nd cbrity in dis - New Floors OLD FLOORS RESUR- LAID AND SURFACED I Oriole Radio Receiver The radio of no regrets R.1dio Sets Rep.1ired BJtteries Charged FACED TO LOOK LIKE NEW TERMINAL HARDWARE Phone Wilmette 284) 415 r ~ 4th St. Opposite the ··L" terminal P. E. DOWNING PHONE H. P. 566 P. 0 . Box 423 J LULIAS BROTHERS BALSAM TREES CHRISTMAS We're getting in a great big stock of Balsam Trees for Christmas. These are not the ordinary Christmas Trees but genuine Balsam. - Come and See and Order/Oranges are lower in price than they were a short time ago. You can get good juicy ones all the way from 35 cents a dozen up to 79 cents. These last have come down fro~ $1.10 and are regular jumboes! Grapefruit runs from S for 2Sc to 4 for 25c. They vary in size but are all very juicy and of delightful flavor. Tangerines are 12 for 49 cents. Cooking Apples are now especially good-Northern Spies, Twenty Ounce Pippins, Greenings and Baldwins. 1135 CeatraJ Ave. Phones{::~ 1135 Central Ave. Phones {1311 154 PHONE YOUR ORDER DAlLY