December 18, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 13 Ave. ?ai·er. g;,·es Only a S~all Quantity! ' $275 COMPLETE ·~ The New BrUnswick-RadioIa Equipped tvith the Netv RCA-VX120 Potver Tube ·T HIS is a real value. This new model gives the highest type of radio reception. Whenever you \vish you can tune in and pick up distant stations without interference by local stations. 'fhe radio equipment is the famous SuperHeterod·yne. All apparatus is enclosed in the cabinet. No such beautiful cabinet Radiola has been placed on the market \vhich can anY\vhere equal this price. 1Ve lzave been fortunate in obtaining a limited quantity. "Fft"e urge your selection nou). ~'amous for years for the exquisite design and Jasting qualities of their cabinet \York, the Bruns\Vick Company has ptlt out this special model to contain the Radiola Super-Heterodyne. All outside \vires are eliminatd. Ev·erything is con· tained in the cabinet. There are no acid bat· teries to spoil your rugs and floor. The loud speaker is enclosed and uses the famous Brunswick laminated horn. Do not delay. We have only a li1nited quantity. Remember 1. No acid batteries 2. No outside wires 3. No exposed horn Easy Payments At $2 7 5 thiC\ model is greatly underpriced. Shop around before coming here and you will be convinced of the genuine bargain it is. No introductions are needed for the Brunswick . Neither are they necessary for the Radiola. Radio outfits ordinarily do not fit in har .. moniously with home furnishings. Here's an ' instrument that does at a popular price. Now you can buy at a large saving a genuine R. C. A. RaJiola in a beautiful Brunswick console cabinet. Since our supply is limited we urge your immediate viSit. We know our stock will not last long. It is such an unusual value people will buy it up in a day or so. Do not put off your decision. I I Wilmette Music Shop ORlAN A. GALITZ Open 1179 Wilmette Avenue Every Evening Phone Wilmette a006